Distance Education :

EM Course 2015-2016
Course Information - 2015

Course Announcements (Brochure):

INTERNET BASED COURSES*                                                  2015 - 2016
Course offered :
Environmental Management
Dr. T.V. Ramachandra, CES, IISc
Course Fee :
  • Rs. 15,000 for participants from industries and independent consultants
  • Rs. 12000 for participants nominated from academic institutions and government agencies.
  • Rs. 10000 for ISTE Members – with work experience of 5 years as teaching faculty and nominated from academic institutions
  • Rs. 8000 for unemployed women FRESH graduates (graduated in 2015), PG students and weaker sections (including SCs/STs)

Number of registrants is restricted to 50 students. Admission is based on first come, first serve basis. Along with the application, the course fee has to be sent in the form of DD only. DD to be drawn in favor of  'Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore', payable at Bangalore.

Entry Requirements :
In-service professionals (BE / M.Sc/ B Sc with 1 years work experience) and fresh graduates are eligible for this course. Participants are expected to take part in all activities that form part of course in addition the participants should work on individual projects. During course, participants should compulsorily attend to interactive chat session, which is considered while grading. Participants should actively participate in the course for best results. A certificate along with grades will be given to all the successful participants.
Venue :
The classroom sessions and examinations will be held at CCE, Lecture Hall, IISc, Bangalore-560012

Important Dates

Last date for Submission of Applications 5th August 2015
Successful applicants will be informed by 20th August 2015
Class room briefing and introductory sessions followed by first term test 2nd-6th September 2015
Interactive session through internet (web and email) for two months. October and November 2015
Announcement of dissertation and implementation by participations November and December 2015
Final Contact session (interactive session, project presentations, guest lectures), Final exam 22nd-28thDecember 2015
Procedure to apply : The application procedure is outlined below.
  1. Course: Environmental Management
  2. Complete and return the application form

Applicants must also submit curriculum vitae along with the application form to the below mentioned Centre for Continuing Education address, which should include the description of  current work, if employed or their specialization. An outline of individual project: especially skills likely to gain in the course and how it will be applied in a project that will be helpful in future career. The CCE must receive all applications before 5th August 2015. Successful applicants will be informed by ­­­20th August 2015.

Send your application form to:

The Chairman
Centre for Continuing Education,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, INDIA

Phone: 91 080 22932491/2247, Fax: 91 080 23600911,
Last date for submission of  Applications:  5th August 2014

Accommodation: Limited single room accommodation is available on the campus. The lodging charges will be Rs.300 per day (at Hoysala,IISc) and Rs 600 per day (at Centenary Guest House, IISc), subject to availability of the accommodation. The participants have to request in advance along with the registration form for accommodation (for introductory session of five days 2nd-6th September 2015 and Final session of three days during 22nd-28thDecember 2014).


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