Source code for gunittest.reporters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""GRASS Python testing framework module for report generation

Copyright (C) 2014 by the GRASS Development Team
This program is free software under the GNU General Public
License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS GIS
for details.

:authors: Vaclav Petras

import os
import datetime
import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import subprocess
import sys
import collections
import re
from import Iterable

from .utils import ensure_dir
from .checkers import text_to_keyvalue

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    from StringIO import StringIO
    from io import StringIO

# TODO: change text_to_keyvalue to same sep as here
# TODO: create keyvalue file and move it there together with things from checkers
[docs]def keyvalue_to_text(keyvalue, sep='=', vsep='\n', isep=',', last_vertical=None): if not last_vertical: last_vertical = vsep == '\n' items = [] for key, value in keyvalue.items(): # TODO: use isep for iterables other than strings if not isinstance(value, str) and isinstance(value, Iterable): # TODO: this does not work for list of non-strings value = isep.join(value) items.append('{key}{sep}{value}'.format( key=key, sep=sep, value=value)) text = vsep.join(items) if last_vertical: text = text + vsep return text
[docs]def replace_in_file(file_path, pattern, repl): """ :param repl: a repl parameter of ``re.sub()`` function """ # using tmp file to store the replaced content tmp_file_path = file_path + '.tmp' old_file = open(file_path, 'r') new_file = open(tmp_file_path, 'w') for line in old_file: new_file.write(re.sub(pattern=pattern, string=line, repl=repl)) new_file.close() old_file.close() # remove old file since it must not exist for rename/move os.remove(file_path) # replace old file by new file # TODO: this can fail in some (random) cases on MS Windows os.rename(tmp_file_path, file_path)
[docs]class NoopFileAnonymizer(object):
[docs] def anonymize(self, filenames): pass
# TODO: why not remove GISDBASE by default?
[docs]class FileAnonymizer(object): def __init__(self, paths_to_remove, remove_gisbase=True, remove_gisdbase=False): self._paths_to_remove = [] if remove_gisbase: gisbase = os.environ['GISBASE'] self._paths_to_remove.append(gisbase) if remove_gisdbase: # import only when really needed to avoid problems with # translations when environment is not set properly import grass.script as gscript gisdbase = gscript.gisenv()['GISDBASE'] self._paths_to_remove.append(gisdbase) if paths_to_remove: self._paths_to_remove.extend(paths_to_remove)
[docs] def anonymize(self, filenames): # besides GISBASE and test recursion start directory (which is # supposed to be source root directory or similar) we can also try # to remove user home directory and GISDBASE # we suppuse that we run in standard grass session # TODO: provide more effective implementation for path in self._paths_to_remove: for filename in filenames: path_end = r'[\\/]?' replace_in_file(filename, path + path_end, '')
[docs]def get_source_url(path, revision, line=None): """ :param path: directory or file path relative to remote repository root :param revision: SVN revision (should be a number) :param line: line in the file (should be None for directories) """ tracurl = '' if line: return '{tracurl}{path}?rev={revision}#L{line}'.format(**locals()) else: return '{tracurl}{path}?rev={revision}'.format(**locals())
[docs]def html_escape(text): """Escape ``'&'``, ``'<'``, and ``'>'`` in a string of data.""" return saxutils.escape(text)
[docs]def html_unescape(text): """Unescape ``'&amp;'``, ``'&lt;'``, and ``'&gt;'`` in a string of data.""" return saxutils.unescape(text)
[docs]def color_error_line(line): if line.startswith('ERROR: '): # TODO: use CSS class # ignoring the issue with \n at the end, HTML don't mind line = '<span style="color: red">' + line + "</span>" if line.startswith('FAIL: '): # TODO: use CSS class # ignoring the issue with \n at the end, HTML don't mind line = '<span style="color: red">' + line + "</span>" if line.startswith('WARNING: '): # TODO: use CSS class # ignoring the issue with \n at the end, HTML don't mind line = '<span style="color: blue">' + line + "</span>" #if line.startswith('Traceback ('): # line = '<span style="color: red">' + line + "</span>" return line
[docs]def to_web_path(path): """Replace OS dependent path separator with slash. Path on MS Windows are not usable in links on web. For MS Windows, this replaces backslash with (forward) slash. """ if os.path.sep != '/': return path.replace(os.path.sep, '/') else: return path
