Biomass Energy in ASEAN Member Countries
Biomass is an important source of energy in ASEAN member countries and its use is still increasing. In ASEAN, energy from biomass (such as wood and agricultural residues) represents about 40% of the total energy consumption – more than 2.5 million Terajoules per year. The bulk is from woodfuels, with an estimated value of US$ 7 billion per year. Main applications are in the domestic sector and small-scale industries, but also increasingly in modern systems for combined heat and power generation. At present, AEEMTRC, COGEN and RWEDP cooperate to integrate information on biomass in energy data bases and to assist in the development of sustainable energy policies. It is recommended that energy policy makers in ASEAN member countries acknowledge the important role of biomass energy and its future potential, since only then can biomass energy be integrated in overall energy policy making and planning. In particular the potential of modern applications for power generation should be given serious consideration as a way of ensuring optimal utilisation of each country's biomass resources.
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