Uttara Kannada has great diversity in its landscape, soil and rainfall. There are accordingly tremendous local diversity of cultivated plants. Notable is the diversity of rice, mangoes, jackfruit, pepper, brinjal, banana, lady's finger, coconut, arecanut etc. Such diversity has been developed through the efforts of generations of farmers.

More the local varieties of a crop, greater is the stability of agricultural sector. For example there are over 40 local varieties of rice alone in Kumta taluk. Developed by farmers these varieties have tremendous genetic variability and adaptability. The Kagga variety is salt tolerant; the Sannakki of Medine is scented like Basmati. The Halaga is popular variety grown by several farmers, having good resistance to pests and diseases. For each special use there is a suitable variety.

Uttara Kannada was once famous for its production of pepper. Pepper was grown not only in the gardens but the villagers had even taken care of wild pepper in the forests such as Pepper forests ( Menasukans ).

Today, unfortunately, due to the large-scale introduction of hybrid, high yielding and grafted varieties of crops, and with the threat from genetically modified (GM) varieties round the corner, we are losing precious heritage of scores of locally adapted varieties of all cultivated plants. This is not only a loss to the efforts of the local farmers, but also makes the future of agriculture itself dark. The new varieties are of crop plants most often do not have adaptability to local conditions. Pests and diseases are more for them. Farmers are forced to more of pesticides, which are dangerous to ecosystems, water bodies and affects badly the health of humans and animals.

The large-scale conversion of gajni rice fields into prawn culturing ponds has nearly wiped out the Kagga rice. The local varieties of mangoes, such as Appemidi famed for pickle making, have disappeared largely; their trees were cut for making matchsticks and other industrial purposes.

8.1.1 Action plan: Creation of a database on diversity of all the crop plants

Responsibility: Departments of Agriculture and Horticulture, to work in coordination with NGOs and academic institutions, and knowledgeable individuals from villages.

Methodology: The departments should maintain, as a matter of routine, village-wise database on cultivated biodiversity. The database has to be periodically updated. Geographic Information System (GIS) to be used for the database with the assistance of the District NRDMS Centre, if required. It is very important to prepare Panchayat-wise “ People's Biodiversity Registers” (PBR), in which all such information has to be recorded.

Project: Farmer's Newsletter on traditional agriculture

•  Farmer's Newsletter to cover various traditional crop varieties, including tree crops and wild relatives of cultivated plants

•  Write up on rare local varieties and the farmers/individuals who safeguard them to be given prominence

•  The newsletter to cover innovations in organic farming techniques, soil and water conservation, details on biopesticides etc.

8.1.2 Action plan: Make farmers, including marginal farmers partners in conservation of traditional varieties in their natural areas ( in situ conservation)

(“ In situ conservation” of cultivated species means conservation in the surroundings where they have developed their distinctive properties- Ref: Biodiversity Bill, 2002).

The Government of India, as well as the State agricultural universities are spending huge amounts on conservation of genetic diversity of crop plants, fruit trees etc, at enormous cost to the public finances, in central places, away from natural areas of these crops ( ex situ conservation). At the same time the farmers who have evolved scores of traditional varieties through ages of efforts are not made partners in conservation.

The services of farmers, including marginal farmers are to be used with proper recognition/ incentives to them as an encouragement for continued conservation of rare or threatened local varieties of all domesticated crops. Such a plan of conservation, under proper monitoring, will greatly ensure the continuity of all rare and threatened varieties while recording, acknowledging and providing incentives for the role of the farmers.

For example “Kagga” rice which has salt tolerance, and grown in the coastal gajni lands is endangered due to conversion of rice fields into prawn culturing areas. The scented “Sannakki”of Medine village is grown in very small area by Karivokkaliga farmers, without encouragement from source whatsoever.

Note: The Biodiversity Bill 2002 says every local body shall constitute a “ Biodiversity Management Committee ” for conservation, sustainable use and documentation of biological diversity including preservation of ……land races, folk varieties and cultivars, domesticated stocks and breeds of animals and microorganisms and chronicling of knowledge relating to biodiversity.”

