Simple Methods for the Treatment of Drinking Water


Preface, Chapter 1

[1] Argawal, A., Tinker, J. et al., Water, Sanitation, Health -For All? Earthcan Publication, International Institute for Environment and Development, London 1980.

[2] Earthcan, International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade. Earthcan Information Programme Phase 1, London 1980.

[3] UNDP, Decade Dossier. International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade 1981-1990. New York 1981.

[4] UNDP, Decade Action Guide, IDWSSD 1981-1990. New York 1981.

[5] World Bank, Water Supply and Waste Disposal. Poverty and Basic Needs Series, Washington Sept. 1980.

[6] WHO, World Health, Water Decade 1981-1990. The Magazine of the WHO, Aug.-Sept. 1980, Genf.

Chapter 2

[7] American Public Health Association (APHA), Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 15. Aufl., Washington 1977.

[8] de la Barra-Rowland, F., Analyse des Experiences d'Auto-Assistance et de Participation de la Population en Matiere d'Approvisionnement en Eau en Milieu Rural. Etudes de cas:le Mexique, OECD, Document Special No. 6, Paris 1978.

[9] Baumann, W., Karpe, H.-J., Einfache Abwasser-und Fakalienbehandlungsanlagen fur Entwicklungslander. Planungshandbuch fur den landlichen Bereich, INFU, Dortmund 1979.

[10] Cairncross, S. et al., Evaluation for Village Water Supply Planning. IRC-WHO Technical Paper Series 15, Den Haag 1980.

[11] Environmental Sanitation Center, Rural Water Supply: Does it Work? in: Enfo, Vol. 2 No. 4, Dez. 1980, S. 8 -16, Environmental Sanitation Center, AIT, Bangkok.

[12] Feachem, R. G., Rural Water and Sanitation. Community participation in appropriate water supply and sanitation technologies: the mythology for the decade; in: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 209, 15-29, 1980;

[13] ders., Water Supplies for Low-lncome Communities: Resource Allocation, Planning and Design for a Crisis Situation. in: Water, Wastes and Health in Hot Climates, Feachem, McGarry, Mara (ed.), Chapter 5, London 1977.

[14] Fresenius, Schneider, Methodensammlung zur Wasseruntersuchung. (fur GTZ), Eschborn 1977.

[15] Imboden, N., Planning and Design of Rural Drinking Water Projects. OECD Development Centre, Paris Sept. 1977.

[16] Intermediate Technology Development Group, Guidelines on Planning and Management of Rural Water Supplies in Developing Countries. in: ITDG, Appropriate Technology, Vol 3 No. 3, 12/80, S. 17-20, London 1980.

[17] Kalbermatten, J. M. et al., Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation. Vol 2: A Planner's Guide. World Bank, Washington, Dez. 1980.

[18] Mann, H. T., The Examination of Water in the Field for E. Coli. unpubl., Stevenage 1978.

[19] ders., Water Project Planning. Inst. Plumb. 1979.

[20] Mara, D., Simple Bacteriological Analysis of Drinking Water Supplies. in: ITDG, Appropriate Technology, Vol 3 No. 3, S. 7-10, London.

[21] Miller, Duncan (ed.), Studies on Rural Development. Vol 11: Studies on rural water supply systems, OECD Development Centre Papers, Paris 1980.

[22] Millipore, Field Procedures in Water Microbiology. AB 314, Biological Analysis of Water and Wastewater Manual AM 302, Bedford (USA) 1972.

[23] Pacey, Arnold (ed.), Water of the Thousand Millions. Pergamon Press 1977.

[24] Peres Carrion, J. M., Tecnologia Appropriada en Tratamiento de Agua. CEPIS, HOJAS de divulgacion tecnica, No. 4 Marzo 1981, Lima (Peru).

[25] Reid, G., Coffey, K., Prediction Methodology for Selection of Suitable Water and Wastewater Processes. in: Appropriate Methods of Treating Water, Chapter III, University of Oklahoma 1978.

[26] UNESCO-WHO, Water Quality Survey. Studies and Reports in Hydrology 23, Paris-'Genf 1978.

[27] Warford, J. J., Saunders, R. J., Village Water Supply. Economics and Policy in the Developing World. A World Bank Research Publication, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London 1976.

[28] WHO, International Standards for Drinking Water. 3. Aufl., Genf 1971.

[29] WHO, Human Viruses in Water, Wastewater and Soil. WHO Technical Report Series 639, Genf 1979.

Chapter 3: Technologies -General Literature

[30] American Water Works Association, Water Treatment Plant Design. AWWA Inc. New York 1969. [31] Arboleda Valencia, J., Teoria, Diseno y Control de los Procesos de Clarificaion del Agua. CEPIS, PAHO, Serie tecnica 13, Lima 1973.

