Results and Discussion
Spatiotemporal Land-Use Changes
Temporal land-use analyses reveal the decline of forest cover in
Karnataka from 1985 to 2019 (Fig. 3).
Currently, 15% of the State’s geographical area is under forests
compared with 21% in 1985. Large-scale developmental activities
such as the construction of a series of reservoirs and dams,
creation of special economic zones, townships, land conversion
for built-up areas have led to the loss of large tracts of
forests. The abrupt land-use conversion has resulted in a loss
of productive agriculture lands near the cities such as
Bengaluru, Mysore, Hubli-Dharwad, Shimoga, etc. The districts
such as Kodagu, Uttara Kannada, Bengaluru, Shimoga, Belgaum,
Dakshina Kannada, and Chikmagalur have been experiencing a
large-scale land cover due to the unplanned developmental
activities. Post-1990s, the state witnessed large-scale land-use
transitions due to industrialization, urbanization, an increase
of horticulture crops, conversion from agriculture to
market-based crops (higher economic), etc.
Table 5 Vehicle details of Karnataka
Division (JCT) |
Area (km2) |
Two-wheeler |
Car |
Tractor |
Truck |
Bus |
Taxi |
Auto |
Other vehicles |
Shimoga |
38,459.99 |
1,174,399 |
74,474 |
141,372 |
56,292 |
22,083 |
18,538 |
47,184 |
24,055 |
Belgaum |
54,488.08 |
1,343,729 |
157,265 |
98,754 |
57,899 |
17,952 |
21,353 |
51,520 |
31,274 |
Kalburgi |
44,140.98 |
1,714,243 |
262,872 |
151,226 |
101,795 |
24,939 |
43,036 |
83,077 |
54,259 |
Mysore |
27,828.62 |
2,136,040 |
166,668 |
265,345 |
102,511 |
44,927 |
30,955 |
71,196 |
40,006 |
Bangalore Rural |
22,333.5 |
4,186,111 |
1,188,284 |
17,439 |
197,462 |
88,731 |
105,421 |
203,787 |
71,955 |
Bangalore Urban |
4492.67 |
1,109,947 |
96,344 |
108,718 |
45,003 |
14,318 |
22,230 |
45,890 |
18,589 |
AADT (km) |
10,000 |
15,000 |
5000 |
30,000 |
60,000 |
30,000 |
40,000 |
12,600 |
Table 6 CO2, CH4, and N2O
EF for different type of
Type of Vehicle |
(g/km) |
(g/km) |
(g/km) |
Two-wheeler |
27.79 |
0.18 |
0.002 |
Car |
164.22 |
0.17 |
0.005 |
Taxis |
164.22 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
Bus |
567.03 |
0.09 |
0.03 |
Auto |
64.16 |
0.18 |
0.002 |
Truck |
799.95 |
0.09 |
0.03 |
Tractor |
515.2 |
0.09 |
0.03 |
Other Vehicles |
273.46 |
0.09 |
0.03 |
Fig. 3 Spatiotemporal land-use changes in
Karnataka. Source AuthorThe forest cover now is
confined to major conservation reserves such as protected areas,
national parks, wildlife sanctuaries. The built-up cover has
increased from
0.47 to 3% from 1985 to 2019 causing an impact on agriculture,
forest, and lakes (Fig. 4). This
necessitates the sustainable land-use policies to arrest
deforestation and abrupt land conversions.
Fig. 4 Land-use dynamics in Karnataka during
(1985–2019). Source Author4.2 Carbon
Sequestration Potential of Forest Ecosystems in Karnataka
The field data supplemented with data from published literatures
were used to compute per hectare biomass across various types of
forests in Karnataka. The anal- yses of the above ground biomass
show that the grids in the Western Ghats part of Karnataka have
higher AGB > 1000 Gg (Giga gram). The grids of evergreen
forested areas represent the greater values of biomass compared
with the other forest types. The total AGB of forests is about
1013.7 Tg (Teragram) with stored carbon of 506.8 Tg (in 1985),
which is now reduced to 678 Tg and 339 Tg, respectively (2019).
The temporal decline of AGB values in the districts of Kodagu,
Shimoga, Uttara Kannada, and Dakshina Kannada is due to
anthropogenic pressure (Fig. 5). The
Mysore Chamrajnagara and Bellary districts also reflect a
decline in AGB values during 2005–2019. The districts of Uttara
Kannada, Kodagu, Udupi, Chikkamagaluru with relatively higher
forest cover have higher carbon sequestration compared to the
other parts of the state. The temporal decline in carbon
sequestration is due to the deforestation and land degradations
due to the sustained anthropogenic pressures (Fig. 6). The annual increment in
carbon from forests depicts the grids of Western Ghats has
higher increment (>20 Gg) compared with other parts of the
state due to less disturbances (Fig. 7). The temporal changes in
incremental biomass and carbon highlight the decline of forest
cover. The districts such as Shimoga, Mysore, Bellary have lower
incremental biomass and carbon values due to deforestation with
the rapid land-use changes (Fig. 8).
Temporal BGB highlights the decline from 275 Tg (1989) to 180 Tg
(2019). The grids consisting of evergreen forests (of Western
Ghats) show higher values of >600 Gg SOC, while other regions
are with relatively lower values (Fig. 9). The loss of forest cover has
degraded the SOC potential and the region is exposed to the
sunlight resulting in emissions. The incremental BGB is
estimated to understand the increment during 1989–2019, which
further confirm of variations (Fig. 10). The districts such as
Uttara Kannada, Kodagu, Dakshina Kannada forests

Fig. 5 Temporal AGB in forest areas of Karnataka.
Source Author
Fig. 6 Temporal variation in carbon sequestration
for forest areas of Karnataka. Source Authorhave
grids expressing moderate incremental BGB of greater than 6 Gg
compared with other districts across the state.
In order to protect the land under greening initiatives and to
sustain market demand for the timber, Karnataka forest
department has implemented monoculture plan- tations in the
state. The AGB, BGB, and their carbon values were accounted to
understand the role of plantations in carbon sequestration apart
from arresting land degradations. The total carbon has been
estimated based on the AGB and BGB values as a sum of forest and
forest plantations biomass. Figures 11 and 12 show the AGB
Fig. 7 Annual increment in AGB in forest from 1989
to 2019. Source Author
Fig. 8 Annual increment in forest carbon from 1989
to 2019. Source Authorfor forest and plantations
accounted to 1056.90 Tg with carbon sequestration of
528.45 Tg (in 1985), which is now reduced to 732.83 Tg and
366.41Tg, respectively. Figure 13 shows
BGB from forest plantation and agriculture areas across the
state accounted to 275.43 (1985), which is now reduced to 180.54
Tg. The plantations though not shown any significant
contribution of ecosystem services compared with
Fig. 9 BGB across the forests of Karnataka from
1989 to 2019. Source Author
Fig. 10 Incremental BGB values in Forests of
Karnataka. Source Authorthe forest, but supported in
sequestration. The Uttara Kannada grids have significant AGB and BGB
Total AGB and BGB from forests are about 782.1 Tg (1985), which
is reduced to 519.36 Tg (2019) due to LU conversions (Fig. 14). The total carbon
sequestration from forest plantation and agriculture areas
together is about 1289.1 Tg (1985) and
858.48 Tg (2019) due to changes in LU with the burgeoning
anthropogenic pressures.
Fig. 11 Total AGB of Karnataka from 1985 to 2019.
Source Author
Fig. 12 Total carbon from AGB of Karnataka from
1985 to 2019. Source AuthorFigure 15 depicts the loss of carbon
sequestration of 433.43 Tg during 1985–2019 in the forest,
plantation, and agriculture sectors. The loss of 264 Tg carbon
sequestration potential during 1985–2019 emphasizes the need for
prudent management activities to curb the forest loss and
improvement of carbon sequestration (Fig. 16). The grids covered in districts
of Bellary, Mysore, Chamarajanagar, Uttara Kannada, Kodagu have
witnessed higher transitions in carbon sequestration potential.
Fig. 13 Total carbon from BGB of Karnataka from
1985 to 2019. Source Author
Fig. 14 Total carbon from AGB and BGB of Karnataka
from 1985 to 2019. Source AuthorQuantification
of Carbon Emissions in Karnataka
The carbon emissions from various sectors including livestock,
agriculture, and industries for the year 2019 were accounted to
be 150.65 Tg. The energy and trans- portation are a major source
of emissions in Karnataka, highlight the necessity of mitigative
interventions. Figure 17 highlights
major contributions from industrial
Fig. 15 Loss in carbon sequestration of forests
from 1985 to 2019. Source Author
Fig. 16 Loss in carbon sequestration from forests,
plantations, agriculture sectors (1985–2019).
