1 What is STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT? 2 What are other related listserv/usenet groups? 3 How are STAT-L and SCI.STAT.CONSULT related? 4 How do I know that my message got posted? 5 How do I use LISTSERV to... 6 How do I get the archives of STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT? 7 How can I contact the ASA, Biometric Society, or IMS? 8 How can I contact the major statistics software vendors? 9 What is Statlib? 10 Where can I find free/shareware statistical software? 11 What statistics resources can be found on the web? 12 What should I do about these "Spams"? 13 What is the answer to the Monty Hall problem? 14 Acknowledgments1 What is STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT?
ALLSTAT Discussions on this list are similar to STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT, but there is a decidedly British flavor to ALLSTAT and a more U.S. flavor to STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT. This is particularly noticeable in the postings of meetings. ALLSTAT is a Mailbase system so it uses a slightly different syntax than the LISTSERV system. Subscriptions to: MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK How to subscribe: subscribe ALLSTAT Post messages to: ALLSTAT@MAILBASE.AC.UK Note: Several people tell me that MAILBASE does not like it when you include your name in the SUBSCRIBE command. CRSP-L The following is taken from the webb site http://www-leland.stanford.edu/class/gsb/crsp/CRSP-L/ Help With Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) Data Bases CRSP is the Center for Research in Security Prices at the University of Chicago, but it commonly refers to the database files which that center distributes. Until recently, researchers requiring CRSP data have accessed it using FORTRAN programs. This email list will provide a forum for users and administrators to help one another with SAS, FORTRAN, Splus and other programs which install, extract, or utilize CRSP data. Discussion of Compustat, IBES, and other financial databases is also welcome. If your question may have been addressed previously, please check the CRSP-L FAQ maintained by Don Cram at http://www-leland.stanford.edu/class/gsb/crsp/CRSP-L/ before posting. Subscriptions to: LISTSERV@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU How to subscribe: sub CRSP-L First-name Last-name Post messages to: CRSP-L@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU EDSTAT-L/SCI.STAT.EDU This can also be found under bit.listserv.edstat-l. Subscriptions to: LISTSERV@JSE.STAT.NCSU.EDU How to subscribe: subscribe EDSTAT-L Firstname Lastname Post messages to: EDSTAT-L@JSE.STAT.NCSU.EDU MULTILEVEL This list is for people using multilevel analysis (multilevel modeling; hierarchical data analysis) and any associated software (e.g. MLn, HLM, VARCL, GENMOD). It aims to promote discussion, mutual support, and the spread of information (e.g. conferences, workshops, new software). MULTILEVEL is a MAILBASE system so it uses a slightly different syntax than the LISTSERV system. Subscriptions to: MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK How to subscribe: subscribe MULTILEVEL first-name last-name Post messages to: MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK SCI.STAT.MATH A more mathematical flavor can be found on SCI.STAT.MATH, which sad to say, is not mirrored to any LISTSERVer. SEMNET Researchers who study or apply structural equation modeling methods may be interested in an electronic mail network called SEMNET. Operating over the Internet computer network, SEMNET is an open forum for ideas and questions about the methodology that includes analysis of covariance structures, path analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. SEMNET bridges the gaps between users, between disciplines, and between conferences. SEMNET was founded in February 1993. As of April 1995, SEMNET had over 500 subscribers worldwide. SEMNET is for sharing ideas about this methodology with other interested researchers. SEMNET is also for researchers who are just learning (or re-learning) about structural equation modeling, or who are facing problems in applying these techniques to their own research. SEMNET maintains an FAQ on: http://www.gsu.edu/~mkteer/semfaq.html Subscriptions to: LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU How to subscribe: sub SEMNET first-name last-name Post messages to: SEMNET@UA1VM.UA.EDU 3 How are STAT-L and SCI.STAT.CONSULT related? Through the magic of Internet, any message posted on SCI.STAT.CONSULT also appears on STAT-L. Any message posted on STAT-L appears on SCI.STAT.CONSULT. So you can follow all the fascinating questions and answers using either system. We have had many anecdotal reports of messages posted on STAT-L not appearing on SCI.STAT.CONSULT. Bob Wheeler offers the following comment: The problem is real and is caused by the settings of expiration dates on news items. Local machines have limited space to store items, and so those older than some given date are discarded. Since messages bounce around the Internet before arriving at a local machine, they are sometimes DOA (deleted on arrival) because they are older than the local expiration setting. It can also happen that the local machine subscribes to a service and the service deletes items before forwarding -- thus the local manager sometimes has no control over the problem, other than to use a different service. 4 How do I know that my message got posted? First of all, be patient. It takes a while for your message to be posted. Internet is faster than the Post Office, but it isn't always instantaneous. There's nothing more annoying than seeing the same messages posted again and again in a half hour time period by people who are unsure whether their messages got through. Please wait half a day or more before panicking. Second, if you are having trouble posting, it is more likely than not a local problem. Check with your help desk or other local resource. Third, No matter where you post your message from, if the message gets through, it will be added to two very nice USENET archives: http://altavista.digital.com and http://www.dejanews.com You can search for your message using the subject line or a reasonably unique phrase in the message itself. Again, this system is not instantaneous. Wait half a day or more before searching for your message. Some people may wish to prevent their postings from being added to these databases. If your posting contains an X-Header looking like x-no-archive: yes or if you place x-no-archive: yes as the first line of the body text of your message, then your message not be archived. You could also search the archives of STAT-L (see below for details), but I do not know how frequently the archives are updated. Fourth, if you are using SCI.STAT.CONSULT, or if you are using the DIGEST option of STAT-L, then you will eventually see a copy of your message, if it got posted. On the other hand, if you receive individual messages rather than the digest from STAT-L, you will not see your own message when it is posted. The presumption is that you read it when you wrote it, so why would you want to see it again? You can change this default in two ways. Send a e-mail to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA with a one line message: SET STAT-L REPRO to inform STAT-L that you wish it to send you back a copy of any message you send in. Send e-mail to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA with a one line message: SET STAT-L ACK to inform STAT-L that you wish it to send a brief acknowledgment that your message has been sent to the list. If you want to go back to the default, send e-mail to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA with a one line message: SET STAT-L NOREPRO Please note that all of these commands go to LISTSERV and not to STAT-L. If you are using SCI.STAT.CONSULT, there is a place where you can practice sending test messages (MISC.TEST or ALT.TEST). If you are a beginner, don't post to SCI.STAT.CONSULT until after you are comfortable posting to one of these test groups. Finally, please note that not every question posted on STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT gets an answer. No one is getting paid for their time, so you need to appeal to their curiosity or their altruism. If no one answered your question, maybe you need to ask the question differently? 