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Supplementary Material
Annexure A
The regions of high ecological sensitivity include regions having the dense forests of Western Ghats, such regions are rich with the presence of endemic and threatened biodiversity with high biomass and have great potential in carbon sequestration. Hence, it is recommended to implement forest policies, conservation plans, strict laws, and regulations with respect to developmental activities. The ESR-1 represents a zone of highest conservation, no further degradation allowed. ESR-2 has the potentiality to become ESR-1 provided with strict regulations and improvement of forests and its environs by more protection. A small change in ESR-2 will have more adverse effects in ESR-1. The following recommendations are suggested for effective management and enrichment of forests in the region.
- Forest Rights Act to be implemented in its true spirit by reaching out to people. Impose a complete ban on illegal occupations, illegal NTFP collection, over-exploitation of forest resources.
- River diversion, stream alternations should not be allowed even in the name of drinking water projects as the region is already facing a severe water crisis. In the view of ecological flow measures, the diversion of water should not be allowed.
- In the case of fragmented forests (especially Soraba, Sagara, Bhadravathi taluks), connectivity between forest patches should be established by enriching native forest cover (biological corridors to ensure food and fodder) that allow species to move and genes to flow from one region to other. Improved connectivity with reduced fragmentation will aid in endemic species conservation.
- Monoculture plantations are not allowed, existing exotics should be replaced by planting native or endemic species (Table 6). The open fields and barren hilltops should be considered for grassy blocks creations with native varieties (Table 7).
- Promote decentralized electricity, use of renewable energy sources such as (solar, wind power).
- The local bio resource-based industry should be promoted. All should be strictly regulated and be subject to social audits.
- Adapt development projects which will have the least environmental impact by involving local community members in decision making and environmental monitoring.
- No new major roads, railway lines are allowed, except when highly essential and subject to EIA, by imposing strict regulations and social audits.
- Small scale tourism should be encouraged by adopting benefit sharing with local communities such as homestay, spice farms, eco-friendly boating, etc.
- Tourism Master Plan should be based on MoEFCC regulations (after taking into account social and environmental costs).
- The uncontrolled development should be discouraged in and around of pristine lakes, primeval forest patches, perennial water bodies. The site-specific (clustered base) sustainable developments can be taken up at each panchayat, which least affects the ecosystem.
- Controlled activities are permitted based on socio-economic importance and activities such as depriving wetlands, natural forests, the introduction of alien invasive species are not permitted.
- Enrich the grasslands, grassy patches by native grass varieties to improve herbivorous population in forest areas. Forests should be a healthy combination of different landscape elements, including the grasslands that provide a bulk of the fodder needs of the ungulates. The trailing habit of many grasses (e.g., Cynodon dactylon, Oplismenus burmanii, Arundinella leptochloa, Panicum auritum etc.) helps them to withstand grazing pressure, trampling and even fires.
- Leguminous fodder herbs (Cassia fistula, Desmodium triflorum, Entada scandens, Erythrina spp etc., may be planted in abandoned agricultural fields to promote wildlife, which would aid in enriching the soil while providing required nutrition to the dependent fauna. Herbaceous climbers of legumes, that provide forage for wildlife may be promoted experimentally in monoculture plantations.
- The task force under VFCs should be set up involving local stakeholders and forest departments to tackle and maintain harmony between the administration and people. The task force should also involve in demarcating borders, detecting and enforcing violations of regulations, and planning and implementing management activities.
- Creation of fodder reserves: It is very necessary to enrich the forests impoverished of wild animal fodder plants, using the land resources of poor-grade monoculture plantations, degraded forests, abandoned mine areas, underneath high tension power lines and such identified stretches.
- The fencing of small blocks of land for three to five years from human impact and grazing by domestic cattle will have a very positive impact on forest succession and healthy growth of grasses in overgrazed areas. Once tall saplings are naturally established, the forest will flourish on its own. The protection may be shifted to other unprotected areas after the three to five-year period. The forest lands thus protected may be named “Regeneration Blocks”. The vegetation succession in such blocks to be monitored and recorded, preferably by local volunteers. Seeds of suitable tree and shrub species may be disseminated in such areas to promote diversity.
- Creation/maintenance of water bodies: Water bodies are to be created intermittently in the forest areas so that the movement of animals in dry months could be minimized. Several old village ponds and tanks need desilting and maintenance. Watershed based forest management is critical for creating healthy habitats for elephants and other wildlife.
- Development of nurseries involving local people and self-help women groups. People be encouraged and guided to make nurseries of native forest trees and medicinal plants
- NTFP collection (removal of the contract system of middlemen) and value addition, developing bee-keeping involving forests. As bee-keeping is recommended as an important activity for almost all clusters, roadsides, common lands, under-stocked, or degraded forest patches around villages be planted with appropriate nectar plant species.
- The contract system for collection of NTFP from forests found to be highly detrimental to forests and biodiversity and economic well-being of local people be stopped forthwith and co-management system involving local people be adopted.
- Production of bamboo based products by local craftsman and effective utilization of bamboo for local development is important.
