The LinUX Scientific Software Map
           For circulation in the scientific community
             High Quality Free Scientific Software
                           Part 3/3


GNUPLOT -- 3.5. Gnuplot is a command-line driven interactive function plotting utility for UNIX, MSDOS, and VMS platforms. The software is copyrighted but freely distributed (i.e., you don't have to pay for it). It was originally intended as a graphical program which would allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data. Gnuplot supports many different types of terminals, plotters, and printers (including many color devices, and pseudo-devices like LaTeX) and is easily extensible to include new devices. Slackware comes with gnuplot binary. ftp /pub/gnuplot, WWW

PlotMTV -- 1.4.1 --19/Dec/95. PlotMTV is a multipurpose X11 plotting program and specializes in contour plots, but it can also handle 2D and 3D plots. The plot-types supported are: contour plots (rectangular grid, as well as triangular mesh), 2D line and scatter plots (x-vs-y), 3D surface , line and scatter plots, vector plots, probability plots, histograms, barcharts. The program has an rough but functional Graphical User Interface, through which it is possible to zoom in, zoom out, pan, toggle between 2D and 3D plots, and rotate 3D plots. Both color and

grayscale     postscript     output     are    supported.     ftp       /pub,       ftp
/contrib/applications,                                        WWW, WWW

XGraph with animation. XGraph with animation is a modification of the popular XGraph plotting program. It is an interactive plotting program for creating line plots and restricted surface plots. WWW

robot -- 0.48 -- 30/Oct/93. XView based scientific graph plotting program. Includes data manipulation, fitting, numerous plot styles. Graphs can be saved as PostScript files. ftp /pub/astrod, ftp /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math.

ACE/gr -- (xmgr 4.00 alpha -- motif, xvgr 2.10pl1 -- xview). A general 2D XY plotting package with mouse-powered editing, pan, zoom, output in PostScript, HPGL, and Framemaker format. ftp /pub/users/pturner/acegr, ftp /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/math, WWW

GLE -- 3.3h -- 09/Mar/95 tool to create 2&3 Dim. graph. GLE is a high quality graphics package for scientists, combining a user friendly interface with a full range of facilities for producing publication quality graphs, diagrams, posters and slides. GLE provides LaTeXquality fonts together with a flexible graphics module which allows the user to specify any feature of a graph (down to the line width of the subticks, for example). Complex pictures can be drawn with user defined subroutines and simple looping sturctures. Current device drivers support DECWINDOWS, REGIS, TEK4010, all PC graphics cards, VT100s, HP-Plotters, PostScript Printers, EPSON Printers and LaserJet Printers. ftp     /graphics/graphics/packages/gle,      ftp             /pub/Linux/apps/math,             WWW

Gri -- 2.050 -- 08/Oct/95. Gri is a programming language for drawing science-style graphs. It is not mouse-driven, and it does not draw business-style graphs (e.g. pie charts, three-dimensional graphs). Gri has substantial power in advanced applications. It has been proven to be easy to learn; for simple applications, the learning curve is less than an hour. Many users regard Gri as the plotting equivalent of the LaTeX document

preparation       system.         ftp
/users/kelley/gri/,                                           WWW

DAVID (DAta VIsualization and Diagnostics) system is entirely in 'C' and runs within the Unix operating system, under the X Window System, Version 11R5 and can be printed through any printer supporting PostScript. Graphics can be displayed on black and white as well as color graphics monitors, and can handle graphics on multiple windows as well as on multiple graphics displays simultaneously. DAVID facilitates extraction, tracking, quantification and mathematization of evolving and interacting amorphous objects, from e.g time-dependent multidimensional simulations. DAVID can also provide a highly interactive way to compare different variables with two variable distribution and juxtaposition. It can extract skeletal representation with an interactively controlled smoothing algorithm even from a noisy environment. DAVID can interactively analyze skeletal lines, graphs, display and label quasi-local slope and curvature. An interactive threshold-adjusting tool provides a way to discover hidden coherent structures. DAVID can also produce journal-ready and visual aid hardcopies. Compilation is required for Linux. WWW ex.html

Mesh-TV is an interactive graphical analysis tool for visualizing and analyzing data on 2D and 3D meshes. It is a general purpose tool in that it handles many different mesh types, provides many different ways of viewing the data, and is virtually hardware/vendor independent while still providing graphics at the speed of the native graphics hardware. Linux port is available. Binaries for other workstation and documentation is here. WWW

