Appendices |
Manufacturers Association Erik Dahl, Industrifilter Stavnagervej 5-7, 8250 Egaa ph +45-8622 2900
The Danish Agricultural Advisory Centre Straw Committee Udk'rsvej 15, Skejby, 8200 Arhus N ph +45-8610 9088
Danish Straw Suppliers Agerupvej 120, 4140 Borup ph +45-5362 5292
Institute of Agricultural Economics Gl. Koge -Landevej 13, 2500 Valby ph +45-3644 2080
Centre of Biomass Technology:
Danish Technological Institute Teknologiparken, 8000 Arhus C ph +45 8614 2400
Danish Boiler Owner's Association dk-Teknik, Gladsaxe Mollevej 15, 2860 Soborg ph +45-3969 6511
National Agricultural Engineering Institute Bygholm, 8700 Horsens ph +45-7562 3199
Danish District Heating Association, Straw Dept. Galgebjergve; 44, 6000 Kolding ph +45-7552 8811
The Biomass Group Kronprinsensgade 6A, 1114 Kobenhavn K ph +45-3393 2820
Suppliers (biogas)
BWSC A/S Postbox 235, 3450 Allerod ph +45-4814 0022, fax +45-4814 0150
Jysk Biogas A/S Trendavej 10, 9640 Farso ph +45-9867 8489, fax +45-9867 8711
Kruger-Bigadan A/S Gladsaxevej 372, 2860 Soborg ph +45-3167 4466, fax +45-3966 2022
Kruger-Bigadan A/S Industrivej 4, 5380 Nr. Aby ph +45-6442 3180, fax +45-6442 2614
Consultants (biogas)
Bioplan Aps Livovej 8B, 8800 Viborg ph +45-8661 3833, fax +45-8662 6836
Bioscan A/S Orbaekvej 101, 5220 Odense S0 ph +45-6615 4143, fax +45-6615 4743
B&S Energiteknil; Bredgade 56, 7400 Herning ph +45-9712 4633, fax +45-9722 4425
Carl Bro A/S Granskoven 6, 2600 Glostrup ph +45-4296 8011, fax +45-4296 0055
Hedeselskabet, P.O.Box 110, 8800 Viborg ph +45-8667 6111, fax +45-8667 1517
Nelleman A/S Vestre Kongevej 4-6, 8260 Viby J ph +45-8614 7111, fax +45-8614 0088
PlanEnergi Jyllandsgade 44, 9520 Skprping ph +45-9839 2400, fax +45-9839 2498
Ramboll, Hannemann & Hojlund A/S Goteborg All' 12, 8200 Arhus N ph +45 8616 2244, fax +45-8616 2388