- Regular conduct of training in bird-watching, wildlife studies, trekking trails, hygiene, and solid waste management involving VFCs, local youth in forest, and wildlife related tourism areas be arranged with the view of generating eco-friendly employment potential.
- Kan forests are the remnants of climax evergreen forests, preserved through generations by the village communities, the abode of endemic ecologically sensitive plant species, and also acting as a sustainable source for water resources for the villages located. The restoring these climax patches would be difficult if they are perturbed by an external influence. Hence, the Kan forests should be demarcated and fenced by protecting from further degradation.
- Recommended to consider for heritage sites status to ‘kans’ under section 37(1) of Biological Diversity Act 2002, Government of India as kans are the repository of a biological wealth of rare kind, and the need for adoption of holistic eco-system management for conservation of, particularly the rare and endemic flora of the Western Ghats.
Table 6 Plant species suggested for afforestation
Sno | Species Name | Common Name |
1 | Acacia concinna | Seege |
2 | Acacia ferruginea | Banni |
3 | Artocarpus heterophyllus | Wild Jack; Hebbalasu |
4 | Artocarpus integrifolia | Jackfruit; Halasu |
5 | Bombax ceiba | Buraga, Silk cotton |
6 | Careya arborea | Kumbia, Kaul |
7 | Caryota Urens | Palm |
8 | Cassia fistula | Kakke |
9 | Cordia myxa | Challe |
10 | Dendrocalamus giganteus | Dragon bamboo |
11 | Dillenia pentagyna | Kanigala |
12 | Dipterocarpus indicus | Dhuma, Vaalee mara, Maradenne, New Guinea rosewood |
13 | Diospyros ebenum | Indian Ebony; Abanasi; Bale |
14 | Emblica officinalis | Nelli; Gooseberry |
15 | Ficus bengalensis | Banyan |
16 | Ficus religiosa | Pipal |
17 | Ficus racemosa | Atti; Cluster fig |
18 | Garcinia indica | Kokam; Goa butter tree; punarpuli |
19 | Garcinia gummi-gutta | Garcinia cambogia; Malabar tamarind |
20 | Grewia tiliaefolia | Dhaman; Dadaslu |
21 | Gnetum edule | Navuru katte, Kodkamballi |
22 | Knema attenuata | Wild Nutmeg; Kaadu pinde |
23 | Litsea floribunda | Pattuthali |
24 | Madhuca indica | Hippi mara |
25 | Mallotus phillippensis | Kumkumadamara |
26 | Mangifera Indica | Mango |
27 | Meiogyne pannosa | Malabar Fingersop |
28 | Mimusops elengi | Bakula |
29 | Mucuna pruriens | Nasagunni kai |
30 | Myristica malabarica | Malabar Nutmeg; Kanage |
31 | Neolitsea cassia | Grey Bollywood, smooth-barb bollygum |
32 | Pongamia pinnata | Pongamia; Honge |
33 | Pterocarpus marsupium | Netra Honne |
34 | Saraca asoca | Ashoka mara |
35 | Spondias acuminata | Kaadmate |
36 | Syzygium Cumini | Jamun; Nerle |
37 | Tetrameles nudiflora | Kadu bende |
38 | Terminalia bellerica | Tare mara |
39 | Terminalia tomentosa | Indian Laurel |
40 | Tamarindus indica | Hunase |
41 | Vateria indica | White Damar; Indian Copal; Ganapathi kayi mara |
42 | Xylia Xylocarpa | Jamba |
43 | Zanthoxylum rhetsa | Jummina mara |
44 | Ziziphus rugosa | Mulla hannu, Kaare |
45 | Ziziphus oenoplia | Wild jujube |
Table 7 Grass species suggested for enriching barren lands for wildlife.
Sno | Species Name | Suitable habitat | Common name |
1 | Arundinella metzii | Open slopes | |
2 | Arundinella leptochloa | Slopes | |
3 | Brachiaria mutica | Moist regions | Para grass (cultivated) |
4 | Centotheca lappacea | Slight shades | |
5 | Chloris gayana | Rhodes grass (cultivated) | |
6 | Chrysopogon hackelii | Slopes | |
7 | Chrysopogon fulvus | Slopes | Ganjigorikahullu, Karada (Kan) |
8 | Coix lacryma-jobi | Wet, marshy areas | Job's tear grass |
9 | Cymbopogon caesius | Open dry slopes | |
10 | Cymbopogon sp. | Open dry slopes | |
11 | Dichanthium annulatum | Open moist | |
12 | Digitaria ciliaris | Moist shady | |
14 | Eleusine coracana | Open moist places, abandoned fields | Ragi |
15 | Eulalia trispicata | Slopes | |
16 | Heteropogon contortus | Open slopes | Spear grass |
17 | Panicum maximum | Moist regions | Guinea grass (cultivated) |
18 | Panicum auritum | River side, moist slopes | |
19 | Pennisetum purpureum | Banks of rivers, moist places | Napier grass (cultivated) |
20 | Saccharum spontaneum | Banks and wet places | Kan-kabbu |
21 | Sporobolus indicus | Dry regions | |
22 | Themeda tremula | Open slopes | |
23 | Themeda triandra | Open slopes |