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Note: This addon document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade your GRASS GIS installation, and read the current addon manual page.

NAME - Reclassifies Landsat QA band according to acceptable pixel quality as defined by the user.


imagery, pixel, quality, qa, bitpattern, mask, landsat

SYNOPSIS --help [output=name] [dataset=string] [designated_fill=string] [cloud=string] [cloud_confidence=string[,string,...]] [cloud_shadow_confidence=string[,string,...]] [snow_ice_confidence=string[,string,...]] [cirrus_confidence=string[,string,...]] [dilated_cloud=string] [snow=string] [clear=string] [water=string] [terrain_occlusion=string] [radiometric_saturation=string[,string,...]] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]


Allow output files to overwrite existing files
Print usage summary
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Force launching GUI dialog


Output file with reclass rules
Landsat dataset to search for
Options: landsat_tm_c1, landsat_etm_c1, landsat_8_c1, landsat_tm_c2_l1, landsat_tm_c2_l2, landsat_etm_c2_l1, landsat_etm_c2_l2, landsat_ot_c2_l1, landsat_ot_c2_l2
Default: landsat_8_c1
Unacceptable conditions for Designated Fill
Options: No, Yes
Unacceptable conditions for Clouds
Options: No, Yes
Unacceptable conditions for Cloud confidence
Options: Not Determined, Low, Medium, High
Unacceptable conditions for Cloud Shaddow Confidence
Options: Not Determined, Low, Medium, High
Unacceptable conditions for Snow/Ice Confidence
Options: Not Determined, Low, Medium, High
Unacceptable conditions for Cirrus Confidence
Options: Not Determined, Low, Medium, High
Unacceptable conditions for Pixels with Dilated Clouds (only collection 2)
Options: No, Yes
Unacceptable conditions for Snow Pixels (only collection 2)
Options: No, Yes
Unacceptable conditions for Clear Pixels (only collection 2)
Options: No, Yes
Unacceptable conditions for Water Pixels (only collection 2)
Options: No, Yes
Unacceptable conditions for Terrain Occlusion / Dropped Pixels (only collection 1)
Options: No, Yes
Unacceptable conditions for Radiometric Saturation (only collection 1)
Options: Not Determined, Low, Medium, High

Table of contents


Removing unreliable pixels is a fundamental and one of the first steps in remote sensing. Landsat imagery provides a Quality Assessment (QA) band which can be used for this purpose.

The module generates reclassification rule files which can be used in r.reclass for filtering the QA band according to pixel quality characteristics the user defines as unacceptable. It works with both Collection 1 and Collection 2 data from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, 4-7 TM/ETM+. The dataset the QA band belongs to is specified like in

Values defined as unacceptable for a given condition will be set to NULL in the output raster map. All other values will be set to 1.

The Quality Assessment (QA) band from Landsat contains 16bit integer values that represent "bit-packed combinations of surface, atmosphere, and sensor conditions that can affect the overall usefulness of a given pixel".

The following quality relevant conditions are represented as "single bits" in the Landsat QA band:

Condition Collection
Designated Fill 1,2
Dilated Cloud 2
Terrain Occlusion / Dropped Pixels 1
Cloud 1,2
Cirrus 2
Cloud Shadow 2
Snow 2
Clear 2
Water 2

Possible choices for the "single bits" are:

Value Description Bit representation
No This condition does not exist 0
Yes This condition exists 1

The following quality relevant conditions are represented as "double bits" in the Landsat QA band:

Condition Collection
Radiometric saturation 2
Cloud Confidence 1,2
Cloud Shadow Confidence 1,2
Snow/Ice Confidence 1,2
Cirrus Confidence 1,2

Possible choices for the "double bits" are:

Value Description Bit representation
Not Determined Algorithm did not determine the status of this condition 00
Low Algorithm has low to no confidence that this condition exists (0-33 percent confidence) 01
Medium Algorithm has medium confidence that this condition exists (34-66 percent confidence) 10
High Algorithm has high confidence that this condition exists (67-100 percent confidence) 11


The Landsat Quality Assessment band is an artificial band which represents an analysis based on defined algorithms. The USGS provides the users with the following note on how the QA band should be used:

"Rigorous science applications seeking to optimize the value of pixels used in a study will find QA bits useful as a first level indicator of certain conditions. Otherwise, users are advised that this file contains information that can be easily misinterpreted and it is not recommended for general use."


# Create a cloud mask: --overwrite --verbose cloud_confidence="Medium,High" \
    dataset="landsat_ot_c2_l2" \
r.reclass input=LC81980182015183LGN00_BQA \
    output=LC81980182015183LGN00_Cloud_Mask rules=./Cloud_Mask_rules.txt

# Create a water mask (only available for collection 2): --overwrite --verbose water="Yes" \
    dataset="landsat_ot_c2_l2" \
r.reclass input=LC81980182015183LGN00_BQA \
    output=LC81980182015183LGN00_Water_Mask rules=./Water_Mask_rules.txt


r.reclass, i.modis.qc, r.bitpattern, i.landsat i.landsat8.swlst


Landsat Collection 1 Level 1 Quality Assessment bands Landsat Collection 2 Level 1 Quality Assessment bands


Stefan Blumentrath, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Oslo (Norway)


Available at: source code (history)

Latest change: Mon Jun 28 07:54:09 2021 in commit: 1cfc0af029a35a5d6c7dae5ca7204d0eb85dbc55

Note: This addon document is for an older version of GRASS GIS that will be discontinued soon. You should upgrade your GRASS GIS installation, and read the current addon manual page.

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