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SESSION-2: Watershed Hydrology / Pollution
: Water Emergency Time
Govindanayaka Y.


Periods of high agricultural growth in India have generally been preceded by initiatives in water and technology development and economic reform. The present explores the initiatives that should be undertaken to conserve on water and land. Presenting an alarming picture on water availability India accounted for 2/45 percent of the world's land area and four per cent of water resources, but it was home to 16 per cent of the world's population. The water emergency prevailing in the country both due to drought and the unsustainable, and inefficient, use of most water resources, particularly of ground water, has brought home the urgent need for launching a plan movement based on the conservation of every drop of water and its sustainable, and equitable, use for domestic, agricultural and industrial purpose.


Joint Rural Science Centre,
Udamagal Khanapur,
Raichur District,
Karnataka, India