[docs]def get_svn_revision(): """Get SVN revision number :returns: SVN revision number as string or None if it is not possible to get """ # TODO: here should be starting directory # but now we are using current as starting p = subprocess.Popen(['svnversion', '.'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() rc = p.poll() if not rc: stdout = stdout.strip() if stdout.endswith('M'): stdout = stdout[:-1] if ':' in stdout: # the first one is the one of source code stdout = stdout.split(':')[0] return stdout else: return None
[docs]def get_svn_info(): """Get important information from ``svn info`` :returns: SVN info as dictionary or None if it is not possible to obtain it """ try: # TODO: introduce directory, not only current p = subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'info', '.', '--xml'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() rc = p.poll() info = {} if not rc: root = et.fromstring(stdout) # TODO: get also date if this make sense # expecting only one <entry> element entry = root.find('entry') info['revision'] = entry.get('revision') info['url'] = entry.find('url').text relurl = entry.find('relative-url') # element which is not found is None # empty element would be bool(el) == False if relurl is not None: relurl = relurl.text # relative path has ^ at the beginning in SVN version 1.8.8 if relurl.startswith('^'): relurl = relurl[1:] else: # SVN version 1.8.8 supports relative-url but older do not # so, get relative part from absolute URL const_url_part = '' relurl = info['url'][len(const_url_part):] info['relative-url'] = relurl return info # TODO: add this to svnversion function except OSError as e: import errno # ignore No such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise return None
[docs]def years_ago(date, years): # dateutil relative delte would be better but this is more portable return date - datetime.timedelta(weeks=years * 52)
# TODO: these functions should be called only if we know that svn is installed # this will simplify the functions, caller must handle it anyway
[docs]def get_svn_path_authors(path, from_date=None): """ :returns: a set of authors """ if from_date is None: # this is the SVN default for local copies revision_range = 'BASE:1' else: revision_range = 'BASE:{%s}' % from_date try: # TODO: allow also usage of --limit p = subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'log', '--xml', '--revision', revision_range, path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() rc = p.poll() if not rc: root = et.fromstring(stdout) # TODO: get also date if this make sense # expecting only one <entry> element author_nodes = root.iterfind('*/author') authors = [n.text for n in author_nodes] return set(authors) except OSError as e: import errno # ignore No such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise return None
[docs]def get_html_test_authors_table(directory, tests_authors): # SVN gives us authors of code together with authors of tests # so test code authors list also contains authors of tests only # TODO: don't do this for the top level directories? tests_authors = set(tests_authors) no_svn_text = ('<span style="font-size: 60%">' 'Test file authors were not obtained.' '</span>') if (not tests_authors or (len(tests_authors) == 1 and list(tests_authors)[0] == '')): return '<h3>Code and test authors</h3>' + no_svn_text from_date = years_ago(, years=1) tested_dir_authors = get_svn_path_authors(directory, from_date) if tested_dir_authors is not None: not_testing_authors = tested_dir_authors - tests_authors else: no_svn_text = ('<span style="font-size: 60%">' 'Authors cannot be obtained using SVN.' '</span>') not_testing_authors = tested_dir_authors = [no_svn_text] if not not_testing_authors: not_testing_authors = ['all recent authors contributed tests'] test_authors = ( '<h3>Code and test authors</h3>' '<p style="font-size: 60%"><em>' 'Note that determination of authors is approximate and only' ' recent code authors are considered.' '</em></p>' '<table><tbody>' '<tr><td>Test authors:</td><td>{file_authors}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Authors of tested code:</td><td>{code_authors}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Authors owing tests:</td><td>{not_testing}</td></tr>' '</tbody></table>' .format( file_authors=', '.join(sorted(tests_authors)), code_authors=', '.join(sorted(tested_dir_authors)), not_testing=', '.join(sorted(not_testing_authors)) )) return test_authors
