Megacities in India are urbanising at an unprecedented and
irreversible rate, as the global proportion of urban population has
increased from 28.3% in 1950 to 50% in 2010 (World Bank, 2011).
Urbanization is one of the demographic issues in the 21st century in
India (Ramachandra et al., 2012a,b). Understanding the process of
urbanisation would help the city planners to understand and plan
and eradicate the problems associated with increased urban area
and population, and ultimately build a sustainable city. Urbanisation
is one of the few major topics that has been studied focussing
on socio-economic, and environmental perspectives in urban areas
(Cohen, 2006), to economic perspectives in perieurban areas
(Ravallion et al., 2007), to the loss of vegetation (Ramachandra
et al., 2012a,b) and with respect to urban emissions (Banerjee and
Srivastava, 2011; Ramachandra and Shwetmala, 2009; Fung et al.,
2005). Qualitative attempts have also been made to summarize
the development of urbanization studies (Morse, 1965). The urban
process refers to the conversion of the rural and natural forms into
urban areas due to population immigration into existing urban
area. Ruraleurban migration is one of the major events that usually accompany economic expansion and hence leads to major agglomerations.
Increased density of population has direct impact on
the social and economic condition of the cities (Knox, 2009). This
phenomenon is particularly significant in developing countries,
where the ruraleurban areas become one of the very important
places of urban growth. These peri-urban areas where the urban
sprawl occurs are devoid of basic amenities and are normally left
out on most of the civic governing body facilities (Ramachandra
et al., 2012b). Urban sprawl considered to be one of the major reasons for rural push and spreading of city towards outskirts. The
sprawl takes place at the urban fringes resulted in radial development
of the urban areas or development along the highways results
in the elongated development of urban forms (Sudhira et al., 2003).
The urban sprawl quantifies the urban process and urban pattern.
Urban Sprawl further affects the urban core areas by phenomena
such as massive congestion, insufficient public transportation and
infrastructure, lack of proper sanitation and many other basic
amenities. With it come extreme socioeconomic disparities,
vulnerability to natural and manmade risks (Fuchs et al., 1994;
Mitchell, 1999; Kraas, 2007; Kraas and Nitschke, 2008;
Ramachandra et al., 2012a). This necessitates the study of spatial
urban growth patterns. Urban pattern refers to the spatial properties
and configuration of the area at a particular time (Galster et al.,
2001). Urban patterns also deals with physical structure and the
spatial characteristics of the urban processes that vary over time
(Aguilera et al., 2011). Urbanization process in Delhi has the major
impact on the India’s urban development. The rapid increase of
urbanization resulted in the increased population density. Geoinformatics
such as Geographic Information systems (GIS) with the
temporal remote sensing data help to quantify changes in landscape
structure that result from various disturbances (Turner and
Carpenter, 1998). Many landscape-level metrics have been developed
to examine and provide meaningful ways of measuring
landscape characteristics (e.g., O’Neill et al., 1988; McGarigal and
Marks, 1995; Gustafson, 1998; Hargis et al., 1998; Jaeger, 2000;
Ramachandra et al., 2012a,b).
Spatial metrics measure the units derived from the spatial data
that aid in quantifying the landscape features (Herold et al., 2002;
Ramachandra et al., 2012a). The matric based spatial analyses
provide quantitative characterizations of the spatial and time
composition of landscapes, which would be useful to analyse and
understand the changes in landscape structure and patterns
(Henebry and Goodin, 2002). The combination of remote sensing
and spatial metrics helps to derive spatial information about urban
growth, its structure and dynamics that helps in understanding of
urban growth processes (Deng et al., 2009; Ramachandra et al.,
In this backdrop, the objectives of this communication i) understanding
the urban dynamics through land cover and land use
analysis, ii) understand the local level changes that takes place in
the region using directional density gradients, iii) understand and
quantify the growth and patterns through spatial metrics. This
communication is divided into 4 parts. Part 1 gives details of the
study area with its associated attributes. Part 2 discusses the
methods adopted in the current research, third part deals with the
results and discussion of the results. Final part draws the conclusion
based on the analysis of the study area.
Citation : T.V. Ramachandra, Bharath H. Aithal and M.V. Sowmyashree, 2015. Monitoring urbanization and its implications in a mega city from space: Spatiotemporal patterns and its indicators, Journal of Environmental Management, 148 (2015):67-81,
Corresponding author:
Dr. T.V. Ramachandra Energy & Wetlands Research Group, CES TE 15
Centre for Ecological Sciences
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