ID: 64938
Title: Experiments with Indian turpentine at the forest research Institute, Dehradun
Author: J.L. Simonsen
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 802-802 (2023)
Subject: Experiments with Indian turpentine at the forest research Institute, Dehradun
Keywords: Experiments, Indian turpentine, forest research Institute, Dehradun
Abstract: SIR, In the recent issue of the Indian Forester, for May 1923, in an article entitled"A Visit to the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun,"Mr. R.P Dalley makes the following statement: - "Another important discovery which will bring in lakhs of revenue to Government is the discovery, by Dr. Simonsen, the Forest Chemist, the catalytic action of pyrogallol in preventing the oxidation of Indian turpentine. As a result of this discovery it will now be possible to advertise Indian Turpentine, Grade I, as equal in quality to the best American. The discovery will cost practically nothing to put into operation but will make a marked difference to the revenue budgets of the Resin factories.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1:
Literature cited 2:

ID: 64937
Title: Strengthening farming-based livelihood system by improving the Market access for the tribal communities-A case study from Marayoor, Kerala
Author: B.N.Anjankumar, Saby Varghese, B.Ranjith and M.G. Vinod Kumar
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 797-801 (2023)
Subject: Strengthening farming-based livelihood system by improving the Market access for the tribal communities-A case study from Marayoor, Kerala
Keywords: Strengthening farming-based livelihood system,Market access, Tribal communities, Marayoor, Kerala
Abstract: Marayoor is a small-town Idukki district of Kerala. It is located between Annamalai's, Kannan Devan Hills and Palan Hills. The forests of this area are well known for Sandalwood resources. The two tribal groups found in Marayoor are Muduvans and Hill Pulayas. These tribal communities are located in Marayoor and Kanthalloor Grama Panchayaths. Muduvans are living here inside the forest for many generations and are practicing shifting cultivation, rearing of cattle and collection of Minor Forest Produce (MFP).Hill Pulayas were basically hunter-gatherer community possessing rich folklore on landscape, vegetation and animals. Muduvans cultivate ragi, tuber crops, vegetables and lemon grass, by means of organic farming.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: B.Sridhar and M De (2018). Promotion of Agriculture in Tribal Areas. In: Source book for functionaries in Tribal areas; Volume 8, Agriculture and challenges of Marketing 9B V Sharma and N Sudhakar Rao, Eds) center for innovations in Public systems, ASCI, Hyderabad, pp.1-19.
Literature cited 2:

ID: 64936
Title: Amranthus retroflexus and Amaranthus hypochondriacus (Amaranthaceae) -Two new Records for India
Author: Sindhu Arya and Venugopalan Nair Saradamma AnilKumar
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 794-796 (2023)
Subject: Amranthus retroflexus and Amaranthus hypochondriacus (Amaranthaceae) -Two new Records for India
Keywords: Amranthus retroflexus, Amaranthus hypochondriacus ,Amaranthaceae, new Records, India
Abstract: In India, the genus Amaranthus is represented by 19 species. During field expressions in various places of the state of Kerala, the authors came across two species of Amaranthus which are hitherto reported as new records for the state. Detailed descriptions along with phenology, floral biology and photographs are given which will help in easy identification. The specimens have been deposited at the national herbarium of TBGRI, Kerala University of Calicut.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Achigan-Dako E.G., Sogobohossou O.E.D. and Maundu P. (2014). Current knwoldege on Amaranthus spp: research avenues for improved nutritional value and yield in leafy Amaranthus in sub Sharan Africa. Eupytica, 1081-1089. Arya S, Lamonico D. and Kumar V.S.A. (2021). Amaranthus powelli (Amaranthaceae), a new addition to the flora of India and a preliminary list of the India Amaranthathus species. Hacquetia, 20 (2): 257-262.
Literature cited 2: Arya S., Kumar V.S.A., Vishnu W.K. and LAMONICO d. (2020) .Amaranthus rajasekharii (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Kerala 9SW-India).Phytotaxa, 433 (2): 153-160. Arya S., Anil Kumar V.N.S., Vishnu W.K. and Kumar T.R. (2019). Amaranthus saradhiana (Amaranthaceae) -a new species from southern Western Ghats of Keral, India. Phytotaxa, 403(3): 230-238.

