Materials and Methods
Materials and Methods
Isolation and screening of fermentative yeast
Yeast strains were isolated from various sources, namely fruits
and fermented products (Supplementary Table S1). Fruit samples
were cut into small pieces and incubated at room temperature
overnight and 1ml of the fruit extract was serially diluted
(10-1 to 10-6 dilutions) and plated on
Yeast Extract Peptone Dextrose Agar (YEPDA) which consists of 2%
Peptone, 2% Yeast extract, 5% Dextrose and 1.5% agar
supplemented with streptomycin 30ug/ml, incubated for 24 h at 30
oC. After incubation, yeast colonies on agar were
characterized based on size, shape, and pigmentation [32, 33].
Colonies were sub-cultured on YEPDA by streak plate technique
and subsequent pure culture maintained on agar slants for
further characterization. Screening of ethanologenic wild yeast
strains for ethanol production was carried out in two steps (i)
First, ethanol fermentation was carried out in Durham
fermentation tube in six different sugar: 50 g/L of glucose,
galactose, xylose, lactose, maltose and sucrose, 10g/L peptone,
5g/L NaCl and 0.5g/L phenol red and inoculated for 24h at
35oC. The fermentation activity of yeast strains was
confirmed by observing the volume of gas in Durham tube filled
with CO2, based on this positive yeast strains were
selected for further studies [27]. Strains producing gas in
glucose and xylose media were explicitly selected for the study.
(ii) Next, biomass in glucose and xylose media were recorded by
inoculating in 20 g/L yeast extract and 20 g/L peptone broth
with 50 g/L of glucose and xylose separately and incubated at 35
oC on an orbital shaker at 100 rpm for 24h, and
biomass was recorded at 600 nm. Fresh YEPD broth was prepared,
and yeast organisms sample from the axenic culture was
inoculated and incubated at 30 oC on an orbital
shaker at 100 rpm. At every one hour, interval 5 ml sample was
drawn, and the absorbance was measured at 600 nm. This
experiment was carried out until the attainment of the
stationary phase with the recurring values.
Characterization of yeast strain: Temperature, ethanol,
and salt tolerance
The selected yeast strains were inoculated in glucose media at
various temperatures from 30 oC to 50 oC
at an interval of 5oC, ethanol concentration 0-10%
and salt concentration 0-14% with 2% interval and incubated for
24 h on an orbital shaker at 100 rpm and the absorbance was
measured at 600 nm along with negative control (without yeast
strain) and positive control using baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces
cerevisiae) [27, 34]. Experiments were carried out in
Identification of yeast strain using rDNA sequencing and
molecular phylogenetic analysis
Genomic DNA was isolated, the quantity was measured using
Nanodrop Spectrophotometer, and the quality was determined using
2% agarose gel. A single band of high-molecular-weight DNA has
been observed. 18S rRNA gene was amplified by 18SrRNAF and
18SrRNAR primers. A single discrete PCR amplicon band of 1500 bp
was observed when resolved on Agarose gel. The PCR amplicon was
purified to remove contaminants. Forward and reverse DNA
sequencing reaction of PCR amplicon was carried out with ITS1
(5`-TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3`) using BDT v3.1 Cycle sequencing kit
on ABI 3730xl Genetic Analyzer. A consensus sequence of 18S rRNA
gene was generated from forward and reverse sequence. 18S rRNA
gene sequence was compared to type strains in National Center
for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Based on the maximum
identity score first ten sequences were selected and aligned
using Clustal W, a phylogenetic tree was constructed using the
neighbor-joining method with MEGA version 7.0 with a bootstrap
number 1000 [35].
FermentationEfficacy of yeast
strain to produce ethanol using synthetic sugars
Carbohydrates of Enteromorpha
intestinalis and Ulva lactuca mainly composed of
glucose and xylose, is the source of carbon for fermentation.
Fermentation efficiency of the selected yeast strains was
evaluated in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 100 ml of 2
g/L yeast extract and 2 g/L peptones with 5 g/L glucose, 5 g/L
xylose, glucose, and xylose 5g/L, 5% v/v yeast inoculum in 3
different flasks were subjected to fermentation at
35oC, pH 4 for 24 h using prioritized yeasts strains
in different combinations to determine its efficacy.
Efficacy of yeast strain to produce ethanol using macroalgal
Fermentation was carried out in a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask
containing 150 ml of clear hydrolysate. Macroalgal biomass (5g)
Enteromorpha intestinalis and Ulva lactuca
were acid pre-treated using 0.7N and 0.5N
H2SO4 at 121oC for 45 min to
determine the efficacy of isolated yeast strain to ferment
seaweed sugars. The acid hydrolysate was obtained and
neutralized using Na2CO3. It results in
lower sugar removal [7] and the fermentation medium adjusted to
pH 4 and subjected to SHF using prioritized yeast (5% v/v)
strains in different combination at 35oC, 100rpm for
24h. For SSF, acid pretreated biomass (2g) were subjected to
fermentation using an enzyme (5% v/v) extracted from S9 (V.
parahaemolyticus) [14] and prioritized yeast (5% v/v)
strains in different combinations at 55oC, 100rpm for
24h. Macroalgal biomass contains abundant carbon sources and
essential minerals for yeast growth; fermentation was carried
out without exogenous nutrients.
Analytical method and data analysis
Reducing sugar obtained in both the process was estimated before
and after fermentation by the DNS method [36]. Theoretically,
1kg of glucose produces 510g of ethanol, i.e., 51%. Theoretical
yield is 51% of the fermented sugar by each of the yeast strain
[Eq (2)], and fermentation efficiency is the percentage ratio of
ethanol yield obtained from the experiment to theoretical yield
as indicated in Eq (1)
% Fermentation efficiency = Ethanol yield / Theoretical yield - (1)
Theoretical yield = 0.51 ∗ Fermented sugar by each yeast strain - (2)
The ethanol obtained was estimated using GCMS with an FID as a
detector. The sample was injected using an Agilent gold standard
syringe with an accuracy of ±1%. The analysis was performed
under the following conditions: injector volume 1µl, inlet
temperature 180 ºC, Mode was split-less, flowrate of1.2 ml/min,
the runtime of 24.6 min by ramping method with a temperature of
FID at 280 ºC. The gases used were Hydrogen with a
flow of 30ml/min, Zero Airflow of 300 ml/min, and Helium flow of
10 ml/min. The identification of ethanol was done by MS at
temperature: 230 ºC and Quadrupole temperature: 150 ºC. MS
filament was switched on and off at 1.82 min and 2.82 min,
respectively, to identify the ethanol ions in the sample, and
the ethanol was identified through the NIST database
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of screened yeast strains
was carried out for the ethanol produced from the study and the
literature-integrated data using R studio version 3.4.4.
Multivariate analysis through Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
was carried out using R studio software version 3.4.4, to
determine strains responses to temperature, ethanol, and salt
tolerance and provide an overview of similarities and
differences among the yeast strains. Screening
for cellulolytic yeast and ethanol production by consolidated
Prioritized yeast strains were screened for cellulolytic activity
by inoculating on a 1% CMC plate supplemented with agar and
incubated at 35oC for 72h. Plates were flooded with
Gram’s Iodine. Colonies producing zone of clearance were
considered positive for cellulolytic activity. The hydrolytic
activity of each strain was determined [14]. Macroalgal biomass
was subjected to saccharification and fermentation using
cellulolytic yeast strain in the consolidated bioprocess.