ID: 406
Title: Review of Research and Development Work on Forced Convection Solar Drying in Thailand
Author: Soponronnarit,S.
Editor: None
Year: 1988
Publisher: School of energy and materials
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jRERIC International Energy Journal^v10(1)^p19-27
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: soalr energy><forced convection><solar drying><thailand>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 405
Title: Computer Simulation of Solar-Assisted Fruit Cabinet Dryer
Author: Soponronnarit,S.Dussadee,N.Hirunlabh,J.Namprakai,P.Thepa,S.
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: School of Energy and Materials
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jRERIC International Energy Journal^v14(1)^p59-70
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><computer simulation><solar-assisted><fruit cabinet dryer>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 404
Title: Concepts of Solar Energy use for Climate Control in Buildings
Author: Coldicutt,S.Williamson,T.
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Policy^vSeptember^p825-835
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><policy><buildings><climate control>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 403
Title: Energy Self Reliance and Dispersed Industrialisation
Author: Datye, K.R.
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: None
Subject: Solar Energy
Keywords: solar energy><energy self reliance><dispersed industrialisation>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 402
Title: Improved Station-Independent Correlations between Global Radiation and Sunshine Duration
Author: Hussain, M.
Editor: None
Year: 1990
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Convers. Mgmt.^v30(2)^p163-172
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><global irradiation><sunshine duration><station independent correlations><albedo><turbidity><monsoon><pre-monsoon><post-monsoon>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 401
Title: Improved Station-Independent Correlations between Diffuse Irradiation and Sunshine Duration
Author: Hussain, M.
Editor: None
Year: 1990
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Convers. Mgmt.^v30(2)^p173-177
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><diffuse irradiation><global irradiation><sunshine duration><station independent correlations><albedo><turbidity><monsoon><pre-monsoon>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 400
Title: Statistical Comparison of Global and Diffuse Solar Radiation Correlations
Author: Singh, G.M. Bhatti, S.S.
Editor: None
Year: 1990
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Convers. Mgmt.^v30(2)^p155-161
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><global radiation><diffuse radiation><sunshine duration>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 399
Title: A Study Concerning the Opportunity of Solar Power Generation in South-East Romania (Dobrogea)
Author: Badescu, V.
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Convers. Mgmt.^v33(11)^p971-982
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><global radiation><direct radiation><solar concentrator><carnot heat engine><optimization>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 398
Title: Annual And Seasonal Global Solar Radiation Climates in Yunnan, China
Author: Wenxian,L.Enrong,L.
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Convers. Mgmt^v33(11)^p1021-1029
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><global solar radiation climates><cubic climates><distribution><general correlation><dry season><wet season><histogram>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 397
Title: Diffuse Solar Radiation Estimates from Sunshine Hours and Clearness Index for Karachi, Pakistan
Author: Ahmad,F.Burney,S.M.A.Husain,S.A.
Editor: None
Year: 1990
Publisher: Pergamon Press Plc.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Convers. Mgmt.^v30(4)^p439-447
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><diffuse radiation><clearness index><sunshine hours>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 396
Title: Correlations Between Monthly Average Daily Global Irradiation and Relative Duration of Sunshine At Kumasi
Author: Jackson, E.A. Akuffo, F.O.
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: Pergamon Press Plc.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Convers. Mgmt.^v33(1)^p13-22
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><global irradiations><correlations><monthly><seasonal><annual>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 395
Title: A Comparative Study of Some Simple Models for Global Solar Irradiation in Ibadan, Nigeria
Author: Fagbenle, R.L.
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: None
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jInternational Journal of Energy Research^v16^p583-595
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><solar radiation estimates><correlations><linear and quadratic fits>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 394
Title: Performance and Testing of Large-Size Solar Water Heater Cum Solar Cooker
Author: Nahar, N.M.
Editor: None
Year: 1993
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Source: SCNCER
Reference: ^jInternational Journal of Energy Research^v17^p57-67
Subject: 005336
Keywords: 005336><solar energy><solar water heaters><solar cookers><solar water heater cum solar cooker><payback periods>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 393
Title: Modelling The Economics of Combined Wind/Hydro/Diesel Power Systems
Author: Sinha, Ashok
Editor: None
Year: 1993
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Convers. Mgmt.^v34(7)^p577-585
Subject: Wind
Keywords: wind><hydro><diesel><pumped-storage><simulation><economics>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None

ID: 392
Title: Performance Prediction of a Solar Timber Kiln
Author: Garg,H.P.Prakash,J.Hrishikesan,D.S.
Editor: None
Year: 1993
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
Source: SCNCER
Reference: ^jEnergy Convers. Mgmt.^v34(7)^p569-575
Subject: 005391
Keywords: 005391><performance prediction><solar energy><solar drying><solar timber kiln>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None