




Web3D technologies in learning, education and training: Motivations, issues, opportunities   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 49, Issue 1 August 2007 Pages 3-18
Luca Chittaro and Roberto Ranon

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (935 K)



The impact of Web3D technologies on medical education and training   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 49, Issue 1 August 2007 Pages 19-31
Nigel W. John

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (867 K)



Using multimedia and Web3D to enhance anatomy teaching   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 49, Issue 1 August 2007 Pages 32-53
Harry Brenton, Juan Hernandez, Fernando Bello, Paul Strutton, Sanjay Purkayastha, Tony Firth and Ara Darzi

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (2611 K)



Educational resources and implementation of a Greek sign language synthesis architecture   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 49, Issue 1 August 2007 Pages 54-74
K. Karpouzis, G. Caridakis, S.-E. Fotinea and E. Efthimiou

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (703 K)



Employing virtual humans for education and training in X3D/VRML worlds   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 49, Issue 1 August 2007 Pages 93-109
Lucio Ieronutti and Luca Chittaro

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (1244 K)



Computer attitudes of primary and secondary students in South Africa   • ARTICLE
Computers in Human Behavior Volume 23, Issue 4 July 2007 Pages 1762-1776
Chantal Bovée, Joke Voogt and Martina Meelissen

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Aging in Italy: Urban–rural differences   • ARTICLE
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Volume 44, Issue 3 May-June 2007 Pages 243-260
Fiorella Marcellini, Cinzia Giuli, Cristina Gagliardi and Roberta Papa

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Performing a course material enhancement process with asynchronous interactive online system   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 4 May 2007 Pages 567-581
Hei-Chia Wang

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (478 K)



Visualization of agreement and discussion processes during computer-supported collaborative learning   • ARTICLE
Computers in Human Behavior Volume 23, Issue 3 May 2007 Pages 1105-1125
Jeroen Janssen, Gijsbert Erkens and Gellof Kanselaar

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Collaborative and workflow-oriented digital portfolio: Creating a web-based tool to support a nationwide program of practices evaluation in the blood transfusion area   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Medical Informatics Volume 76, Issues 5-6 May-June 2007 Pages 383-392
Pascal Staccini, Eric Hergon, Michel Joubert and Marius Fieschi

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Awareness of hydrogen energy technologies in the undergraduate engineering subjects   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 10 April 2007
S.Z. Ilyas and T.N. Vizroglu

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Building support for language and early literacy in preschool classrooms through in-service professional development: Effects of the Literacy Environment Enrichment Program (LEEP)   • ARTICLE
Early Childhood Research Quarterly , In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 4 April 2007
David K. Dickinson and Linda Caswell

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Maladie de Lyme : bases fondamentales à l'origine des mesures préventives, mesures de prévention primaire et secondaire   • ARTICLE
Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 3 April 2007
N. Guy

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Gestures in conversation – the significance of gestures and utterances when children and preschool teachers create stories using the computer   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 3 April 2007 Pages 335-361
Anna Klerfelt

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Scaffolded writing and rewriting in the discipline: A web-based reciprocal peer review system   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 3 April 2007 Pages 409-426
Kwangsu Cho and Christian D. Schunn

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (1965 K)


Using online role play to teach internet safety awareness   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 3 April 2007 Pages 460-473
J.M. Wishart, C.E. Oades and M. Morris

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (243 K)



microLESSONS in teacher education : Examining pre-service teachers' pedagogical beliefs   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 3 April 2007 Pages 474-494
Cher Ping Lim and Bee Choo Chan

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (803 K)



Why can an environmental policy tax promote growth through the channel of education ?   • ARTICLE
Ecological Economics Volume 62, Issue 1 1 April 2007 Pages 27-36
André Grimaud and Frederic Tournemaine

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Winter versus spring sowing of rain-fed safflower in a semi-arid, high-elevation Mediterranean environment   • ARTICLE
European Journal of Agronomy Volume 26, Issue 3 April 2007 Pages 249-256
S.K. Yau

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Quality of life in unaffected twins discordant for affective disorder   • ARTICLE
Journal of Affective Disorders Volume 99, Issues 1-3 April 2007 Pages 133-138
Maj Vinberg, Per Bech, Kirsten Ohm Kyvik and Lars Vedel Kessing

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Institutions and moral hazard in open economies   • ARTICLE
Journal of International Economics Volume 71, Issue 2 April 2007 Pages 495-514
Jonathan Vogel

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Frequency of Eating Homegrown Produce Is Associated with Higher Intake among Parents and Their Preschool-Aged Children in Rural Missouri   • ARTICLE
Journal of the American Dietetic Association Volume 107, Issue 4 April 2007 Pages 577-584
Marilyn S. Nanney, Sheldon Johnson, Michael Elliott and Debra Haire-Joshu

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Mentoring as a retention strategy in a diverse, multicultural, urban associate degree nursing program   • ARTICLE
Teaching and Learning in Nursing Volume 2, Issue 2 April 2007 Pages 28-33
Georgina Colalillo

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (104 K)



Current Practice of Microsurgery by Members of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand   • ARTICLE
The Journal of Hand Surgery Volume 32, Issue 4 April 2007 Pages 541-547
Alexander H. Payatakes, Nikolaos P. Zagoreos, Gregory G. Fedorcik, David S. Ruch and L. Scott Levin

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Learning to let go: The challenge of de-crowding the curriculum   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 30 March 2007
Karla Dalley, Lori Candela and Jean Benzel-Lindley

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Changes in self-reported driving behaviour following attendance at a mature driver education program   • ARTICLE
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 30 March 2007
Glenyth E. Nasvadi