5 How do I use LISTSERV to... Subscribe to STAT-L? First things first. If you are using SCI.STAT.CONSULT, your USENET reader software should have a menu pick or a command that will allow you to subscribe to SCI.STAT.CONSULT. Every reader is different, so please consult your help file or your local computer guru. To subscribe to STAT-L, send a message to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA with a single line: SUB STAT-L First-name Last-name in the body of the text. Please be sure that you send the message to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA and not to STAT-L@VM1.MCGILL.CA. If you send your subscription request to STAT-L, hundreds of people will see your message and none of them will be able to subscribe you to the list. Some in fact will flame you for not reading these instructions more carefully. It's sort of like a newspaper which has a circulation desk and a letters-to-the-editor desk. If you want to start delivery of the paper you send it to the circulation desk. If you want to start delivery of STAT-L, you send the request to LISTSERV. Sending a subscription request to STAT-L is like sending a letter to the editor that reads "Please start delivery of the Sunday paper to 1313 Mockingbird Lane". Get the digest option turned on/off? If you have no strong preference, the digest option (multiple messages compiled into a single mailing, usually daily) is less burdensome on Internet and creates fewer bounced messages for the list administrator to deal with. The default when you sign up is for the digest option. To cancel digest format and to receive the list as separate mailings, send the command SET STAT-L MAIL to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA. To receive the list in digest format, send the command SET STAT-L DIGEST in the body of a message to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA. Again, please be sure that you send all of these types of messages to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA and not to STAT-L@VM1.MCGILL.CA. Obtain a list of subscribers to STAT-L? Send the command REVIEW STAT-L F=MAIL to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA or to sort by name send the command REVIEW STAT-L BY NAME F=MAIL or to sort by country send the command REVIEW STAT-L BY COUNTRY F=MAIL This does not include subscribers to SCI.STAT.CONSULT, as they do not subscribe to the list the same way. I know of no way to obtain the list of subscribers to SCI.STAT.CONSULT. Keep my name off of the list of subscribers Send the a message to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA with a line in the body of the message reading SET STAT-L CONCEAL YES To reverse this, send the command SET STAT-L CONCEAL NO Stop mail from STAT-L (temporarily or permanently)? Send a message to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA (again, please don't send the message to STAT-L@VM1.MCGILL.CA). To signoff permanently, include the line UNSUBSCRIBE STAT-L in the body of the message. To temporarily suspend mail, use the line SET STAT-L NOMAIL and when you are ready to resume reading, use the line SET STAT-L MAIL or SET listname DIGEST depending on your preference for individual messages versus a daily digest. What if my initial signoff command doesn't work This happens sometimes, particularly if your e-mail address changes, even slightly. I would recommend that you get a list of subscribers and see how your e-mail address looks to the system (see above for details). Some mail systems (like ELM) allow you to change the FROM field of a message. If your mail system supports this, then try sending a message to LISTSERV and change the FROM field so it looks like it came from the original address. You could also ask your system administrator to create a temporary (or permanent) alias name for you for outbound messages (including the necessary deviant domain part). If none of the above works, or if it seems too complicated, don't panic. Every list has a human owner who can go in and unsubscribe you manually. You can find the e-mail address of the list owner on the same list of subscribers that you just got (again, see above). When I last checked in August 1995, the list owner was * OWNER= MICHAEL@VM1.MCGILL.CA (Michael Walsh, McGill University) * (514-398-3680) The key thing to remember here is that only the list owner can help you with this. Sending a message to STAT-L will not help much unless the list owner happens to be following STAT-L right at that moment. Send a message directly to the list owner, explaining your problem. The list owner will manually unsubscribe you from STAT-L. 6 How do I get the archives of STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT? The