Indice - Precedente - Siguiente
Idiomas de publicación: (I) = Inglés, (F) = Francés, (E) =
Español, (A) = Alemán
* = disponible en la librería de SKAT.
00.01 | Andersson, L.A.; Amsby, L.; Johansson, B.; Pering, C.; Astrande, J.: A Solution to Rural Housing Problems, Experiencias del proyecto piloto en Tunez en base a la organizada edificación hecha por los propios dueños de la construcción, SADEL, S-22100 Lund, Suecia, 1986 (I) |
00.02* | Bery, Sunil (Ed.): Compendium of New Construction Techniques and Materials, National Building Organization, Nueva Delhi, 1987 (I). |
00.03 | Building Research Establishment: Building in Hot Climates, Una selección del Overseas Building Notes, BRE, Garston, 1980 (I). |
00.04* | CIB/RILEM: Appropriate Building Materials for Low+Cost Housing, Región Africana (Vol. I + II), Procedimientos de un simposio internacional en Nairobi (Noviembre 1983), E & F.N. Spon, Londres, 1983 (I, F) |
00.05 | Dakhil, F. H.; Ural, O.; Tewfik, M. F. (Eds.): Housing Problems in Developing Countries, Vols. I y II, Procedimientos de la Conferencia Internacional IAHS en la University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dharan, Arabia Saudita, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1978 (I) |
00.06* | Dancy, H. K.: A Manual Of Building Construction, Publicaciones IT, Londres, 1975 (I) |
00.07* | Darrow, Ken; Saxenian, Mike: Appropiate Technology Sourcebook, Una guía práctica de tecnología para comunidades pequeñas y pueblos, Una contribución voluntaria de la Publicación Asia, Stanford, CA94305, USA, 1986 (I) |
00.08 | Denyer, Susan: African Traditional Architecture, Heinemann, Londres, 1978 (I) |
00.09 | Doswald, Fritz: Planen und Bauen in heiben Zonen (Planeación y Edificación en Areas Calientes), Baufachverlag, Zürich 1977, (A) |
00.10 | Duly, Colin: Houses of Mankind, Thames and Hudson Ltd., Londres, 1979 (I) |
00.11 | Ebert, Wolfgang: Home Sweet Dome -Tráume vom Wohnen, Dieter Fricke GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, 1978 (A) |
00.12 | ESCAP: Building Technology Series, Materiales y Tecnologías de Construcción para Viviendas de Bajo Costo en Países en Desarrollo ESCAP (Preparado por K. Mukerji), Escap (IHT Div.), Bangkok, 1987 (I) |
00.13 | ESCAP, RILEM, CIB: Building Materials for Low-income Housing, Regio-nes de Asia y Pacífico, Procedimientos de un simposio internacional en Bagkok (Enero 1987), E. & F. N. Spon, Londres, 1987 (I) |
00.14 | Everett, Alan: Materials, Mitchell's Building Series, Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd., Londres, 1984 (I) |
00.15 | Fathy, Hassan: Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture Principles and Examples with Reference to Hot Arid Climates, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1986 (I) |
00.16 | Fullerton, R. L.: Building Construction in Warm Climates, Vols. 1, 2 & 3, Oxford Tropical Handbooks, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1979, (I) |
00.17 | GATE: Building and Construction, Issue No. 1/85 de «gate - questions, answers, information», Eschborn, 1985 (I) |
00.18 | Grasser, Klaus; Mukerji, Kiran; Minimum Cost Housing in El Salvador, Reporte del Proyecto del Institut für Tropenbau, Dr. Ing. G. Lippsmeier, Stamberg, en cooperación con FSDVM y CIG, San Salvador, Aus der Arbeit von GATE, Eschborn, 1981 ( I, A, E) |