[docs]class GrassTestFilesMultiReporter(object): """Interface to multiple repoter objects For start and finish of the tests and of a test of one file, it calls corresponding methods of all contained reporters. For all other attributes, it returns attribute of a first reporter which has this attribute using the order in which the reporters were provided. """ def __init__(self, reporters, forgiving=False): self.reporters = reporters self.forgiving = forgiving
[docs] def start(self, results_dir): # TODO: no directory cleaning (self.clean_before)? now cleaned by caller # TODO: perhaps only those whoe need it should do it (even multiple times) # and there is also the delet problem ensure_dir(os.path.abspath(results_dir)) for reporter in self.reporters: try: reporter.start(results_dir) except AttributeError: if self.forgiving: pass else: raise
[docs] def finish(self): for reporter in self.reporters: try: reporter.finish() except AttributeError: if self.forgiving: pass else: raise
[docs] def start_file_test(self, module): for reporter in self.reporters: try: reporter.start_file_test(module) except AttributeError: if self.forgiving: pass else: raise
[docs] def end_file_test(self, **kwargs): for reporter in self.reporters: try: reporter.end_file_test(**kwargs) except AttributeError: if self.forgiving: pass else: raise
def __getattr__(self, name): for reporter in self.reporters: try: return getattr(reporter, name) except AttributeError: continue raise AttributeError
[docs]class GrassTestFilesCountingReporter(object): def __init__(self): self.test_files = None self.files_fail = None self.files_pass = None self.file_pass_per = None self.file_fail_per = None self.main_start_time = None self.main_end_time = None self.main_time = None self.file_start_time = None self.file_end_time = None self.file_time = None self._start_file_test_called = False
[docs] def start(self, results_dir): self.test_files = 0 self.files_fail = 0 self.files_pass = 0 # this might be moved to some report start method self.main_start_time =
[docs] def finish(self): self.main_end_time = self.main_time = self.main_end_time - self.main_start_time assert self.test_files == self.files_fail + self.files_pass if self.test_files: self.file_pass_per = 100 * float(self.files_pass) / self.test_files self.file_fail_per = 100 * float(self.files_fail) / self.test_files else: # if no tests were executed, probably something bad happened # try to report at least something self.file_pass_per = None self.file_fail_per = None
[docs] def start_file_test(self, module): self.file_start_time = self._start_file_test_called = True self.test_files += 1
[docs] def end_file_test(self, returncode, **kwargs): assert self._start_file_test_called self.file_end_time = self.file_time = self.file_end_time - self.file_start_time if returncode: self.files_fail += 1 else: self.files_pass += 1 self._start_file_test_called = False
[docs]def percent_to_html(percent): if percent is None: return '<span style="color: {color}">unknown percentage</span>' elif percent > 100 or percent < 0: return "? {:.2f}% ?".format(percent) elif percent < 40: color = 'red' elif percent < 70: color = 'orange' else: color = 'green' return '<span style="color: {color}">{percent:.0f}%</span>'.format( percent=percent, color=color)
[docs]def wrap_stdstream_to_html(infile, outfile, module, stream): before = '<html><body><h1>%s</h1><pre>' % ( + ' ' + stream) after = '</pre></body></html>' html = open(outfile, 'w') html.write(before) with open(infile) as text: for line in text: html.write(color_error_line(html_escape(line))) html.write(after) html.close()
[docs]def html_file_preview(filename): before = '<pre>' after = '</pre>' if not os.path.isfile(filename): return '<p style="color: red>File %s does not exist</p>' % filename size = os.path.getsize(filename) if not size: return '<p style="color: red>File %s is empty</p>' % filename max_size = 10000 html = StringIO() html.write(before) if size < max_size: with open(filename) as text: for line in text: html.write(color_error_line(html_escape(line))) elif size < 10 * max_size: def tail(filename, n): return collections.deque(open(filename), n) html.write('... (lines omitted)\n') for line in tail(filename, 50): html.write(color_error_line(html_escape(line))) else: return '<p style="color: red>File %s is too large to show</p>' % filename html.write(after) return html.getvalue()