(“Cultivar”: A variety of plant that has originated and persisted under cultivation or was specifically bred for the purpose of cultivation.
"Folk variety” means a cultivated variety of plant that was developed, grown and exchanged informally among farmers.
“Landrace” means primitive cultivar that was grown by ancient farmers and their successors).

The Biodiversity Bill requires that while taking any decision relating to the use of local biological resources and the knowledge relating to them the respective Biodiversity Management Committees (BMC) are to be consulted. The BMC may even charge for any agency for using biological resources within its jurisdiction.

The State Government is required to constitute a Local Biodiversity Fund. “The fund shall be used for conservation and promotion of biodiversity in the areas falling within the jurisdiction of the concerned local body and for the benefit of the community…”

Project: Restoration of Kagga rice cultivation in gajni fields: Government to assist the farmers whose gajni rice fields in the backwater areas have been severely damaged because of conversion into shrimp ponds.

8.1.3 Action Plan: Promotion of organic farming

The Uttara Kannada farmers have a great heritage of organic farming, perhaps more than any other district in Karnataka State. Because of hilly landscape and heavy seasonal rains organic matter is highly essential for protection of agricultural soils. Most arecanut gardeners have been granted bettalands for extraction of leaf manure. These bettalands are forests in support of agriculture. The other farmers usually resort to “Minor Forests” or even Reserve Forests for their leaf manure needs.

Most Minor Forests have been in poor condition. This has prompted the Forest Department to plant fast growing tree species such as Acacia in such degraded forests. The actions required to promote organic farming are:

8.1.4 Action Plan: greater facilitation of women in conservation of traditional crop biodiversity

Small scale conservation of indigenous crops, including tree crops such as mango, jackfruit, kokum, gooseberry, drumstick etc. to be promoted for household food security. Even non-agricultural families to be involved in such efforts. Women to play greater role in promotion of home gardens. Prizes to be instituted at village and taluk levels for promotion of home gardens.

Project: Promotion of efforts like “Malenadu Home Garden and Seed Exchange Network” of Uttara Kannada Women (based at Sirsi), for conservation of traditional crop biodiversity.

Begun in 2001, this is a modest effort at documenting and increasing the diversity of home gardens in Uttara Kannada. The home garden couldbe a tiny patch of land outside one's house, or a small field or a mixed garden.

Home gardens provide food security, nutrition and provide an additional source of income, especially for women. Even the very poor are part of this production system. Home gardens are important genetic resources of cultivated plants, and other folk knowledge related to the plants.

Growing of vegetables, flowers and even trees are part of these home gardens. Currently, about 100 women from 5 villages of Yellapur are part of this network. They meet regularly to discuss about the gardens, exchange seeds. The crops grown are non-hybrids and only by organic methods.

The home garden network is part of a project of Kalpavriksh, Pune. A network of seed banks to be run by women to be encouraged/sponsored.

Such projects need sponsorship from institutes such as NBPGR, which anyway spend huge amounts of money for “ ex situ ” conservation of seeds/genetic resources.

Project: Promotion of local medicinal plants in home gardens
Women may be trained in raising local medicinal plants in small scale in their home gardens. They may also be trained in storage methods for such medicinal plants/their products, and in marketing. These gardens could also strengthen traditional health care systems.

Responsibility : NGOs, Departments of Agriculture/Horticulture/Small Scale Industries.

Project: Documenting, conservation, and sustainable use of semi-wild plants of rural landscapes
The village communities have great dependence on local biodiversity of semi-wild and wild plants for food, medicines, dyes, cosmetics and various other needs. Such plants often are under threat due to increasing human impacts. The PBR should account for such utility plants of the village landscapes and plan for their conservation through habitat pr otectio n and cultivation as well as record their uses by local people.


8.2.1 Action plan: Adoption of watershed based approach in forest management

The Indian peninsula is passing through one of the most critical periods as far as water availability is concerned. Forest fragmentation, diversion of the streams, creation of more monoculture plantations, instead of species rich forests, mining etc. have resulted in decline of the water-holding capacity of the forests.