00.19 | Hale, R. P.; Williams, B. D.: Liklik Buk, Un Catalogo del Desarrollo Rural de Papua New Guinea, Liklik Buk Information Centre, P. O. Box 1920, Lae, PNG, 1977 (I) |
00.20 | Hedley, G.; Garrett, C.: Practical Site Management, Una guía ilustra-da, 2nd. Ed., George Godwin, Longman Group Ltd., Londres, 1983 (I) |
00.21* | Institution of Civil Engineers: Appropriate Technology in Civil Engineering, Procedimientos de una coferencia, Abril 1980, Thomas Telford Ltd., Londres, 1981 (I) |
00.22 | Kahn, Lloyd (Editor): Shelter, Shelter Publications, Bolinas, Calif, 1973 (I) |
00.23 | Kahn, Lloyd (Editor): Shelter II, Shelter Publications, Bolinas, Calif , 1978 (I) |
00.24 | Konig, Holger: Wegezum Gesunden Bauen (Construcción de altas edificaciones), Okobuch, Freiburg, 1985 (A) |
00.25 | Koenigsberger, O. H.; Ingersoll, T. G.; Mayhew, A.; Szokolay, S. V.: Manual of Tropical Housing and Building, Part 1: Climatic Design, Longman Group Ltd., Londres, 1973 (I) |
00.26 | Kolb, Bernhard: Beispiel Biohaus (Viviendas Biológicas y Solares en Regiones de Habla Alemana), Blok Verlag, Munchen, 1984 (A) |
00.27 | Krusche, P. U. M.; Althaus, D.; Gabriel, I.: Okologisches Bauen (Viviendas Ecológicas), Bauverlag, Wiesbaden y Berlin, 1982 (G) |
00.28* | Kur, Friedrich: Bauen and Wohnen mit Naturbaustoffen (Edificación y Viviendas con Materiales de Construcción Naturales), Compact Verlag, München, 1987 (A) |
00.29 | Lippsmeier, Georg: Tropenbau - Building in the Tropics, Callwey Verlag, München, 1980 (A, I) |
00.30 | Mathéy, Kosta; Mrotzek-Sampat, Rita; Mukerji, Kiran: (Eds.) TRIALOG 12: AngepaBte Technologien, (edición especial sobre tecnologías apropiadas en la revista Alemana sobre planeamiento y edificación en el Tercer Mundo), TRIALOG, Darmstadt, 1987 (A, I) |
00.31 | Mathéy, Kosta: AngepaBte Baumaterialien im Wohnungsbau für untere Einkommensgruppen in Entwicklunglandern, (Materiales de Construcción Apropiados para Viviendas de Bajos Ingresos en Países en Desarrollo), Artículo en TRIALOG 12, Darmstadt, 1987 (I) |
00.32 | Mathur, G. C. (Ed.): Rural Housing and Village Planning, Procedimien-tos de un seminario organizado por NBO, Nueva Delhi, 1960 (I) |
00.33 | Minke, Gernot: Alternatives Bauen, Reporte de un trabajo de la Research Laboratory for Experimental Building, University of Kassel, Ökobuch Verlag, Grebenstein, 1980 (A) |
00.34 | Mukerji, K.; Sulejman-Pasic, N.; Murison, H. S.; Hockings, J. E.; Prefabrication for LowCost Housing in Tropical Areas, I. F. T. Reporte 4, Institut für Tropenbau, Dr. Ing. G. Lippsmeier, Stamberg, 1975 (A, I) |
00.35 | Oliver, Paul (Editor): Shelther and Society, Barrie and Jenkins Ltd., Londres, 1969 (I) |
00.36 | Oliver, Paul (Editor): Shelther in Africa, Barrie and Jenkins Ltd., Londres, 1971 (I) |
00.37* | Olive, Paul: Dwellings - The House across the World, Phaidon Press Ltd., Oxford, 1987 (I) |
00.38 | Pama, R. P.; Nimityongskul, P.; Cook, D. J. (Eds.): Materials of Construction for Developing Countries, Vols, I y II, Procedimientos de la conferencia internacional de AIT, Bangkok, 1978 (I) |
00.39* | Parry, John; Gordon, Andrew: Shanty Upgrading, Manual técnico para el mejoramiento de las recursos de la tierra arrendada y de las chozas, Intermediate Technology Workshops, Cradley Heath, 1987 (I) |
00.40 | Piltz, H.; Häring, S.; Schultz, W.: Technologie der Baustoffe (Tecnología de Materiales de Construcción), 8th. Edición, Dr. Lüdecke-Verlagsgesellschaft mbh, Haslach i.K 1985 (A) |
