pygrass.modules.grid package


pygrass.modules.grid.grid module

class pygrass.modules.grid.grid.GridModule(cmd, width=None, height=None, overlap=0, processes=None, split=False, debug=False, region=None, move=None, log=False, start_row=0, start_col=0, out_prefix='', mapset_prefix=None, *args, **kargs)[source]

Bases: object

Run GRASS raster commands in a multiprocessing mode.

  • cmd (str) – raster GRASS command, only command staring with r.* are valid.
  • width (int) – width of the tile, in pixel
  • height (int) – height of the tile, in pixel.
  • overlap (int) – overlap between tiles, in pixel.
  • processes – number of threads, default value is equal to the number of processor available.
  • split (bool) – if True use r.tile to split all the inputs.
  • mapset_prefix (str) – if specified created mapsets start with this prefix
  • run (bool) – if False only instantiate the object
  • args – give all the parameters to the command
  • kargs – give all the parameters to the command
>>> grd = GridModule('r.slope.aspect',
...                  width=500, height=500, overlap=2,
...                  processes=None, split=False,
...                  elevation='elevation',
...                  slope='slope', aspect='aspect', overwrite=True)

Remove all created mapsets.

Parameters:location (Location object) – a Location instance where we are running the analysis

Add the mapset information to the input maps


Return a list of tuble with the parameters for cmd_exe function


Patch the final results.


Remove all the tiles.

run(patch=True, clean=True)[source]

Run the GRASS command

  • patch (bool) – set False if you does not want to patch the results
  • clean (bool) – set False if you does not want to remove all the stuff created by GridModule

Split all the raster inputs using r.tile


Create a mapset, and execute a cmd inside.

Parameters:args (tuple) – is a tuple that contains several information see below

The puple has to contain:

  • bbox (dict): a dict with the region parameters (n, s, e, w, etc.) that we want to set before to apply the command.
  • mapnames (dict): a dictionary to substitute the input if the domain has been split in several tiles.
  • gisrc_src (str): path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups.
  • gisrc_dst (str): path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created.
  • cmd (dict): a dictionary with all the parameter of a GRASS module.
  • groups (list): a list of strings with the groups that we want to copy in the mapset.
pygrass.modules.grid.grid.copy_groups(groups, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, region=None)[source]

Copy group from one mapset to another, crop the raster to the region

  • groups (list of strings) – a list of strings with the group that must be copied from a master to another.
  • gisrc_src (str) – path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups
  • gisrc_dst (str) – path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created
  • region (Region object or dictionary) – a region like object or a dictionary with the region parameters that will be used to crop the rasters of the groups


pygrass.modules.grid.grid.copy_mapset(mapset, path)[source]

Copy mapset to another place without copying raster and vector data.

  • mapset (Mapset object) – a Mapset instance to copy
  • path (str) – path where the new mapset must be copied

the instance of the new Mapset.

>>> from grass.script.core import gisenv
>>> mname = gisenv()['MAPSET']
>>> mset = Mapset()
>>> == mname
>>> import tempfile as tmp
>>> import os
>>> path = os.path.join(tmp.gettempdir(), 'my_loc', 'my_mset')
>>> copy_mapset(mset, path)                           # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> sorted(os.listdir(path))                          # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(path, 'PERMANENT')))
>>> sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(path, mname)))   # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.rmtree(path)
pygrass.modules.grid.grid.copy_rasters(rasters, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, region=None)[source]

Copy rasters from one mapset to another, crop the raster to the region.

  • rasters (list) – a list of strings with the raster map that must be copied from a master to another.
  • gisrc_src (str) – path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups
  • gisrc_dst (str) – path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created
  • region (Region object or dictionary) – a region like object or a dictionary with the region parameters that will be used to crop the rasters of the groups


pygrass.modules.grid.grid.copy_special_mapset_files(path_src, path_dst)[source]

Copy all the special GRASS files that are contained in a mapset to another mapset

  • path_src (str) – the path to the original mapset
  • path_dst (str) – the path to the new mapset
pygrass.modules.grid.grid.copy_vectors(vectors, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst)[source]

Copy vectors from one mapset to another, crop the raster to the region.

  • vectors (list) – a list of strings with the vector map that must be copied from a master to another.
  • gisrc_src (str) – path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups
  • gisrc_dst (str) – path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created



Transform a cmd dictionary to a list of parameters. It is useful to pickle a Module class and cnvert into a string that can be used with Popen(get_cmd(cmdd), shell=True).

Parameters:cmdd (dict) – a module dictionary with all the parameters
>>> slp = Module('r.slope.aspect',
...              elevation='ele', slope='slp', aspect='asp',
...              overwrite=True, run_=False)
>>> get_cmd(slp.get_dict())  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
['r.slope.aspect', 'elevation=ele', 'format=degrees', ..., '--o']
pygrass.modules.grid.grid.get_mapset(gisrc_src, gisrc_dst)[source]

Get mapset from a GISRC source to a GISRC destination.