Xgraphic is a very easy to use graphic software to plot curves on Unix workstations. WWW

xgobi -- 1/Nov/94. XGobi is an X Window application for interactively exploring data. Current functionality includes brushing, identification, and the editing of connected lines, as well as rotation and the grand tour, with several interactive projection pursuit indices. Several functions can be linked so that actions in one window are promptly reflected in another. WWW

xfarbe is a contouring program for iso-lines with the following characteristics: * high quality nonlinear interpolation with bicubics on a rectangular grid * area filling capability * X-Window and Postscript output * Customization with resource file

Xdang does vector plots, contour plots, and color maps. It slices and dices 3d data and has cartesian and cylindrical coordinates. WWW http://barkley.ME.Berkeley.EDU/~dan/

yplot -- 0.9 -- 10/Jun/96. yplot is an interface to the PLplot plotting library (see next section) written as an extension of Yorick. This combination allows one to quickly and easily create high-quality scientific plots from data, even in large structured files. yplot implements 2D line and scatter plots, contour plots, 3D surface, mesh and scatter and line plots. The user is given full control over every aspect of the plot, including symbol types, line types, label placement, fonts, etc. ftp /pub/Linux/apps/math/


Vogl -- 1.6.2g. VOGL is a device portable graphics library that tries to be Silicon Graphics Iris GL compatible. Our intention is that any VOGL program will compile unchanged on a machine running SGI GL. Supported devices are: postcript, sun workstation, apollo workstations, X11, tektronix, hpgl, dxy, and the ibm pc cards. This library is callable in C and Fortran. WWW

Ygl emulates SGI's GL routines under X11. Included are most of the two-dimensional graphics routines, the queue device routines, some query routines, doublebuffering, RGB mode with arbitrary visuals and ditering and most of the window attribute routines. ftp ftp.thp.Uni-Duisburg.DE /pub/source/X11, WWW http://WWW.thp.Uni- Duisburg.DE/Ygl/ReadMe.html

libglto -- 16/Dec/94. Libglto is an X Windows based version of GL. It allows programs that depend on GL to be run on any X Windows based machine. WWW

Mesa -- 2.0 -- 10/Oct/96. Mesa is a 3-D graphics library with an API which is very similar to that of OpenGL($$). To the extent that Mesa utilizes the OpenGL command syntax or state machine. However, the author makes no claim that Mesa is in any way a compatible replacement for OpenGL. ftp /pub/Mesa, WWW

Following are some packages that could work with Mesa:

GLUT -- 3.1. OpenGL Utility Toolkit. It is a nice OpenGL toolkit which allows one to write OpenGL applications without having to know anything about the window system and its interface to OpenGL. It is much nicer than the aux and tk toolkits initially used by SGI. It works with Mesa too. WWW, WWW

f90gl is a fortran interface for Mesa and GLUT, which can also be used with OpenGL. It provides both fortran 77 and fortran 90 interfaces. WWW

Togl is a Tk widget for OpenGL rendering. WWW

Dore -- 6.0.1 -- 20/Feb/95. (Dynamic Object Rendering Environment). Dore' is a powerful 3D graphics subroutine library. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating graphics applications. It is also easy to use, portable, and extendable. This version has interfaces/drivers to X11, PEX, IrisGL, OpenGL, Postscript and more. It has been ported onto most unix systems, including Linux and FreeBSD. It has also been

ported    to    Windows    NT     3.5.      ftp
/graphics/graphics/packages/dore,       ftp


TAGL -- 2.2 -- Mar/96 (Threedee Advanced Graphic Libraryis) is a C++ library for 3D graphics, gouraud shading, ZBuffering, a subset of SGI-GL. ftp /pub/Linux/libs/graphics/, ftp /pub/packages/development/graphics, ftp

/pub/sci/virtual-reality/software/tagl/tagl21src.tgz,         ftp            /graphics/graphics/tagl,             WWW

Grxlib -- 1.03g -- 28/Aug/95. This is the GRX library that is used under the DJGPP DOS Extender. It has been converted to work under the Linux OS with support from the svgalib library. ftp /pub/Linux/libs/graphics/

EZWGL. The EZ Widget and Graphics Library (EZWGL) is a set of C functions for developing graphical user interface (GUI) and writing graphics applications under the X window system. The goal of EZWGL is to provide a tool that simplifies the design of graphics applications under the X window system programming environment. The EZWGL programming interface is designed to be simple, and yet still meet the needs of moderately complex graphics applications. WWW

