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Session8: Restoration methodologies and conservation strategies

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Chairman: Dr. Peeter Noges & Dr. M. A. Khan

Our role in restoring lakes and waterbodies

Aravind V.


Nature has been nourishing a number of species in aquatic systems and water bodies are one of the main systems. Restoration methods should be on par with the natural ways and means. That is, the process of maintaining an acceptable level of cleanliness and sustaining the different species dependent on the lake must not be interfered with chemical and industrial processes. Considering the present state of depletion it is impossible to ignore the pollution caused by man (UN) kind and expect the nature to reset itself. Nature has not allotted any definite role in the food chain for man, but I feel man is just equipped to extend a helping hand to the Mother Nature wherever required. The issue has to be tackled with deftness and a disciplined approach will guide us through the future. It is very natural of humans to opt for an easy life and it seems like the whole world is proceeding towards becoming big cities and prime real estate. This has led to habitat loss for a number of plants, animals and birds. Population explosion has added to the woes. Therefore it is important to evolve restoration methods that are universally applicable. A success formula for restoration is desirable for rapid action and speedy recovery of the lakes all over the country. In present paper some views on restoration is presented.

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