In a watershed based approach, every forest patch may be graded based on its spectral characters in the satellite imageries. The multi-canopied natural evergreen forests have highest water conservation value. Such forests may be earmarked for future protection. All the swamp forests of the Western Ghats have highest water-conservation values and therefore should be accorded top priority. Such swamps like the Myristica swamps of Uttara Kannada may be protected with the help of the local village communities.

Multi-strata evergreen forests have to be restored in all potential areas if we desire that the streams and rivers should flow perennially. Also such forests are rich in species, especially endemic species of the Western Ghats.

Project: Conservation of the swamp forests and their surroundings.

A recent study of the Myristica swamps of Uttara Kannada reveals that these swamps are highly threatened. These swamps have rare and even hitherto unrecorded species- the endangered tree Semecarpus kattalekanensis for instance. The main problem for conservation of these rare forest stands are 1. Ignorance of the biological and ecological value of such forests; 2. The understaffed nature of the Forest Department. As many of the swamps and rare forest stands are in remote areas they are easily encroached upon by the people for conversion into arecanut gardens. These encroachments are detected only after the damages are already done. Local forest committees of villagers have to be formed for protection of such swamps. Local youth may be appointed as watchmen. Rights for harvesting of NTFP from the surrounding forests may be given to the local villagers as an incentive for protecting such rare ecosystems.

The most important swamp forests to be protected alongwith their surrounding forests are

  1. Forests of Malemane village (Siddapur Range)
  2. Myristica swamps of Hemgar, Kudgund and Hukli villages (Siddapur and Kyadigi ranges)
  3. Myristica swamp of Halsolli hamlet in Mahime village (Gersoppa range)
  4. Myristica swamps of Harigar and Unchalli villages of Amenalli range.

Responsibility: Forest Department in collaboration with JFM committees, Self Help Groups, or by appointing local youth for monitoring and safe-guarding these swamp forests and other rare forest stands rich in endemics.

Project: Evaluating watershed value of forests using satellite imageries to be supported by ground surveys.

Responsibility : Forest Department in collaboration with scientists/local academic institutions/Centre for Environmental Sciences, IISc.

8.2.2 Action plan: Protection of relics of primary forests

Relics of primary forests are still present in Uttara Kannada, especially towards its south. These can be recognized by the presence of high levels of endemism among the flora and fauna. These forests give rise to more perennial streams than the secondary forests. Examples of such forests are Karikallani Gudda (Siddapur range),

8.2.3 Action plan: Forestry to be more people and biodiversity centred, than timber-centred

Species rich forests of the Western Ghats have great potential to support livelihoods of lakhs of people. Day by day newer materials from forests are finding demand, especially in this age of great advances in medicine and biotechnology. Plants are becoming popular as sources of more and more medicines, natural dyes, biopesticides, cosmetic products, essential oils, biochemicals etc. These are in addition to conventional NTFP such as fruits and seeds, shikakai, dalchini, canes, uppage (Garcinia gummi-gutta) , honey etc. Biodiversity conservation cannot succeed by alienating thousands of humans who live dispersed throughout the forest belt of Uttara Kannada. Uttara Kannada forests being rich in diversity, these can be developed into great sources of NTFP.

There is general discontent among the rural people and forest dwellers about the contract system for gathering NTFP. The contractors have no permanent interest in the forest and their method of extraction is destructive. Therefore NTFP management has to be passed into the hands of committees of villagers, where JFM is not existing. Forest Department and NGOs should be entrusted with the formation of such committees or Self-Help groups.

The Revised Forest Strategy of the World Bank Group, while highlighting the importance of forests in protecting vital local and global environmental services and values provided by forests, emphasizes harnessing the potential of forests to reduce poverty; and integrating forests in sustainable development.

8.2.4 Action plan : Dispensing with the contract system for NTFP collection

This would involve formation of local level biodiversity management committees as enunciated in the Biodiversity Bill. If JFM committees are already functioning well in such villages, the NTFP gathering may be entrusted to these.

Project: Training of rural people, especially women in value addition to NTFP or utilisation of NTFP for producing goods through cottage/small-scale industries.

