Sahyadri ENews: LXVIII

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T V Ramachandra
Energy and Wetlands Research Group,
Centre for Ecological Sciences,
Indian Institute of Science - 560012

2. Introduction

Landscapes are composed predominantly of natural vegetation, which aid in maintain the ecosystem goods and services [1-4] The human welfare is integrally twined with the integrity of an ecosystem which sustains the availability of natural resources. However mismanagement of ecological systems with the unplanned developmental activities has impaired ecosystem services evident from the barren hill tops, conversion of perennial streams to seasonal streams, reduced biological productivities, etc. The anthropogenic activities have altered natural landscapes affecting their capacity of
(i) bioremediation - filter nutrients and contaminants from water,
(ii) flood mitigationabate flood waters associated with extreme climate events,
(iii) retain water, soils, and nutrients,
(iv) resist invasive species establishment, and
(v) provide for natural predators of pests [3,4].
The ecosystem is experiencing pressures from drivers such as land use land cover [LULC] change, changes in the climate due to enhanced GHG (Greenhouse gas) levels in the atmosphere, pollutants (air, water and land) and propagation of invasive species. This necessitates appropriate policy measures to mitigate the disturbances so as to ensure not to exceed the threshold state from which it may not recover or may take many years to return to its previous state through natural processes [5]. This entails attaining comprehensive knowledge of the ecosystem integrity and the goods and services provided by ecosystems, and the importance of conservation for maintaining the quality of life.
Systematic conservation planning has been increasingly encompassed of identifying or expanding conservation hotspots, protected areas or to set a threshold for resource usage and to influence land use decision making. It requires an assessment of carrying capacity of a region taking into account resource base, ecological sensitiveness, supportive and assimilative capacity of the respective ecosystems, conservation initiatives, etc. Planning also requires assessment of bio-geological systems, spatial priorities (i.e. area selection) for conservation action complemented with the sustainable development strategy in the context of stakeholder collaboration [3, 6, 7]. ESR are geographical units of land or water containing a distinct assemblage of species, natural communities, and environmental conditions, which is essential for conservation planning. Adoption of a landscape perspective (spatial composition, pattern, and position) plays a vital role in demarcating ESRs as it provides a common framework to evaluate social, economic, and cultural dynamics and their relationship to ecological services [3,4, 8-10]. Stakeholder participation in decision making of ESR (as per the Biodiversity Act, 2002) would aid in understanding the complex and dynamic nature of environmental problems and lends a flexible and transparent decision making through a diversity of knowledge and values.
The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change (MoEFCC), Government of India has taken an initiative to protect forests and maintenance under section 3 of Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (EPA). Central Government can prohibit or restrict the location of industries and carry out certain operations on the basis of considerations like the ecological sensitivity under section 5 of EPA 1986. The ecological sensitivity or fragility refers to the permanent and irreparable loss of extant life forms from the world; or significant damage to the natural processes of evolution and speciation. The comprehensive knowledge of a region has become increasingly important for conservation planning and visualization of future growth to overcome the problems of haphazard, uncontrolled development in ecologically sensitive regions [3, 4, 8-10]. Unplanned developmental path through river diversions, hydro electric projects, coastal reservoirs, commercial plantations, unscientific tourism, etc. would cause irreplaceable loss of rich biodiversity and is threatening the ecologically sensitive regions in the Netravathi River basin. In this regard, the current research tries to understand land use dynamics, biodiversity, hydrology, ecology and social aspects in the Netravathi River Basin (includes Gurupura river also) and delineate ecological sensitive regions considering bio-geo climatic variables for prudent management of natural resources.




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