AGL (Astronet Graphic Library) is a graphic library designed to be portable on different systems, with both a C and a FORTRAN programming interface. ftp /pub/agl/

gd is a graphics library. It allows your code to quickly draw images complete with lines, arcs, text, multiple colors, cut and paste from other images, and flood fills, and write out the result as a .GIF file. WWW

cd is a graphics library. It allows your code to quickly draw images complete with lines, arcs, rectangles, polygons, text, and multiple colors. most geometric shapes can be filled or have a hatch pattern as well. The output is a CGM file. WWW

lib3d -- 0.1.7 -- 28/Jul/96. A fast z-buffer rendering library with an api optimized for software implementation. Provides flat shading with ambient - directional lighting. Currently makes 25k poly/sec in a dithered 8 bit Xwindows visual. ftp /pub/Linux/X11/devel/


StarOffice -- 3.1 (second beta). Star Office 3.1 is a suite of office productivity applications containing StarWriter 3.1 (word processor), StarCalc 3.1 (spreadsheet), StarDraw 3.1 (graphics and presentation package), StarImage 3.1 (image manipulation) StarChart 3.1 (bar-, pie- and other charts) and StarMath 3.1 (formula design). StarOffice 3.1 makes heavy use of common code in shared libraries, therefore using relatively few resources for the level of functionality. The final version will be free of charge for non- commercial use. You will have to buy a license

for        commercial       use.        ftp
/pub/Linux/apps/staroffice,                                   WWW

LyX (formally Lyrix) -- 0.10.0 -- 30/Jul/96. LyX is a word-processor for X11, using LaTeX (2e) to format the output. It allows easy access to LaTeX formatting commands and almost-WYSIWYG display. latex2e is necessary to compile the documents and print. Unlike xword, it is very much usable now, and is undergoing rapid development. Unlike WordPerfect, it is small, fast, and free (GPL'd). While the author still considers it alpha, he think it's quite stable. The biggest lapse now is documentation, which will be forthcoming shortly. ftp         /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/editors,         WWW,                       WWW


Cicero is a wordprocessor running under X11R6 using Motif2.0. Cicero deals with mulitple fonts at any size you like and X can display. It comes with an easy to use fontinstaller, that installs Postscript Level 1 Fonts in X, ghostscript, TeX (dvips) and Cicero. This is a must because without these unique fonts WYSIWYG is not possible. WWW

*Word (early development). It is a wordprocessor being developed via the Internet by a lot of enthousiast people. Main development is done on the Linux-platform, but it is designed for portability. It will support X-windows, under a variety of window- managers, and text-mode, through a curses-interface. This is one of the Linux Projects. WWW

SciTeXt -- alpha 3 -- 11/Nov/96. SciTeXt is a new wordprocessor for UNIX - Systems. It tries to combine the requirement of a modern office-packet. The following list enumerates some of its most important features. o User-Interface --- Objectoriented handling, Full WYSIWYG with free choice of zoom, Supports Type-1 PostScript fonts, Contextsensitive toolbars with bubble help, Independent of language by a special Translation-Table, Free keyboard and menu shortcuts with a configurable, ActionEventTable Online help with own Tcl/Tk helpbrowser, Userinstallation with Tcl/Tk-Script. o Wordprocessing --- Parapraph- and Documenttemplates, Auto-Correction, spellchecker, Thesaurus; no data yet :-(, Footnotes, table of contents, indices, chapternumbering, glossary, Itemize and enumeration. o Layout --- Free frames for text, graphic etc., Formulars, Tables, charts, mathmatical plots. o Documentexchange --- Send and receive SciTeXt documents via E-Mail, Drag & Drop, Many importand exportfilters for text und graphic, Faxing of documents. o Miscellaneous --- Variable choice of printer with automatic detection of usability Usable as an Integrated Development

Environment          similar          to          WEB         WWW,                        WWW

TeX Shell -- not really a word processor. If you don't mind typing TeX/LaTeX commands and you are just tired of the editing-compiling-viewing cycle, TeX Shell is what you should get. It allows you to edit your document and then click to compile, click to view and click to print. There are three such programs available as far as I know of. TS: TeXShell for X-Window (Tcl/Tk) ftp /pub/Linux/apps/tex look for tsYYMMDD.tgz X-Window Shell for TeX (OpenLook or Xaw/Xaw3d)) WWW

xtem: a graphical user interface to control the TeX/LaTeX facilities. WWW

Linuxdoc-SGML -- 1.5. Linuxdoc-SGML is a text-formatting package based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), which allows you to produce LaTeX, HTML, GNU info, LyX, RTF, and plain ASCII (via groff) from a single source; due to the flexible nature of SGML many other target formats are possible. WWW /hphalle6/~schwarz/linuxdoc-sgml/