Responsibility: Department of Small-Scale Industries, Forest Department.

Training rural women in scientific extraction, processing/manufacturing and marketing of forest-based goods can considerable employment

These activities will generate more employment in the rural areas.

Project: Development of direct linkages of NTFP collector with the end-market

The middlemen siphons off bulk of the profits by monopolising the marketing links for NTFP thereby depriving the forest dwellers of fare share, which, otherwise would have been theirs' if direct linkages are developed between the collectors or heir co-operatives and the market.


8.2.5 Action plan: Enrichment of forests in biodiversity to support more number of livelihoods and not through expansion of agriculture.

This will involve:

8.2.6 Action plan: Declaration of forest patches of biodiversity significance as “Heritage Sites.”

The Biodiversity Act, 2002 empowers the State Government, from time to time in consultation with local bodies, notify in the Official Gazette, areas of biodiversity importance as biodiversity heritage sites.
The State Government may frame rules for management of such heritage sites in consultation with the Central Government.

Some of the forest sites of biodiversity importance worthy of bringing under the heritage site category are:

8.2.7 Action plan: Protection of riparian forests

These forests are extremely important in biodiversity, nutrient supply to the river, protection of rivers from siltation and proper flow of streams into the river. The forests on the banks of all the rivers to be protected from any further development pressures.

8.2.8 Action plan: Strategy for fire management in forests

Effective fire management cannot take place without people's co-operation. Forests in dry belt cannot be protected from fires for years together, as the fire danger increases from accumulation of dry biomass. The fire itself has a place in forest management. Therefore the fire management strategy may be flexible:

8.2.9 Action plan: Measures for wildlife protection

Project: Creation of butterfly parks within every vegetational zone

This could be an important activity to be sponsored within every vegetational zone of the district. Such activity will be of high educative value, will enhance tourism potential, will generate knowledge on kind of plants to be grown for promoting various kinds of butterflies. The butterfly parks to generate adequate revenue for their maintenance as well as generate rural employment.

8.2.10 Action plan: Conservation of wild relatives of cultivated plants

Such plants are part of the ‘gene bank' of crop plants. Uttara Kannada forests are rich in the wild relatives several cultivated plants such as mango, jackfruit, Garcinia, Nellikai (goose-berry), nutmeg, pulses, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, pepper, bitter-gourd (hagalakai), snake-gourd (patalekai), brinjals, grapes etc. Forests having good population of such wild relatives to be given special place in conservation.

8.2.11 Action plan: Protection of forests from increased tourism

The increased tourism within forest areas have adverse effect on fragile ecosystems, eg Yana and Uluvi forests.

8.2.12 Action plan: Anshi to be part of the proposed Sahyadri Ecologically Sensitive Area (SESA)

Anshi Ghat is in the process of getting converted into a National Park. This could uproot hundreds of forest dwelling families, who have been living there through generations. Instead it has been suggested that the Anshi be part of the proposed Sahyadri Ecologically Sensitive Area (SESA). The services of the people can be enlisted in conservation and sustainable use programmes.


The State ministry for fisheries has to be more broad-based as Ministry for Fisheries and Coastal and Marine Resources Management. Socio-economic studies necessary to document the problems faced by traditional fishing communities. Various interventions into the life and activities of traditional fishing communities have affected their livelihoods. The State has to evolve policies to help the fishing communities to restore their livelihoods.

8.3.1 Action plan: Mangrove planting and protection

Mangroves swamps are among the several specialised tropical marine ecosystems, where biological productivity is exceptionally high. The mangroves stabilise the shoreline and prevent shore erosion. The detritus from mangroves feeds as well as provides nursery grounds for the young of shrimps and fishes. These shrimps and fishes migrate into the mangrove marshes for food and shelter. Therefore mangroves sustain coastal fisheries. In most countries of south and south-east Asia, mangrove swamps are routinely used for aquaculture. Mangroves are also valued for their timber, tannin, firewood, paper-pulp (Untawale and Wafar, 1986).

