Integrated Renewable Energy System - Perspectives and Issues
Pramod S. Dabrase and Ramchandra T.V. *
Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore –560012

Integrated renewable energy: some issues in Kolar

Study of renewable energy options and status in Kolar indicates that Kolar lacks integrated approach in energy use. Though renewable energy in the form of firewood is the major energy source in domestic sector, its use is not on sustainable scale.  Use of farm grown firewood is significant progressive step. In many areas of the district biogas is being used effectively. Current trends in energy use shows that biogas can tackle rural domestic energy need provided Government continues its subsidy policies and also take care of social lacunae in biogas spread. Use of community biogas is feasible option for many villages/communities in the district and can help cattle-less households but unfortunately there is no wave in this direction. Table: 6 describe present energy contribution and ability to support energy system on sustainable basis.

Table - 6:
Resource Type Availability Potential to support energy system in sustainable manner % Contribution
Forest VP VP 35
Other Plantation G G 40
Agriculture Residue G G 8
Animal waste VG VG 5
Kerosene P P 2
Diesel G P 0.2
Petrol G P 0.1
Electricity P P 0.5
LPG P P 0.05
Solar VG VG 0(Negligible)
Wind G VG 0
Hydro P P 0
VP: Very poor, P: Poor, G: Good, VG: Very Good

Bioresurce in the form of firewood contributes as much as 84% of the total domestic energy consumption. Farm grown firewood if grown with region specific diversified plant species can yield healthy results in all respect. Forest, which is degraded to large extent, can be taken up for afforestation program involving the concept of social forestry, energy plantation which can improve socio-economic and environmental condition, satisfying energy needs of the population. Agriculture residue can be used more effectively by minimising waste.

Fuel-efficient stoves can bring reduction in firewood consumption to significant extent. Therefore, use of these stove should be made mandatory in order to provide healthy indoor as well as outdoor atmosphere. Earlier studies reveal that by switching over to fuel-efficient improved stoves the energy saved is about 33 - 42%. [9] In many possible cases use of kerosene can be minimised or replaced by electricity, which can be generated from biogas. Mix of different energy sources can be used for various activities as shown in table 7, taking in to consideration the end use efficiency aspects.

Table - 7:
Activity Current use Possible replacement/use/options
Cooking Firwood, biogas Biogas, Firewood, solar cooker
Water heating Firewood, Bioresidue Solar heaters, firewood, Bioresidue
Lighting Electricity, Kerosene Electricity, biogas, Kerosene
Water lifting Electricity, bullock power Wind power, electricity, solar power, bullock power
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