Source Author
Fig. 17 CO2 emission from various
sources in Karnataka. Source Authoractivities (29%),
energy generation (28%), transportation (25%), and paddy culti-
vation (13%). Large-scale industries having the capacity of greater
than 20,000 tons and covering various sectors of cement,
petrochemical, steel, paper mills, etc., were considered and the
total emission is about 42,995.93 Gg. The energy sector contributes
to emissions of 42,731 Gg from thermal—and diesel-based power gener-
ation. The residue available from the agriculture sector has been
quantified, which shows the northern districts of the state have
higher residues greater than 6000 tons per year, and the emissions
respective residue burning account to greater than 1 Gg. Emissions
due to the crop residue burning are about 2222.25 Gg (Fig. 18).
Considering the contribution of crop burning to atmospheric
pollution as well as likely increase in GHG, there is a need to
prohibit this practice of crop residue burning unless the
burning is for the purpose of disease control or the elimination
of plant pests, the disposal of straw stack remains or broken
bales, for education or research. Retention of crop residues in
the respective agricultural field after harvesting is an
effective antierosion measure. The crop residue has alternative
uses such as fodder, ethanol production, energy, paper and pulp
industry, manure, etc. Barriers to commercial utilization of
crop residues include dispersed generation, transportation cost,
etc. However, with the incentive and support from the government
would help in the conversion of agricultural residues to viable
products while mitigating carbon emissions from burning. Figure
19 gives the distribution of
livestock in Belgaum, Yadgir, Hassan, Mysore, Haveri, and Tumkur
districts. The emission from livestock assessed for enteric
fermentation and manure is about 2963 Gg. The farmers are
growing paddy in all the districts and the larger area under
paddy is in North Karnataka districts (Fig. 20). CH4 emissions
associated with paddy cultivation are about 19,215

Fig. 18 Residue quantity and emission from
agriculture sector. Source Author
Fig. 19 Livestock population and its emission. Source Author
Gg (CO2 equivalent) and Bagalkot, Raichur, Bellary,
Gadag, Gulbarga districts have higher contributions toward
emission from the livestock sector.
The emission due to the fuelwood burning in the domestic sector
of a rural household is about 1138 Gg and Fig. 21 illustrates that Belgaum,
Udupi, Dakshina Kannada, Kodagu, and Dharwad districts are with
the higher fuelwood consumption (Fig. 21). The waste generated in
households of Karnataka state is about 2,91,451 tons per year,
which contributes emissions of 3886.72 Gg. Figure 22 demonstrates that major
cities (Bangalore, Mangalore, Mysore, Dharwad) and towns
Fig. 20 Paddy grown in Karnataka and its associated
emission. Source Author
Fig. 21 Fuelwood consumption and its associated
emission. Source Author
Fig. 22 Waste generated from households and its
emission. Source AuthorBellary, Tumkur) of the state
contribute significantly to the emission. due to indis- criminate
disposal. Wastewater generated in urban areas is either partially
treated or untreated and is discharged to the water bodies. Figure
23 presents the emission from wastewater
indicating higher emissions from the major cities. Emissions from
the transportation sector include CO2, CO, NOx,
CH4, SO2, PM, HC, which accounts to 38,440.56
Gg. Figure 24 illustrates the spatial
distribution of emission from the transport sector in Karnataka with
the major contributions from Bangalore, Kolar, Chikballapur, Tumkur
and Mysore districts due to higher number of vehicles.
Ratio (CR) or Carbon Status in Karnataka
The carbon status of a region or carbon ratio (CR) refers to the
ratio of sequestered carbon in the ecosystems to emissions
aggregated from all sectors or activities. CR values greater
than 1 indicate carbon sequestration higher than emissions.
Grid- wise carbon sequestration and emission were computed for
2019. Figure 25a and b give the
grid-wise carbon sequestration and emissions during 2019. The
annual sequestered carbon is about 16.1 Tg, while emission is
150.65 Tg, which highlights about 11% of the emission is
sequestered by forest ecosystems in Karnataka. The districts or
grids in the Western Ghats region have good sequestration
potential with the least emissions compared with other regions.
High carboemitting districts include Bangalore, Mysore, Dharwad,
Bellary, and Raichur. CR ratio computed grid wise is
Fig. 23 Emission from domestic waste water. Source Author
Fig. 24 Emission from transport sector.
Source Author
Fig. 25 Annual carbon sequestration and emission of
Karnataka. Source Authordepicted in Fig. 26 highlights of CR > 1 for grids
covered in the districts of Uttara Kannada, Kodagu, part of Dakshina
Kannada, and Udupi. The other grids are with lower CR ( 0)
indicating carbon-negative situation.
