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SESSION-16: College Students
: Impact of Stone Quarrying on Human Health in Mandihal Village,
Dharwad District.

Rena Chaluvan V.


Mandihal village is situated in Northern Transition zone-8 (region-4) of Dharwad taluk, which is 12 km away from Dharwad on Dharwad-Goa road. The total population of the village is 1247 and the cultivable area is 1003.5 acres. In most of the cultivable land, only the kharif crop - rice is cultivated. Most of the poor and landless workers are agricultural labourers during kharif season and during winter and summer they mostly work in the stone quarry. Even some of the landed (excluding rich) work in the stone quarry. First stone quarrying unit was established in Mandihal village during 1964. Now, there are totally 22 stone quarrying units situated at a distance of 1-6 km around the village. People from Dharwad, Alnavar and Hubli own/manage the stone crushing units. Irrespective of age, people of Mandihal village are engaged in stone quarry work throughout the year on temporary and shift basis. Higher wages, unskilled work, nearness of the working area, employment during off-season for men, women and children are some of the advantages to attract the villagers for quarrying work. But there are certain health problems associated with people involved in stone quarrying work. The proposed study is to assess the impact .of stone quarrying on human health as well as to suggest altemalive measure(scientific measures) to be adopted in stone quarring work.


College of Rural Home Science,
College of Agriculture,
University of Agricultural Sciences,
Dharwad, Karnataka, India.