ID: 64935
Title: First Record of Lyrognathus crotalus Pocock 1895 [Theraphosidae,Araneae] from Fambonglho wildlife Sanctuary in Sikkim Himalaya
Author: Durga Kumar Pradhan
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 792-793 (2023)
Subject: First Record of Lyrognathus crotalus Pocock 1895 [Theraphosidae,Araneae] from Fambonglho wildlife Sanctuary in Sikkim Himalaya
Keywords: Lyrognathus crotalus,Theraphosidae, Araneae,Fambonglho wildlife Sanctuary, Sikkim, Himalaya
Abstract: The Fambonglho Wildlife Sanctuary is one of seven sanctuaries in Sikkim. It is the natural habitats for several flora and fauna(hooker,1849;1872-1897) and covers an area of 51 km2.Recently, the study was conducted in the buffer areas of Sanctury and Lyrognathus crotalus was observed and recorded for the first time. Thus, the paper deals with the reporting of habitat as well as the characters of Lyrognathus crotalus from Sikkim.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Hocker J.D (1849). The Rhododendrons of Sikkim Himalaya, Royal Gardens, Kew. Hooker J.D. (1872-1897). The Flora of British India. Vols. 1-7, L.Reeve & Co., Kent, London
Literature cited 2: Nunn S.C. and West R.C. (2013).A New Species of Tarantula Spider in the Genus Lyrognathus Pocock 1895 (Araneae, Theraphosidae) from Sumatra, ISRN Zoology, 2013:1-13. Pocock R.I. (1895). On a new and natural grouping of some of the oriental genera of Mygalomorphae, with descriptions of new genera and species, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 15 (6): 165-184.

ID: 64934
Title: Medicinal plant wealth of family Poaceae in Chattisgarh state of India
Author: Nitisha Srivastava, Sinjini Mukherjee and Arti Garg
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 788-791 (2023)
Subject: Medicinal plant wealth of family Poaceae in Chattisgarh state of India
Keywords: Medicinal plant, wealth of family, Poaceae, Chattisgarh state, India
Abstract: Herbal medicines have played key role in treatment of diseases science ancient civilization till date due to easy availability, negligible side effects, affordable cost and most importantly their effectiveness in disease cure. The Indian state of Chattisgarh possess rich plant diversity with c.2079 plant species differentiated into monocots and dicots (Garg and Srivastava, 2022) with various economically important plant resources of the country.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Garg A. and Srivastava N. (2022) .Poaceae, In Flora of Chattisgarh, Vol. III (Monocot) (Eds. Garg. A. and Sinha G.P). Khanna K.K., Kumar A. and Jha A.K. (2005). Floristic diversity of Chattisgarh 9Angiosperms). Bishen Singh Mahendra Singh publication, Dehradun. Ethnobotany, 10:46-49.
Literature cited 2: Majeed M., Bhatti K.H., Amjad M.S., Abbasi A.M., Bussmann R., et al (2020). Ethno-veterinary uses of Poaceae in Punjab, Pakistan. PLOS ONE, 15 (11): e0241705. Trade in Medicinal plants, FAO, Rome.

ID: 64933
Title: Taxonoomic diversity and distribution of Herbs and shrubs in Sringeri forest range,Western Ghats, Karnataka
Author: K.Anushree Hebbar and K.Krishnaswamy
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 784-787 (2023)
Subject: Taxonoomic diversity and distribution of Herbs and shrubs in Sringeri forest range,Western Ghats, Karnataka
Keywords: Taxonoomic diversity, distribution of Herbs and shrubs, Sringeri forest range,Western Ghats, Karnataka
Abstract: A forest comprises of different layers, where herbs and shrubs are the major community belong to understory layer. The herb layer of the forest is dominated by herbaceous (or soft-stemmed) plants such as grasses, ferns, windflowers, and other ground covers. Vegetation in the herb layer often gets little light and in forests with thick canopies, shade tolerant species are predominant in the herb layer. The shrub layer is characterized by woody vegetation that grows relatively close to the ground.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Champion H.G. and Seth S.K. (1968).A Revised survey of the forest types of India, Delhi Government of India Press. Cottam G. and Curtis J.T. (1956). The use of distance measurements in phytosociological sampling. Ecology, 37: 451-461.
Literature cited 2: Gowda B. (2004). Plant wealth of Sringeri, Kalpathru Research Academy, Bangalore. Shannon C.E. and Wienner W. (1963). The mathematical theory of Communicaton. University of Illinosis Press, Champaign.