[32] Arceivala, S. J., Review of Work Done on Rural Water Supply in India. Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute (CPHERI), Indian Council of Medical Research, Technical Report Series 10, New Delhi 1972.

[33] Brix, Heyd, Gerlach, Die Wasserversorgung. Munchen 1963.

[34] Canepa de Vargas, Lidia, Algunas Soluciones para Tratamiento de Agua en las Areas Urbanas Marginadas. CEPIS, Lima Okt. 1981.

[35] CEPIS, Modular Plants for Water Treatment (Draft). WHO/PAHO, Lima Marz 1980.

[36] Cox, Ch. R., Operation and Control of Water Treatment Processes. WHO Monograph Series no. 49, Genf 1969. '

[37] Degremont Handbuch, Wasseraufbereitung Abwasserreinigung. Wiesbaden -Berlin 1974.

[38] Fair, G. M., Geyer, J. C., Okun, D. A., Water and Wastewater Engineering. Vol 2: Water Purification and Wastewater Treatment and Disposal, John Wiley, London 1968.

[39] Fresenius, W., Schneider, W., Technologie des Trinkwassers. GTZ (Hg.), Eschborn 1979/80.

[40] Holl, K., Wasser. 5. Aufl., Berlin 1970.

[41] INFOSEC, Fondation Friedrich Naumann, ENDA, Technologie Traditionelle et Appropriee au Service des Groupes de Base. Symposium International, Cotonou (Benin), Okt. 1980.

[42] International Development Research Centre, Rural Water Supply in China. IDRC -TS25E, Ottawa 1981.

[43] IRC/WHO, Contribution to a Mail Survey on Practical Solutions in Drinking Water Supply and Wastes Disposal for Developing Countries. Den Haag Febr. 1977.

[44] IRC/WHO, Small Community Water Supplies. Technology of Water Supply Systems in Developing Countries. Technical Paper Series 18, Den Haag Aug. 1981.

[45] Lehr, J. A. et al., Domestic Water Treatment. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York 1980.

[46] Mann, H. T., Williamsen, D., Water Treatment and Sanitation. I.T. Publications, London Jan. 1976.

[47] PAHO, CEPIS, CIFCA, Curso Sobre Tecnologia de Tratamiento de Agua Para Paises en Desarollo. Lima, Peru, die. 1-16,1977, Lima 1978.

[48] Perez, J. M., Evaluation of Lower Cost Methods of Water Treatment in Latin America PAHO, CEPIS, Lima 1977.

[49] Pickford, J., Water Treatment in Developing Countries. in: Feachem, McGarry, Mara (ed.), Water, Wastes and Health in Hot Climates, London 1977.

[50] Reid, D., Coffey, K., Appropriate Methods of Treating Water and Wastewater in Developing Countries. The University of Oklahoma, Bureau of Water and Environmental Resources Research, Oklahoma 1978.

[51] Ross Institute of Tropical Hygiene, Small Water Supplies. Ross Bulletin 10, London Jan. 1978.

[52] Sanks, R. C., Water Treatment Plant Design for the Practicing Engineer. ANN ARBOR SCIENCE, USA 1978.

[53] Schweizerische Kontaktstelle fir angepasste Technologie, Manual for Rural Water Supply. Publication no. 8, St. Gallen 1980.

[54] Smethurst, G., Basic Water Treatment. Thomas Telfort Ltd., London 1979.

[55] UNICEF, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in the D.C. UNICEF Guide List OLGA, OSU-6400, New York Mai 1975.

[56] Wagner, Lanoix, J. N., Water Supply for Rural Areas and Small Communities. WHO Monograph Series no. 42, Genf 1959.

[57] WHO, Typical Designs for Engineering Components in Rural Water Supply. WHO Regional Publications, South-East Asia Series no 2, New Delhi 1976.

Technologies -specific literature


[58] Camp, T. R., Sedimentation and the Design of Settling Tanks. in: Transactions of the American

Society of Civil Engineers, Paper no. 2285, 1946, no. 3, pp 895 -936.

[59] Hazen, A., On Sedimentation. in: Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Paper no. 980, 1904, no. 53, pp 45-88.


[60] Camp, T. R., Flocculation and Flocculation Basins. in: Trans. Am. Soc. Civil Engineers, Paper no. 2722, 1955, no. 120, pp 1-16.

[61] CEPIS, Polimeros Naturales y su Applicacion Como Ayudantes de Floculacion. Serie Documentos Tecnicos 2, Lima 1975.

[62] Jahn, Dr. Samia al Azharia, Traditional Water Purification in Tropical D. C. -Existing Methods and Potential Application. GTZ-Schriftenreihe, Eschborn 1981.

[64] National Environmental Engineering Research Inst., Natural Coagulant Aids. NEERI Technical Digest 52, Nagpur (India) 1976.

