Conservation award for ex-Project Tiger chief


THE HINDU ONLINE : October 19, 1996

Conservation award for ex-Project Tiger chief

Date: 19-10-1996 :: Pg: 14 :: Col: e

From Kalpana Sharma

MONTREAL, Oct. 18.

Despite the recent controversy surrounding India's Tiger conservation scheme Project Tiger, it continues to be cited an important success story in world environmental circles. In recognition of this, the Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas (CNPPA) of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), presented the Fred M. Packard International Parks Merit Award to Mr. H. S. Panwar, former Director, Wildlife Institute of India Dehra Dun, and of Project Tiger today. The ceremony took place at the World Conservation Congress, in progress here.

The citation recognises Mr. Panwar's `outstanding contribution in protected areas work in India over some 25 years.' It singles out his contribution in raising the profile of the Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh, and commends his `innovative management'. It states that under Mr. Panwar's direction, Project Tiger became one of the world's leading conservation projects.

Mr. Panwar was unable to personally accept it as he is now involved in assisting the Sri Lankan Department of National Parks in implementing projects in protected areas. It is being financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) of the World Bank.

In a message sent on the occasion, he said he wanted to acknowledge the work of his colleagues, including the guards at Kanha, who had contributed to the success of Project Tiger. He also said despite concerted global efforts in the area of conservation, `the threats and pressures continue to grow, making it difficult to sustain achieved conservations successes or to attain new ones.'

Apart from Mr. Panwar, the two other awardees are Mr. Abdullah Jang from Pakistan who has contributed to the development of protected areas over the last 35 years, and Mr. Perez Olindo from Kenya, a pioneer in the development of Kenya's national parks.

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