Widespread planting of mangroves can protect the river banks from erosion, the rivers from flooding as well as compensate for the loss of nutrient input into the estuaries from the Western Ghat forests due to construction of dams. Through contributing detritus the mangroves can enrich the production of shell fish and thereby increase women's employment and take care of nutritional needs of especially poor families. Mangroves also attract resident and migratory birds which enrich biodiversity and offer ecotourism potential.

8.3.2 Action plan: Regulation of marine fishing to sustainable limits

8.3.3 Action plan: Safeguarding the livelihood security of the artisan fisheries

8.3.4 Action plan: Aghanashini river estuary to be considered as Ecologically Sensitive Area

8.3.5 Action plan: Restrictions on prawn catching during breeding period

Paeneus indicus –white shrimp- breeds during December to May, P. monodon –tiger prawn- breeds during May to October, in bar mouths, estuaries and backwaters. A ban on catching of the above species during the breeding periods has been recommended.

8.3.6 Action plan: Pollution control in the prawn farms

The Supreme Court norms for shrimp farmers are to be strictly implemented. The stocking levels in the shrimp farms are to be monitored and certified periodically. The shrimps are to be grown only by using biodegradable feeds, manure and disinfectants.

8.3.7 Action plan: Periodical ban on the catch and sale of over-exploited fish species.

The fishermen to be periodically informed about the details regarding fishing restrictions. The Fisheries Department to take the responsibility and impose the regulations from time to time.

8.3.8 Action plan: Education programme on sustainable use of fish resources

Fisheries Department, CMFRI, NGOs to undertake the task.

8.3.9 Action plan: Welfare measures for fishing community women


8.3.10 Action plan: Identify breeding grounds and other sensitive localities of fish and other marine species, and declare such areas as protected from exploitation.

•  CRZ regulations state areas of fish breeding and mangroves are to be treated as CRZ I. However no such areas are so far identified.

8.3.11 Action plan: Protection of ecology of sea beaches

• Construction of seawalls to protect sea erosion should be done with the permission of CRZ authority, and only after Environmental Impact Assessment.

• Sea beaches to be re-vegetated on a war footing:

  1. To protect them from erosion
  2. To enhance natural beauty and tourism value
  3. To enhance ecosystem value- shelter for coastal birds, enrichment of inter-tidal fauna, nutrient supply to the coastal waters.
  4. To yield economically important products to the village communities:

5. Preservation of the naturalness of pristine beaches

Coastal Uttara Kannada, despite developmental pressures, and rising human population has some of the pristine beaches of the west-coast. The pristineness of such beaches need to be safeguarded. The notable beaches are Mundalli (2 km south of Bhatkal), rocky beach of south Dhareshwar (Kumta taluk) and Managuni and Honebail (Ankola taluk).

The following measures are suggested for their conservation:

8.3.12 Action plan: Promotion of eco-tourism in beaches

The development of eco-tourism and protection of ecology have to go hand in hand. Ecotourism development to benefit local villagers and to improve the ecology of beaches. The beaches having the potential for eco-tourism development are: Shirali and Bailur (Bhatkal taluk), the beaches of Dhareshwar north, Kumta, Gudeangidi and Gangavali (Kumta taluk). The activities necessary for promotion of ecotourism are:


8.3.13 Action plan: The question of shell mining and sand mining in the coastal rivers and estuaries to be re-examined and subjected to fresh EIA studies.

Both the activities are presently not covered by CRZ regulations

8.3.14 Action plan: Involvement of Indian Navy and Coast Guard in environmental protection

•  The Navy to raise natural vegetation in the Project Seabird area and in the islands such as Anjidiv.

•  Caution to be exercised to protect sensitive island ecosystems such as at Netrani island in Bhatkal reported to be affected by naval exercises, firing etc.