00.41* | Rai, Mohan; Jaisingh, M. P.: Advances in Building Materials and Construction, Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, 1986 (I) |
00.42 | Rapoport, Amos: House Form and Culture, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1969 (I) |
00.43 | Riedijk, W. (Editor): Appropriate Technology for Developing Countries, Delft University Press, Delff, 1984 (I) |
00.44 | Rudofsky, Bernard: Architecture without Architects, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1965 (I) |
00.45 | Rudofsky, Bernard: The Prodigious Builders, Secker + Warburg, Londres, 1977 (I) |
00.46 | Rybczynski, Witold: Paper Heroes, Una revista de Tecnología Apropiada, Prism Press, Dorchester, 1980 (I) |
00.47 | Saini, B. S.: Building Environment, Un análisis ilustrado de los problemas de las áreas calientes-secas, Angus and Robertson Pty. Ltd., Sydney, 1973 (I) |
00.48 | Saini, B. S.: Building in Hot Dry Climates, John Wiley & Co., Brisbane, 1982 (I) |
00.49 | Schreckenbach, Hannah; Abankwa, Jackson G. K.: Construction Techno-logy for a Tropical Developing Country, GTZ, Eschborn, 1983 (I) |
00.50 | Spence, R. J. S.; Cook, D. J.: Building Materials in Developing Countries, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 1983 (I) |
00.51* | Slutz, Ronald: Elements of Solar Architecture, SKAT Publication, St. Gallen, 1980 (I) |
00.52 | Tutt, P.; Adler, D.: New Metric Handbook, The Architectural Press, Londres, 1979 (I) |
00.53 | UNIDO: Appropiate Industrial Technology for Construction and Building Materials, Monografías sobre Tecnología Industrial Apropiada, No. 12, Naciones Unidas, New York, 1980 (I) |
00.54* | van Lengen, Johan: Manual del Arquitecto Descalzo, (Handbook of the barefoot architect), J.v. Lengen, Av. Eugenio Sue 45, México 5, D. F. México, 1981 (E) |
00.55 | van Winden, John; et al: Rural Building, Curso de Entrenamiento Técnico en 4 libros (Libro de Referencia, Conocimientos Básicos, Construcción, Diseño), TOOL, Amsterdam, 1936 (I) |
00.56 | Vonhauer, Klaus: Low Cost/Self Help Housing, GATE-Modul 6/6, Eschborn, 1979 (I) |
00.57 | Wendehorst, R.: Baustoffkunde (Ciencia de Materiales de Construcción), Curt R. Vincentz Verlag, Hannover, 1986 (A) |
00.58 | Willkomm, Wolfgang: Selbstbau in Entwicklungsländern (ayuda propia en edificaciones en países en desarrollo), Ph. D. Thesis (lB 3), University of Hanover, 1981 (A) |
Andrews, V. & R: The Owner Building magazine, Bendigo, Australia (I)
Alsayyad, Nezar, ed.; The Design and Planning of Housing, College of Environmental Design, University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, 1984 (I)
Baker, N. V.: Passive and Low Energy Building Design for Tropical Island Climates, Commonwealth Secretarial Publications, Londres, 1987(I)
Brown, G. Z.: Sun, Wind and Light, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York, 1985 (I)
Golany, Gideon S., ed.: Design for Arid Regions, van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1983 (I)
Golany, Gideon S., ed.: Urban Planning for Arid Zones, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York, 1978 (I)
Gut, Paul; Ackernscht, Dieter: Climate Responsive Building, SKAT, St. Gallen, 1993 (I)
Hillmann, G.; Nagal, J.; Schreck, H.: Kilmagerechte und Energiespa-rende Architektur, Verlag C. F., Muller, Karlsruhe, 1983 (A)
Konya, Alan: Design Primer for Hot Climates, The Architectural Press, Londres, 1980 (I)
