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SESSION-16: College Students
: Sustainable Water Resources Wetland Restoration
Manjula G., Ramya T., and Elamathi V


Wetland restoration is the reestablishment of the same type of wetland that historically existed in a given location. It has become a key tool for improving the habitat quality of estuarine ecosystems. In recent years, restoration and creation have become standard mitigation measures to compensate for wetland loss. Small estuaries are acutely vulnerable to the effects of habitat loss because they are unable to absorb the mounting damage. Channelising, diking draining, dredging filling and other alterations have converted estuaries and their wetlands to human uses. Wetland alterations like diking and draining of tidal marshes are potentially reversible. The goal of ecological wetland restoration is to re-establish vital wetland functions that improve the quality of degraded ecosystem. Coastal wetland provide important ecological; functions and services to estuarine ecosystems and organisms. Common coastal wetland functions include provision of fish and wildlife habitat, protection from shoreline erosion and storm damage and water quality maintenance.


Environmental Engineering,
Govt. College of Technology
Coimbatore 13, Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: 0422 - 677591