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A clinical approach to circadian rhythm sleep disorders   • ARTICLE
Sleep Medicine ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 28 March 2007
Ana Barion and Phyllis C. Zee

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Higher education during the Islamic government of Iran (1979–2004)   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Educational Development ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 27 March 2007
Shokrollah Hamdhaidari, Hossein Agahi and Abdulhamid Papzan

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (228 K)



The extent of variability in learning strategies and students' perceptions of the learning environment   • ARTICLE
Learning and Instruction ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 27 March 2007
Jan Nijhuis, Mien Segers and Wim Gijselaers

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Coercing shared knowledge in collaborative learning environments   • ARTICLE
Computers in Human Behavior ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 23 March 2007
Paul A. Kirschner, Pieter J. Beers, Henny P.A. Boshuizen and Wim H. Gijselaers

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Economic implications of inalienable and communal native title: The case of Wik forestry in Australia   • ARTICLE
Ecological Economics ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 23 March 2007
Tyron J. Venn

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E-learning in physiotherapy education   • ARTICLE
Physiotherapy ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 23 March 2007
Susi Peacock and Julie Hooper

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The relationship between personal values and perceived value of education   • ARTICLE
Journal of Business Research ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 21 March 2007
Lesley Ledden, Stavros P. Kalafatis and Phillip Samouel

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Knowledge sharing and creation in a teachers' professional virtual community   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 13 March 2007
Fu-ren Lin, Sheng-cheng Lin and Tzu-ping Huang

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (970 K)



Analyzing place metaphors in 3D educational collaborative virtual environments   • ARTICLE
Computers in Human Behavior ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 12 March 2007
Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland

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Individual differences in graduate students' help-seeking process in using a computer coach in problem-based learning   • ARTICLE
Learning and Instruction ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 12 March 2007
Julien Mercier and Carl H. Frederiksen

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Perception de soi, de l'appartenance culturelle et de l' éducation parentale chez des adolescents délinquants issus de l'immigration maghrébine   • ARTICLE
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 12 March 2007
N. Combalbert, A. Lemghairbat and A. Andronikof

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A firm-level analysis of determinants of ICT adoption in Spain   • ARTICLE
Technovation ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 9 March 2007
Alberto Bayo-Moriones and Fernando Lera-López

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Mapping placement educators' conceptions of teaching   • ARTICLE
Physiotherapy ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 8 March 2007
Clare Kell and Linda Jones

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Using GIS and landscape metrics in the hedonic price modeling of the amenity value of urban green space: A case study in Jinan City, China   • ARTICLE
Landscape and Urban Planning Volume 79, Issues 3-4 2 March 2007 Pages 240-252
Fanhua Kong, Haiwei Yin and Nobukazu Nakagoshi

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Registered nurses' perceptions of educational preparation for professional work and development in their profession   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 2 March 2007
Ella Danielson and Leeni Berntsson

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Learning from the first Operations Management textbook   • ARTICLE
Journal of Operations Management Volume 25, Issue 2 March 2007 Pages 239-247
Christopher A. Voss

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A Model Quality Improvement Program for the Management of Falls in Nursing Homes   • SHORT COMMUNICATION
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association Volume 8, Issue 3, Supplement 1 March 2007 Pages S26-S36
Jo A. Taylor, Patricia Parmelee, Holly Brown, Harry S. Strothers III, Elizabeth Capezuti and Joseph G. Ouslander

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Bringing chatbots into education : Towards natural language negotiation of open learner models   • ARTICLE
Knowledge-Based Systems Volume 20, Issue 2 March 2007 Pages 177-185
Alice Kerly, Phil Hall and Susan Bull

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Problem-based learning in clinical nursing education : Integrating theory and practice   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education in Practice Volume 7, Issue 2 March 2007 Pages 67-74
Anna C. Ehrenberg and Marianne Häggblom

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Long-term effects of athletics meet on the perceived competence of individuals with intellectual disabilities   • ARTICLE
Research in Developmental Disabilities Volume 28, Issue 2 March-April 2007 Pages 176-186
Grégory Ninot and Christophe Maïano

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ICTS: A catalyst for enriching the learning process and library services in India   • ARTICLE
The International Information & Library Review Volume 39, Issue 1 March 2007 Pages 1-11
Smita Chandra and Vivek Patkar

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Hijacking equal opportunity policies in a Nigerian College of Education : The micropolitics of gender   • ARTICLE
Women's Studies International Forum Volume 30, Issue 2 March-April 2007 Pages 85-96
Salihu Bakari and Fiona Leach

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (196 K)



Programming physics softwares in Flash   • ARTICLE
Computer Physics Communications ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 28 February 2007
Koo-Chul Lee and Julian Lee

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The timing of natural menopause in Poland and associated factors   • ARTICLE
Maturitas ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 20 February 2007
Maria Kaczmarek

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Online vs. face-to-face discussion in a web-based research methods course for postgraduate nursing students: A quasi-experimental study   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Nursing Studies ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 15 February 2007
Malcolm Campbell, Will Gibson, Andy Hall, David Richards and Peter Callery

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Comparisons of measured stream flow with drainage and runoff simulated by a soil-vegetation-atmosphere transport model parameterized with GLOBE student data   • ARTICLE
Journal of Hydrology Volume 333, Issues 2-4 15 February 2007 Pages 214-225
Jeffrey Melkonian, Susan J. Riha, Jessica Robin and Elissa Levine

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Exploring adolescent development through the use of popular non-fiction novels   • ARTICLE
Teaching and Teacher Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 15 February 2007
Ryan Poirier, Elizabeth Colarusso, Ann Bischoff and Erin Robertson

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (103 K)