Lechner, Norbert: Heating, Cooling, Lighting, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York, 1991 (I)
Mazria, Edward: The Passive Solar Energy Book, Rodale Press, Emmaus Penn., 1978 (I)
Niles, Philip; Haggard, Kenneth: Passive Solar Handbook, California Energy Commission, Sacramento, 1980 (I)
Olgyay, Victor: Design with Climate, Pricenton University Press, Priceton, 1963 (I)
01. | PIEDRA |
01.01 | Carayon, B.; Gardet, J.; Berthoumieux, G. L.: La Pierre (Piedra), GRET, Paris, 1984 (F) |
01.02 | CBRI: Precast Stone Mansory Block Walling Scheme, Building Research Note N° 7, CBRI, Roorkee, 1986 (I) |
01.03 | Everett, Alan: Stones, Cápitulo 4 in, «Materials», Bibl. 00.14 (I) |
01.04 | Holmes, Stanfford: Stone - A Local Building Resource, Appropriate Technology Vol. II, N° 3, IT Publications, Londres, 1984 (I) |
01.05 | Ortega, Alvaro: Basic Technology: Stone, Mimar 21, Concept Media, Singapur, 1986 (I) |
01.06 | Rural Water Supply Nepal: Stone Masonry Course, Technical Training Manual N° 2, Remote Area and Local Development Department, HMG; SATA; UNICEF, Kathmandu, 1977 (I) |
01.07 | Spence, R. J. S.; Cook, D. J.: Stone and Stone Masonry, Capítulo 4.5 en «Building Materials in Developing Countries», Bibl. 00.50 (I) |
01.08 | United Nations: Stone in Nepal, recopilado por Asher Shadmon, UNDP y Gobierno de Nepal, Kathmandu, 1977 (I) |
Shadmon, Asher: Stone - An Introduction, IT Publications, Londres, 1989 (I)
02.01* | Agarwal, Anil: Mud, Mud, El potencial de la tierra como material de construcción de vivienda enel Tercer Mundo, Earthscan/lnternational Institute for Environment and Development, Londres, 1981 (I) |
02.02 | Andersson, Lars-Anders; Johansson, Bo; Astrand Johnny: Blockmaking machines for soilblocks, SADEL, Lund, 1983 (I) |
02.03 | Architectural Society of China: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earth Architecture, ASC, Beijing, 1985 (I) |
02.04 | Arrigone, Jorge Luis: Appropriate Technology Adobe Construction, Un proyecto de investigación y de demostración sobre el empleo del Adobe en la construcción de viviendas de bajo costo, National Building Research Institute, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, 1986 (I) |
02.05 | Bardou, P.; Arzoumanian, V.: Archi de Terre, Parantheses, Marseilla, 1978 (F) |
02.06* | CRATerre - Doat, P.; Hays, A.; Houben, H.; Matuk, S.; Vitoux, F.: Construire en terre, editions alternatives, Paris, 1983 (F) |
02.07* | CRATerre (H. Houben, P. E. Verney), ENTPE (M. Oliver, A. Mesbah, Ph. Michel): Raw Earth Construction: The French Equipment, CARTerre, Grenoble, 1987 (I) |
02.08 | CRATerre; GAITerre: Marrakech 83 Habitat en Terre, (Marrakesh 83 Earth Housing), Rexcoop - Plan Construction, Paris, 1983 (F) |
02.09 | CRATerre (Alain Hays, et al): Técnicas mixtas de construcción con tierra, (diversidad de técnicas de construcción con barro), Rexcoop - Plan Construction, Paris, 1986 (S) |
02.10 | Department of Housing and Urban Development: Handbook for Building Homes of Earth, HUD, Washington, D.C., se desconoce el año de publicación (I) |
02.11 | Dethier, Jean: Down to Earth: Mud Architecture - an old idea, a new future, Thames and Hudson Ltd., Londres, 1982 (I) |
02.12 | Dye, John R.: Assembly Manual for the Tek-BlockPress, Department of Housing & Planning Research, Faculty of Architecture, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 1975 (I) |
02.13 | Enteiche, G.; Augusta, A.: Soil Cement: Its Use in Building, Naciones Unidas, New York, 1964 (I) |