[65] TU Berlin, Konplan, Reaktivierung einheimischer Techniken der Entwicklungslander. Versorgung mit Wasser. GTZ (Hg.), Berlin Nov. 1979.

Rapid filtration

[66] Environmental Health Directorate, Assessing the Effectiveness of Small Filtration Systems for Point-of-View Disinfection of Drinking Water Supply. Ministry of Health and Welfare, Canada, Jan. 1980.

[67] ICAITI, Water Purification Using Small Artisan Filters. Guatemala 1981.

[68] INADES, L'Eau et la Sante. no. 1, Chap. 2, Cote d'Ivoire 1979.

[69] Frankel, R. J., Development of a Water Treatment Canister and Series Filtration unit for Supplying Drinking Water to Individuel Soldiers and Small Units in the Fields. Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok 1973.

[70] Gregory, Mann, Zabel, The Role of Upflow Filtration and Hydraulic Flocculation in Low-Cost Water Technology. IWSA Conference on Low-Cost Technology, Paper 13, Berlin 1981.

[71] Kane, A., Balla, M., Sallssou, M. K., Filtres a Eau Pour Petites Communites Rurales. Republique du Niger, Ministere de la Sante Republique et des Affaires Sociales, Juli 1979.

[72] Thanh, N. C., Functional Design of Water Supply for Rural Communities. Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok April 1978.

[73] Wegelin, M., Roughing Filters as Pre-Treatment for Slow Sand Filtration. Dar-es-Salaam, IWSA Conference on Low-Cost Technology Paper 10, Berlin 1981.

Slow sand filtration

[74] Frankel, R. J., Manual for Design and Operation of the Coconut Fiber/Burnt Rice Husk Filter in Villages of Southeast Asia. Seatec International, Bangkok Okt. 1977.

[75] ders., The Coconut Fiber/Burnt Rice Husks Filter for Supplying Drinking Water to Rural Communities in Southeast Asia. in: Asian Environmental Vol 1 no. 2,111, 1978 pp 12.

[76] ders., Design, Construction and Operation of a New Filter Approach for Treatment of Surface Waters in S. E. Asia. in: Journal of Hydrology, 51 (1981) 319-328.

[77] Gilbert, B., Propositions Pour une Amelioration de la Qualite de L'Eau. in: Centre National de l'Enfant: I'Enfant en Milieu Tropical, Chap. A. III 3, Paris 1978.

[78] NEERI, Slow Sand Filtration. An Interim Report, Nagpur 1976.

[79] Huisman, L., Woods, W. E., Slow Sand Filtration. WHO, Genf 1974.

[80] IRC/WHO, Slow Sand Filtration for Community Water Supply in D. C. a Design and Construction Manual. Technical Paper Series 11, Den Haag, Dez. 1978.

[81] Mann, H. T., Water Supply and Sanitation in Disaster Relief. R. E. E. R. Cambridge 1981.

[82] Thanh, N. C., Pescod, M. B., Application of Slow Sand Filtration for Surface Water Treatment in Tropical Developing Countries. AIT Final Report no. 65, Bangkok 1976.

[83] Thanh, N. C., Functional Design of Water Supply for Rural Communities. AIT, Bangkok April 1978.


[84] Burns, R. H., Howard, J., Safe Drinking Water. An Oxfam Technical Guide, Oxford April 1974.

[85] Central Public Health Engineering Institute, Disinfection Techniques for Small Water Supply. Nagpur, India.

[86] FAO, Water Purification. Vol 4: Rural Home Techniques, Series 2: Labour-Saving Ideas.

[87] McJunkin, F. E., Marais, G. v. R. (ed.), Floating Platform Hypochlorite Solution Feeder. AID-UNC/IPSED Series, Item 7, Chapel Hill, Okt. 1966.

[88] dies., Floating Bowl Hypochlorite Solution Feeder. Item 9, Okt. 1966.

[89] dies., Bottle Hypochlorite Solution Feeders. Item 10, Okt. 1966.

[90] dies., Temporary Chlorination of Small Water Supplies. Item 16, Juli 1967.

[91] Mann, H. T., Water Disinfection Practice and its Effect on Public Health Standard in Developing Countries. IWSA Conference Low-Cost Technology, Paper 23, Berlin 1981.

[92] Volunteers in Technical Assistance, Chlorination for Polluted Water and Super-Chlorination. in: VITA Handbook, pp 127 -133, Maryland 1977.

[93] dies., 200 2-Boiler for Drinking Water. in: VITA Handbook, pp 123, 125-126.

[94] Zoeteman, B. C. J., The Suitability of iodine and iodine Compounds as Disinfectants for Small Water Supplies. IRC/WHO Technical Paper No 2, Den Haag, Juli 1972.