[docs]def returncode_to_html_text(returncode): if returncode: return '<span style="color: red">FAILED</span>' else: # alternatives: SUCCEEDED, passed, OK return '<span style="color: green">succeeded</span>'
# not used
[docs]def returncode_to_html_sentence(returncode): if returncode: return ('<span style="color: red">&#x274c;</span>' ' Test failed (return code %d)' % (returncode)) else: return ('<span style="color: green">&#x2713;</span>' ' Test succeeded (return code %d)' % (returncode))
[docs]def returncode_to_success_html_par(returncode): if returncode: return ('<p> <span style="color: red">&#x274c;</span>' ' Test failed</p>') else: return ('<p> <span style="color: green">&#x2713;</span>' ' Test succeeded</p>')
[docs]def success_to_html_text(total, successes): if successes < total: return '<span style="color: red">FAILED</span>' elif successes == total: # alternatives: SUCCEEDED, passed, OK return '<span style="color: green">succeeded</span>' else: return ('<span style="color: red; font-size: 60%">' '? more successes than total ?</span>')
UNKNOWN_NUMBER_HTML = '<span style="font-size: 60%">unknown</span>'
[docs]def success_to_html_percent(total, successes): if total: pass_per = 100 * (float(successes) / total) pass_per = percent_to_html(pass_per) else: pass_per = UNKNOWN_NUMBER_HTML return pass_per
[docs]class GrassTestFilesHtmlReporter(GrassTestFilesCountingReporter): unknown_number = UNKNOWN_NUMBER_HTML def __init__(self, file_anonymizer, main_page_name='index.html'): super(GrassTestFilesHtmlReporter, self).__init__() self.main_index = None self._file_anonymizer = file_anonymizer self._main_page_name = main_page_name
[docs] def start(self, results_dir): super(GrassTestFilesHtmlReporter, self).start(results_dir) # having all variables public although not really part of API main_page_name = os.path.join(results_dir, self._main_page_name) self.main_index = open(main_page_name, 'w') # TODO: this can be moved to the counter class self.failures = 0 self.errors = 0 self.skipped = 0 self.successes = 0 self.expected_failures = 0 self.unexpected_success = 0 = 0 svn_info = get_svn_info() if not svn_info: svn_text = ('<span style="font-size: 60%">' 'SVN revision cannot be obtained' '</span>') else: url = get_source_url(path=svn_info['relative-url'], revision=svn_info['revision']) svn_text = ('SVN revision' ' <a href="{url}">' '{rev}</a>' ).format(url=url, rev=svn_info['revision']) self.main_index.write('<html><body>' '<h1>Test results</h1>' '{time:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}' ' ({svn})' '<table>' '<thead><tr>' '<th>Tested directory</th>' '<th>Test file</th>' '<th>Status</th>' '<th>Tests</th><th>Successful</td>' '<th>Failed</th><th>Percent successful</th>' '</tr></thead><tbody>'.format( time=self.main_start_time, svn=svn_text))
[docs] def finish(self): super(GrassTestFilesHtmlReporter, self).finish() pass_per = success_to_html_percent(, successes=self.successes) tfoot = ('<tfoot>' '<tr>' '<td>Summary</td>' '<td>{nfiles} test files</td>' '<td>{nsper}</td>' '<td>{total}</td><td>{st}</td><td>{ft}</td><td>{pt}</td>' '</tr>' '</tfoot>'.format( nfiles=self.test_files, nsper=percent_to_html(self.file_pass_per), st=self.successes, ft=self.failures + self.errors,, pt=pass_per )) # this is the second place with this function # TODO: provide one implementation def format_percentage(percentage): if percentage is not None: return "{nsper:.0f}%".format(nsper=percentage) else: return "unknown percentage" summary_sentence = ('\nExecuted {nfiles} test files in {time:}.' '\nFrom them' ' {nsfiles} files ({nsper}) were successful' ' and {nffiles} files ({nfper}) failed.\n' .format( nfiles=self.test_files, time=self.main_time, nsfiles=self.files_pass, nffiles=self.files_fail, nsper=format_percentage(self.file_pass_per), nfper=format_percentage(self.file_fail_per))) self.main_index.write('<tbody>{tfoot}</table>' '<p>{summary}</p>' '</body></html>' .format( tfoot=tfoot, summary=summary_sentence)) self.main_index.close()
[docs] def start_file_test(self, module): super(GrassTestFilesHtmlReporter, self).start_file_test(module) self.main_index.flush() # to get previous lines to the report