ID: 64932
Title: Additions to the Flora of Manipur
Author: A.A. Mao, Gopal Krishna, Lolia hepuni and Jeewan Singh Jalal
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 781-783 (2023)
Subject: Additions to the Flora of Manipur
Keywords: Flora of Manipur
Abstract: Manipur state lies in the North-Eastern corner of India and sharing international border with Myanmar on eastern side. Being a part of Indo Burma Biodiversity Hot-Spot, the state is economically distinctive and rich in biodiversity .A botanical exploration tour was conducted in the month of May, 2022 near the Indo-Myanmar border (pillars no 125 & 126) of Ukhrul district, Manipur. During the survey specimens were collected and identified with the help of existing literature (Hooker, 1872-1897; Deb 1961a, 1961b & 1981; Singh et al, 2000; Balachandran et al., 2014; Dhatchanamoorthy et al., 2018; Gangopadhyay et al, 2020) and herbarium collection housed at Botanical Survey of India herbaria ARUN, ASSAM, BSHC and CAL.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Balachandran N. and Ravikumar K. (2014). Additions to the Flora of Manipur in Northeast India.Pieione, 8(1): 199-206. Deb D.B. (1961a). Dicotyledonous plants of Manipur Territory. Bull. Bot. Survey India, 3: 253-350.
Literature cited 2: Deb D.B. (1961b). Monocotyledonous plants of Manipur Territory. Bull. Bot. Survey India, 3: 253-350. Deb D.B. (1981). The Flora of Tripura State, Vegetation, Vol.1 (Ophioglossaceae-Staphyleaceae).Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers, New Delhi.

ID: 64931
Title: Tripogon polyanthus Naik an Patunkar (Poaceae: chlordoideae, Cyanodonteae,Tripogoninae): A new distributional record to the flora of South India
Author: V.Jalander, J.Swamy,L.Rasingam and P.V.Ramana
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 779-780 (2023)
Subject: Tripogon polyanthus Naik an Patunkar (Poaceae: chlordoideae, Cyanodonteae,Tripogoninae): A new distributional record to the flora of South India
Keywords: Tripogon polyanthus,chlordoideae, Cyanodonteae, Tripogoninae, new distributional record, flora, South India
Abstract: Genus Tripogon Roem & Schult, represented by ca.51 species occurring in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions of Africa, America, Asia and Australia (Phillips and Launert, 1971; Fabillo, 2015; Rasingam and Swamy, 2018; Thoiba and Pradeep, 2020). In India, the genus is represented by thirty species (Mao and Dash, 2020).
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Fabillo M. (2015) .Leaf and inflorescence structure and phylogenetics of Tripogon and affiliated genera (Poaceae: Chloridoideae).Ph.D.Thesis,Queensland University of Technology (QUT).Queensland. Mao A.A. and Desh S.S. (2020) Flowering plants of India. An Annotated Checklist (Monocotyledons). Vol. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
Literature cited 2: Phillips S.M. and Launert E. (1971). A revision of the African species of Tripogon Roem & Schult Kew Bulletin,25(2) :301-322. Rasingam L. and Swamy J. (2018). A New species of Tripogon (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Tripogoninae) from Nallamala forests, Telanagana, India. Phytotaxa, 351(4): 296-300.

ID: 64930
Title: Cytotaxonomy of four species of the genus Heliotropium L (Boraginaceae) from the state of Punjab, India
Author: Rai Singh
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 774-778 (2023)
Subject: Cytotaxonomy of four species of the genus Heliotropium L (Boraginaceae) from the state of Punjab, India
Keywords: Chromosomes, Crop, Cytology,Flowers, Morphology, Punjab, Taxonomy, Weed
Abstract: Four Heliotropium species viz. H. bacciferum, H.currasavicum, H.ellipticum and H.strigoum were collected from different kharif crops in Malw region of Punjab, India during the years 2019-2021.Various morphological features were analyzed for identification of species. Chromosome numbers were also studied for establishement of identify of species. Chromososme number varies from 2n=32 to 2n=64
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Ahuja M.R. (1955). Chromosome numbers of some plants. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant breeding, 15: 142-143. Ali S. and Nasir Y.J. (1989). Flora of Pakistn.No.191. Boraginaceae. University of Karachi, Karachi, 200pp.
Literature cited 2: Bir S.S. and Sidhu M. (1974). In IOPB chromosome number reports XLIV. Taxon, 23: 373-380. Britton D.M. (1951). Cytogenetics studies on the Boraginaceae. Brittonia, 7: 233-266.

