Course URL :   
Environmental Management

Course Fee and the mode of payment :

Course Fee:

  • Rs 10000  for participants nominated from academic institutions and government agencies.
  • Rs. 8000 for ISTE Members – with work experience of  5 years as teaching faculty and nominated from academic institutions
  • Rs. 5000 for unemployed women graduates and weaker sections (including SCs/STs)
  • Rs.15,000 for participants from industries and independent consultants

Number of registrants is restricted to 50 students. Admission is based on first come, first serve basis. Along with the application, the course fee has to be sent in the form of DD only. DD to be drawn in favor of  ' Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore ', payable at Bangalore.

Accommodation: Limited single room accommodation is available on the campus. The lodging charges will be Rs.150 per day, subject to availability of the accommodation. The participants have to request in advance along with the registration form for accommodation (for introductory session of five days during September 2010 and Final session of three days during December 2010).

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