ID: 534
Title: Hydrogen-Photovoltaic Stand-Alone Power Stations : A Sizing Method
Author: Barra,L.Coiante,D.
Editor: None
Year: 1993
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jInt. J. Hydrogen Energy^v18(4)^p337-344
Subject: Solar Energy
Keywords: solar energy><hydrogen-photovoltaic><power stations>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 533
Title: Photovoltaic Commercialisation in Third World Countries
Author: Hiremath, R.S.
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: Flexitron, Bangalore 34
Source: IISc Library
Reference: None
Subject: Solar Energy
Keywords: solar energy><photovoltaic commercialisation><third world countries>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 532
Title: Technology Development of Solar Process Heat in Medium Temperature Range for Industrial Applications
Author: Rao,M.R.
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad
Source: IISc Library
Reference: None
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><technology development><solar process><medium temperature><Bangalore><industrial applications>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 531
Title: While the Sun Shines
Author: Shetty,A.
Editor: None
Year: 1992
Publisher: The Economic Times
Source: IISc Library
Reference: The Economic Times: SCI-TECH
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><sun shines>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 530
Title: Control of a Solar Pond
Author: Sherman,S.B.Imberger,J.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Pergamon Press Plc.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jSolar Energy^v46(2)^p71-81
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><solar pond>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 529
Title: Computer Science : An Over View
Author: Srivastava,A.
Editor: None
Year: 1990
Publisher: A Quarterly Bulletin Publishers
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jVijnana Parichaya^v12(1)^p5-9
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><computer science>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 528
Title: Sophisticated Instruments Facility - Its Role and Objectives
Author: Khetrapal, C.L. Ramanathan, K.V.
Editor: None
Year: 1990
Publisher: A Quarterly Bulletin Publishers
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jVijnana Parichaya^v12(1)^p3-5
Subject: Solar Energy
Keywords: solar energy><sophisticated instruments>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 527
Title: Photonics : Contemporary and Correct Name for Optics
Author: Pappu, S.V.
Editor: None
Year: 1990
Publisher: A Quarterly Bulletin Publishers
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jVijnana Parichaya^v12(1)^p1-3
Subject: Solar Energy
Keywords: solar energy><photonics>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 526
Title: Transient Thermal Characteristics of a Small, Saltless Solar Pond with one Semi-Transparent Air-filled Surface Insulation Layer
Author: Kamiuto,K.Nagumo,Y.Ebikai,I.
Editor: None
Year: 1990
Publisher: Pergamon Press Plc.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jSolar Energy^v45(4)^p189-192
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><transient thermal characteristics><saltless solar pond><air-filled surface><insulation layer>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 525
Title: Energy-Conservation Potential For Solar Cookers in Arid Zones of India
Author: Nahar, N.M. Gupta, P. Jagdish
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: Pergamon Press Plc.
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy^v16(6)^P965-969
Subject: Solar energy
Keywords: solar energy><energy-conservation potential><solar cookers><arid zones><India>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 524
Title: Fuel Cell Technology : A State of the Art
Author: Pandya,J.D.Varshney,S.
Editor: None
Year: None
Publisher: Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi
Source: IISc Library
Reference: None
Subject: Solar Energy
Keywords: solar energy><fuel cell technology>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 523
Title: EMC Workshops and Training Programmes
Author: EMC
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: EMC
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Management Bulletin^v3(8)
Subject: Energy
Keywords: energy>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 522
Title: Integrated Energy Pricing : A Policy Study
Author: EMC
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: EMC
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Management Bulletin^v3(8)
Subject: Energy
Keywords: energy><integrated energy pricing>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 521
Title: Energy Events - Prakash ' 91 & Encon ' 91
Author: EMC
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: EMC
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Management Bulletin^v3(8)
Subject: Energy
Keywords: energy><energy events>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None
ID: 520
Title: Combustion of Industrial Waste for Heat Production in a Grate Boiler Furnace
Author: Bedrijven,P.B.V.
Editor: None
Year: 1991
Publisher: EMC
Source: IISc Library
Reference: ^jEnergy Management Bulletin^v3(8)
Subject: Energy
Keywords: combustion><industrial waste><heat production><grate boiler furnance>
Abstract: None
Location: None
Literature cited 1: None
Literature cited 2: None