Quikscript is a portable typesetting system, written in PostScript. It enables documents to be prepared on any type of hardware, using visible layout marks to control the appearance of the output, and produce output on a PostScript printer by despatching Qs and the document file to the device. No processing is performed by the host hardware; all processing is done within the printer. WWW

Qist (formerly called Vinea). Qist is an SGML document engineering utility for the X Window system. It is written in Tcl/Tk, and features a nice graphical user interface for manipulating SGML documents. It does not do anything remarkable by itself. It merely acts as a kind of a launch pad for several free SGML utilities (so it serves as a TeX Shell too), covering the whole process - writing, validating, formatting, previewing and printing the finished document. Vinea also makes use of the bibliography database features of LaTeX and GNU refer, which makes referencing other works extremely easy. WWW

Doc from InterView Package -- available in Slackware. Doc is a WYSIWYG document editor. In addition to text, doc contains a simple table editor, and it can import graphics generated by the drawing editor Idraw (also in Interviews) and several types of rasterized images. The editor's functionality and terminology is modeled loosely after the LaTeX docu- ment preparation system. In particular, doc stores its documents in a format that is reminiscent of LaTeX; you can translate many LaTeX documents into doc format with relatively little effort.

The Andrew User Interface System (AUIS) -- 63L4. AUIS is an integrated set of tools that allow you to create, use, and mail multi-media documents and apps containing formatted text and embedded objects. This package is aimed at the WORD PROCESSING audience. ftp /pub/Linux/X11/andrew/, ftp /pub/AUIS/bin-dist/, WWW

MathSpad Editor. The editing tool MathSpad has been developed to facilitate writing mathematically oriented documents. At first, the main goal was to create an interface for editing structured expressions combined with plain text. The editor was built so as not to restrict the user to any mathematical convention, notation or symbol set, since the initial target group often created new notations and symbols. The principle design element introduced in order to realise this requirement was the notion of a stencil consisting of a number of templates. The flexibility built into the original design has meant that the system is also useful for the creation of structured texts other than mathematical texts, such as HTML documents, these applications not having been envisaged when work on the project began. WWW

Xy-pic -- 3.2 -- 18/Oct/95. Xy-pic is a package for typesetting a variety of graphs and diagrams with TeX. Xy-pic works with most formats (including LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and plain TeX), in particular Xy-pic is provided as a LaTeX2e `supported package'. It uses the principle of `logical composition of visual components'. It is structured as several modules, each defining a mnemonic plain text notation for a particular kind of graphical object or structure. Example objects are arrows, curves, frames, and colouring/rotation on drivers that support it; these can be organised in matrix, directed graph, path, polygon, knot, and 2-cell structure. ftp /diku/users/kris/TeX/, ftp /pub/maths/TeX/, WWW, WWW

Lollipop is `TeX made easy'. Lollipop is a macro package that functions as a toolbox for writing TeX macros. It was my intention to make macro writing so easy that implementing a fully new layout in TeX would become a matter of less than an hour for an average document, and that it would be a task that could be accomplished by someone with only a very basic training in TeX programming. Lollipop is not compatible with plain TeX and LaTeX, though. Even though LaTeX is used pretty much all over the scientific world, developing styles in Lollipop is so much more easier than in LaTeX. ftp /pub/eijkhout/tex/

Thot is a structured document editor, offering a graphical WYSIWYG interface under X-Windows. It offers the usual functionality of a word processor, but it also processes the document structure. It includes a large set of advanced tools, such as a spell checker and an index generator, and it allows to export documents to common formats like HTML and LaTeX. WWW

DocuGen -- 2.0. DocuGen is a collection of several programs, or tools, that can be used to help you more easily create complex documents. With the same source file, the DocuGen tools will allow you to generate professional documents in HTML, ASCII Text, and Platform Independent Text. This can save hours of time that would otherwise be spent retyping and reformatting text you had already written. DocuGen seems to be mainly used by HTML authors because of the extensive support for HTML. Document templates, include files, auto image sizing, detailed date and time functions and much more all ease an HTML author's job of keeping an entire Web site running smoothly with their own specialized "look-and-feel". WWW

Didot (early development). The Didot Project is the creation of a publishing software package. We plan to implement a lot of common and uncommon features but at the moment we are in the early phases of the implementation. The component software architecture will support easy creation and manipulation of compound documents, so you can use Didot as a word processor. WWW http://physkn00.phys-te.uni-