[docs] def end_file_test(self, module, cwd, returncode, stdout, stderr, test_summary): super(GrassTestFilesHtmlReporter, self).end_file_test( module=module, cwd=cwd, returncode=returncode, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) # considering others according to total is OK when we more or less # know that input data make sense (total >= errors + failures) total = test_summary.get('total', None) failures = test_summary.get('failures', 0) errors = test_summary.get('errors', 0) # Python unittest TestResult class is reporting success for no # errors or failures, so skipped, expected failures and unexpected # success are ignored # but successful tests are only total - the others # TODO: add success counter to GrassTestResult base class skipped = test_summary.get('skipped', 0) expected_failures = test_summary.get('expected_failures', 0) unexpected_successes = test_summary.get('unexpected_successes', 0) successes = test_summary.get('successes', 0) self.failures += failures self.errors += errors self.skipped += skipped self.expected_failures += expected_failures self.unexpected_success += unexpected_successes # zero would be valid here if total is not None: # success are only the clear ones # percentage is influenced by all # but putting only failures to table self.successes += successes += total # this will handle zero pass_per = success_to_html_percent(total=total, successes=successes) else: total = successes = pass_per = self.unknown_number bad_ones = failures + errors self.main_index.write( '<tr><td>{d}</td>' '<td><a href="{d}/{m}/index.html">{m}</a></td>' '<td>{status}</td>' '<td>{ntests}</td><td>{stests}</td>' '<td>{ftests}</td><td>{ptests}</td>' '<tr>'.format( d=to_web_path(module.tested_dir),, status=returncode_to_html_text(returncode), stests=successes, ftests=bad_ones, ntests=total, ptests=pass_per)) wrap_stdstream_to_html(infile=stdout, outfile=os.path.join(cwd, 'stdout.html'), module=module, stream='stdout') wrap_stdstream_to_html(infile=stderr, outfile=os.path.join(cwd, 'stderr.html'), module=module, stream='stderr') file_index_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'index.html') file_index = open(file_index_path, 'w') file_index.write( '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"></head><body>' '<h1>{}</h1>' '<h2>{m.tested_dir} &ndash; {}</h2>' '{status}' .format( m=module, status=returncode_to_success_html_par(returncode), )) # TODO: include optionally hyper link to test suite # TODO: file_path is reconstucted in a naive way # file_path should be stored in the module/test file object and just used here summary_section = ( '<table><tbody>' '<tr><td>Test</td><td>{m}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Testsuite</td><td>{d}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Test file</td><td>{file_path}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Status</td><td>{status}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Return code</td><td>{rc}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Number of tests</td><td>{ntests}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Successful tests</td><td>{stests}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Failed tests</td><td>{ftests}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Percent successful</td><td>{ptests}</td></tr>' '<tr><td>Test duration</td><td>{dur}</td></tr>' .format( d=module.tested_dir,, file_path=os.path.join(module.tested_dir, 'testsuite', + '.' + module.file_type), status=returncode_to_html_text(returncode), stests=successes, ftests=bad_ones, ntests=total, ptests=pass_per, rc=returncode, dur=self.file_time)) file_index.write(summary_section) modules = test_summary.get('tested_modules', None) if modules: # TODO: replace by better handling of potential lists when parsing # TODO: create link to module if running in grass or in addons # alternatively a link to module test summary if type(modules) is not list: modules = [modules] file_index.write( '<tr><td>Tested modules</td><td>{0}</td></tr>'.format( ', '.join(sorted(set(modules))))) file_index.write('</tbody></table>') # here we would have also links to coverage, profiling, ... #'<li><a href="testcodecoverage/index.html">code coverage</a></li>' files_section = ( '<h3>Supplementary files</h3>' '<ul>' '<li><a href="stdout.html">standard output (stdout)</a></li>' '<li><a href="stderr.html">standard error output (stderr)</a></li>' ) file_index.write(files_section) supplementary_files = test_summary.get('supplementary_files', None) if supplementary_files: # this is something we might want to do once for all and not # risk that it will be done twice or rely that somebody else # will do it for use # the solution is perhaps do the multi reporter more grass-specific # and do all common things, so that other can rely on it and # moreover something can be shared with other explicitly # using constructors as seems advantageous for counting self._file_anonymizer.anonymize(supplementary_files) for f in supplementary_files: file_index.write('<li><a href="{f}">{f}</a></li>'.format(f=f)) file_index.write('</ul>') if returncode: file_index.write('<h3>Standard error output (stderr)</h3>') file_index.write(html_file_preview(stderr)) file_index.write('</body></html>') file_index.close() if returncode: pass