Linking scenarios across geographical scales in international environmental assessments   • ARTICLE
Technological Forecasting and Social Change ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 15 February 2007
Monika B. Zurek and Thomas Henrichs

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A prospective mini health impact assessment of the ‘Towards 2010' programme in Sandwell and West Birmingham in the West Midlands   • ARTICLE
Public Health ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 12 February 2007
S. Ali, V. O'Callaghan, J.D. Middleton and R. Little

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Identification of hazards and critical control points (CCP) for cassava fufu processing in South-West Nigeria   • ARTICLE
Food Control ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 3 February 2007
A.O. Obadina, O.B. Oyewole, L.O. Sanni, K.I. Tomlins and A. Westby

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Academic career selection and retention in radiation oncology: The Joint Center for Radiation Therapy experience   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 2 February 2007
Tracy A. Balboni, Ming-Hui Chen, Jay R. Harris, Abram Recht, Mary Ann Stevenson and Anthony V. D'Amico

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (100 K)



Faculty and librarian collaborations: A case study and proposal for online learning environments   • ARTICLE
Research Strategies ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 2 February 2007
Cheryl Bielema, Dan Crocker, Joan Miller, Jennifer Reynolds-Moehrle and Helen Shaw

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (135 K)



Inequities in CHD Incidence and Case Fatality by Neighborhood Deprivation   • ARTICLE
American Journal of Preventive Medicine Volume 32, Issue 2 February 2007 Pages 97-106
Marilyn Winkleby, Kristina Sundquist and Catherine Cubbin

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Burns in Turkish children and adolescents: Nine years of experience   • ARTICLE
Burns Volume 33, Issue 1 February 2007 Pages 46-51
A.E. Sakallioglu, Ö. Basaran, A. Tarim, E. Türk, A. Kut and M. Haberal

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A framework for lab work management in mass courses. Application to Low Level Input/Output without hardware   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 2 February 2007 Pages 153-170
Santiago Rodríguez, Juan Zamorano, Francisco Rosales, Antonio García Dopico and José Luis Pedraza

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (1010 K)



Environmental design for a structured network learning society   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 2 February 2007 Pages 234-249
Ben Chang, Nien-Heng Cheng, Yi-Chan Deng and Tak-Wai Chan

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (591 K)



Channels of transmission of environmental policy to economic growth: A survey of the theory   • SHORT SURVEY
Ecological Economics Volume 60, Issue 4 1 February 2007 Pages 688-699
Francesco Ricci

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Launching mathematical research without a formal mandate: The role of university-affiliated journals in Britain , 1837–1870   • ARTICLE
Historia Mathematica Volume 34, Issue 1 February 2007 Pages 89-106
Sloan Evans Despeaux

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Could simulated emergency procedures practised in a static environment improve the clinical performance of a Critical Care Air Support Team (CCAST)?: A literature review   • ARTICLE
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Volume 23, Issue 1 February 2007 Pages 33-42
Di Lamb

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Validating E-learning factors affecting training effectiveness   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Information Management Volume 27, Issue 1 February 2007 Pages 22-35
Hyochang Lim, Sang-Gun Lee and Kichan Nam

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Can design principles of traditional learning theories be fulfilled by computer-based training systems in medicine: The example of CAMPUS   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Medical Informatics Volume 76, Issues 2-3 February-March 2007 Pages 124-129
Sebastian Garde, Jörn Heid, Martin Haag, Matthias Bauch, Thorsten Weires and Franz Josef Leven

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Jordanian patients' perception of stressors in critical care units: A questionnaire survey   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Nursing Studies Volume 44, Issue 2 February 2007 Pages 227-235
Issa M. Hweidi

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Impact of job satisfaction components on intent to leave and turnover for hospital-based nurses: A review of the research literature   • REVIEW ARTICLE
International Journal of Nursing Studies Volume 44, Issue 2 February 2007 Pages 297-314
Billie Coomber and K. Louise Barriball

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Incentives to improve farm management: EMS , supply-chains and civil society   • ARTICLE
Journal of Environmental Management Volume 82, Issue 3 February 2007 Pages 302-310
Neil Gunningham

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“Living With Risk”: Mothering a Child With Food-Induced Anaphylaxis   • ARTICLE
Journal of Pediatric Nursing Volume 22, Issue 1 February 2007 Pages 30-42
Catherine A. Gillespie, Roberta L. Woodgate, Karen I. Chalmers and Wade T.A. Watson

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Influences on patients' ratings of physicians: Physicians demographics and personality   • SHORT COMMUNICATION
Patient Education and Counseling Volume 65, Issue 2 February 2007 Pages 270-274
Paul Duberstein, Sean Meldrum, Kevin Fiscella, Cleveland G. Shields and Ronald M. Epstein

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Emergency Department education improves patient knowledge of coronary artery disease risk factors but not the accuracy of their own risk perception   • ARTICLE
Preventive Medicine ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 1 February 2007
Annette Williams, Christopher Lindsell, Laura Rue and Andra Blomkalns

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Opportunities and challenges created by terrorism   • ARTICLE
Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume 74, Issue 2 February 2007 Pages 148-164
Chin-Huang Lin, Dian-Yan Liou and Kang-Wei Wu

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Surgical skill acquisition with self-directed practice using computer-based video training   • ARTICLE
The American Journal of Surgery Volume 193, Issue 2 February 2007 Pages 237-242
Nathan Jowett, Vicki LeBlanc, George Xeroulis, Helen MacRae and Adam Dubrowski

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In-class laptop use and its effects on student learning   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 26 January 2007
Carrie B. Fried

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (212 K)