Lout -- 3.08 -- Jun/96. Lout document formatting system reads a high-level description of a document similar in style to LaTeX and produces a PostScript file which can be printed on many laser printers and graphic display devices. Plain text output is also available. ftp /jeff/lout, ftp /pub/Linux/apps/editors

Dtop -- Beta 1.4 (The official release will be commercial). Chinese-English desktop publishing package (Behavior Design Corporation, Taiwan). It has full-featured high quality WYSWYG DTP functions, including text, equations, graphics, tables, images, copy-paste, etc. Note that the documentation is in Chinese. ftp /pub/software/linux/X11R6/dtop1.4/README.DTP, ftp /pub/software/linux/X11R6/dtop1.4/pub/

Here is a document that shows how to combine text, pictures, figures and images in a LaTeX document. ftp /figsInLatex/


Hv (For Hot Views) is a library for developing graphical user interfaces for scientific and engineering applications. It is based on X, Xt and Motif and has been tested on most Unix flavors including Linux. It also include Hvplot, a scientific plotting package built using the Hv graphical user interface development library. WWW

XForms -- 0.81 -- 5/Jul/96 (free for non-commercial use and binary only). XForms is a graphical user interface toolkit and builder based on Xlib for X Window Systems. XForms is a portable and efficient C library that can be used in both C and C++ programs. The library works in all visuals and all depths (1-24) and comes with a rich set of objects such as buttons (of many flavors, including color XPMs as labels) , browsers, sliders, and menus integrated into an elegant event/object callback execution model that allows fast and easy construction of X-applications. It also has OpenGL (on SGI) and Mesa support. The Forms Library is very intuitive and simple to use. It is by far the easiest-to-learn and easiest-to-use system for X GUI development. You can start writing XForms based programs within an hour once you go though the first five pages of the documentation and have run and read a couple of the demos. Actually, you don't have to write any code, the bundled GUI builder will do it for you. ftp /pub/xforms, ftp /pub/XFORMS, WWW

PyXForms is a binding between Python and XForms. WWW

Qt -- 1.0 -- 01/Oct/96. Qt is an object-oriented framework for developing graphical user interface applications. It includes around 100 classes, both GUI-specific and general utility classes, as well as support for component programming. ftp /pub/linux/qt, ftp /pub/Linux/devel/c++, WWW

wxWindows -- 1.66B -- 21/May/96. wxWindows is a toolkit for developing multi- platform, graphical applications from the same body of C++ code. X11, motif, xview, open-look, ms-windows. ftp /pub/packages/wxwin, ftp /pub/Linux/X11/devel/wxWin, WWW

Fresco is an object-oriented user interface system for development of window-based applications. It is a design evolution of the InterViews toolkit that was developed at Stanford University in the late `80s and early `90s. The Fresco architecture brings together objects that traditionally have not mixed. User interface objects such as sliders, buttons, and text editors - as well as the "layout" objects used to compose them - can mix arbitrarily in Fresco with graphical objects (those that perform graphical transformations). Fresco uses a standard object model, CORBA , which allows for object distribution and provides a standardized, high-level notation called IDL for object definition. Fresco also provides support for Tcl-based scripting, multi-threading, resolution independence, and internationalization. Fresco is currently under standardization

process       within       the       X      Consortium.       WWW,                   WWW for Linux specific info.

VXP -- 2.0 -- 10/Feb/95. VXP is an integrated Motif graphical user interface (GUI) builder. Application developer can build a working Motif GUI in minutes, simply by pointing and clicking on predefined icons which represent Motif widgets, then dragging and dropping them on the design space. VXP provides developer an environment to design a Motif GUI for your application interactively, and generates the C code required to produce the GUI. VXP also lets developer edit non-GUI code of the application, compile the application and test it. WWW

Amulet (Automatic Manufacture of Usable and Learnable Editors and Toolkits) is a user interface development environment for C++ and is portable across X11 and Microsoft Windows NT. A Macintosh version will be available probably in late '95. Amulet helps you create graphical, interactive user interfaces for your software. More than just another free virtual toolkit, Amulet includes many features specifically designed to make the creation of highly-interactive, graphical, direct manipulation user interfaces significantly easier, including a prototype-instance object model, constraints, high-level input handling including automatic undo, and a full set of widgets. WWW

SNAPIX -- 3.1.9 -- 29/Mar/96. X11/Motif user interface and application generator. Snapix is based on a complete, typed, structured, event driven, object oriented language which offers:

Marx is an interpreted script language based on a C-like syntax. It provides a quick way of creating Graphical User Interfaces in X windows. Besides GUI building, marx also provides simplified schemes for UNIX process control, direct shell command/script execution and inter-client communication via sockets. WWW

XF allows you to interactively build and modify a user interface based upon the Tcl/Tk package. The output generated by XF is a script that can be executed with wish or any other Tcl/Tk interpreter. WWW

SpecTcl -- 0.1a -- 8/Nov/95. An alpha release of a Visual Basic style GUI builder for Tk/TCL 4.0/7.4 from SUN. ftp /tcl/, ftp /pub/Linux/devel/lang/tcl

V is a portable C++ GUI Framework intended to develop a wide variety of applications on different graphical interface platforms. It is very complete and suitable for a large majority of custom GUI applications. Applications developed using V will have the look and feel of the native platform, yet will be portable across platforms. Most standard GUI objects are supported by V, including windows with menus, status bars, tool bars, and a drawing canvas; modal and modeless dialogs with the most common controls (buttons, lists, labels, text entry, check and radio buttons, etc.); and portable printing support. WWW

MrEd is a graphical user interface (GUI) development environment. MrEd's underlying language is Scheme, extended with an object system and a thread package. The Scheme implementation (MzScheme) is fast and smoothly integrated with the environment's graphical primitives (wxWindows). These primitives include text-editing tools that can be employed within an application for editing a mixture of text and graphics. WWW

VisualX (early beta). Works/looks similar to Microsoft's Visual Basic; but based on tcl/Tk. A user generates a user interface by dragging widgets from a toolbox. Event handlers for these widgets may be written in C, C++, Smalltalk, or tcl/tk. WWW (not yet) contact Dr. Peter Beery

XVisual -- 1.0.1. Xvisual is a system to allow X-users to create X applications using a visual development environment. Xvisual supports the Athena 3D widget set (it will support the standard set soon) and allows visual positioning and planning of an application. Xvisual also allows the programmer to write C++ code segments and compile these with the visual components as a 'project'. ftp /pub/xvisual, WWW

XPIP. The X Portable Interface Package (XPIP) is a freely distributed development tool which allows application programmers to quickly construct graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in an X-Windows environment. The interface takes the form of a series of user- definable widgets - buttons, sliders, dials, etc. - which applications employ for varying parameters, control flow, input/output, and other alterable processes. Although not nearly as comprehensive as several commercial and other freeware GUI packages such as xtoolkit and Tcl/Tk. XPIP provides a balance between ease of use and sophistication which make it appealing for the more casual programmer. WWW

lxb -- 0.4 -- 11/May/96. An X/Motif interactive graphical user interface builder. With it you can build a GUI made up of Motif widgets instantiated by clicking on icons, move and resize them with the mouse, edit their resources, and move about in the widget heirarchy via the arrow keys. Once the GUI is built, pressing a button will produce all required C source files to build the GUI, and an X resource file and Makefile. This version of lxb is not completed. Not all Motif widgets are included, nor can all resources be edited. WWW

Grafix -- 1.2 -- Nov/95 a C++-package for assisting programmers to write programs with graphic user interfaces for X-window, mainly a class library for directly instantiating window objects and deriving new classes, many realistic example programs. ftp /pub/Linux/X11/devel

MGUI -- 1.6.1 -- 18/Sep/96. MGUI library has a 100% compatible API and an identical look & feel in DOS, Windows and Unix X-Window environments. A manager object automatically positions and resizes its children, making layout construction simple. MGUI Designer is a code generator tool that helps programmers in the construction and maintenance of the application windows. ftp /pub/Linux/X11/devel/

FL is a GUI toolkit written in C++. It was created to build in-house applications at Digital Domain for image processing and 3D graphics. FL is designed to be somewhat compatable with the popular Forms Library, but it is a complete rewrite into C++, with the Forms objects and function pointers replaced with C++ objects and virtual functions. WWW

User Interface Software Tools. A fairly complete list. WWW


WEKA -- 2.1 . A machine learning workbench, is a collection of machine learning methods, linking them together with a common data file format and an intuitive user- interface. There is a command line interface to the system which is provided to develop scripts that analyse and process extremely large volumes of data, with the user-interface adding a simple guided procedure for running experiments using different machine learning methods and data visualisation tools. WWW

AERO -- 1.7.0 -- 31/Aug/96. AERO (Animation Editor for Realistic Object motion) is an X-window based tool for simulation and visualization of rigid-body systems. AERO contains a 3D scene editor for designing simple blocks world scenes. Objects may be placed in space, linked to each other, and forces may be exerted onto them. AERO can be used for exploring the physical laws of mechanics and also for generating realistic computer animations. AERO is available free of charge as public domain software. ftp /pub/AERO. WWW http://www.informatik.uni-

