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7. Supplementary lists

7.1 WHO recommended classification of selected pesticides according to hazards (1994)
7.2 FAO/UNEP Joint programme on prior informed consent (PIC) import decisions from participating countries as of 31 december 1994

7.1 WHO recommended classification of selected pesticides according to hazards (1994)

(see Dinham, 1995)

Ia extremely hazardous; Ib highly hazardous; II moderately hazardous; III slightly hazardous. n/h = not hazardous under normal conditions of use; n/c = not classified; obs? thought to be obsolete, but researchers believe still available in the country, possibly from old stocks; n/r no reference

2,4-D II chlorothalonil n/h dinoseb Ib
acephate III chlorphoxin n/h diphacinone Ia
alachlor III chlorpyrifos II diquat II
aldicarb Ia cinosulfuron n/h disulfoton Ia
aldrin Ib clomazone II diuron n/h
alpha cypermethrin II clomethoxynil n/r dodecaclor / Mirex obs?
aluminium phosphide n/c copper hydroxide III EBDC II
ametrin III copper oxichloride III edifenphos Ib
anilazine n/h coppersulfate II endosulfan II
arsenic Ia coumachlor Ib ethephon n/h
asulam n/h coumafuryl n/r ethion II
atrazine n/h coumatetralyl Ib ethoprophos Ia
azinphos ethyl Ib cuprousoxide II ethylene dibromide n/c
benomyl n/h cyanazine II etrimphos II
bensulfuron n/h cyanophos II fenarimol n/h
benetazone III cycloxydim n/h fenetrazole n/c
BHC II cyfluthrin II fenitrothio II
bialaphos n/r cyhexatin III fenobucarb II
bioallethrin II cypermethrin II fenoxaprop ethyl n/h
biteranol n/h cyproconazole III fenpropathrin II
BPMC II d-allethrin III fenthion Ib
brodifacoum Ia dalapon n/h fentin II
bromadiolone Ia DBCP III fenubocarb n/c
bromoxynil II DDT II fenvalerate II
butachlor n/h DDVP Ib fluazifop-methyl. n/h
cadusafos Ib deltamethrin II flufenoxuron n/h
captafol Ia demeton S methyl Ib flutriafol III
captan n/h desmedipham n/h fomesafen III
carbaryl II diafenthiuron n/h fosetyl n/h
carbendazim n/h diazinon II furathiocarb Ib
carbofuran Ib dichlorvos Ib glufosinate III
carbophenothion Ib dicofol III glyphosate n/h
carbosulfan II dieldrin II HCH II
cartap II diethyltoluamide III haloxifop methyl II
chinomethionat n/h difenacoum Ia heptachlor II
chlordane II difenoconazole n/h hexaconazole n/h
chlordecone obs? diflubenzuron n/h hydrogen cyanide n/c
chlordimeform II dimethoate II imazaclopyr n/c
chlorfluazuram n/h dimetilan (obsolete) Ib imazapyr n/h
chlormequat III dinitramine n/h imidacloprid II
ioxynil II nitralicarb Ib pyroquilon II
iprodione n/h nitrofen n/h quinalphos II
isazofos Ib norflurazon n/h quinclorac n/h
isofenphos Ib omethoate Ib quintozene n/h
isoprocarb II oxadiazon n/h schradan obs?
lambdacyhalothrin II oxadioxyl III sethoxydim III
leptophos Ia paclobutrazol III simazine n/h
lindane) II paraquat II sulphur n/h
malathion III PCNB n/c tebuconazole n/h
mancozeb n/h pencycuron n/h teflubenzuron n/h
maneb n/h pentachlorophenol Ib terbumeton II
mecoprop III permetrhrin II terbutryn n/h
mephosfolan Ia phenthoate II tetrachlorvinphos n/h
mepiquat III phorate Ia tetradifon n/h
merphos obs? phosalone II thidiazuron n/h
metabromuron n/r phosetyl n/r thiodicarb II
metalaxyl III phosphamidon Ia thiophanate methyl n/h
metazachlor n/h phosphine n/c thiram III
methabenzthiazuron n/h picloram n/h toxaphene II
methacrifos II piperophos II tralomethrin II
methamidophos Ib pirimicarb II triadimefon III
methidathion Ib pirimiphos-methyl Ib triazophos Ib
methiocarb II prallethrin II trichlorfon III
methomyl Ib pretilachlor n/h triclopyr II
methyl parathion Ia profenofos II tricyclazole II
metiram n/h prometryn n/h tridemorph II
metolachlor III propaquizafop n/h trifluralin n/h
metribuzin n/h propiconazole II zinc phosphide Ib
metsulfuronmethyl n/h propineb n/h zineb n/h
mevinphos Ia propoxur II
MIPC II prothiofos II
monocrotophos Ib pyrazophos II

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