ID: 2133
Title: Towards Exploitation of Wind Energy in India
Author: Govindaraju, S.P.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Centre for the Application of Science and Technology to Rural Areas
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: In-House ASTRA Seminar
Subject: Winf Energy
Keywords: wind energy><exploitation><India>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2132
Title: Rural Energy System Planning
Author: Subramanian, D.K.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Centre for the Application of Science and Technology to Rural Areas
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: In-House ASTRA Seminar
Subject: Rural Energy
Keywords: rural energy system planning>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2131
Title: Problems Faced in Implementation of Rural Energy Projects in Gujarat and their Solutions
Author: Vyas,A.Shah,K.S.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Madras Institute of Development Studies and Indian Council of Social Science Research
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: 21st Interdisciplinary Research Workshop Methodology Workshop on Management of Renewable Resources - III
Subject: Rural Energy
Keywords: rural energy><rural energy projects><Gujarat>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2130
Title: Renewable Energy Programmes - An Assessment of the Prospects
Author: Venkataraman, T.V.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Madras Institute of Development Studies and Indian Council of Science Research
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: 21st Interdisciplinary Research Workshop Management of Renewable Research - III
Subject: Renewable Energy
Keywords: renewable energy programmes>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2129
Title: Survey of Fuelwood use in Tamil Nadu
Author: Neelakantan,K.S.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Madras Institute of Development Studies and Indian Council of Social Science Research
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: 21st Interdisciplinary Research Methodology Workshop on Management of Renewable Resources - III
Subject: Rural Energy
Keywords: rural energy><fuelwood use><Tamil Nadu>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2128
Title: Institutional Aspects of Rural Energy Programmes
Author: Venkataramana,P.Suresh,M.R.Joshi,V.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Madras Institute of Development Studies, Indian Council of Social Science Research
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: 21st Interdisciplinary Research Methodology Workshop on Management of Renewable Resources - III
Subject: Rural Energy
Keywords: rural energy><institutional aspects><rural energy programmes>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2127
Title: Biomass Utilisation in the Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu
Author: Thomas,J.Perabagaran,R.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Madras Institute of Development Studies and Indian Council of Social Science Research
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: 21st Interdisciplinary Research Methodology Workshop Management of Renewable Resources - III
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: biomass utilisation><Nilgiris district><Tamil Nadu>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2126
Title: Integrating Renewable Energy Technologies with Production in Agriculture and Rural Living - A Case Study
Author: Maheswari,R.C.Behra,C.P.Singh,R.Singh,H.P.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Madras Institute of Development Studies and Indian Council of Social Science Research
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: 21st Interdisciplinary Research Methodology Workshop on Management of Renewable Resources - III
Subject: Rural Energy
Keywords: rural energy><renewable energy technologies><agriculture><rural living>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2125
Title: Some Problems in the Implementation of Strategies for Managing Energy Demand in the Rural Sector
Author: Natarajan, R.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Madras Institute of Development Studies and Indian Council of Social Science Research
Source: IISc Library
Reference: In: 21st Interdisciplinary Research Methodology Workshop on Management of Renewable Resources - III
Subject: Rural Energy
Keywords: rural energy><managing energy demand><rural sector>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2124
Title: The Energy Transition
Author: Leach,G.
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Policy^vFebruary^p116-123
Subject: Rural Energy
Keywords: rural energy><fuel substitution><biomass fuels><developing countries>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2123
Title: Biomass Energy, Forests and Global Warming
Author: Rosillo-Calle,F.Hall,D.O.
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Policy^vFebruary^p124-136
Subject: Biomass
Keywords: biomass energy><coal substitution><CO2 Sequestration>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2122
Title: Rural Electrification in the Developing World
Author: Foley, Gerald
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Policy^vFebruary^p145-152
Subject: Energy
Keywords: rural electrification><third world energy><energy and development>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2121
Title: Fuelwood Policies for the 1990s
Author: Soussan, John Mercer, E.D. O ' Keefe, P.
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Policy^vFebruary^v137-144
Subject: Energy
Keywords: biomass><fuelwood><environment>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2120
Title: Comparative Analysis of the Village Ecosystem Fuction of Different Tribes Living in the Same Area in Arunachal Pradesh in North-Eastern India
Author: Maikhuri, R.K. Ramakrishnan, P.S.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd., England
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jAgricultural Systems^v35^p377-399
Subject: Ecology
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 2119
Title: Ecological Analysis of a Cluster of Villages Emphasising Land Use of Different Tribes in Meghalaya in North-east India
Author: Maikhuri, R.K. Ramakrishnan, P.S.
Editor: None
Year: 1990
Publisher: Elsevier Science Publishers
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jAgriculture, Ecosystems and Environment^v31^p17-37
Subject: Ecology
Keywords: None
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None