Genghis. This is a graphics simulation that was developed as part of author's PhD studies. It models the structure and control system of a well known six legged robot. ftp /pub/techreports/RDT/code/

COOOL (CWP Object-Oriented Optimization Library). COOOL is a package of tools for writing optimization code and solving optimization problems. Our special interest is in solving inverse problems, but the library should be useful for many different kinds of problems. COOOL consists of a library of C++ classes which facilitate all aspect of developing optimization codes. Further, it has a suite of general purpose routines for solving linear and nonlinear optimization problems. WWW

NAMD is a parallel, object-oriented molecular dynamics program designed for high performance molecular dynamics simulations of large biomolecular systems. Linux port is mentioned in their installation README file. WWW

MOPAC is a general-purpose semi-empirical molecular orbital package for the study of chemical structures and reactions. ftp /mopac7/LINUX/

UNCERT is a public domain uncertainty analysis and geostatistical software package. It was developed for evaluating the inherent uncertainty in describing subsurface geology, hydraulic properties, and the migration of hazardous contaminants in groundwater flow systems. The package is well suited for evaluating hazardous waste sites and evaluating remediation methods, but the package also has many general modules which are usable by researchers from a wide range of disciplines (especially statistical module that could be useful even if your are not interested in geology). WWW http://magma.Mines.EDU:8080/fs_home/wwingle/uncert/

tacg -- 1.5 -- Sep/96. A command line tool for the restriction enzyme analysis of DNA. ftp /pub/tacg

fetch (Free Extraction Tool for Computational Humanoid) is an easy swissprot protein sequence retrieval utility. It is text based. It is available in Perl and Linux binary format compiled by Perl compiler. It can extract any sequences you want as long as they are in swissprot sequence database(primarily). Swissprot is distibuted as a file called 'seq.dat' (around 100 mb, Oct. 1996). fetch creates an index file (seq.idx) for the entries for speed. WWW

MOLMOL -- 2.2.0 -- May/96. MOLMOL is a molecular graphics program for displaying, analyzing, and manipulating the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules, with special emphasis on the study of protein or DNA structures determined by NMR. ftp /pub/software/MOLMOL, ftp /pub/bruker/MOLMOL

RasMol -- 2.5.1 -- 15/Jan/96. RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images. ftp /pub/rasmol

Raster3D is a set of tools for generating high quality raster images of proteins or other molecules. The core program renders spheres, triangles, and cylinders with specular highlighting, Phong shading, and shadowing. It uses an efficient software Z-buffer algorithm which is independent of any graphics hardware. WWW

gOpenMol is the graphics interface to the OpenMol set of programs. gOpenMol can also be used for the analysis and display of molecular dynamics trajectories and the display of molecular orbitals, electron densities and electrostatic potentials from programs like the GaussianXX. WWW

Babel is a program designed to interconvert a number of file formats currently used in molecular modeling. The program is available for Unix (including Linux), DOS and Macs. WWW

PIMM (Pi-SCF-Molecular Mechanics Program) is a combined SCF/molecular mechanics program for organic molecules and complexes, with parameters for compounds of C,H,N,O,S,P,Si,F,Cl,Br and ions of Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ce, In, Zr, Th. It is written in Fortran 77 and tested on Linux. WWW

XtalView is a complete package for solving a macromolecular crystal structure by isomorphous replacement, including building the molecular model. It has a simple but comprehensive windows based interface. Standard file formats are used, which facilitates communication between XtalView and programs such as X-PLOR, TNT, and MERLOT. Free for non-commercial use. WWW

CACTVS Tools. A visualization package for chemist. Features: * A full-featured 2D structure editor (csed), * A 2D structure browser (csbr), * An Image viewer, which can also compute GIF images from connectivity alone (csimg), * A multi-spectra viewer (NMR, IR, UV/VIS, MS), especially usefil for spectra found on the WWW (csir), * An NMR viewer with rather restricted capabilities,

GAMESS is a program for ab initio quantum chemistry. Briefly, GAMESS can compute wavefunctions ranging from RHF, ROHF, UHF, GVB, and MCSCF, with CI and MP2 energy corrections available for some of these. Analytic gradients are available for these SCF functions, for automatic geometry optimization, transition state searches, or reaction path following. Computation of the energy hessian permits prediction of vibrational frequencies. A variety of molecular properties, ranging from simple dipole moments to frequency dependent hyperpolarizabilities may be computed. They have Linux port but is not tested yet. WWW