ID: 64929
Title: Experimental Kiln-drying schedules for coconut (Cocos nucifera L) Palm wood flooring
Author: C.Shibu, E.V. Anoop, M.C. Anish and M.S.Arjun
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 765-773 (2023)
Subject: Experimental Kiln-drying schedules for coconut (Cocos nucifera L) Palm wood flooring
Keywords: Coconut palm wood, Kiln-drying schedule, Tersawa scale, Rasialy classification, Flooring
Abstract: In India, there is a significant supply-demand imbalance for wood and wood products. In the current scenario, effective utilization of existing lesser-known species such as Coco nucifera L. (Coconut palm tree) is gaining prominence and will help to bridge the supply- demand gap for timber. This study aims to develop moisture content-based experimental kiln drying schedules for solid flooring (Tongue and Groove (T&G) and Parquetry flooring) and engineered overlay flooring made from high and medium density of west coast tall coconut palm wood, respectively. Freshly cut samples were graded into density classes and their average moisture content (%) was calculated. A quick drying test 9QDT) was performed to investigate the degree and type of drying defects. The tarazawa method was used to develop the base kiln-drying schedules, which were then optimized using Rasially classification. For better output of T&G flooring and Parquetry flooring materials, experimental kiln drying schedules MT4-B1 and MT6-B1 (Schedule codes) should be set in kiln drying machine for 50 mm and 25 mm thich high-density coconut palm wood, respectively. The experimetnal kiln drying schedules recommended for medium-density wood with thicknesses of 50 mm and 25 mm were MT6-D2 and MT6-E1, respectively. All schedules are created with the desired moisture content (12%) for general flooring purposes in prevalilling conditions of Kerala, as prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Anoop E.V., Sheena V.V., Aruna P. an Ajayghosh V. (2011). Processing and utilization of coconut wood in Kerala. J. Indian Acad. Wood. Sci., 8(2) :76-79. Appiah-Kubi E., Mensah M., Tekpetey S.L. Andoh E.O. and Opuni-Frimpong E. (2016). Promotion and utilization of planation plantation Grown Timber Species in Ghana: The Kiln Drying Schedule of Khaya Ivorensis. Saudi J. Eng. Technol., 117-121.
Literature cited 2: Baileres H., Hopewell G., House S., Redman A., Francis L. and Ferhmann J. (2010 ).Cocowood processing manual: From coconut wood to qualify flooring. CDB [Coconut development board] (2015). Annual Report 2015-2016.Coconut development board, Kochi, 182p.

ID: 64928
Title: Diversity of flowering plants of Dalma wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India
Author: C.R. Magesh, Arjun Prasad Tiwari and Naaz Rizvi
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 753-764 (2023)
Subject: Diversity of flowering plants of Dalma wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India
Keywords: Flowering plants, Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand, India
Abstract: The present work on flowering plants of Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary. Jharkhand reveals that a total number of 417 species under 317 genera belongs to 94 families, is recorded. Of these 62 species under 49 genera belonging to 14 families of Monocot and 350 species under 268 genera belongs to 78 families of Dicot.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: AndersonT. (1863).On the fora of Bihar and the mountains of Parasnath with a list of species collected by Messrs Hooker, Edgeworth, Thomson and Anderson. J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 32:187-218 Ball V. (866). Notes on the principal jungle forests used as article of food by the natives of the districts of Manbhum and Hazaribagh. Proc. Asiat. Soc.Bengal,36:273-288.
Literature cited 2: Ball V. (1867).On the jungle products used as articles of food by the inhabitants of the districts of Manbhum & Hazaribagh. J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 36: 73-82. Bharadwaja R.C. (1958). On the grasses of Parasnath, Bihar. J. Indian Bot. Soc. Bengal, 25: 43-51.

