Energy Demand Assessment - sectorwise, talukwise, endusewise
Through this we intend to develop methods to compute desirable
levels of energy consumption, the review of existing different
recommended norms alongwith the existing levels of energy
consumption. The energy demand with demographic and agro
climatic features of the region used to determine the energy
demand for different end use sectors at a more disaggregated
This involves
- Primary data collection
- Domestic sector
From sample villages in each taluk. Villages are selected based
on per capita agricultural land, per capita livestock population,
forest land as % of total land, per capita waste land. These
parameters reflect the availability of energy resources in the
village energy system.
Questionnaire based stratified random sampling of Domestic
sector (based on land holding, community etc.) in each selected
village, to determine cooking, lighting and other domestic energy
demand. Samples from the population would be selected in a manner
so as to represent all category and number of samples so as to
represent atleast 5% of population. From this set of samples we
select few households (who are cooperative) to carry out energy
survey in each season in order to see the seasonal variation in
fuel consumption
- Agriculture Sector
Questionnaire based stratified random sampling of Agriculture
Sector (based on crops, categorywise) etc. to determine
operationwise energy demand, Irrigation Energy demand for
agriculture and other purposes
- Industries Sector
Groupwise- questionnaire based energy demand survey in all
major industries and sample energy intensive medium and small
scale industries
Energy resources- Hydro, Bio energy, Solar energy
- Field data collection of water discharge in sample streams,
status of other water sources such as tanks, wells etc.
- Transect based vegetation sampling to ascertain the ground
truth of a vegetation in the region
- Wind velocity (using anemometer) and solar insolation
(using pyranometer) measurement in some selected taluks.
- Secondary data collection
Such as demographic, geographic, social, economic, ecological and
cultural (all these are found to have indirect influence on energy
system (supply and demand) from various government agencies at
taluk, district and state head quarters.
Procurement of spatial and temporal data of vegetation, land use
and toposheets
- Scanning of toposheets and spatial analyses
Spatial and Temporal Data Input Using GIS, creation of
cadastral images-overlaying on toposheets, registration
of cadastral images for toposheets, generation and
overlay of cadastral vectors.
- Database creation of primary and secondary data
- Review of previous energy models
- Data Analyses and Energy supply - demand model development
- Software development(DSS)
Sectorwise, enduse wise energy demand, sourcewise energy
availability, feasible renewable alternatives
- Reviewing and Results Testing / Verification / Validation
Interaction with user
The energy plan developed based on detailed field investigation
at all taluks of Kolar district. Discussions with local NGO's
and Governement officials would be arranged to address the
constraints in application of energy plan.