Abstract / Introduction / Study Area / Method / Results / Conclusion / References
                                          Figure 1 / Figure 2 / Figure 3 // Table 1 / Table 2 / Table 3

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Energy and Wetlands Research Group
Centre for Ecological Sciences
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012

Study area

The Sharavathi River (74.408°-75.32° E and 13.717°-14.432° N) is one of the important west flowing rivers of central Western Ghats, India (Fig 1). A hydro-electric dam was commissioned in 1964 at Linganamakki, which has waterspread area of 357 sq.km.). Subsequent to the dam, Sharavathi river loses height of 253m  as series of rapids. The catchment area is about 2985km2, with up-stream being 1988 km2 and the downstream being 997km2.

Fig 1 : Sharavathi river basin, Central Western Ghats

Down stream of Sharavathi situated at 74.408° –74.862° E and 14.094°–14.431° N, with elevation varies from zero meters at sea level to 760 m at the ghats and having an average altitude of 237 m. The soil texture is mainly clayey, clayey-skeletal, sandy loam and sand distributed only along the mouth of the catchment.  The region is made up laterite, migmatites and granodiorite. grey granite, metabasalt, greywacke, alluvium, and quartz chlorite schist with orthoquartzite are spread across the study area.  Annual rainfall in the region ranges from …3521±619 mm (Honavar) 4339±1249 mm (Gerusoppa). Field investigations were carried out in the downstream region during August, September, and October months and 120 landslide location were located.

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