ID: 64927
Title: Phytodiversity conservation for disaster risk reduction in Bhoj Ramsar Site, Madhya Pradesh
Author: Arti Garg
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 747-752 (2023)
Subject: Phytodiversity conservation for disaster risk reduction in Bhoj Ramsar Site, Madhya Pradesh
Keywords: Bhoj Ramsar site, Phytodiversity, Climate change, Conservation, Disaster risk, Madhya Pradesh
Abstract: Bhoj Ramsar site in Madhya Pradesh is a rich repository of about 530 species of angiosperms which are differentiated into herbs, shrubs, trees, climbers, lianas and hydrophytes, both floating and submerged. Most species are economically and medicinally important and help in livestock sustenance with few plant species reported for the first time from Madhya Pradesh. The dense floristic elements and compact tree canopies support phylodiversity of the miniature ecosystem for uniterupted food chain, shoreline stabilization and mitigation of climate change impacts. Judicious management activities of the lake and associated wetlands are therefore recommended with caution against damage to the extant floristic components which are of value in mitigating the adversities of climate change for community sustenance in general, and the Ramsar site in particular.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Anon (2010) .Climate Change and India-A4 x 4 assessment a sectoral and regional analysis for 2030.Report, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. Bor N.L. (1960). Grasses of Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Literature cited 2: Chaudhry L.B., Kushwaha A.K. and Bajpai O. (2016). Tress of Uttar Pradesh. Part 1. CSIR-National Bot. Res. Institute, Lucknow. deSherbinin A, Lacko A. and Jaiteh M. (2012). Evaluating the risk to Ramsar Sites from climate change induced sea level rise. Ramsar Scientific and Technical Briefing Note on 5 Gland, Switzerland: Ramsar Convention Secretariat CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland.

ID: 64926
Title: Fuelwood production and utilization pattern along an altitudinal gradient in Kosi watershed of Kumaun Himalaya
Author: Manmohan Singh Kanwal,Anil Kumar Yadava and S.C.R.Vishvakarma
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 737-746 (2023)
Subject: Fuelwood production and utilization pattern along an altitudinal gradient in Kosi watershed of Kumaun Himalaya
Keywords: Fuelwood, Agrofrestry, Watershed, Kumaun, Himalaya
Abstract: Wood is a primary source of energy for billions of people, particularly in Himalayan region. With rapid increase in population, per capita consumption of fuelwood has increased, which resulted into the over exploitation and threat to woody species of this region. Present study deals with fuelwood production and consumption pattern in three villages of Kosi watershed area situated at different attitudinal zones in Kumaun Himalaya. Study revealed that total fuel wood production was in the range of 25.09 & 49.21 MT at study sites. Major source of fuel wood production was natural forests , which share about 76.91 to 82.5 % of the total annual fuel wood production while agroforestry systems contribute about 10.56 to 7.53% of the total annual fuel wood production. Quercus leucotrichophora, Celtis australis, Toona Ciliata, Bombax ceiba, Boehmeria regulosa and Bauhinia variegata were important fuel wood trees species of Agroforestry system. Per capita average were important fuel wood consumption at three altitudinal zones was in between 3.11 kg to 1.00 kg capita-1 day-1 with maximum consumption at highest altitude during winters and least consumption at lowest altitude during summer season. The present study would be helpful in planning and designing suitable technologies to develop energy plantations in the Kumaun region.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Bagwari H.K. and Todaria N.P. (2011). Resource use pattern and agroecosystem functioning in Rawanganga microwatershed in Garhwal Himalaya, India, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the tropics and subtropics, 112(2): 101-112. Barnard G.W. (1987) .Woodfuel in developing countries. In: Biomass (D.O. Hall and R.P. Overend, Eds.), Chichester, UK: John Willey & Sons Press, pp.349-366
Literature cited 2: Bartwal P.S. (1987). Fuelwood consumption pattern in rural areas case study, Journal of Tropical Forestry, 3: 136-41. Bensel T. (2008). Fuelwood, deforestation and land degradation; 10 years of evidence from Cebu province, the Philippines, Land Degrade, Dev, 19: 587-605.

