Phosphorus Management and Eutrophication of Water Bodies
Lake Erie- A watershed under stress:
Susceptible for excessive algal growth of all the Great Lakes.Physical characteristics: smallest by volume and shallowest with mean depth < 20m.Warmest and most biologically productive,Maximum environmental stress from urbanisation, industrialization and agriculture and receives the highest loading of Phosphorus.Most populated, with over 11 million inhabitants,Recipient of the greatest amount of effluents from STP.Receives the most sediment loading due to the nature of underlying geology and land use.
Thermal Structure and Central Basin Hypolimnion Anoxia(Great Lakes Eutrophication)
Lake Erie anoxia tends to occur within the central basin hypolimnion in the area shaded in black.The anoxic area can be large or small.Phosphorus loading reductions has a long-term effect in improving water quality Weather - Thermal stratification influences hypolimnion anoxia. Hypolimnion thickness is generally less than 4m Longer stratification season influences development of hypolimnion anoxia