ID: 1209
Title: Citizens Report on Nuclear Energy
Author: Cane
Editor: None
Year: 1988
Publisher: KSCST
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: National Workshop on Nuclear Power Projects with Specific Reference to Kaiga
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1208
Title: Reports of the Study Teams
Author: KSCST
Editor: None
Year: 1988
Publisher: KSCST
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: National Workshop on Nuclear Power Projects with Specific Reference to Kaiga
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1207
Title: Review of Human Health Studies in High Background Radiation Regions
Author: Padmanabhan, V.T.
Editor: None
Year: 1988
Publisher: KSCST
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: National Workshop on Nuclear Power Projects with Specific Reference to Kaiga
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1206
Title: Nuclear Power : Unsafe, and Uneconomical
Author: Sharma, Dhirendra
Editor: None
Year: 1988
Publisher: KSCST
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: National Workshop on Nuclear Power Projects with Specific Reference to Kaiga
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1205
Title: Perceptions of Risks Associated with Nuclear Power
Author: Smith, R. Kirk
Editor: Ahuja, D.R. Joshi, V. Khazanchi, P. Pachauri, R.K. Pandya, J.D.
Year: 1988
Publisher: Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Environment Monitor^v4(1)^P61-70
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1204
Title: Nuclear District Heat Reactor Development in the People ' s Republic of China
Author: Yingzhing, Lu
Editor: Ahuja, D.R. Joshi, V. Khazanchi, P. Pachauri, R.K. Pandya, J.D.
Year: 1988
Publisher: Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Environment Monitor^v4(1)^P45-60
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1203
Title: Economics of Nuclear Power
Author: Roy, Probir
Editor: Ahuja, D.R. Joshi, V. Khazanchi, P. Pachauri, R.K. Pandya, J.D.
Year: 1988
Publisher: Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Environment Monitor^v4(1)^p37-44
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1202
Title: Comparision of Radiological Impacts of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Natural Background Radiation
Author: Subbaratnam, T.
Editor: None
Year: 1988
Publisher: Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Environment Monitor^v4(1)^p23-36
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: huja, D.R. Joshi, V. Khazanchi, P Pachauri, R.K. Pandya, J.D.
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1201
Title: Environmental Considerations in Siting of Nuclear Power Stations
Author: Krishnan, S. Subbaratnam, T. Sarma, T.P.
Editor: Ahuja, D.R. Joshi, V. Khazanchi, P. Pachauri, R.K. Pandya, J.D.
Year: 1988
Publisher: Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Environment Monitor^v4(1)^p7-22
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1200
Title: Nuclear Fusion
Author: EIC
Editor: None
Year: 1982
Publisher: Energy Information Centre, Dept. of Mines and Energy
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jSouth Australian Energy Resources^vFact Sheet 19^p1-6
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1199
Title: Nuclear
Author: EIC
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: Energy Information Centre, Dept. of Mines and Energy
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jSouth Australian Energy Resources^vFact Sheet 12^p1-8
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1198
Title: Incorporating Risk and Uncertainty in Power System Planning
Author: Besant-Jones, John Crousillat, Enrique
Editor: None
Year: 1990
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Twelfth Annual International Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1197
Title: Safety of Nuclear Installations
Author: Ramanna, R.
Editor: None
Year: 1976
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In:Eighth J.N. Tata Lecture
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1196
Title: The Management of Long Lived Nuclear Waste
Author: McKinley, G. Ian
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Policy^vJuly^p683-692
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: radioactive waste><waste disposal><performance assessment>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1195
Title: Nuclear Non-Proliferation : The Prospects for the Non-Proliferation Regime after the Gulf War
Author: Fischer, David
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Policy^vJuly^v672-682
Subject: Nuclear
Keywords: nuclear weapons><non-proliferation><nuclear safeguards>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None