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Session8: Restoration methodologies and conservation strategies

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Chairman: Dr. Peeter Noges & Dr. M. A. Khan

Conservation Values of Wetlands in Sharavathi River Basin

Sreekantha, Rajinikanth R. and Ramachandra T.V. 


The wetlands are regarded as direct or indirect life supporting system of millions of people in a diverse way. Increased anthropogenic activities over time have significantly contributed to the deterioration of these lakes. The catchment area of Sharavathi river basin has treasured numerous small ponds with varying use potential. The present study was carried out in four lakes Kaspadi, Ulluru, Govatooru and Nagara to analyze the present status of these wetlands and assign conservation values in terms of their direct and indirect benefits. These lakes are mainly used for irrigation purposes. The study found that despite the irrigation, groundwater recharge and other benefits, they are being neglected by the local people and the concerned authorities. Due to negligence and callousness in addition to lack of appropriate conservation and management measures these lakes are on the verge of extinction.  This study is an attempt to quantify the conservation values based upon the direct and indirect benefits from each irrigation tank.

Address: Energy & Wetlands Research Group,
Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore-560 012, Karnataka, India 
Phone: 080- 3600985 / 3092506
Fax: 91-80-3601428 / 3600085 /3600683{CES-TVR}
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