are three ways to get archives of STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT. First, the LISTSERV software for STAT-L maintains monthly archive files. To obtain a listing of these file names, send the command INDEX STAT-L to LISTSERV.VM1.MCGILL.CA, and to retrieve an archive file send the command GET filename filetype F=MAIL You can also search the archives for keywords For a full description of LISTSERV search functions, send the command GET LISTDB MEMO F=MAIL to LISTSERV@UMINN1.BITNET. You can also use GOPHER to search the archives. Point your gopher software to jse.stat.ncsu, or set your web browser to gopher://jse.stat.ncsu.edu/11/othergroups/statl/ 7 How can I contact the ASA, Biometric Society, or IMS? American Statistical Association 1429 Duke St. Alexandria, VA 22314-3402 Tel: 703-684-1221 FAX: 703-684-2036 E-M: asasinfo@amstat.org Web: http://www.amstat.org The International Biometric Society 808 17th Street, NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20006-3910 Tel: 202-223-9669 FAX: 202-223-9569 E-M: 75703.1407@compuserve.com Web: http://www.stat.uga.edu/~lynne/symposium/biometric.html Institute of Mathematical Statistics 3401 Investment Boulevard, Suite 7 Hayward, CA 94545 Tel: 510-783-8141 (Hazel Lowery) FAX: 510-783-4131 E-M: HLLIMS@stat.berkeley.edu Web: http://www.stat.ucla.edu/ims/ 8 How can I contact the major statistics software vendors? Many of these companies have numerous locations and international distributors. I have only listed corporate headquarters to save space. If you can, check out the web site to get more detailed information. Also please bear in mind that mergers and other business activity may quickly make parts of this list obsolete. Finally, I need to repeat my earlier plea about listservers. Please, please, please note that subscription requests go to the LISTSERV or MAILBASE or MAJORDOMO address. APTECH SYSTEMS INC. (GAUSS) Aptech Systems, Inc. 23804 SE Kent-Kangley Road Maple Valley, WA 98038 USA Tel: 206-432-7855 FAX: 206-432-7832 E-M: support@aptech.com (support) info@aptech.com (sales information) GAUSS mailing list: Subscriptions to: MAJORDOMO@ECO.UTEXAS.EDU How to subscribe: subscribe GAUSSIANS Post messages to: GAUSSIANS@ECO.UTEXAS.EDU CIVILIZED SOFTWARE (MLAB) Web: http://www.civilized.com CONCEPTUAL SOFTWARE INC. (DBMS/COPY) Conceptual Software Inc. 9660 Hillcroft # 510 Houston, TX 77096. DATA DESCRIPTION, INC. (DATADESK) Data Description, Inc. Box 4555 Ithaca, NY 14853 Tel: (607) 257-1000 FAX: (607) 257-4146 E-M: datadesk@datadesk.com DataMost Corp. (STATMOST) Web: http://www.datamost.com MATHSOFT (MATHCAD) MathSoft, Inc. 101 Main Street Cambridge, MA 02142 Tel: 617 577-1017 970-339-7119 (Support, daily from 9am to 9pm EST) 800-MATHCAD (Sales, US or Canada) 44-131-451-6720 (Sales outside the US/Canada) Fax: 617 577-8829 Web: http://www.mathsoft.com E-M: ideas@mathsoft.com (comments and suggestions) support@mathsoft.com (Support, US or Canada) help@mathsoft.com (Support outside US/Canada) sales-info@mathsoft.com (Sales, US or Canada) int-info@mathsoft.com (Sales outside US/Canada) MATHWORKS (MATLAB) The MathWorks, Inc. 24 Prime Park Way Natick, MA 01760-1500 Tel: (508) 653-1415 Fax: (508) 653-2997 Web: http://www.mathworks.com/home.html E-M: info@mathworks.com (Sales, pricing, information) support@mathworks.com (Technical support) bugs@mathworks.com (Bug reports) suggest@mathworks.com (Product suggestions) service@mathworks.com (Service) MINITAB INC. Minitab Inc. 3081 Enterprise Drive State College, PA 16801 Tel: 814 238-3280 Fax: 814 238-4383 Web: http://www.minitab.com E-M: sales@minitab.com NCSS Statistical Software (NCSS, PASS) Web: http://www.ncss.com PALISADE CORPORATION (@RISK) Web: http://www.palisade.com RESAMPLINGS STATS Web: http://www.statistics.com E-M: stats@cais.com SAS INSTITUTE (JMP, SAS) SAS Institute Inc. SAS Campus Drive Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919 677-8000 919 677-8008 (JMP technical support) 919 677-8000, ext 5071 (JMP sales) Fax: 919 677-8123 Web: http://www.sas.com ftp: ftp://ftp.sas.com E-M: corpcom@unx.sas.com (Corporate Communications) sasedu@vm.sas.com (Education) eurwww@mvs.sas.com (European Offices) pubs@unx.sas.com (Publications) software@sas.sas.com (Sales and Marketing) bussol@unx.sas.com (Business Solutions Division) sasblb2@vm.sas.com (jmp-sales) JMP mailing list: Subscriptions to: MAJORDOMO@WUBIO.WUSTL.EDU How to subscribe: subscribe JMP-L Post messages to: JMP-L@WUBIOS.WUSTL.EDU SAS mailing list: Subscriptions to: LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU How to subscribe: subscribe SAS-L First-name Last-name Post messages to: SAS-L@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU SAS Technical Support News Subscriptions to: LISTSERV@VM.SAS.COM How to subscribe: subscribe TSNEWS-L First-name Last-name Post messages to: Messages posted by SAS Institute only SCIENTIFIC CONSULTING INC (PCNONLIN) E-M: 75450.3171@compuserve.com SPSS Inc. (BMDP, SPSS, Systat) SPSS, Inc. 444 North Michigan Avenue Chicago IL 60611 Tel: 312 329-3410 800 543-2185 312-494-3283 (SYSTAT Technical Support) Fax: 312/329-3668 BBS: 312/836-1900 (8/N/1) ftp: ftp.spss.com E-M: support@spss.com BMDP mailing list: Subscriptions to: LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA How to subscribe: sub BMDP-L Firstname Lastname Post messages to: BMDP-L@VM1.MCGILL.CA SPSS mailing list: Subscriptions to: LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU How to subscribe: sub SPSSX-L Firstname Lastname Post messages to: SPSSX-L@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU SYSTAT mailing list: Subscriptions to: LISTSERV@SPSS.COM How to subscribe: sub SYSTAT-L Firstname Lastname Post messages to: SYSTAT-L@SPSS.COM STATA CORPORATION Stata Corporation 702 University Drive East College Station, Texas 77840 Tel: 409-696-4600 800-STATA-PC Fax: 409-696-4601 E-M: stata@stata.com STATA mailing list: Subscriptions to: LISTPROC@DSG.HARVARD.EDU How to subscribe: subscribe STATALIST First-name Last-name Post messages to: STATALIST@DSG.HARVARD.EDU STATISTICAL SCIENCES (S-PLUS) Statistical Sciences, Suite 500 1700 Westlake Avenue N. Seattle WA 98109-9891 Tel: (206) 283-8802 (business) (800) 569-0123 (sales) Fax: (206) 283-6310 Web: http://www.statsci.com/ E-M: sales@statsci.com (Sales) support@statsci.com (Support) mktg@statsci.com (Marketing) S-plus mailing list: Subscriptions to: S-NEWS-REQUEST@UTSTAT.TORONTO.EDU How to subscribe: subscribe Post messages to: S-NEWS@UTSTAT.TORONTO.EDU Also check out the parent company, Mathsoft. STATISTICS AND EPIDEMIOLOGY RESEARCH CORPORATION (EGRET) Tel: 206-632-3014 FAX: 206-547-4140 E-M: rhm@ms.washington.edu STATSOFT (STATISTICA) StatSoft, Inc. 2300 East 14th Street Tulsa, OK, USA 74104-4442 Tel: (918) 749-1119 Fax: (918) 749-2217 Web: http://www.statsoftinc.com E-M: info@statsoftinc.com UNISTAT Web: http://www.unistat.com 9 What is Statlib? Statlib is a system for distributing statistical software by electronic mail and ftp. To access the statlib server, send a mail message to statlib@lib.stat.cmu.edu. For starters, do the following on your machine: mail statlib@lib.stat.cmu.edu send index send index from S This will give you an index of the general and S-specific material available on the statlib server. Remember that the server does not understand English or any other language. Your requests must be exactly in the form specified. Anonymous ftp access is also available. Type: ftp lib.stat.cmu.edu At the login prompt, type "statlib" (without the quotes) and give your e-mail address as the password. A `mirror' of the statlib archive in the UK will shortly be available at unix.hensa.ac.uk: mail netlib@unix.hensa.ac.uk send browser for further details of the mail server. The site can also be accessed by telnet (log in as 'archive') or by anonymous ftp. The statlib archive is under /statlib. 10 Where can I find free/shareware statistical software? DONLP2 There have been recent updates to DONLP2, one of the few high-quality programs for general nonlinear programming problems available completely free over the net. There are four different versions (in f77 resp f2c/cc and with exact or numerical differentiation), there is a separate file with three papers as postscript files and the user's guide (README's and donlp2doc.txt file) have been updated last on 6-24-96. The URL is ftp://plato.la.asu.edu/pub/donlp2 EPI-INFO/EPI-MAP Epi-info is a series of computer programs produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization which provides public-domain software for word processing, database and statistics work in public health. Epi-info can be downloaded at ftp://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/epi/epiinfo. Support is available