Our Group Work
- Asulabha K. S., Sincy V., Jaishanker R. and Ramachandra T. V. 2018. Algal diversity in urban lakes of
Vrishabhavathi Valley, Greater Bangalore. LAKE 2018: Conference on Conservation and Sustainable
Management of Riverine Ecosystems, 1-17.
- Asulabha K.S., Sincy V., & Ramachandra T.V. (2016). Phytoplankton dynamics in Bengaluru sewage fed
lakes. Proceedings of Kerala Environment Congress 2016: Vinod TR, Sabu T, Thrivikramji KP,
BabuAmbat (Eds.). Published by Centre for Environment and Development, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,
India. 47.
- Asulabha, K.S., Jaishanker, R., Sincy, V., & Ramachandra, T.V. (2022). Diversity of phytoplankton in
lakes of Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Biodiversity Challenges - A Way Forward (pp. 147-178). Daya
Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Asulabha, K.S., Sincy, V., & Ramachandra, T.V., 2014, Aquatic biological diversity of Greater
Bangalore Wetlands. Proceedings of the Lake 2014: Conference on Conservation and Sustainable
Management of Wetland Ecosystems in Western Ghats.
- Asulabha, K.S., Sincy, V., Jaishanker R., & Ramachandra, T.V. (2018). Micro algal diversity in
select lakes of Vrishabhavathi valley, Greater Bangalore. International Conference on Water
Resources (ICWR-2018) 15th -17th March 2018, Dept. of Environmental
Sciences & Dept. of Geology University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum, India.
- Benjamin, R., Chakrapani, B.K., Devashish, K., Nagarathna, A.V. and Ramachandra, T.V., 1996. Fish
mortality in Bangalore lakes, India. Electronic Green Journal, 1(6).
- Ramachandra T. V., Sincy, V., Asulabha, K. S., Bhat, S. P., and Rahaman, M. F., Recurring fish mortality
episodes in Bangalore lakes: Sign of irresponsible and fragmented governance. ENVIS Technical Report
105, EWRG, CES, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2016.
- Ramachandra T.V., Asulabha K.S., Sincy V., Bhat S.P. and Aithal B.H., 2015. Wetlands: Treasure of
Bangalore, ENVIS Technical Report 101, Energy & Wetlands Research Group, CES, IISc, Bangalore,
- Ramachandra T.V., Sincy V., & Asulabha K.S. (2020). Efficacy of rejuvenation of lakes in Bengaluru,
India. Green Chemistry & Technology Letters, 6(1), 14-26.
- Ramachandra, T. V., Sudarshan, P. B., Mahesh, M. K. and Vinay, S., 2018. Spatial patterns of heavy metal
accumulation in sediments and macrophytes of Bellandur wetland, Bangalore. Journal of Environmental
Management, 206, 1204-1210.
- Ramachandra, T.V., Asulabha, K.S., & Lone, A.A. (2014). Nutrient enrichment and proliferation of
invasive macrophytes in urban lakes. Journal of Biodiversity, 5(1-2), 33-44.
- Ramachandra, T.V., Asulabha, K.S., & Sincy, V. (2021). Phosphate loading and foam formation in urban
lakes. G P Globalize Research Journal of Chemistry, 5(1), 33 - 52.
- Ramachandra, T.V., Mahapatra, D.M., Bhat, S.P., Asulabha, K.S., Varghese, S. and Aithal, B.H.,
2014. Integrated wetlands ecosystem: Sustainable model to mitigate water crisis in Bangalore. ENVIS
Technical Report 76, Environmental Information System, CES, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- Ramachandra, T.V., Sincy, V., Asulabha, K.S., Mahapatra, D.M., Bhat, S.P. and Aithal, B.H., 2018.
Optimal Treatment of Domestic Wastewater through Constructed Wetlands. Journal of Biodiversity,
9(1-2): 81-102. DOI: 10.31901/24566543.2018/09.1-2.077
- Ramachandra, T.V., Sudarshan, P., Vinay, S., Asulabha, K.S., & Varghese, S., (2020a). Nutrient and
heavy metal composition in select biotic and abiotic components of Varthur wetlands, Bangalore, India.
SN Applied Sciences, 2(8), 1-14.
- Sincy, V., Asulabha, K.S., & Ramachandra, T.V. (2016). Bio-monitoring of lentic ecosystems through
zooplanktons. Proceedings of the Kerala Environment Congress - 2016, 28th &
29th November, 2016, Energy Management Centre - Kerala Thiruvananthapuram
- Sincy, V., Asulabha, K.S., Jaishanker, R., & Ramachandra, T.V. (2018). Ichthyo-diversity in sewage
fed lentic ecosystems of Bangalore. ICWR-2018, Dept. of Environmental Sciences & Dept. of Geology
University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India.
- Sincy, V., Asulabha, K.S., Vinay, S., Vishnu, D.M., Srikanth, N., Subashchandran, M.D. and Ramachandra,
T.V. 2016. Ecological status of lotic ecosystem in kans and non-kans of central Western Ghats.
Proceedings Lake 2016: Conservation and Sustainable Management of Ecologically Sensitive Regions in
Western Ghats, 195-208.
- Sincy, V., Jaishanker, R., Asulabha, K.S., & Ramachandra, T.V. (2022). Ichthyofauna diversity in
relation to water quality of lakes of Bangalore, Karnataka. Biodiversity Challenges - A Way Forward (pp.