# TODO: here we don't have opportunity to write error file # to stream (stdout/stderr) # a stream can be added and if not none, we could write # TODO: document info: additional information to be stored type: dict # allows overwriting what was collected
[docs]class GrassTestFilesKeyValueReporter(GrassTestFilesCountingReporter): def __init__(self, info=None): super(GrassTestFilesKeyValueReporter, self).__init__() self.result_dir = None self._info = info
[docs] def start(self, results_dir): super(GrassTestFilesKeyValueReporter, self).start(results_dir) # having all variables public although not really part of API self.result_dir = results_dir # TODO: this can be moved to the counter class self.failures = 0 self.errors = 0 self.skipped = 0 self.successes = 0 self.expected_failures = 0 self.unexpected_success = 0 = 0 # TODO: document: tested_dirs is a list and it should fit with names self.names = [] self.tested_dirs = [] self.files_returncodes = [] # sets (no size specified) self.modules = set() self.test_files_authors = set()
[docs] def finish(self): super(GrassTestFilesKeyValueReporter, self).finish() # this shoul be moved to some additional meta passed in constructor svn_info = get_svn_info() if not svn_info: svn_revision = '' else: svn_revision = svn_info['revision'] summary = {} summary['files_total'] = self.test_files summary['files_successes'] = self.files_pass summary['files_failures'] = self.files_fail summary['names'] = self.names summary['tested_dirs'] = self.tested_dirs # TODO: we don't have a general mechanism for storing any type in text summary['files_returncodes'] = [str(item) for item in self.files_returncodes] # let's use seconds as a universal time delta format # (there is no standard way how to store time delta as string) summary['time'] = self.main_time.total_seconds() status = 'failed' if self.files_fail else 'succeeded' summary['status'] = status summary['total'] = summary['successes'] = self.successes summary['failures'] = self.failures summary['errors'] = self.errors summary['skipped'] = self.skipped summary['expected_failures'] = self.expected_failures summary['unexpected_successes'] = self.unexpected_success summary['test_files_authors'] = self.test_files_authors summary['tested_modules'] = self.modules summary['svn_revision'] = svn_revision # ignoring issues with time zones summary['timestamp'] = self.main_start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # TODO: add some general metadata here (passed in constructor) # add additional information for key, value in self._info.items(): summary[key] = value summary_filename = os.path.join(self.result_dir, 'test_keyvalue_result.txt') with open(summary_filename, 'w') as summary_file: text = keyvalue_to_text(summary, sep='=', vsep='\n', isep=',') summary_file.write(text)
[docs] def end_file_test(self, module, cwd, returncode, stdout, stderr, test_summary): super(GrassTestFilesKeyValueReporter, self).end_file_test( module=module, cwd=cwd, returncode=returncode, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) # TODO: considering others according to total, OK? # here we are using 0 for total but HTML reporter is using None total = test_summary.get('total', 0) failures = test_summary.get('failures', 0) errors = test_summary.get('errors', 0) # Python unittest TestResult class is reporting success for no # errors or failures, so skipped, expected failures and unexpected # success are ignored # but successful tests are only total - the others skipped = test_summary.get('skipped', 0) expected_failures = test_summary.get('expected_failures', 0) unexpected_successes = test_summary.get('unexpected_successes', 0) successes = test_summary.get('successes', 0) # TODO: move this to counter class and perhaps use aggregation # rather then inheritance self.failures += failures self.errors += errors self.skipped += skipped self.expected_failures += expected_failures self.unexpected_success += unexpected_successes # TODO: should we test for zero? if total is not None: # success are only the clear ones # percentage is influenced by all # but putting only failures to table self.successes += successes += total self.files_returncodes.append(returncode) self.tested_dirs.append(module.tested_dir) self.names.append( modules = test_summary.get('tested_modules', None) if modules: # TODO: replace by better handling of potential lists when parsing # TODO: create link to module if running in grass or in addons # alternatively a link to module test summary if type(modules) not in [list, set]: modules = [modules] self.modules.update(modules) test_file_authors = test_summary['test_file_authors'] if type(test_file_authors) not in [list, set]: test_file_authors = [test_file_authors] self.test_files_authors.update(test_file_authors)
