Western Ghats Spatial Decision Support System (WGSDSS) has been designed as part of the ongoing ecological research in the Western Ghats by taking advantage of the recent advances in information and open source web technologies through the integration of spatial with the attribute information (bio, geo, climatic, ecological, environmental, and social variables) at disaggregated levels. This enhances governance transparency while meeting societal needs, which helps in the prudent management of ecologically and hydrologically vital Sahyadri hill ranges. Visualization of ecologically sensitive regions at disaggregated levels (grids/village) through synthesis and integration of information would enable understanding of the current status, which are essential for effective decision-making at decenralised levels for example BMCs (Biodiversity Management Committees) towards sustainable management of natural resources.
Web-based spatial decision support system (WSDSS) is designed by integrating free and open source software (GeoServer, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Leaflet) and integration of spatial information of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards to carry out a multiple criteria analysis. Features such as Web Map Service (WMS), and Web Feature Service (WFS) would help in accomplishing effective dissemination of the ecological, socio, economic, biodiversity and environmental information.
Ecological sensitivity or fragility refers to permanent and irreparable loss of extant life forms or significant damage to the natural processes of evolution and speciation with the alterations in the ecological integrity of a region. The comprehensive knowledge of the ecological fragility of a region is quintessential for evolving strategies for conserving the area, which entails identifying factors responsible for ecological sensitiveness, including landscape dynamics, and visualizing future transitions to mitigate the problems of haphazard and uncontrolled development approaches. The region witnessed large-scale land cover changes during the past century due to unplanned developmental activities with industrialization and globalization. This necessitates implementing mitigation measures involving stakeholders to address the impacts through location-specific conservation measures. Framing conservation and sustainable developmental policies entail delineation of ecologically sensitive regions by integrating bio-geo-climatic, ecological, and social factors representing dynamics of socio-ecological systems, impacts, and drivers. Analyses of ecologically sensitive regions in the Western Ghats, one among 36 global biodiversity hotspots using temporal remote sensing data, highlight serious concerns on the status of forests and conservation options. The deforestation and mismanagement of these pristine ecosystems evident from deforestation and the current extent of forest ecosystems have been threatening water security with severe challenges to people's livelihood in peninsular India. Spatiotemporal analyses of LU highlight anthropogenic induced developmental thrust with the loss of 5% evergreen forest cover with an increase of 4.5% built-up cover and 9% agriculture area. Fragmentation analyses highlight that interior forest constitutes only 25% of the forest landmass, depicting the fragmentation pressure, impacting local ecology. ESR delineation considers abiotic, biotic, and socio/anthropological factors, reflecting the current status of the fragile landscape and their significance in maintaining ecosystem equilibrium. Grid wise analysis portrays 32% (755 grids) of the area under ESR-1 denoting very high ecological fragility, 16% (373) grids under ESR-2, which has potential to be ESR-1, 34% (789) and 18% (412) under ESR-3, and 4 respectively, with moderate and least ecological fragility. ESR analysis depicts 63,148 km2 area under very higher ecological fragility, 27,646 km2 under high ecological fragility, 48,490 km2 as moderate and 20,716 km2 as low ecological fragility. Integrating ESRs in the sustainable development policy framework would aid in regulating unplanned developmental activities, which aid in ensuring ecological security with the continuance of the essential ecosystem services to sustain the livelihood of people. Ensuring sustenance of natural resources (adequate and clean water, oxygen, etc.) to the next generation (intergeneration equity) through prudent management of ecologically fragile Western Ghats is on our shoulders and let us together ensure conservation of critical ecosystems for our children.
G.R. Rao |
Field Data Collection Central Western Ghats |
Vishnu D. Mukri | |
Shrikanth Naik | |
Misha | Fauna Distribution |
Sreelekha P.B | Angiosperm Tree Species |
Haritha N | Mapping Biodiversity |
Arjun SR | Protected Areas |
Sincy V | Valuation of Ecosystem Services |
Asulabha KS | |
Rajesh Rana | Western Ghats Villages Rectification |
Abhishek Baghel | Appplication Design & Developer |