ID: 64925
Title: Pheno-morphological and biochemical characterization of Rhizobium sp. associated with Khejri seedlings isolated from different geographical locations of Rajasthan
Author: Sangeeta Singh, Tanmaya Kumar Bhoi,Sunil Choudhary, Vipula vyas and Kuldeep Sharma
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 728-736 (2023)
Subject: Pheno-morphological and biochemical characterization of Rhizobium sp. associated with Khejri seedlings isolated from different geographical locations of Rajasthan
Keywords: Characerization, Prosopis cineraria, Rhizobium
Abstract: This study aimed to isolate, characterize and purify microbial strains of Rhizobium specific to Khejri in a bid to increases this legume's productivity. In the present study 24 bacterial isolates were isolated from root nodule of Prosopis cineraria L. from 5 different districts of Western Rajasthan. The isolates were investigated for their morphological, conformity, phenotypic and biochemical characterization. Most of the isolates showed similar colony morphology and produced white or creamy white and raised colonies when grown on YEMA plates and they were rod shaped gram negative. Phenotypic characterization of24 isolates confirmed that most of the strains tested for BTB reaction were acid producers. Six isolates were showing NaCl tolerance up to 3% (w/v). Most of the tested isolates were able to tolerate a wild range of pH (5to 11). Moreover, in biochemical characterization most of the isolates showed positive result for catalase, phosphate solubilization, nitrate reductase and oxidase test and negative result for ammonia production and chitinase test. Furthermore, in the nursery experiment it was found that all the inoculated seedlings showed significant differences in terms of number of root nodules, collar diameter, root and shoot length, root ans shoot (wet and dry) weight as compared to the uninoculated control plants. Among the 24 Rhizobium isolates PCC, PCN and PCsk were found superior than other isolates in terms of number of nodule and plant dry matter and has been selected for a future field trial.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Arora D.R. (2003). The Textbook of Microbiology New Delhi: CBS Publisher.41-48 p. Arora n.k., Khare, E., Singh S. and Tewari S. (2018). Phenetic, genetic diversity and symbiotic compatibility of rhizobial strains nodulating pigeon pea in Northern India. Biotech, 8(1): 1-11.
Literature cited 2: Biswas P., Hossain D., Ullah M., Akter N. and Bhuiya M.A.A. (2003). Performance of groundnut (Arachis hypogae L) under different levels of bradyrhizobial inoculum and nitrogen fertilizer. SAARC Journal of Agriculture, 1: 61-68. Brahmaprakssh G.P., Girisha H.C., Navi V., Laxmipathy R. and Hegde S.V. (2007). Liquid rhizobium inoculant formulations to enhance biological nitrogen fixation in food legumes. Journal of Food Legumes, 20 (1): 75.

ID: 64924
Title: Biomass and carbon stock of trees in Amchang wildlife Sancutary, Assam, North Eastern India
Author: J.Y. Yumnam
Editor: Richa Misra
Year: 2023
Publisher: Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
Reference: The Indian Forester Vol. 149 (7) Pg No. 720-727 (2023)
Subject: Biomass and carbon stock of trees in Amchang wildlife Sancutary, Assam, North Eastern India
Keywords: Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, Carbon sequestartion, Guwahati City, Urban forest
Abstract: Forest in and around the urban areas are recognised as a major sequester of Carbon and store huge quantity of Carbon in their biomass. However, these forest patches are facing destruction and degradation due to the expanding urban limits. For efficient Carbon mitigation, it is essential to precisely quantify Carbon stock of forests. This study was taken up to quantify biomass and Carbon stock of trees growing in Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary, which is situated on the eastern side of Guwahati city 9Kamrup metropolitan) Assam, Northeast India. Extensive field survey was undertaken and sampling of all trees was made using random quadrat method. Altogether 50 quadrats of 10x10 m2 were laid down for the study. Biomass and Carbon stock of trees were calculated by using allometric formula. The total above ground biomass (AGB) , below ground biomass (BGB), total biomass (TB) and Carbon stock(TCS) of the sanctuary were 307.60 Mg ha-1, 79.97 Mg ha-1, cover (TBC) showed strong positive correlation with TCS (R2 =0.70 and 0.68 respectively) .However, wood density and diameter of the trees showed weak positive correlation with TCS (R2=0.02 and 0.12 respectively) in the study site. The present study revealed that Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, Northeast India has high Carbon stock.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Anguluri R. and Narayanan P. (2017). Role of green space in urban planning: Outlook towards smart cities, Urban Forest Urban Green, 25:58-65. Baishya R., Barik S and Upadhyaya K. (2009). Distribution pattern of aboveground biomass in natural and planation forests of humid tropics in northeast India. Tropical Ecology, 50 (2): 295-304.
Literature cited 2: Borah N. Nath A.J. and Das A.K. (2013). Aboveground biomass and carbon stocks of trees species in tropical forests of Cachar District, Assam, Northeast India, International Journal of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, 39 (2): 97-106. Census India (2011). Census