Performance analysis of GAME: A generic automated marking environment   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 26 January 2007
Michael Blumenstein, Steve Green, Shoshana Fogelman, Ann Nguyen and Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (629 K)



The happy story of small business financing   • ARTICLE
Journal of Banking & Finance ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 26 January 2007
Ed Vos, Andy Jia-Yuh Yeh, Sara Carter and Stephen Tagg

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Capabilities, human capital and education   • ARTICLE
Journal of Socio-Economics ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 23 January 2007
Diego Lanzi

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Do you like me as much as I like you? Friendship reciprocity and its effects on school outcomes among adolescents   • ARTICLE
Social Science Research ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 18 January 2007
Elizabeth Vaquera and Grace Kao

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (459 K)



Tourist perception of recreational environment and management in a marine protected area   • ARTICLE
Landscape and Urban Planning Volume 79, Issue 1 15 January 2007 Pages 29-37
I. Petrosillo, G. Zurlini, M.E. Corlianò, N. Zaccarelli and M. Dadamo

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What drives a successful e-Learning? An empirical investigation of the critical factors influencing learner satisfaction   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 12 January 2007
Pei-Chen Sun, Ray J. Tsai, Glenn Finger, Yueh-Yang Chen and Dowming Yeh

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (239 K)



Video as a tool for fostering productive discussions in mathematics professional development   • ARTICLE
Teaching and Teacher Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 12 January 2007
Hilda Borko, Jennifer Jacobs, Eric Eiteljorg and Mary Ellen Pittman

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (257 K)



Building cognitive support for the learning of long division skills using progressive schematization: Design and empirical validation   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 11 January 2007
Karel Hurts

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (257 K)



Attitudes, beliefs, and attendance in a hybrid course   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 10 January 2007
Errol Yudko, Randy Hirokawa and Robert Chi

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (309 K)



Teaching in transition: Examining school-based gender inequities in central/southeastern Europe and the former Soviet Union   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Educational Development ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 9 January 2007
Cathryn Magno and Iveta Silova

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Balancing basic and post-basic education in Kenya : National versus international policy agendas   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Educational Development ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 8 January 2007
Kenneth King

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (212 K)



Educating the designer: An operational model for visualizing low-energy architecture   • ARTICLE
Building and Environment ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 2 January 2007
Neveen Hamza and Margaret Horne

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The telecommunications content of state public utility commission Web sites: Remaining relevant in a changing marketplace   • ARTICLE
Government Information Quarterly ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 2 January 2007
Phyllis Bernt, Lawrence Wood and Carol Ting

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Mitigation and Current Management Attempts to Limit Pathogen Survival and Movement Within Farmed Grassland   • REVIEW ARTICLE
Advances in Agronomy Volume 93 2007 Pages 95-152
David M. Oliver, A. Louise Heathwaite, Chris J. Hodgson and David R. Chadwick

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Utilitarian Bicycling: A Multilevel Analysis of Climate and Personal Influences   • ARTICLE
American Journal of Preventive Medicine Volume 32, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 52-58
Meghan Winters, Melissa C. Friesen, Mieke Koehoorn and Kay Teschke

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Effect of Urban Traffic, Individual Habits, and Genetic Polymorphisms on Background Urinary 1-Hydroxypyrene Excretion   • ARTICLE
Annals of Epidemiology Volume 17, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 1-8
Pierluigi Cocco, Patrick S. Moore, Maria G. Ennas, Maria G. Tocco, Antonio Ibba, Silvia Mattuzzi, Michele Meloni, Maria Monne, Giovanna Piras, Stefania Collu, et al.

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Computer-aided design in urban development and management—A software for integrated planning and design by optimization   • ARTICLE
Building and Environment Volume 42, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 473-494
B.K. Chakrabarty

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A PKI approach for deploying modern secure distributed e-learning and m-learning environments   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 1-16
Georgios Kambourakis, Denise-Penelope N. Kontoni, Angelos Rouskas and Stefanos Gritzalis

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (560 K)



Transition from traditional to ICT-enhanced learning environments in undergraduate chemistry courses   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 30-43
Miri Barak

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Contextual learning theory: Concrete form and a software prototype to improve early education   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 100-118
Ton Mooij

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Intensive use of ICT in school: Developing differences in students' ICT expertise   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 48, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 119-136
Liisa Ilomäki and Pirkko Rantanen

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Students' experiences with collaborative learning in asynchronous Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning environments   • ARTICLE
Computers in Human Behavior Volume 23, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 496-514
Silvia Dewiyanti, Saskia Brand-Gruwel, Wim Jochems and Nick J. Broers

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Using structural equation modeling to test environmental performance in small and medium-sized manufacturers: can SEM help SMEs?   • ARTICLE
Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 15, Issue 4 2007 Pages 303-312
Dennis M. Hussey and Patrick D. Eagan

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Environmental improvements in the metal finishing industry in Australasia   • SHORT COMMUNICATION
Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 15, Issues 8-9 2007 Pages 756-763
Darrell J. Reeve

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GIS and rural electricity planning in Uganda   • ARTICLE
Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 15, Issue 2 2007 Pages 203-217
Elizabeth Kaijuka

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Practicing for and performance on drivers license tests in relation to gender differences in crash involvement among novice drivers   • ARTICLE
Journal of Safety Research Volume 38, Issue 1 2007 Pages 71-80
Anders Nyberg and Nils Petter Gregersen

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The iCritical Care Podcast: A Novel Medium for Critical Care Communication and Education   • ARTICLE
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 14, Issue 1 January-February 2007 Pages 94-99
Richard H. Savel, Evan B. Goldstein, Eli N. Perencevich and Peter B. Angood

