Ramachandra. T.V., Vijaya Prasad. B.K. and Samapika Padhy
Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India

Methodology :

An integrated approach involving  compilation of data from government agencies and institutions, application of spatial and temporal analyses using  remote sensing data, Geographic Information System (GIS technique)  and conventional field survey (ground truthing)  have been adopted in  this  study (Fig 1b).  The vegetation map for Kolar district (talukwise) were prepared based on the interpretation of IRS-1C satellite imageries, using the visual interpretation keys such as tone, colour, texture, pattern, association, size,  shape, topography and drainage. This involves

Data acquisition, loading, composite generation and georeferencing
Training sites, Ground truth collection (field data collection).
Signature generation for classification
Demarcation of boundaries and transfer of administrative features
Extraction of statistics
Taluk and district boundaries, and road network were digitised from SOI toposheets.

Georeferencing has been  done by extracting GCPS from topographical map and using GPS. Multispectral classifications was carried out using soft classifiers (based on Bayesian probability theory).

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