Materiales de construcción apropiados
Catálogo de soluciones potenciales revisado edición ampliado
Contentido (442 p.)
Roland Stulz
Kiran Mukerji
Primera edición 1981, SKAT Revisado edición ampliado 1993, SKAT & IT Publications Autores Roland Stulz, Switzerland
Kiran Mukerji, GermanyIlustraciones Kiran Mukerji, Roland Stulz Traducción J. Reiser, C. Dominguez Copyright SKAT, Switzerland, 1993,1997 Comentarios Please send any comments to
Vadianstrasse 42
CH-9000 St. Gallen, SwitzerlandDistribución por IT Publications
103-105 Southampton Row
London WC1B 4HH, UKISBN 3 908001 55 2
Building materials and construction technologies that are appropriate for developing countries, particularly in the low-income sector, are being developed, applied and documented in many parts of the world. This is an important prerequisite for providing safe, decent and affordable buildings for an ever-growing population.
But such new developments can do little to improve the building situation, as long as the information does not reach potential builders. The types and sources of information on standard and innovative building technologies are numerous and very diverse, making access to them difficult.
Thus, in order to remedy this drawback, Shelter Forum, GATE, ITDG, SKAT, CRATerre are cooperating in the Building Advisory Service and Information Network, which covers five principal subject areas and coordinates the documentation, evaluation and dissemination of information.
All live groups have a coordinated database from which is available on Documents, Technologies, Equipment, Institutions, Consultants as well as on Projects and Programs. In addition, printed material or individual advice on certain special subjects is provided on request. Research projects, training programs and other field work can be implemented in cooperation with local organizations, if a distinct need can be identified and the circumstances permit.
BASIN is a service available to all institutions and individuals concerned with housing, building and planning in developing countries, but can only function efficiently if there is a regular feedback. Therefore, any publications, information, personal experiences, etc. that can be made available to BASIN are always welcome and will help BASIN to help others.
Advisory Service provided by | SAS/BASIN |
Shelter Forum P.O. Box 39493 22 Chiromo Access Road Off Riverside Drive Nairobi, Kenya Phone: + 254 - 2 - 442108 Fax: + 254 - 2 - 445166 e-mail: |
Shelter Forum (SF) is a coalition of non-governmental organizations, which deal with issues on affordable shelter in Kenya. The main goal of SF is to enhance access to affordable shelter for all, particularly the poorest, among whom the most vulnerable are women and children, through advocacy, extension and networking.
Advisory Service provided by | WAS/BASIN |
GATE-GTZ P.O. Box 5180 D-65 726 Eschborn Federal Republic of Germany Phone: + 49 - 6196 - 79 3190 Fax: + 49 - 6196 - 79 7352 e-mail: hannah.schreckenbach@GTZ.DE |
GATE (German Appropriate Technology Exchange) a programme of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, acts as a centre for the dissemination and promotion of appropriate technologies for developing countries.
Advisory Service provided by | GAS/BASIN |
ITDG Myson House Railway Terrace Rugby CV21 3HT United Kingdom Phone: + 44 - 1788 - 560631 Fax + 44 - 1788 - 540270 e-mail: |
The Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) is an independent British charity, founded by Dr. E.F. Schumacher, author of Small is Beautiful, to help increase the income-generating and employment opportunities of small-scale industrial activities in developing countries.
Advisory Service provided by | RAS/BASIN |
SKAT Vadianstrasse 42 CH-9000 St.Gallen Switzerland Phone: + 41 - 71 - 228 54 54 Fax: + 41 - 71 - 228 54 55 e-mail: |
SKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management) is a documentation centre and consultancy group which is engaged in promoting appropriate technologies in the Third World.
Advisory Service provided by | EAS/BASIN |
CRATerre - EAG Maison Levrat, Parc Fallavier BP 63 F - 38092 Villefontaine Cedex France Phone: + 33 (0) 474 95 43 91 Fax: + 33 (0) 474 95 64 21 e-mail: |
CRATerre, the International Centre for Earth Construction, is a specialised unit of the school of Architecture of Grenoble, dedicated to the promotion of earth as a building material.
Información fundamental sobre materiales de construcción
Tierra, suelo, laterita
Productos de arcilla cocida
Fibra y micro concreto
Fibras naturales, hierba, hojas
Información fundamental sobre elementos de construcción
Pisos y entrepisos
Sistemas de construcción
Información fundamental sobre medidas de protección
Agentes biológicos
Viento y lluvia
Movimientos sísmicos
Ejemplos de materiales de cimentación
Cimentos de piedra natural
Cimientos de tierra apisonada
Cimientos de ladrillos
Cimentaciones de concreto
Pilotes de tiras de bambú
Cimentación con postes de madera
Ejemplos de materiales de piso
Pisos de tierra estabilizada
Elementos de barro cocido y concreto
Entrepisos y cubiertas prefabricadas de hormigón
Pisos de bambú
Pisos de madera
Piso de concreto de azufre
Acabados usuales para pisos
Ejemplos de materiales para muros y cerramientos
Muros de bloques de piedra
Muros de tierra apisonado (tapial)
Muros de bloques de tierra prensada
Muros de tierra reforzados con bambú
Muros de ladrillo (arcilla cocida)
Bloques de concreto huecos
Muros de bambú
Paneles de madera
Muros de concreto de azufre
Muros de desechos agrícolas
Ejemplos de materiales de cubierta
Techo de bobinas de tierra
Techo de bloques de tierra - cemento
Techos de tejas de arcilla
Conoide de yeso y fibras de sisal
Techo prefabricado de canales de concreto
Techos de ferrocemento
Sabanas de fibrocemento corrugadas
Tejas de micro concreto TMC (mortero vibrado)
Techos de paja de tallo rígido durables
Estructura de bambú para techos
Estructura de techo de madera rolliza
Tejas de bambú y madera
Cubierta de planchas metálicas corrugadas
Ejemplos de sistemas constructivos
Bóvedas y cúpulas de ladrillos de barro
Estructuras asísmicas de barro y bambú
Vivienda de adobe
Sistema modular de bloques de tierra entrelazados
Sistema "LOK BILD"
Sistema de prefabricación con pequeños paneles y columnas
Sistema constructivos con ferrocemento
Sistema constructivo FIBRACRETO
Construcción "bamboocrete"
Viviendas de bambú
Cabaña prefabricada de madera
Casa de madera prefabricada
Casas de madera para zonas inundadas
Vivienda prototipo de cal-"RHA"
Maquinarias y equipos
Factores de conversión para el si de unidades
Direcciones utiles