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Session10: Remediation Measures

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Chairman: Dr. Chanakya H. N.

Rapporteur: Raushan Kumar

Uptake of Cr (VI) and Fe (II) from aqueous solution by Aspergillus japonicus

Sathishkumar M., Binu Priya A. R., Preethi K., Swaminathan, K. and Palanivel, M Address

Numerous technologies including ion exchange, reverse osmosis, precipitation, electrodialysis, has been developed for removal of these metals, they seem to be either not economically feasible or ineffective in removing metals at low concentrations. But in ground waters, metals are relatively present in low concentrations. So an immediate alternative technology is required. Microbial biomass, in particular fungal biomass is known to adsorb metals effectively. In the present study, the efficiency of Aspergillus japonicus in removing Cr (VI) and Fe (II) from aqueous solution was studied. The optimum conditions like agitation time and adsorption dosage was optimised for removing chromium and iron in various concentrations (25, 50, 75 and 100ppm). The fungus removed 46, 34, 25, and 20% of Cr (VI) and 100, 54, 33 and 27% of Fe (II) from 25, 50, 75 and 100ppm of respective aqueous solutions. The equilibrium time was 70 and 90 min for Cr (VI) and Fe (II) respectively and optimum adsorption dosage was found to be 1.25g/50ml for both the metals. Langmuir adsorption isotherm was also studied to determine the adsorption capacity. The study revealed that the use of A. japonicus could be an effective alternative for removing Cr (VI) and Fe (II) from wastewater.

Address: Microbial Biotechnology Division, Department of Biotechnology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046, Tamil Nadu. India.
Department of Environmental Science, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-641 014, Tamil Nadu. India.
Phone: 0422 - 422 222 E-mail:,
