Course URL :   
Environmental Management

Procedure to apply :

The application procedure is outlined below.

  1. Course: Environmental Management
  1. Complete and return the application form

Applicants must also submit curriculum vitae along with the application form to the below mentioned Centre for Continuing Education address, which should include the description of  current work, if employed or their specialization. An outline of individual project: especially skills likely to gain in the course and how it will be applied in a project that will be helpful in future career. The CCE must receive all applications before 5th August 2010. Successful applicants will be informed by ­­­20th August 2010.

Send your application form (on or before 5th August 2010) to:

Deputy Registrar
Centre for Continuing Education,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, INDIA
Phone: 91 080 22932491, Fax: 91 080 23600911
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