The study emphasizes the need to evolve appropriate policies to
decarbonize through prudent afforestation policies to mitigate
emissions. Afforestation with native species will not only aid
in the carbon sequestration but also enhances hydro- logical and
food security services, evident from the existence of perennial
streams in the catchments dominated by native species compared
with the seasonal or intermit- tent streams in either degraded
catchments or catchments dominated by monoculture plantations.
Also, due to pollination services with the presence of diverse
pollinators, the crop productivity in agriculture is higher
compared with the degraded landscapes highlighting the linkages
of water availability, food security, and carbon security with
the land cover dynamics.
for Carbon Mitigation
The strategies for carbon mitigation covering local and global
perspectives would aid in framing prudent policies toward the
sustainability of natural resources. Realizing the increase in
greenhouse gas emissions due to the accelerated deforestation
process has necessitated the measures toward adaptation and
mitigation strategies for global
Fig. 26 Carbon ratio for the year 2019.
Source Authorwarming and climate change. Conference
of the Parties (refer to the countries) signed up to the 1992 United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Kyoto Protocol was
the first global initiative proposed at 3rd Conference of Parties
(COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) in 1997 to curb deforestation and promote forest
conservation (Humphreys, 2008). During the 21st COP at Paris 170
countries committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit the
global temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 F) above
preindustrial levels by the year 2100. In this regard, India pledged
that 40% of power capacity would be based on nonfossil fuel sources
and of creating an additional “carbon sink” of 2.5–3 billion tonnes
of carbon dioxide equivalent through additional forest and tree
cover by 2030.
Reduced Emissions of Deforestation (RED) has emerged as an
initiative for conservation in 2005 at 11th COP meeting to
support developing countries. REDD materialized at the 18th COP
proposed to offer incentives for the conservation and
enhancement of the forest carbon stock and the sustainable
management of forests in 2012. REDD has been playing a
significant role in forest conservation while addressing
challenges and supporting direct/indirect costs involved in
forest manage- ment [14]. REDD ,
while providing economic benefits to the local communities, has
improved natural resource management in developing countries and
is a form of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES). The
conservation, sustainable manage- ment of forests, and
enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries have
been achieved with the marketing of carbon credits under the
voluntary carbon standard systems through a technical procedure
[27]. Carbon trading is an effective
measure toward payment for ecological services, such as forest
conservation, which has been established based on a rigorous
valuation of these ecosystem services to encourage afforestation
in a larger scale and support community livelihoods, which are
at the greatest risk due to LULC change and its associated
impacts. The annual sequestered carbon in forest ecosystems of
Karnataka is about 16.1 Tg, which as per carbon trading accounts
to be INR 34 billion ($0.5 billion) at carbon trading of INR
2142 ($30) per tonne, which highlights the scope for higher
carbon credits with refor- estation of degraded landscapes. In
this regard, the Government of India came up with CAMPA
(Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning
Authority) to compensate for the loss of forest area and to
maintain sustainability. The act emphasized of ecological
compensation based on net present value (NPV) for the loss of
forest ecosystem, while implementing developmental projects.
Although policies to implement adaptation and mitigation measures
may be estab- lished at a global, national, or regional level,
the consequences of climate change and the necessary adaptation
have to be undertaken locally. The management options to
minimize the impact of climate change include: promotion of
reduced use of fossil fuels and development of clean energy;
efficient use of water resources; developing low-cost
sustainable technologies; improving health care and pest
control; devel- oping and using drought-resistant crops;
constructing disaster-resistant buildings and infrastructure.
Renewable energy sources include solar power, wind, waste to
energy, are to be promoted through incentivized mechanism across
all levels. The creation of people’s nurseries under benefit
sharing in accordance with the various forest regulations and
provisions and Forest Dweller’s Act, 2006, is recommended to get
location-specific species saplings would enhance the rural
employment oppor- tunities. The fencing of blocks of forest
lands with basal areas of less than 15 sq. m each, for minimum
periods of 8–10 years, will prevent the entry of domestic cattle
and humans into these protected blocks and pave the way for
natural regeneration of especially native species of plants.
Carbon reduction is achieved by promoting alternative materials
of least carbon footprint, efficient recycling technologies, and
remanufacturing as well as recovering the virgin materials.
Increased emphasis on research, education, training, and
awareness needs to be provided to the employees to make aware
all advanced/alternative energy technologies for reducing
emission through nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and
public–private participation.