8.3.15 Action plan: Regular monitoring, reporting and controlling of pollution levels

8.3.16 Action plan: Inventorying Coastal and Marine Biodiversity

This task is to be carried out primarily by academic/reserch agencies such as the Post-graduate Centre for Marine Biology at Karwar, in collaboration with Botanical and Zoological Surveys, Fisheries College, Mangalore, Fisheries Department, CMFRI Cochin, Forest Department (to look into aspects of mangroves and sea-shore vegetation). Local educational institutions could collaborate. Folk knowledge on coastal biodiversity and its conservation aspects uses has to be a part of the database. The database has to be part of the District Biodiversity Centre

8.17 .Project 1: Compilation of Community Based Inventories

Coordination: District Biodiversity Centre

Expected outputs: Preservation of folk knowledge on biodiversity, its uses, traditional management, knowledge on various phenomena associated with ocean and the sea coast

8.18 Project 2: Museum on Community Fisheries

Great amount of ignorance on coastal fisheries exists presently. Traditional knowledge on fisheries also is fading away with use of modern gadgets. A museum on fisheries may be established in Uttara Kannada to display all aspects of traditional fisheries. This museum should be mostly manned by fisherfolks, including fisher-women. All fishes and shell-fishes and other organisms known to the community, traditional fishing gadgets, lifestyles and culture, and other aspects related to lives of various fishing communities may be displayed in the museum.

Agencies to involve/execute: Fisheries Department, Educational institutions, Departments of Kannada and Culture, Tourism, District Biodiversity Centre

Funding: Independent corpus funds; self-generated revenue

Expected outputs/benefits: Preservation of folk heritage, employment for fisher-folks, a place to display their traditional knowledge, skills, arts and crafts.

8.3.19 Action plan: Protect ecology of all the coastal rivers and their estuaries

These rivers and their estuaries are lifelines of densely populated coastal villages. They safeguard the livelihoods of thousands of families without any capital investment from humans. Therefore tampering excessively with the fragility of these systems can upset the welfare of the bulk of the humans on the coast in addition to adversities on biodiversity. Even tampering with the forests of the Western Ghats and damming of the rivers can have far reaching adverse consequences on the river ecology. Projects on diversion of river waters or the linking of Western Ghat rivers should not be undertaken hastily without estimating their impact on coastal ecology and livelihoods.


8.4.1 Action plan: Formation of a Biodiversity Centre/Board for Uttara Kannada

Constitution: A scientist to coordinate; Deputy Commissioner as chairman; a body of scientists as regular members and officers from biodiversity managing departments as ex-officio members. Representation from NGO as well as women

8.4.2 Action plan: Making people partners in conservation

In Uttara Kannada people and forests have been in constant interaction through ages. Traditional village societies did maintain biodiversity rich surroundings. The forests abounded in timbers and bamboo and wildlife was plentiful almost to the close of the 19 th century. Whether it be conservation of forests and wildlife, domesticated biodiversity or conservation of sacred groves, people's participation is necessary, as is also envisaged in the Biodiversity Bill, 2002.

8.4.3 Action plan: Ensuring livelihood security through biodiversity enrichment and sustainable use


8.4.4 Action plan: Creation of village fodder farms to be run by local people, on self-sustaining basis, in selected villages of every Panchayat

8.4.5 Action plan: Pollution monitoring and control centre for Uttara Kannada

The district is full of fragile ecosystems, yet there is no strategy for promotion of organic agriculture. Waste disposal and sanitation methods in the towns and villages are very poor, posing health hazards to the people and adversely affecting biodiversity.

Responsibility: Pollution Control Board

8.4.6 Action plan: Popularisation of ex-situ conservation measures

8.4.7 Action plan: Human resources development for biodiversity management

8.4.8 Action plan: Conservation of the endemic fishes of Uttara Kannada rivers.

At least 44 species of fresh water fishes of Uttara Kannada rivers are endemic to Western Ghats/South India. The damming of rivers, diversion of streams for agriculture, uses of explosives for catching fishes have adverse effects on fresh water fishes.

•  Periodical status reports on fresh water fishes to be published

•  Use of explosives for fishing to be banned

8.4.9 Action plan: Employment generation through eco-tourism

Tourism can generate employment all over the district, because Uttara Kannada is immensely blessed with natural beauty. Eco-tourism can bring greater livelihood security

to large number of people; but care should be taken to see that tourism is through conservation of natural landscapes, without endangering biodiversity. Eco-tourism policy should be of such nature so as to involve local people in larger number- and not to be monopolised by few.