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 Chairman: Prof. D. P. Giridhar & Dr. T. V. Ramachandra

Fish Mortality, Conservation Strategies in Various Indian Lakes

Geetha Karthi.A and Nisha.L Address

Water is an essential component of an eco-system. It sustains life on earth. A community depends on water for its domestic, agriculture and industrial needs. Availability of water has been a factor in the development of various civilisations near lakes and river. Lakes and tanks are known to be the ecological barometers of the health of a city. They regulate the microclimate of any urban Centre. The government is spending millions for development of these lakes. Rapid urbanisation has lead to the loss of wetland habitat through encroachment, bad management, pollution from sewage, and wastes and litters disposal activities. These factors have seriously affected the survival of lakes and have posed serious threat to the flora and fauna supported by them. 

Large-scale episodal freshwater fish mortality has been experienced in various lakes throughout India during the past few years. The underlying reasons may vary depending on the specific site but there is a general pattern seen everywhere which points out to the unplanned development, pollution and urbanization. The major cases of fish mortality in various parts of India are briefly discussed here in this paper along with the conservation strategies to be adopted to preserve the fisheries resources of India.

Address: Government College of Engineering,
Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: 0487-371641 E-mail:
