Dear Participants (who wanted yet another mail from us requesting for profile details)
CONGRATS! ![]() ![]() ![]() Best Wishes,
Dear Participants (who wanted yet another mail from us requesting for profile details)
I am yet to hear(with the profile details) from Mr.Rajesh Kalra Mr. Rohi Ram Dr.Aditya Rao Dr. G R Rao Dr.Chaturved Dr Vrijulal I am sending herewith e-version of the profile. Please mail us before 5 30 today. Best Wishes,
Dear All, Thank you all for participating in the GSDP course organised by ENVIS centres at IISc and EMPRI on behalf of MoEFCC. I am sure you all have gone back to your regular active life with the enhanced knowledge and urge to serve India through the acquired skills. We wish you all the success and hope you would participate in Lake 2018 biennial symposium, 22-25 Nov 2018. Details at Appreciate, you could send mail us - (i) profile as per the template (ii) your district spatial data layers with the attribute information. Those who complete the respective district's spatial data will receive GSDP participation certificate. Best Wishes,
Dear All, Appreciate you filling the details as per the template attached. Please add your name, while saving the file and then mail to me - IISc_GSDP_ PROFILE_NAME Best Wishes,
Dear Candidate, Welcome to Green Skill Development programme of The Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change, Government of India. Thank you for your interest to learn basic concepts of ecosystems, valuation, green GDP, etc. This programme is being organised at CCE Lecture Hall (Next To NESARA Restaurant, Next To IISc Students Hostel Office, behind IISc Main Library, about 400 m from IISc Main Gate) during 5 August (Sunday) to 19 August 2018 jointly by ENVIS Centres at IISc and EMPRI, Bangalore. Please note the following (there are 13 points): 1. All Outstation Participants (who have asked for accommodation at IISc campus and EPTRI Colleagues) have been accommodated at IISC Centenary Visitors House (CVH). Location of CVH and CCE Lecture Hall is marked in IISc Map is available online at Warm regards,
Pavitra Nayak, EMPRI
Dear Selected Applicants,
In continuation with the e-mail sent on 25th July 2018, this is a second reminder mail regarding commencement dates for GSDP course on “Valuation of ecosystem goods and services” that it would start from 5th to 19th August 2018.” Venue of course: CCE Lecture Hall [behind JRD Tata Library (Main Library), Next to IISc Students’ Hostel and Nesara Restaurant], IISc Campus. Accommodation for Outstation Participants: This will be arranged on twin sharing basis at IISc Centenary Visitors house [CVH], IISc Campus, Bangalore and food is also arranged for the participants from our side (details provided in the attachment).
The detailed schedule of the programme is attached for your information with this mail. IISC_EMPRI_GSDP-SCHEDULE note: As we could observe only a few candidates replied to the mail with their queries, kindly confirm your participation to attend the GSDP programme by acknowledging to this mail positively by tomorrow afternoon. But, in case you are not able to attend, please inform us so that we can provide an opportunity to other candidates who are on the waiting list. Warm regards,
Dr. K.H. Vinayakumar, IFS
CCF and Director, EMPRI
Dear Selected Applicants,
In continuation with the e-mail sent on 25th July 2018, this is a second reminder mail regarding commencement dates for GSDP course on “Valuation of ecosystem goods and services” that it would start from 5th to 19th August 2018.” Venue of course: CCE Lecture Hall [behind JRD Tata Library (Main Library), Next to IISc Students’ Hostel and Nesara Restaurant], IISc Campus. Accommodation for Outstation Participants: This will be arranged on twin sharing basis at IISc Centenary Visitors house [CVH], IISc Campus, Bangalore and food is also arranged for the participants from our side (details provided in the attachment).
The detailed schedule of the programme is attached for your information with this mail. IISC_EMPRI_GSDP-SCHEDULE note: As we could observe only a few candidates replied to the mail with their queries, kindly confirm your participation to attend the GSDP programme by acknowledging to this mail positively by tomorrow afternoon. But, in case you are not able to attend, please inform us so that we can provide an opportunity to other candidates who are on the waiting list. Warm regards,
Dr. K.H. Vinayakumar, IFS
CCF and Director, EMPRI
Dear participants,
I am directed to inform you all, that there is a slight change in the commence date of the GSDP course on “Valuation of ecosystem goods and services” .i.e. instead of 3rdto 17th August 2018 Now, it is re- scheduled from 5th to 19th August 2018.
(Note: due to non-availability of accomdation facility).
Venue and Accommodation details remain the same.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Warm regards,
Dr. Pavithra Nayak
Dear applicants,
Thank you for your interest to apply in the capacity building programme of GSDP funded by MoEF&CC, GoI. In receipt of your application for the course module on “Valuation of ecosystem services” would like to intimate that batch size of 25 have been selected in the selection committee meeting through initial scrutiny process held on 18th June 2018.
However, we regret to inform you that we could not select the following candidates for the course:
Best wishes for your future plans.
Thanking you,
(Dr. K.H. Vinayakumar, IFS)
CCF and Director, EMPRI
Dear Applicants,
Thank you for your interest to apply in the capacity building programme of GSDP funded by MoEF&CC, GoI. In receipt of your application for the course module on “Valuation of ecosystem services” would like to intimate that batch size of 25 have been selected in the selection committee meeting through initial scrutiny process held on 18th June 2018.
The below mentioned are the selected candidates:
The course will commence in the month of August, 2018 and exact dates of course will be shortly intimated to all the selected participants once the accommodation facilities are confirmed.
Applicants in the waiting list will be opted in case of dropout in the selected list.
The below mentioned are the waiting list candidates:
Thanking you,
(Dr. K.H. Vinayakumar, IFS)
CCF and Director, EMPRI
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