  • gisrc_src (str) – path to the GISRC source
  • gisrc_dst (str) – path to the GISRC destination

a tuple with Mapset(src), Mapset(dst)


Read a GISRC file and return a tuple with the mapset, location and gisdbase.

Parameters:gisrc (str) – the path to GISRC file
Returns:a tuple with the mapset, location and gisdbase
>>> import os
>>> from grass.script.core import gisenv
>>> genv = gisenv()
>>> (read_gisrc(os.environ['GISRC']) == (genv['MAPSET'],
...                                      genv['LOCATION_NAME'],
...                                      genv['GISDBASE']))
True, ptype)[source]

Select only a certain type of parameters.

  • parms (DictType parameters) – a DictType parameter with inputs or outputs of a Module class
  • ptype (str) – String define the type of parameter that we want to select, valid ptype are: ‘raster’, ‘vector’, ‘group’

An iterator with the value of the parameter.

>>> slp = Module('r.slope.aspect',
...              elevation='ele', slope='slp', aspect='asp',
...              run_=False)
>>> for rast in select(slp.outputs, 'raster'):
...     print(rast)
pygrass.modules.grid.grid.set_region(region, gisrc_src, gisrc_dst, env)[source]

Set a region into two different mapsets.

  • region (Region object or dictionary) – a region like object or a dictionary with the region parameters that will be used to crop the rasters of the groups
  • gisrc_src (str) – path of the GISRC file from where we want to copy the groups
  • gisrc_dst (str) – path of the GISRC file where the groups will be created
  • env


pygrass.modules.grid.patch module

Created on Tue Apr 2 18:57:42 2013

@author: pietro


Convert a Bounding Box to a list of the index of column start, end, row start and end

Parameters:bbox_list (list of BBox object) – a list of BBox object to convert
pygrass.modules.grid.patch.rpatch_map(raster, mapset, mset_str, bbox_list, overwrite=False, start_row=0, start_col=0, prefix='')[source]

Patch raster using a bounding box list to trim the raster.

  • raster (str) – the name of output raster
  • mapset (str) – the name of mapset to use
  • mset_str (str) –
  • bbox_list (list of BBox object) – a list of BBox object to convert
  • overwrite (bool) – overwrite existing raster
  • start_row (int) – the starting row of original raster
  • start_col (int) – the starting column of original raster
  • prefix (str) – the prefix of output raster
pygrass.modules.grid.patch.rpatch_row(rast, rasts, bboxes)[source]

Patch a row of bound boxes.

  • rast (Raster object) – a Raster object to write
  • rasts (list of Raster object) – a list of Raster object to read
  • bboxes (list of BBox object) – a list of BBox object

pygrass.modules.grid.split module

Created on Tue Apr 2 19:00:15 2013

@author: pietro

pygrass.modules.grid.split.get_bbox(reg, row, col, width, height, overlap)[source]

Return a Bbox

  • reg (Region object) – a Region object to split
  • row (int) – the number of row
  • col (int) – the number of row
  • width (int) – the width of tiles
  • height (int) – the width of tiles
  • overlap (int) – the value of overlap between tiles
pygrass.modules.grid.split.get_overlap_region_tiles(region=None, width=100, height=100, overlap=0)[source]

Get the Bbox of the overlapped region.

  • region (Region object) – a Region object to split
  • width (int) – the width of tiles
  • height (int) – the width of tiles
  • overlap (int) – the value of overlap between tiles
pygrass.modules.grid.split.split_region_tiles(region=None, width=100, height=100, overlap=0)[source]

Spit a region into a list of Bbox.

  • region (Region object) – a Region object to split
  • width (int) – the width of tiles
  • height (int) – the width of tiles
  • overlap (int) – the value of overlap between tiles
>>> reg = Region()
>>> reg.north = 1350
>>> reg.south = 0
>>> reg.nsres = 1
>>> reg.east = 1500
>>> reg.west = 0
>>> reg.ewres = 1
>>> reg.cols
>>> reg.rows
>>> split_region_tiles(region=reg, width=1000, height=700, overlap=0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[[Bbox(1350.0, 650.0, 1000.0, 0.0), Bbox(1350.0, 650.0, 1500.0, 1000.0)],
 [Bbox(650.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 0.0), Bbox(650.0, 0.0, 1500.0, 1000.0)]]
>>> split_region_tiles(region=reg, width=1000, height=700, overlap=10) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[[Bbox(1350.0, 640.0, 1010.0, 0.0), Bbox(1350.0, 640.0, 1500.0, 990.0)],
 [Bbox(660.0, 0.0, 1010.0, 0.0), Bbox(660.0, 0.0, 1500.0, 990.0)]]

Module contents