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Supporting pre-registration students in practice: A review of current ICT use   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today Volume 27, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 60-67
Rod Ward and Pam Moule

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Situated cognition and cognitive apprenticeship: A model for teaching and learning clinical skills in a technologically rich and authentic learning environment   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today Volume 27, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 73-79
Norman N. Woolley and Yvonne Jarvis

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A collaborative approach to developing “learning synergy” in primary health care   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education in Practice Volume 7, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 18-25
Cathy Taylor

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Exploring bullying: Implications for nurse educators   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education in Practice Volume 7, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 26-35
Sharon L. Edwards and Claire Frances O'Connell

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Critical thinking and clinical competence: Results of the implementation of student-centered teaching strategies in an advanced practice nurse curriculum   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education in Practice Volume 7, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 53-59
John W. Distler

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Dedicated education unit: An innovative clinical partner education model   • ARTICLE
Nursing Outlook Volume 55, Issue 1 January-February 2007 Pages 31-37
Susan Randles Moscato, Judith Miller, Karen Logsdon, Stephen Weinberg and Lori Chorpenning

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Valuing recreational and conservation benefits of coral reefs—The case of Bolinao, Philippines   • ARTICLE
Ocean & Coastal Management Volume 50, Issues 1-2 2007 Pages 103-118
Mahfuzuddin Ahmed, Gloria Magnayon Umali, Chiew Kieok Chong, Mary Franz Rull and Marissa C. Garcia

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Reducing minors' access to tobacco: Eight years' experience in Hawaii   • ARTICLE
Preventive Medicine Volume 44, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 55-58
Karen Glanz, Amos D. Jarrette, Elaine A. Wilson, David L. O'Riordan and Kimberly R. Jacob Arriola

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Illustrating the “virtual” in virtual schooling: Challenges and strategies for creating real tools to prepare virtual teachers   • ARTICLE
The Internet and Higher Education Volume 10, Issue 1 2007 Pages 27-39
Niki Davis, M.D. (Peggy) Roblyer, Amina Charania, Rick Ferdig, Chad Harms, Lily Ko Li Compton and Mi Ok Cho

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Quality in blended learning: Exploring the relationships between on-line and face-to-face teaching and learning   • ARTICLE
The Internet and Higher Education Volume 10, Issue 1 2007 Pages 53-64
Paul Ginns and Robert Ellis

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The Current Role of Medical Simulation in American Urological Residency Training Programs: An Assessment by Program Directors   • ARTICLE
The Journal of Urology Volume 177, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 288-291
Carter Q. Le, Deborah J. Lightner, Laura VanderLei, Joseph W. Segura and Matthew T. Gettman

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The social and economic impact of epilepsy in Zambia: a cross-sectional study   • ARTICLE
The Lancet Neurology Volume 6, Issue 1 January 2007 Pages 39-44
Gretchen Birbeck, Elwyn Chomba, Masharip Atadzhanov, Edward Mbewe and Alan Haworth

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Regulatory considerations on transgenic livestock in Japan in relation to the Cartagena protocol   • ARTICLE
Theriogenology Volume 67, Issue 1 1 January 2007 Pages 185-187
K. Yamanouchi

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Questioning: A tool in the nurse educator's kit   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education in Practice ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 27 December 2006
Honor M. Nicholl and Catherine A.B. Tracey

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A nurse-/pharmacy-led capecitabine clinic for colorectal cancer: Results of a prospective audit and retrospective survey of patient experiences   • ARTICLE
European Journal of Oncology Nursing ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 26 December 2006
A. MacLeod, A. Branch, J. Cassidy, A. McDonald, N. Mohammed and L. MacDonald

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Perception of hospital learning environment : A survey of Hong kong nursing students   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 20 December 2006
Dominic S.K. Chan and Wan Y. Ip

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Management of feral domestic cats in the urban environment of Rome (Italy)   • ARTICLE
Preventive Veterinary Medicine Volume 77, Issues 3-4 18 December 2006 Pages 180-185
Eugenia Natoli, Laura Maragliano, Giuseppe Cariola, Anna Faini, Roberto Bonanni, Simona Cafazzo and Claudio Fantini

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Model and algorithm of the conceptual scheme formation for knowledge domain in distance learning   • ARTICLE
European Journal of Operational Research Volume 175, Issue 3 16 December 2006 Pages 1379-1399
Oleg Zaikin, Emma Kushtina and Przemyslaw Rózewski

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Methodological considerations of undertaking research with clinical mentors in the UK : A critical review of the literature   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 13 December 2006
Annette M. Jinks

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Context or key? Language in four adult learning programmes   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Educational Development ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 11 December 2006
Clinton Robinson

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (173 K)


Neighborhoods and Obesity in Older Adults: The Baltimore Memory Study   • ARTICLE
American Journal of Preventive Medicine Volume 31, Issue 6 December 2006 Pages 455-463
Thomas A. Glass, Meghan D. Rasmussen and Brian S. Schwartz

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Artificial intelligence approach to support statistical quality control teaching   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 47, Issue 4 December 2006 Pages 448-464
Marcelo Menezes Reis, Edson Pacheco Paladini, Suresh Khator and Willy Arno Sommer

Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (390 K)



“An integral part of the children's education ”: placing sun protection in Auckland primary schools   • ARTICLE
Health & Place Volume 12, Issue 4 December 2006 Pages 436-448
Damian C.A. Collins, Robin A. Kearns and Hannah Mitchell

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A comparison of labour and birth experiences of women delivering in a birthing centre and at home in the Netherlands   • ARTICLE
Midwifery Volume 22, Issue 4 December 2006 Pages 339-347
Heather A. Borquez and Therese A. Wiegers