02.14 | Fathy, Hassan: Architecture for the Poor, Un experimento en la Zona Rural de Egipto, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1973 (I) |
02.15 | GATE (Ed.): Lehmarchitektur, Ruckblick-Ausblick, Procedimientos de un Simposio, realizado en Frankfurt en Marzo de 1982, Aus der Arbeit von GATE, Eschborn, 1982 (A) |
02.16 | Gieth, Thomas: Construction of Low-Cost Dwelling with Compacted Soil Blocks (Prototipo «A»). C.T.A., Catholic University, Asunción, 1984 (I) |
02.17 | Guérin, Laurent: Principes directeurs pour l'emploi de la terre crue (Principios de construcción con suelo), ILO, Ginebra, 1985 (F) |
02.18 | Hammond, A. A.: Prolonging the Life of Earth Buildings in the Tropics, Building Research and Practice (Mayo/Junio 1973), Building and Road Research Institute, UST Kumasi, 1973 (I) |
02.19 | Houben, Hugo; Guillaud, Hubert: Earth Construction Primer, Documento del Proyecto del AGDC/UNCHS/PGC-HS-KUL/CRA-UCL/CRATerre, Bruselas, 1984 (I) |
02.20 | Jagadish, K. S.; Venkatarama, Reddy, B. V.: A Manual of Soil Block Construction, Alternative Building Series - 1, Centre for Application of Science and Technology for Rural Areas (ASTRA), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Ianuary 1981 (I) |
02.21 | Lander, Helmut; Niermann, Manfred: Lehm-Architektur in Spanien und Afrika, Karl Robert Langewiesche Nachfolger Hans Köster, Königstein im Taunus, 1980 (A) |
02.22 | Lola, Carlos R.: Research Efforts on Soil Cement Stabilization for Low-Cost Housing in Nicaragua, University of Tennesse, Knoxville, December 1981 (I) |
02.23 | Lola, Carlos R.: ADAUA Earthen Construction Techniques, AT International, Washington, D. C., 1983 (I) |
02.24 | Lou Má, Roberto E.: La Ceta-Ram, Una máquina para producir bloques huecos de suelocemento, inspirada en el diseño de la Cinva-Ram, CETA, Guatemala, February 1977 (E, I) |
02.25* | Lou Má, Roberto E: Two Manually Operated Block Press es CETA-Ram and CETARam II, CETA, Guatemala, 1984 (I) |
02.26 | McHenry jr., P. G.: Adobe and Rammed Earth Buildings, Diseño y Construcción, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York, 1984 (I) |
02.27 | Minke, Gemot: Lehnbauforschung, Desarrollo y Prueba mecanizada de las técnicas del suelo húmedo y latiera apisonada, Schriftenreihe Heft 8, Fachbereich Architektur, Gesamthochschule Kassel, 1984 (A) |
02.28* | Minke, Germot y (Ed.): Bauen mit Lehm, Revista sobre Construcción con Barro, Reportes sobre los nuevos proyectos de construcción, desarrollos y estudios de investipación, Ökobuch-Verlag, Grebenstein/Freiburg, 1984/1987 (A) |
02.29 | Mukerji, K.; Bahlmann, H.; Laterite for Building, I.F.T. Reporte 5, Institut fur Tropenbau, Dr. Ing. Georg Lippsmeier, Starnberg, 1978 (I. A) |
02.30 | Mukerji, K.; Soil Block Presses, Report on a Global Survey, GATE, Eschborn, 1986 |
02.31 | Niemeyer, Richard: Der Lehmbau und seine praktische Anwendung, Nachdruck des Originalwerks aus dem Jahre 1946, Ökobuch-Verlag, Grebenstein 1982 (A) |
02.32* | Norton,John: Building with Earth, Un Manual, IT Publications Ltd., Londres, 1986 (I) |
02.33 | Odul, Pascal: Case Studies on Earth Construction: Synthesis, PGC-HS, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1984 (I) |
02.34 | Odul, Pascal; et al: Exhibition on Earth Construction Rechnologies Appropriate to Developing Countries- The Technical Issue, AGDC/UNCHSPGC-HD-KUL/CRAUCL/CRATerre, disponible en ATOL, Leuven, 1984 (I) |
