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SESSION-14: Sustainable Water Resource Management and Water Resources
Policy / Coastal Ecosystem
PAPER-6: Distribution of Faecal Coliforms in Two Selected Estuarine Wetlands of
Dakshina Kannada along Karnataka Coast
Shashikumar, K. C., Rekha, P. D. and Madhyastha M. N.*
Estuaries are one among the coastal wetlands, which are most diverse, highly productive systems and with dynamic biological components. Faecal indicator bacteria, being one among the biological communities in these coastal wetlands are quite often being used as a water criteria index and estuarine hygiene status. Their quantification is used to define the water quality and extent of faecal contamination in many wetland systems. The MPN index of indicator faecal organisms including Escherchia coli and Faecal streptococci have been analysed in two estuarine wetlands of Dakshina Kannada along Kamataka coast for a period of two years. Moderate to low MPN index values of total faecal coliforms, E. coli and F. streptococci were recorded with latter being the lowest. Clear demarcation from estuarine mouth to head was observed indicating faecal coliforms are not better survivors in high saline waters. Premonsoon increase in the coliform load indicated the direct influence of anthropogenic discharges into these systems. The faecal index, a qualitative pollution index was calculated and like other coastal wetlands systems, Its applicability in these estuaries is uncertain. Distribution of coliforms was not much influenced by the environmental parameters studied, however, BOD and nitrate levels ,have shown some significant influences. Holistic approach is needed to preserve the sanitation of these systems and the biological integrity in its pristine conditions and may helpful in fishery economy. Present paper also deals with some recommendations for the better management of coastal wetlands.
Address: |
Department of Biosciences,
Mangalore University,
*Chemical Engineering Department,
National Institute of Technology, Karnataka,
Surathkal, India.