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Insights from Australian parents into educational experiences in the early postnatal period   • ARTICLE
Midwifery Volume 22, Issue 4 December 2006 Pages 356-364
Lois V. McKellar, Jan I. Pincombe and Ann M. Henderson

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Designing quality course management systems that foster intra-professional education   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today Volume 26, Issue 8 December 2006 Pages 726-731
Helen F. Bowers

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Designing quality course management systems that foster intra-professional education   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education in Practice Volume 6, Issue 6 December 2006 Pages 418-423
Helen F. Bowers

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Evidence-Based Practice: Creating the environment for practice excellence   • ARTICLE
Nurse Leader Volume 4, Issue 6 December 2006 Pages 38-41
Laura Caramanica and Joanne Roy

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Development and Face and Content Validity of an Eye Surgical Skills Assessment Test for Ophthalmology Residents   • ARTICLE
Ophthalmology Volume 113, Issue 12 December 2006 Pages 2364-2370
Jennifer B. Fisher, Gil Binenbaum, Paul Tapino and Nicholas J. Volpe

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Nanny or steward? The role of government in public health   • ARTICLE
Public Health Volume 120, Issue 12 December 2006 Pages 1149-1155
Karen Jochelson

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The impact of teacher preparation on responses to student aggression in the classroom   • ARTICLE
Teaching and Teacher Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 27 November 2006
Heather K. Alvarez

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The effect of education on hypothetical and actual oxygen administration decisions   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 21 November 2006
Julie Considine, Mari Botti and Shane Thomas

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Mental health nursing students' relationships with the pharmaceutical industry   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 20 November 2006
Russell Ashmore, Neil Carver and David Banks

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Using digital videos displayed on personal digital assistants (PDAs) to enhance patient education in clinical settings   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Medical Informatics ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 17 November 2006
Tina Penick Brock and Scott R. Smith

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Evaluation of a journal club designed to enhance the professional development of radiation therapists   • ARTICLE
Radiography ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 17 November 2006
Danielle Milinkovic, Nikki Field and Cherry Bell Agustin

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Provision of distance learning services over Interactive Digital TV with MHP   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 16 November 2006
José J. Pazos-Arias, Martín López-Nores, Jorge García-Duque, Rebeca P. Díaz-Redondo, Yolanda Blanco-Fernández, Manuel Ramos-Cabrer, Alberto Gil-Solla and Ana Fernández-Vilas

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Results of the 2004 Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO) Survey   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics Volume 66, Issue 4 15 November 2006 Pages 1199-1203
Shilpen Patel, Reshma Jagsi, John Wilson, Steven Frank, Vipul V. Thakkar and Eric K. Hansen

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Development of an in situ neutron-scattering facility for research and education in the mechanical behavior of materials   • ARTICLE
Materials Science and Engineering: A Volume 437, Issue 1 10 November 2006 Pages 126-133
P.K. Liaw, H. Choo, R.A. Buchanan, C.R. Hubbard and X.L. Wang

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Text-based synchronous e-learning and dyslexia: Not necessarily the perfect match!   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 7 November 2006
B.P. Woodfine, M. Baptista Nunes and D.J. Wright

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Chinese students in US accounting and business PhD programs: Educational, political and social considerations   • ARTICLE
Critical Perspectives on Accounting ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 7 November 2006
Charles H. Cho, Robin W. Roberts and Sherron K. Roberts

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School-based prevention of schistosomiasis: Initiating a participatory action research project in northern Tanzania   • ARTICLE
Acta Tropica Volume 100, Issues 1-2 November 2006 Pages 79-87
Solveig Freudenthal, Beth Maina Ahlberg, Sabina Mtweve, Pilli Nyindo, Gabriele Poggensee and Ingela Krantz

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Eighty hour work reform: Faculty and resident perceptions   • ARTICLE
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 195, Issue 5 November 2006 Pages 1450-1456
Chi Dola, LaTasha Nelson, Joseph Lauterbach, Simie Degefu and Gabriella Pridjian

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Predicting Delayed Letter Knowledge Development and Its Relation to Grade 1 Reading Achievement Among Children With and Without Familial Risk for Dyslexia   • ARTICLE
Developmental Psychology Volume 42, Issue 6 November 2006 Pages 1128-1142
Minna Torppa, Anna-Maija Poikkeus, Marja-Leena Laakso, Kenneth Eklund and Heikki Lyytinen

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Biological monitoring of wild thicklip grey mullet ( Chelon labrosus ), golden grey mullet ( Liza aurata ), thinlip mullet ( Liza ramada ) and flathead mullet ( Mugil cephalus ) (Pisces: Mugilidae) from different Adriatic sites: meristic counts and skeletal anomalies   • ARTICLE
Ecological Indicators Volume 6, Issue 4 November 2006 Pages 712-732
C. Boglione, C. Costa, M. Giganti, M. Cecchetti, P. Di Dato, M. Scardi and S. Cataudella

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A questionnaire survey on sleeping thermal environment and bedroom air conditioning in high-rise residences in Hong Kong   • ARTICLE
Energy and Buildings Volume 38, Issue 11 November 2006 Pages 1302-1307
Zhongping Lin and Shiming Deng

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The role of social, political, and economic interests in promoting state green electricity policies   • ARTICLE
Environmental Science & Policy Volume 9, Issues 7-8 November-December 2006 Pages 652-662
Stephan Vachon and Fredric C. Menz

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Examining the link between program implementation and behavior outcomes in the lifestyle education for activity program (LEAP)   • ARTICLE
Evaluation and Program Planning Volume 29, Issue 4 November 2006 Pages 352-364
Ruth P. Saunders, Dianne Ward, Gwen M. Felton, Marsha Dowda and Russell R. Pate

