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SESSION-15: Geographical Information System (GIS), and Remote Sensing
: A GRASS-GUI for Wetland Analysis
Vaishnav B., Ramachandra T.V. and Narendra Prasad S.N.


Wetlands are an integral part of our ecosystem. Rapid growth of population and urbanisation coupled with natural calamities has resulted in the depletion of wetland resources. The need of the hour is to conserve the depleting natural resource in a fast and effective manner. The advent of information systems in geographic analysis has resulted in the development of a new technology called Geographic Information System (GIS). GIS along with remote sensing can be used as a decision support system tool for better and cost effective analyses and interpretation. Geographic Resources Analysis And Support System (GRASS) - GIS software, is an open source project distributed under the GNU general public license. GRASS supports raster, vector, and image processing and graphics production functionality. A tcl/tk-based interface has been integrated into the GRASS module to provide user-friendly simple menu driven interface to the software.


Energy & Wetlands Research Group, 
CES, IISc, Bangalore 560 012, Karnataka, India.
Phone: 080- 3600985 / 3092506
Fax: 91-80-3601428 / 3600085 /3600683{CES-TVR}
Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.