[docs]class GrassTestFilesTextReporter(GrassTestFilesCountingReporter): def __init__(self, stream): super(GrassTestFilesTextReporter, self).__init__() self._stream = stream
[docs] def start(self, results_dir): super(GrassTestFilesTextReporter, self).start(results_dir)
[docs] def finish(self): super(GrassTestFilesTextReporter, self).finish() def format_percentage(percentage): if percentage is not None: return "{nsper:.0f}%".format(nsper=percentage) else: return "unknown percentage" summary_sentence = ('\nExecuted {nfiles} test files in {time:}.' '\nFrom them' ' {nsfiles} files ({nsper}) were successful' ' and {nffiles} files ({nfper}) failed.\n' .format( nfiles=self.test_files, time=self.main_time, nsfiles=self.files_pass, nffiles=self.files_fail, nsper=format_percentage(self.file_pass_per), nfper=format_percentage(self.file_fail_per))) self._stream.write(summary_sentence)
[docs] def start_file_test(self, module): super(GrassTestFilesTextReporter, self).start_file_test(module) self._stream.flush() # to get previous lines to the report
[docs] def end_file_test(self, module, cwd, returncode, stdout, stderr, test_summary): super(GrassTestFilesTextReporter, self).end_file_test( module=module, cwd=cwd, returncode=returncode, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) if returncode: self._stream.write( '{m} from {d} failed' .format( d=module.tested_dir, num_failed = test_summary.get('failures', 0) num_failed += test_summary.get('errors', 0) if num_failed: if num_failed > 1: text = ' ({f} tests failed)' else: text = ' ({f} test failed)' self._stream.write(text.format(f=num_failed)) self._stream.write('\n')
# TODO: here we lost the possibility to include also file name # of the appropriate report # TODO: there is a quite a lot duplication between this class and html reporter # TODO: document: do not use it for two reports, it accumulates the results # TODO: add also keyvalue summary generation? # wouldn't this conflict with collecting data from report afterwards?
[docs]class TestsuiteDirReporter(object): def __init__(self, main_page_name, testsuite_page_name='index.html', top_level_testsuite_page_name=None): self.main_page_name = main_page_name self.testsuite_page_name = testsuite_page_name self.top_level_testsuite_page_name = top_level_testsuite_page_name # TODO: this might be even a object which could add and validate self.failures = 0 self.errors = 0 self.skipped = 0 self.successes = 0 self.expected_failures = 0 self.unexpected_successes = 0 = 0 self.testsuites = 0 self.testsuites_successes = 0 self.files = 0 self.files_successes = 0
[docs] def report_for_dir(self, root, directory, test_files): # TODO: create object from this, so that it can be passed from # one function to another # TODO: put the inside of for loop to another function dir_failures = 0 dir_errors = 0 dir_skipped = 0 dir_successes = 0 dir_expected_failures = 0 dir_unexpected_success = 0 dir_total = 0 test_files_authors = [] file_total = 0 file_successes = 0 page_name = os.path.join(root, directory, self.testsuite_page_name) if (self.top_level_testsuite_page_name and os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, directory)) == os.path.abspath(root)): page_name = os.path.join(root, self.top_level_testsuite_page_name) page = open(page_name, 'w') # TODO: should we use forward slashes also for the HTML because # it is simpler are more consistent with the rest on MS Windows? head = ( '<html><body>' '<h1>{name} testsuite results</h1>' .format(name=directory)) tests_table_head = ( '<h3>Test files results</h3>' '<table>' '<thead><tr>' '<th>Test file</th><th>Status</th>' '<th>Tests</th><th>Successful</td>' '<th>Failed</th><th>Percent successful</th>' '</tr></thead><tbody>' ) page.write(head) page.write(tests_table_head) for test_file_name in test_files: # TODO: put keyvalue fine name to constant summary_filename = os.path.join(root, directory, test_file_name, 