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Supporting collaborative learning in engineering design   • ARTICLE
Expert Systems with Applications Volume 31, Issue 4 November 2006 Pages 734-741
Susan Finger, Dana Gelman, Anne Fay, Michael Szczerban, Asim Smailagic and Daniel P. Siewiorek

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Optimizing Undergraduate Nursing Education : Demystifying Care of Older Adults in the Home Setting   • ARTICLE
Geriatric Nursing Volume 27, Issue 6 November-December 2006 Pages 355-361
Leslie Neal-Boylan

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Challenges of primary education in Turkey: Priorities of parents and professionals   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Educational Development Volume 26, Issue 6 November 2006 Pages 640-654
Cennet Engin Demir and Fersun Paykoç

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Risk factors for shigellosis in Thailand   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Infectious Diseases Volume 10, Issue 6 November 2006 Pages 425-433
Pornthip Chompook, Jim Todd, Jeremy G. Wheeler, Lorenz von Seidlein, John Clemens and Wanpen Chaicumpa

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Treatment of anxiety disorders in the Finnish general population   • ARTICLE
Journal of Affective Disorders Volume 96, Issues 1-2 November 2006 Pages 31-38
Sinikka Sihvo, Juha Hämäläinen, Olli Kiviruusu, Sami Pirkola and Erkki Isometsä

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Collaborative distributed environments for learning design tasks by means of modelling and simulation   • ARTICLE
Journal of Network and Computer Applications Volume 29, Issue 4 November 2006 Pages 321-342
Crescencio Bravo, Miguel Á. Redondo, Manuel Ortega and M. Felisa Verdejo

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Readiness for Future Managerial Leadership Roles: Nursing Students' Perceived Importance of Organizational Values   • ARTICLE
Journal of Professional Nursing Volume 22, Issue 6 November-December 2006 Pages 339-346
Tova Hendel, Nira Eshel, Lelit Traister and Vered Galon

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Technology-Enhanced Interactive Surgical Education   • ARTICLE
Journal of Surgical Research Volume 136, Issue 1 November 2006 Pages 13-18
Bryan A. Whitson, Chuong D. Hoang, Tun Jie and Michael A. Maddaus

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Mistaken, misshapen and mythical images of nurse education : Creating a shared identity for clinical nurse educator practice   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education in Practice ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 1 November 2006
Jane Conway and Carolyn Elwin

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Young Men's Project: Great Yarmouth , UK   • ARTICLE
Reproductive Health Matters Volume 14, Issue 28 November 2006 Pages 123-126
Mark Osborn

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School-Based Sex Education in Western Nepal: Uncomfortable for Both Teachers and Students   • ARTICLE
Reproductive Health Matters Volume 14, Issue 28 November 2006 Pages 156-161
Shreejana Pokharel, Andrzej Kulczycki and Sujeeta Shakya

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Mentoring beginning teachers in secondary schools: An analysis of practice   • ARTICLE
Teaching and Teacher Education Volume 22, Issue 8 November 2006 Pages 1055-1067
Jennifer Harrison, Sue Dymoke and Tony Pell

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Gender and the transformation agenda in South African higher education   • ARTICLE
Women's Studies International Forum Volume 29, Issue 6 November-December 2006 Pages 572-580
Lesley Shackleton, Sarah Riordan and Desireé Simonis

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The challenges of affirmative action in Tanzanian higher education institutions: A case study of the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania   • ARTICLE
Women's Studies International Forum Volume 29, Issue 6 November-December 2006 Pages 581-591
Amandina Lihamba, Rosemarie Mwaipopo and Lucy Shule

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The acceptance and use of a virtual learning environment in China   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 27 October 2006
Erik M. van Raaij and Jeroen J.L. Schepers

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The effects of integrating technology, observation and writing into a teacher education method course   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 27 October 2006
Syh-Jong Jang

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Do healthier nurses make better health promotors? A review of the literature   • SHORT SURVEY
Nurse Education Today ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 27 October 2006
Glenna D. Carlson and Tony Warne

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The perceptions of undergraduate student nurses of high-fidelity simulation-based learning: A case report from the University of Tasmania   • SHORT COMMUNICATION
Nurse Education Today ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 25 October 2006
Amanda Reilly and Christine Spratt

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Learning in practice – practice educator role   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education in Practice ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 24 October 2006
Rosalynd Jowett and Mirjam McMullan

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A case study of flexible solutions to transport demand in a deregulated environment   • ARTICLE
Journal of Transport Geography ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 23 October 2006
Jenny Brake and John D. Nelson

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Exploring the relationships between Web usability and students' perceived learning in Web-based multimedia (WBMM) tutorials   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 12 October 2006
Thomas P. Mackey and Jinwon Ho

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Fruit-growers' perceptions on the harmful effects of pesticides and their reflection on practices: The case of Kemalpasa , Turkey   • ARTICLE
Crop Protection ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 10 October 2006
Sule Isin and Ismet Yildirim

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Advanced practice for therapy radiographers – A discussion paper   • ARTICLE
Radiography ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 10 October 2006
Angela Eddy

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Participation in class and in online discussions: Gender differences   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 5 October 2006
Avner Caspi, Eran Chajut and Kelly Saporta

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Why we need a commitment approach to environmental policy   • ARTICLE
Ecological Economics ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 3 October 2006
John F. Tomer and Thomas R. Sadler

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Collaborative spaces for GIS-based multimedia cartography in blended environments   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 2 October 2006
Shivanand Balram and Suzana Dragicevic