PLATON is a versatile crystallographic tool implementing a large variety of standard geometrical calculations, tests, utilities, graphics, and several filters. ftp /pub/linux/apps/chemistry/platon

ORTEP-III. The Oak Ridge Thermal Ellipsoid Plot (ORTEP) program is a computer program, written in Fortran, for drawing crystal structure illustrations. Ball-and-stick type illustrations of a quality suitable for publication are produced with either spheres or thermal-motion probability ellipsoids, derived from anisotropic temperature factor parameters, on the atomic sites. The program also produces stereoscopic pairs of illustrations which aid in the visualization of complex arrangements of atoms and their correlated thermal motion patterns. WWW, ftp /pub/ortep/linux (for Linux binaries)

RAD is a radiosity program. WWW

tierra -- 4.3. This is a program that simulates evolution of creatures (virtual assembly code programs) to observe the power of natural selection. ftp /tierra

XSurface is an X11 application which allows the interactive design and viewing of three dimensional smooth surfaces using multiple Bezier patches. ftp /pub

Xephem -- 2.8. An interactive astronomy program for all UNIX platforms, including Linux, plus VMS. Requires X Windows and Motif. Several static executables are available. ftp contrib/xephem/

SESAME -- 4.10 -- 24/Oct/94. SESAME stands for "Software Environment for the Simulatio of Adaptive Modular Systems", a strongly object oriented simulation system for computational architectures involving neural networks. ftp /GMD/as/sesame/

SNNS (Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator) is a software simulator for neural networks on Unix workstations developed at the Institute for Parallel and Distributed High Performance Systems (IPVR) at the University of Stuttgart. The goal of the SNNS project is to create an efficient and flexible simulation environment for research on and application of neural nets. WWW http://www.informatik.uni-

nn/xnn is a system for designing, studying and simulating artificial neural networks. WWW

PDP++ . The PDP++ software is a neural-network simulation system written in C++. It represents the next generation of the PDP software originally released with the McClelland and Rumelhart "Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing Handbook", MIT Press, 1987. WWW

LightPipes is a portable set of UNIX-style tools written in C. It can help you to build models of optical devices when diffraction is essential. Toolbox consists of a set of filters. Each filter represent an optical element or a step in a free-space light beam propagation. There are apertures, intensity filters, beam-splitters, lenses and models of free space diffraction in LightPipes. WWW

PCCTS is the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set and is a set of software tools designed to facilitate the construction of compilers and other translation systems. PCCTS consists of two tools, ANTLR (Another Tool for Language Recognition) and DLG (DFA-based Lexical analyzer Generator), assorted support files, sample Pascal and C grammars, and full source code. WWW

The Linux Software Review (LSR). A forum to discuss the various software programs and packages that are available for Linux. Its main purpose is to save you valuable time downloading, compiling and testing programs that you are not going to use after all. You can read the comments of others, add comments to programs that are beeing discussed or add a new program or category to the discussion. WWW

Linux software for scientists by S. Baum. WWW

Astronomical Software on Linux. WWW

Linux and Chemistry. Links to chemistry software on Linux. WWW

Chemistry Software for Linux/UNIX. WWW

Biocomputing and Linux. WWW

Programs & Scripts For Information Retrieval and Corpus Linguistics. WWW

High Energy Physics and PC's. WWW

Linux in High-Performance Computing. WWW

Linux Fortran Information Page. WWW

Linux AI & Alife mini-HOWTO . WWW


Scientific Web WWW

Scientific Resources WWW

Scientific Data Format Information FAQ WWW

Mathematics Information Servers WWW

Some Mathematics Resources WWW

Eric's Treasure Trove of Mathematics WWW

Mathematics Virtual Library WWW

Sci-Math FAQ WWW

Statistics and Computing WWW

Objective-Oriented Numerics Page WWW

Parallel Programming with C++ WWW

Amara's Wavelet Page WWW

Optimization Software WWW

Catalog of Algorithms for Approximation WWW

Computer Graphics and Visualization WWW

3D Engines List WWW

Software for Graphics and Data Analysis WWW

Graphics viewers, editors, utilities and info WWW

Computer Graphics WWW

Scientific Visualization Sites WWW

Internet Parallel Computing Archive WWW

Artificial Life Software WWW

SINCRIS software list (Software for Crystallolgraphy). WWW

Biological Software WWW

X-related programs:

ftp /contrib

GNU-related programs: ftp /pub/gnu