'test_keyvalue_result.txt') #if os.path.exists(summary_filename): with open(summary_filename, 'r') as keyval_file: summary = text_to_keyvalue(, sep='=') #else: # TODO: write else here # summary = None if 'total' not in summary: bad_ones = successes = UNKNOWN_NUMBER_HTML total = None else: bad_ones = summary['failures'] + summary['errors'] successes = summary['successes'] total = summary['total'] self.failures += summary['failures'] self.errors += summary['errors'] self.skipped += summary['skipped'] self.successes += summary['successes'] self.expected_failures += summary['expected_failures'] self.unexpected_successes += summary['unexpected_successes'] += summary['total'] dir_failures += summary['failures'] dir_errors += summary['failures'] dir_skipped += summary['skipped'] dir_successes += summary['successes'] dir_expected_failures += summary['expected_failures'] dir_unexpected_success += summary['unexpected_successes'] dir_total += summary['total'] # TODO: keyvalue method should have types for keys function # perhaps just the current post processing function is enough test_file_authors = summary['test_file_authors'] if type(test_file_authors) is not list: test_file_authors = [test_file_authors] test_files_authors.extend(test_file_authors) file_total += 1 file_successes += 0 if summary['returncode'] else 1 pass_per = success_to_html_percent(total=total, successes=successes) row = ( '<tr>' '<td><a href="{f}/index.html">{f}</a></td>' '<td>{status}</td>' '<td>{ntests}</td><td>{stests}</td>' '<td>{ftests}</td><td>{ptests}</td>' '<tr>' .format( f=test_file_name, status=returncode_to_html_text(summary['returncode']), stests=successes, ftests=bad_ones, ntests=total, ptests=pass_per)) page.write(row) self.testsuites += 1 self.testsuites_successes += 1 if file_successes == file_total else 0 self.files += file_total self.files_successes += file_successes dir_pass_per = success_to_html_percent(total=dir_total, successes=dir_successes) file_pass_per = success_to_html_percent(total=file_total, successes=file_successes) tests_table_foot = ( '</tbody><tfoot><tr>' '<td>Summary</td>' '<td>{status}</td>' '<td>{ntests}</td><td>{stests}</td>' '<td>{ftests}</td><td>{ptests}</td>' '</tr></tfoot></table>' .format( status=file_pass_per, stests=dir_successes, ftests=dir_failures + dir_errors, ntests=dir_total, ptests=dir_pass_per)) page.write(tests_table_foot) test_authors = get_html_test_authors_table( directory=directory, tests_authors=test_files_authors) page.write(test_authors) page.write('</body></html>') page.close() status = success_to_html_text(total=file_total, successes=file_successes) row = ( '<tr>' '<td><a href="{d}/{page}">{d}</a></td><td>{status}</td>' '<td>{nfiles}</td><td>{sfiles}</td><td>{pfiles}</td>' '<td>{ntests}</td><td>{stests}</td>' '<td>{ftests}</td><td>{ptests}</td>' '<tr>' .format( d=to_web_path(directory), page=self.testsuite_page_name, status=status, nfiles=file_total, sfiles=file_successes, pfiles=file_pass_per, stests=dir_successes, ftests=dir_failures + dir_errors, ntests=dir_total, ptests=dir_pass_per)) return row
[docs] def report_for_dirs(self, root, directories): # TODO: this will need chanages according to potential changes in absolute/relative paths page_name = os.path.join(root, self.main_page_name) page = open(page_name, 'w') head = ( '<html><body>' '<h1>Testsuites results</h1>' ) tests_table_head = ( '<table>' '<thead><tr>' '<th>Testsuite</th>' '<th>Status</th>' '<th>Test files</th><th>Successful</td>' '<th>Percent successful</th>' '<th>Tests</th><th>Successful</td>' '<th>Failed</th><th>Percent successful</th>' '</tr></thead><tbody>' ) page.write(head) page.write(tests_table_head) for directory, test_files in directories.items(): row = self.report_for_dir(root=root, directory=directory, test_files=test_files) page.write(row) pass_per = success_to_html_percent(, successes=self.successes) file_pass_per = success_to_html_percent(total=self.files, successes=self.files_successes) testsuites_pass_per = success_to_html_percent( total=self.testsuites, successes=self.testsuites_successes) tests_table_foot = ( '<tfoot>' '<tr>' '<td>Summary</td><td>{status}</td>' '<td>{nfiles}</td><td>{sfiles}</td><td>{pfiles}</td>' '<td>{ntests}</td><td>{stests}</td>' '<td>{ftests}</td><td>{ptests}</td>' '</tr>' '</tfoot>' .format( status=testsuites_pass_per, nfiles=self.files, sfiles=self.files_successes, pfiles=file_pass_per, stests=self.successes, ftests=self.failures + self.errors,, ptests=pass_per)) page.write(tests_table_foot) page.write('</body></html>')