ID: 1463
Title: Land use Planning Studies for the Development of Alternative Crops for Energy and Industrial Purposes
Author: Ciraulo, Daniela, Donini, Basilio Unmole, Hurrydeo
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.693-1.694
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1462
Title: Consumption of Fuelwood in France
Author: Laufer, Pascal Morin, Georges-Andre
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.683-1.687
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1461
Title: Effects of Whole-Tree Harvesting on Forest Soil Characteristics : Preliminary Results in Woodland of Italy ' s Northern Apennines
Author: Bagnaresi, Umberto Minotta, Gianfranco Vianello, Gilmo
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.672-1.677
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1460
Title: Is Biomass Production for Energy Purposes Feasible in Norwegian Agriculture ?
Author: Moen, Johannes, Knut
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.646-1.650
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1459
Title: Economics of Coppice Energy Production Systems
Author: Mitchell, C.P. Ford-Robertson, J.B.
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.632-1.636
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1458
Title: Alternatives to the Use of Round Balers
Author: Peca, Oliveira, Jose DaSilveira, Cabral, Pedro
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.591-1.595
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1457
Title: Results of the Experimental Work of Mobile Chippers and Harvesters in Short Rotation Poplar Plantations
Author: Dokovic, Petar Zeremski, Miroslav
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.586-1.590
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1456
Title: Marine Microalgae Tetraselmis sp. Batch Cultures
Author: Grima, E. Molina Sancho, M.E. Matinez Villasclaras, S. Sanchez Camacho, F. Garcia Gomez, A. Contreras
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.576-1.580
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1455
Title: Batch Cultures of Skeletonema Costatum : The Influence of Temperature
Author: Sancho, M.S. Martinez Villasclaras, S. Sanchez Grima, E. Molina Hernandez, J.A. DeLaCasa Camacho, F. Garcia
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.571-1.575
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1454
Title: Continuous Culture of the Marine Microalgae Tetraselmis sp. : Productivity Analysis
Author: Rubio, F. Camacho Sancho, M.E. Martinez Grima, E. Molina Villasclaras, S. Sanchez Camacho, F. Garcia
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.566-1.570
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1453
Title: Eichhornia Crassipes Production and Treatment of Anaerobically Digested Pig Manure
Author: Chassany, DeCasabianca, Marie Luce Basseres, Anne
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.562-1.565
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1452
Title: Lipid Prodution by Marine Microalgae
Author: Reis, A. Gouveia, L. Veloso, V. Fernandes, H.L. Empis, J.A. Novais, J.M.
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.557 1.561
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1451
Title: Biomass and Primary Production in a Deep Wastewater Pond System
Author: Soler, A. Saez, J. LLorens, M. Martinez, I.
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.552-1.556
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1450
Title: Oil Production from Microalgae under Saline Stress
Author: Vazquez-Duhalt, R. Arredondo-Vega, B.O.
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.547-1.551
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 1449
Title: Terminalia Bellerica Roxb. - Potential Source of Polyphenols for Industrial Use
Author: Prasad, M.N.V. Devi, S. Rama
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: Bioenergy, Vol.1 ^p1.541-1.546
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None