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Session12: Integrated Management of Water Quality 
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 Chairman: Dr. Tiina Noges

Rapporteur: Ahalya N

Planning Environmentally Sound Lake Restoration A Case Study of Mysore

Jagannatha V.,  Ramesh P.,  and  Dharmendra C. N. Address

Environment sound planning strategies for restoration of urban lakes are today a near possibility. Global EST data bases such as UNEP/IETC provide us very reliable support in the form of best practices in Environmental Management. Planning for restoration of five urban lakes at Mysore under the Asian Development Bank supported Infrastructure Development Plan through KUIDFC has over 20 unique EST principles such as: SENCLE model for management of lakes involving socio-economical and cultural aspects, ILEC/UNEP formats for documenting status of lakes, Functional utilization of water bodies based on water quality standards for drinking, bathing, wild life, sensitive, fishing and aesthetic uses, Both water shed and water body restoration approach, Lakes planned as ecological security zones to improve quality of urban eco-system, Conventional and remote sensing data  to plan restoration of water body, Effective indigenous cultural heritage in restoration plan, A strong monitoring system with laboratory support, Silt from the lake is used for bund strengthening, island formation and road development, Weed and other organic waste used for composting, Each lake given a priority in its utilization and networked, Wet Land technology used for restoration of lake body and reduction of pollution loads, Solar lighting and environment friendly techniques and methods, Aquifer recharge for surplus water recharge to augment ground water, Recreational and aesthetic landscaping for each lake, Urine segregating toilets and bio-gas plants for demonstration plants, Each lake with ecological road indications with education hoardings, Feeder canals for each lake and their constraints quantified,  Sewage, waste water and trade effluents sources identified, Absence of effective community  participation  of villagers and stake holders identified, Development of lakes keeping the needs  of all visitors /users like children, aged, physically challenged people, Environment friendly and low cost construction involved which merge with the natural surroundings, Planning done in consultation with the owners of the lakes and their functional requirements.

 In this presentation, the need of conventional and remote sensing techniques are found critical to assess the existing status of the lakes and constraints for their restoration. Multiple uses of urban water bodies for wild life, fisheries, recreational, tourism and agriculture etc., are prioritised. The need for effective bottom-up approach necessary for sustainability of these lakes is recommended in the future management. Ongoing PSF/MET/D’loka voluntary awareness campaigns are documented and presented.

Address: "Sahana" 437, A&B Block Double Road, Kuvempu Nagar
Mysore 570 023 Phone: (0821) 543135
Fax: (0821) 544918 (PP)