02.35 | Popposwamy (alias Reinhold Pingel): Village Houses in Rammed Earth - an Indian Experiment, Reihe dü scriptum, Dienste in übersee, Stuttgart, 1980 (A, I, F) |
02.36 | Schneider, Jürgen: Am Anfang die Erde - Sanfter Baustoff Lehm, Das Buch zur ZDFSendung im Februar 1985, Edition Fricke, Verlagsgesellschaft Rudolf Müller, Köln, 1985 (A) |
02.37* | SKAT: Soil Block Making Equipment, Recopilación del material sobre sistemas, máquinarias y equipo, Working Paper 05/84, SKAT, St. Gallen, November 1984 (I, F, E) |
02.38 | Slutz, Ronald: Earth for Construction, Appropriate Technology Vol. 11, N° 3, IT Publications, Londres, 1984 (I) |
02.39 | Venkatarama, Reddy, B. V.; Jagadish, K. S.; Nageswara Rao, M.: The Design of a Soil Compaction Ram for Rural Housing, Alternative Building Series - 4, ASTRA, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, April 1981 (I) |
02.40* | VITA: Making Building Blocks with the CINVA-Ram Block Press, Contribución Voluntaria en Asistencia Técnica, Mt. Rainier, 1977 (I) |
02.41 | Volhard, Franz: Leichtlehmbau, alter Baustoff - neue Technik, Verlag C. F. Muller, Karlsruhe, 1983 (A) |
02.42 | Wolfskill, L. A.; Dunlap, W. A.; Gallaway, B. M.: Earthen Home Construction, Una recopilación de campo y de libros con una bibliografía detallada, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, 1962 (I) |
AGDC, ABOS, UNCH- Habitat, Earth construction technologies appropiate to developing countries, Procedimientos de la Conferencia, Bruselas, 1984 (I)
Bourgeois, J. L.; Pelos, C.: Spectacular venacular. The adobe tradition, Aperture Toundation, New York, USA, 1989 (I)
CRATerre- EAG (Houben, H.; Guillaud, H.: Traité de construction en terre, Editions Parenthéses, Marsella, Francia, 1989 (F)
CRATerre (Guillaud, H. Modernité de l'architecture de terre en Afrique. Réalisations des années 80, Grenoble, Francia, 1989 (F)
CRATerre- EAG, ICCROM: 5th. International Meeting of Experts on the Conservation of Earthen Arvhotecture, Grenoble, Francia, 1988 (F)
CRATerre- EAG: Marrakech 87, Habitat en Terre, Grenoble, Francia, 1987 (F)
CRATerre- EAG, Doat, P.; Hays, A.; Houben, H.; Matuk, S.; Vitoux, F.: Building with earth, Rakmo Press Pvt. Ltd., Nueva Delhi, 1991 (sólo a la venta para el Sur de Asia) ( I )
CRATerre- EAG: Compressed Earth Block Production, Video (25 min.), Eschborn, Alemania, 1991 (I)
CRATerre- EAG: Basics of Compressed Earth Blocks, GATE, Eschborn, Alemania, 1991 (I)
Development Workshop - pour UICN/WWF: «Conservation et Gestion des Ressources Naturalles dans l'Air et le Tenére», Les toitures sans bols, Lauzerte, Francia, 1990 (F)
Houben, H.; Guillaud, H.: Earth Construction Technology, - 4 volumenes, UNCHS (Habitat), Nairobi, 1986 (I)
Middleton, G. F.; Schneider, L. M.: Earth-wall construction. Boletín N° 5, Cuarta Edición, National Building Technology Centre, Chatswood, Australia, 1987 (I)
Mukerji, K.; CRATerre- EAG; Soil Block Presses. Product Information, GATE, Eschborn, Alemania 1988 (I)
Mukerji, K.; Wornwr, H.; GATE; CRATerre- EAG; Soil Preparation Equipment Product Information, Eschborn, Alemania 1991 (I)
Tibbets, J. M.: The earthbuilder's encyclopedia, Southwest Solaradobe School, Nuevo México, USA, 1988 (I)
03.01 | CRATerre (P. Doat, et al): Stabilization, Capítulo VII de «Construire en terre», Bibl. 02.06 (F) |
03.02 | Ferm, Richard: Stabilized Earth Construction, Un Manual Instruccional, The Internatioal Foundation for Earth Construction, Washington, D.C., 1985 (I) |
03.03 | Houben; Guillaud: Soil Stabilization, Capítulo 4 en «Earth Construction Primer», Bibl. 02.19 (I) |
03.04 | Kafescioglu, R.; Gürdal, E.; Güner, A.; Akman, M. S.: Adobe Blocks Stabilized with Gypsum, Procedimientos del Simposio CIB/RILEM sobre Materiales de Construcción Apropiados para Viviendas de Bajo Costo en Nairobi, E. & F. N. Spon, Londres, 1983 (I) |
03.05 | Lunt, M. G.: Stabilized Soil Blocks for Building, Overseas Building Note N° 184, Building Research Establishment, Garston, February 1980 (I) |
03.06 | Norton, John: Stabilization, Capítulo 8 en «Building with Earth», Bibl. 02.32 (I) |
03.07 | Spence, Robin: Making Soil-Cement Blocks, The Technical Services Branch, Commission for Technical Education and Vocational Training, University of Zambia, Private Bag RW 16, Lusaka, (noexiste fecha), (I) |
03.08 | Spence; Cook: Soil and stabilized soil Capítulo 3 de «Building Materials in Developing Countries», Bibl. 00.50 (I) |
03.09 | Webb, Davis J. T.: Stabilized Soil Construction in Kenya, Procedimientos de la conferencia internacional «Economical housing in developing countries: materials, construction techniques, components», RILEM, París, 1983 (I) |
Iterbeke, M.; Jacobus, P.: Soil-cement technology for low-cost housing in rural Thailand. An evaluation study, Heverlee, Belgica, 1988 (I)
Ingles, O. G.: Soil Stabilization - Principles and Practise, Butterworths, Sydney, Australia, 1972 (I)
Smith, R. G.; Webb, D.J.T.: Small-scale manufacture osf stablised soil blocks, Memorándum Tecnico N° 12, International Labour Office, Ginebra, Suiza, 1987 (I)
Vénaut, Michel: Le traitement des sols a la chaux et au ciment, CERILH, París, Francia, 1980 (F)
04.01 | Bogahawatte, V. T. L.: Non Mechanized Brickmaking in Sri Lanka, National Building Research Organization, Colombo, 1986 (I) |
04.02 | Gallegos, et al: Construyendo con Ladrillo, INIAVI, Lima, Perú, 1977 (E) |
04.03 | Hill, Neville R: A clamp can be Appropriate for the Burning of Bricks, Appropriate Technology Vol. 7, N° 1, IT Publications, Londres, 1980 (I) |
04.04* | ILO/UNIDO: Small-scale Brickmaking, Memorandam Tecnico N° 6, International Labour Office (ILO), Ginebra, Suiza, 1984 (I) |
04.05 | Keddie, James; Cleghorn, William: Least Cost Brickmaking, Appropriate Technology Vol. 5, N° 3, IT Publications, Londres, 1978 (I) |
04.06 | Keddie, James; Cleghorn, William: Brick Manufacture in Developing Countries, Scottish Academic Press Ltd., Edinburgh, 1980 (I) |
04.07 | Marciano, Michel: Dossier Presses á Briques, GRET, París, August 1985 (F) |
04.08* | Mestiviers, Bernard: Le point sur Briques et Tulles, Dossier N° 6, GRET, París, November 1985 (F) |
04.09 | Parry, John: The Brick Industry, Energy Conservation and Scale of Operations, Appropriate Technology Vol. 2, N° 1, IT Publications, Londres, 1975 (I) |
04.10 | Parry, John: Better Brickmaking for Developing Countries, Appropriate Technology Vol. 5, N° 1, IT Publications, Londres, 1978 (I) |
04.11 | Parry, John: Brickmaking in Developing Countries, Revisión preparada por Overseas Division, Building Research Establishment, Garston, 1979 (I) |
04.12 | Smith, Ray: Improved Moulding Devices for Hand-made Bricks, Appropriate Technology Vol. 7, N° 4, IT Publications, Londres, 1981 (I) |
