The Impact of Spatial Parameters on Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions:
A Comparative Study between Cities in China and India
Sun Sheng Han, Yuan Qing Wang, T.V. Ramachandra, Subash Bo Qin
Energy & Wetlands Research Group, Center for Ecological Sciences [CES], Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore – 560 012, INDIA,
*Corresponding author: T.V. Ramachandra, cestvr@ces.iisc.ernet.in
Rearranging urban spatial parameters, such as land-use mix and
transportation, could reduce CO2 emission because urban form influences
the volume of CO2 generated by households. This influence is
felt in part through the design and density of residential buildings,
which foster different energy consumption behaviour. Another part
relates to lower transport energy use (Moriarty, 2002; Troy, Holloway,
Pullen, & Bunker, 2003). The reduction could be more significant as
the transportation sector alone contributes to a quarter of greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions in some cities (Stead, 1999). Despite the
general recognition that land-use change can influence the use of
certain transportation modes (Ewing & Cervero, 2001), and that the
reduction of travel and modal split are relevant to GHG emission
control (Department of Infrastructure, 2001), two major questions
remain to be answered: (1) How do urban spatial parameters affect
household CO2 emissions?; and (2) What urban planning policies can be introduced to change these parameters?
Citation : Sun Sheng Han, Yuan Qing Wang, T. V. Ramachandra and Bo Qin, 2015. The Impact of Spatial Parameters on Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions: A Comparative Study between Cities in China and India [ARCP2011-07CMY-HAN], APN Science Bulletin, Issue 8, March 2015, Pp 6-7.