115-146). Daya Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Nasser, K. M., & Sureshkumar, S. (2015). Altitudinal Variations in Diversity and Taxonomic
Distinctness of Microalgae in Chalakudi River, flowing through the Biodiversity Hotspot, Western Ghats,
India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 4(5),
- Suresh, A., Kumar, R. P., Dhanasekaran, D., & Thajuddin, N. (2012). Biodiversity of microalgae in
Western and Eastern Ghats, India. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS, 15(19),
- Manoj, B. S., Sushma, C. M., & Karosiya, A. (2018). Western Ghats terrestrial microalgae serve as a
source of amylase and antioxidants enzymes. Journal of Pharmacognosy and
Phytochemistry, 7, 1555-1560.
- Sureshkumar, P., & Thomas, J. (2020). Exploring the distinctiveness of biomass and biomolecules from
limnic microalgae of unexplored waters of Noyyal River, Western Ghats, for exploitation. Environmental
Science and Pollution Research, 27(18), 23309-23322.
- Nasser, K. M., & Sureshkumar, S. (2013). Interaction between microalgal species richness and
environmental variables in Peringalkuthu Reservoir, Western Ghats, Kerala. Journal of Environmental
Biology, 34(6), 1001.
- Khanolkar, J. A., & Deshmukh, S. V. (2013). Biodiversity of microalgal species identified from
Western Ghats of Maharashtra as a potential source for development of bioproducts. Dynamics of
Mangrove Ecosystem, 32.
- Rajasekar, C., & Rajendran, A. (2018). Prey composition of Utricularia striatula
Sm.(Lentibulariaceae): Lithophytic carnivore Southern Western Ghats, India. International Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 6, 382-388.
- Kumar, P. S., & Thomas, J. (2019). Seasonal distribution and population dynamics of limnic
microalgae and their association with physico-chemical parameters of river Noyyal through multivariate
statistical analysis. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-14.
- Rajeshwari, K. R., & Rajashekhar, M. (2011). Biochemical composition of seven species of
cyanobacteria isolated from different aquatic habitats of Western Ghats, Southern India. Brazilian
Archives of Biology and Technology, 54(5), 849-857.
- Ambika, H. D., & Krishnamurthy, S. R. (2018). Algal flora of barks of tropical forests of Western
Ghats-Perspectives of research. The Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 97(3&4),
- Sharathchandra, K., & Rajashekhar, M. (2013). Antioxidant activity in the four species of
cyanobacteria isolated from a sulfur spring in the Western Ghats of Karnataka. The International
Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 4(1), 275-285.
- Usmani, M. A., Suseela, M. R., Toppo, K., & Sheikh, S. (2016). Algal Diversity in Different Habitats
from Northern Region of Idukki District, Kerala, India. The Journal of Indian Botanical Society,
95(1&2), 28-36.
- Gusev, E., Karthick, B., Martynenko, N., Shkurina, N., & Kulikovskiy, M. (2021). Cryptomonas indica
sp. nov.(Cryptophyceae: Cryptomonadales), a new species described from the Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa,
518(4), 261-270.
- Narchonai, G., Arutselvan, C., LewisOscar, F., & Thajuddin, N. (2019). Deciphering the microalgal
diversity and water quality assessment of two urban temple ponds in Pondicherry, India. Biocatalysis
and Agricultural Biotechnology, 22, 101427.
- Miranda, J., & Krishnakumar, G. (2015). Microalgal diversity in relation to the physicochemical
parameters of some Industrial sites in Mangalore, South India. Environmental monitoring and
assessment, 187(11), 1-25.
- Binoy, T. T., & Ray, J. G. (2016). Diversity and Ecology of Diatoms in Oxic Dystrustepts soils under
three different vegetation of the Western Ghats, Kerala, South India. Journal of Ecology, 111,
- Ratha, S. K., Prasanna, R., Gupta, V., Dhar, D. W., & Saxena, A. K. (2012). Bioprospecting and
indexing the microalgal diversity of different ecological habitats of India. World Journal of
Microbiology and Biotechnology, 28(4), 1657-1667.
- Mohanapriya, K. R., & Geetharamani, D. (2014). Fresh water Micro algal Diversity of Noyyal River at
Tamil Nadu State, India. Journal of Algal Biomass Utilization, 5(4), 12-20.
- Thankam, R. P. U. U., & Paul, T. (2019). Plankton in a tropical Kanhiraphuza reservoir,
Kerala-variation in space and time. Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India, 73.
- Ray, J. G., Santhakumaran, P., & Kookal, S. (2021). Phytoplankton communities of eutrophic
freshwater bodies (Kerala, India) in relation to the physicochemical water quality parameters. Environment,
Development and Sustainability, 23(1), 259-290.
- Naidu, B. V., Raju, C. P., & Ranganayakulu, G. S. (2018). Taxonomic diversity of Pediastrum simplex
in Andhra Pradesh. Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences-Botany, 37(2), 84-88.
- Divya, K. S., Murthy, S. M., & Puttaiah, E. T. (2013). A Comparative Study of the Growth of
Phytoplanktons in surface water samples and in the formation of Algal blooms. International Journal
of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2(7), 2736-2747.
- Binoy, T. T., Bhagya, M. V., & Thomas, V. P. (2019). Epiphyllous algae of Trentepohlia Martius in
Southwestern Ghats, India, including one new species and three new records. Taiwania,
- Binoy, T. T., & Ray, J. G. (2016). Diversity and Ecology of Diatoms in Oxic Dystrustepts soils under
three different vegetation of the Western Ghats, Kerala, South India. Journal of Ecology, 111,
- Panjiar, N., Mishra, S., Yadav, A. N., & Verma, P. (2017). Functional foods from cyanobacteria: an
emerging source for functional food products of pharmaceutical importance. Microbial Functional
Foods and Nutraceuticals, 21-37.