04.13 | Spence, Robin: Brick Manufacture using the Bull's Trench Kiln, Appropriate Technology Vol. 2, N° 1, IT Publications, Londres, 1975 (I) |
(Ver también Cal, Cemento y Puzolanas) | |
05.01 | Apers, Jef: Binders: Alternatives to Portland Cement, Technisch Dossier, ATOL, Leaven, 1983 (I) |
05.02 | Bardin, F.: La Piatre: production et utilisation dans habitat, (Yeso: producción y utilización en la vivienda), GRET, París, 1982 (F) |
05.03 | CBRI: Gypsum as a Building Material, Building Research Note N° 14, CBRI, Roorkee, 1983 (I) |
05.04 | CBRI: Mechanical Pan Calcination System for Gypsum Plaster and Plaster Boards, Project Proposal N° 61, CBRI, Roorkee, 1986 (I) |
05.06 | Everett Alan: Bituminous Products, Capitulo 11 de «Materials», Bibl. 00.14 (I) |
05.07 | Kinniburgh, William: Bitumrn Coverings for Flat Roofs, Overssas Building Notes N° 180, BRE, Garston, 1978 (I) |
05.08 | Ortega, Alvaro: Basic Technology: Gypsum, its production and uses, Mimar 18, Concept Media, Singapur, 1985 (I) |
05.09 | Smith, Ray: Small-Scale Production of Gypsum Plaster for Building in the Cape Verde Islands, Appropriate Technology Vol. 8, N° 4, IT Publications, Londres, 1982 (I) |
05.10 | Spence, Robin: Small-Scale Production of Cementitious Materials, IT Publications Ltd., Londres, 1980 (I) |
05.11 | Spence, R. J. S.; Cook, D. J.: Gypsum, lime and puzzolanas, Capítulo 6 de «Building Materials in Developing Countries», Bibl. 00.50 (I) |
Coburn, A.; Dudley, E.; Spence, R.: Gypsum Plaster- Its manufacture and use, IT Publications, Londres, 1989 (I)
Hill, N.; Holmes, S.; Mather, D.: Lime and Other Alternative Cements, IT Publications, Londres, 1992 (I)
06. | CAL |
(ver también Puzolanas) | |
06.01 | CBRI: Building Material from Lime Kiln Rejects, Building Materials Note N° 21, CBRI, Roorkee, 1978 (I) |
06.02 | CBRI: Manufacture of Lime and Lime Products, Project Proposal N° 56, CBRI, Roorkee, 1985 (I) |
06.03* | Chantry, G.: La Chaux: production et utilisation dans l'habitat, (Lima: producción y utilización en la vivienda), GRET, París, 1981 (F) |
06.04 | Everett Alan: Limes and Cements, Capítulo 7 de «Materials», Bibl. 00.14 (I) |
06.05 | Ortega, Alvaro: Basic Technology: Lime and its production, Mimar 17, Concept Media, Singapur, 1985 (I) |
06.06 | Spence, Robin: Lime in Industrial Development, Una guía de UNIDO para su utilización y manufactura en países en desarrollo, Sectoral Stu-dies Services N° 18, (y Vol. II: Directiry), UNIDO, Viena, 1985 (I) |
06.07 | Spiropoulos, John: Small Scale Production of Lime for Building, Aus der Arbeit von GATE, Eschborn, Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig, 1985 (I) |
06.08* | Wingate, Michael: Small-Scale Lime-Burning. A Practical Introduction, IT Publications Ltd., Londres, 1985 (I) |
Spiropoulos, J.: Chenkumbi Lime, IT Publications Ltd., Londres, 1992 (I)
07. | CEMENTO |
07.01 | CBRI: Magnesium oxychloride cement based materials, Project Proposal N° 57, CBRI, Roorkee ,1982 (I) |
07.02 | CBRI: Cement Paints, Building Research Note N° 21, CBRI, Roorkee, 1986 (I) |
07.03 | Everett Alan: Limes and Cements, Capítulo 7 de «Materials», Bibl. 00.14 (I) |
07.04 | Sigurdson, Jon: Small Scale Cement Plants, IT Publications Ltd., Londres, 1977 (revisado en 1979) (I) |
07.05 | Spence; Cook: Portland and other cements, Capítulo 7 de «Building Materials in Developing Countries», Bibl. 00.50 (I) |
Sinha, S.: Mini-cement - a review of Indian experience, IT Publications Ltd., Londres, 1990 (I)