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Building knowledge networks through project-based online learning: A study of developing critical thinking skills via reusable learning objects   • ARTICLE
Computers in Human Behavior ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 2 October 2006
Gulsun Kurubacak

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An epidemic of abuse and violence: Nurse on the front line   • ARTICLE
Accident and Emergency Nursing Volume 14, Issue 4 October 2006 Pages 245-249
Rose Chapman and Irene Styles

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Socioeconomic determinants of schistosomiasis in a poor rural area in Brazil   • ARTICLE
Acta Tropica Volume 99, Issues 2-3 October 2006 Pages 260-271
Andrea Gazzinelli, Gustavo Velasquez-Melendez, Sara B. Crawford, Philip T. LoVerde, Rodrigo Correa-Oliveira and Helmut Kloos

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Combined chemoimmunotherapy of solid tumours: Improving vaccines?   • REVIEW ARTICLE
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Volume 58, Issue 8 1 October 2006 Pages 975-990
Anna K. Nowak, Richard A. Lake and Bruce W.S. Robinson

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Using the Health Action Model to plan food safety educational materials for Hispanic workers in the mushroom industry   • ARTICLE
Food Control Volume 17, Issue 10 October 2006 Pages 757-767
Sergio Nieto-Montenegro, J. Lynne Brown and Luke F. LaBorde

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Trade, skill acquisition and distribution   • ARTICLE
Journal of Development Economics Volume 81, Issue 1 October 2006 Pages 118-141
Satya P. Das

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Private agricultural colonization on a Brazilian frontier, 1970–1980   • ARTICLE
Journal of Historical Geography Volume 32, Issue 4 October 2006 Pages 839-863
Wendy Jepson

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People or places: What should be the target?   • ARTICLE
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport Volume 9, Issue 5 October 2006 Pages 357-366
Billie Giles-Corti

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Computer-Based Learning in Medical Education : A Critical View   • ARTICLE
Journal of the American College of Radiology Volume 3, Issue 10 October 2006 Pages 793-798
W. Robert Lee

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Students' perception of the psycho-social clinical learning environment : An evaluation of placement models   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today Volume 26, Issue 7 October 2006 Pages 564-571
Amanda Henderson, Michelle Twentyman, Alison Heel and Belinda Lloyd

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The experiences of lecturer practitioners in clinical practice   • ARTICLE
Nurse Education Today Volume 26, Issue 7 October 2006 Pages 601-608
Sarah J. Brown

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Factors associated with the use of maternity services in Enugu, southeastern Nigeria   • ARTICLE
Social Science & Medicine Volume 63, Issue 7 October 2006 Pages 1870-1878
Hyacinth Eze Onah, Lawrence C. Ikeako and Gabriel C. Iloabachie

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The beliefs and perceptions of pre-service teachers enrolled in a subject-area dominant teacher education program about “Effective Education ”   • ARTICLE
Teaching and Teacher Education Volume 22, Issue 7 October 2006 Pages 946-960
S. Asli Özgün-Koca and Ahmet Ilhan Sen

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A flexible framework for online collaborative learning   • ARTICLE
The Internet and Higher Education Volume 9, Issue 4 4th Quarter 2006 Pages 267-276
Petrea Redmond and Jennifer V. Lock

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Evidence-based model for hand transmission during patient care and the role of improved practices   • REVIEW ARTICLE
The Lancet Infectious Diseases Volume 6, Issue 10 October 2006 Pages 641-652
Didier Pittet, Benedetta Allegranzi, Hugo Sax, Sasi Dharan, Carmem Lúcia Pessoa-Silva, Liam Donaldson and John M Boyce

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Manageability, vulnerability and interaction: A qualitative analysis of acute myocardial infarction patients' conceptions of the event   • ARTICLE
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing ,  In Press, Corrected Proof ,  Available online 25 September 2006
Ingela Johansson, Eva Swahn and Anna Strömberg

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Information technology and systems justification: A review for research and applications   • ARTICLE
European Journal of Operational Research Volume 173, Issue 3 16 September 2006 Pages 957-983
A. Gunasekaran, E.W.T. Ngai and R.E. McGaughey

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Prevention of perioperative hypothermia in plastic surgery   • ARTICLE
Aesthetic Surgery Journal Volume 26, Issue 5 September-October 2006 Pages 551-571
V. Leroy Young and Marla E. Watson

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Challenges of biological realism and validation in simulation-based medical education   • ARTICLE
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Volume 38, Issue 1 September 2006 Pages 47-66
Roger S. Day

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Web-based adaptive training simulator system for cardiac life support   • ARTICLE
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Volume 38, Issue 1 September 2006 Pages 67-78
Cristóbal Romero, Sebastián Ventura, Eva L. Gibaja, Cesar Hervás and Francisco Romero

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Virtual teamwork in very large undergraduate classes   • ARTICLE
Computers & Education Volume 47, Issue 2 September 2006 Pages 127-147
P.M. Alexander

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A cyber forensics ontology: Creating a new approach to studying cyber forensics   • ARTICLE
Digital Investigation Volume 3, Supplement 1 September 2006 Pages 37-43
Ashley Brinson, Abigail Robinson and Marcus Rogers

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School enrollment among urban non-slum, slum and rural children in Kenya : Is the urban advantage eroding?   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Educational Development Volume 26, Issue 5 September 2006 Pages 471-482
Frederick Mugisha

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Building bridges for resource acquisition: Network relationships among headteachers in Ugandan private secondary schools   • ARTICLE
International Journal of Educational Development Volume 26, Issue 5 September 2006 Pages 495-512
Julie M. Hite, Steven J. Hite, W. James Jacob, W. Joshua Rew, Christopher B. Mugimu and Yusuf K. Nsubuga

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