through Tel: (404) 728-0545 FAX: (404) 315-6440 E-M: EpiInfo@CDC1.CDC.GOV There is a companion product, Epi-map, for geographic mapping. It can be downloaded at ftp://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/epi/epimap. EI/EzI EI and EzI implement the statistical methods, graphics, and diagnostics in Gary King's forthcoming book _Reconstructing Individual Behavior from Aggregate Data: A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem_ (Princeton: Princeton University Press, April 1997; before April, a preprint and summary are available at http://GKing.Harvard.Edu). This software is available for free on the web at http://GKing.Harvard.Edu EI requires Gauss (from Aptech Systems) and is platform- independent. EzI does not require Gauss, but runs only under MS-DOS (or Windows 95 or OS/2), requires at least 8 MB of memory, and about 2MB of hard disk space. GPOWER GPower is a routine for study size and power, is made available by a bunch of German cognitive scientists. It does t-tests, F-tests and Chi-squared. It has a handy routine for effect size calculation. It exists in Mac, Mac+FPU, Powermac and BC-compatible versions, as well as DOS. The web site is More details can be found at the web site: http://www.psychologie.uni-trier.de:8000/projects/gpower.html MLn and other multilevel software packages The web page http://www.medent.umontreal.ca/multilevel describes MLn and other shareware/freeware software for multilevel analyses. MVSP MVSP ver. 2.2, A MultiVariate Statistical Package provides an inexpensive yet easy means of analysing your data. It calculates principal components, principal coordinates and correspondence analyses (including detrended CA), as well as hierarchical cluster analysis using nineteen distance or similarity measures and seven clustering strategies, and diversity indices. The program is DOS based and menu-driven; a Windows version is nearing completion. MVSP shareware can be downloaded at http://www.compulink.co.uk/~kovcomp/ ORIANA Oriana for Windows ver. 1.0 calculates the special forms of sample and inter-sample statistics required for circular data (e.g. directional data or time of day). Oriana calculates the circular mean, length of the mean vector, circular standard deviation and standard error, 95% and 99% confidence limits, and Rayleigh's test of uniformity for each sample in your data file. Pairs of samples can be compared with Watson's F-test for two circular means. The overall distributions of two samples can be compared with Chi-squared tests. The data for each sample can be summarised with rose diagrams or circular histograms as well as linear histograms. The individual observations can be shown in raw data plots. Uniformity plots allow you to assess whether the data depart from a uniform distribution. ORIANA shareware can be downloaded at http://www.compulink.co.uk/~kovcomp/ Prophet Software PROPHET is a UNIX-based workstation software package that gives researchers a wide range of computing capabilities. One of PROPHET's greatest assets is its new graphical user interface. Employing the latest advances in software technology, PROPHET lets you store, analyze and present Data Tables, Graphs, Statistical Analyses and Mathematical Modeling, and Sequence Analyses with high-resolution graphics and multiple windows. Anyone, from the computer-naive to the computer-sophisticate, can learn to use it quickly and effectively. More details can be found at the web site: http://www-prophet.bbn.com/ STPLAN, RANLIST, WINDOWS, STATTAB, and SURVAN The MD Anderson Center at the University of Texas makes available a series of packages for both Mac and DOS which are basic in terms of interface but well documented. These include STPLAN: Sample size and power RANLIST: Randomization plans for clinical trials WINDOWS (!) Kernel smoothing of dose-response curves (smoothing of the relationship between a continuous variable and a binary outcome) STATTAB : Statistical tables SURVAN: Survival analysis, including Cox regression More details can be found at the web site: http://odin.mdacc.tmc.edu/anonftp VISTA (Visual Statistics System) ViSta is a Visual Statistics system designed for a wide ranges of users. It is particularly useful for those needing to learn statistics, and to their teachers. ViSta is also designed to be used for research and development in computational and graphical statistics. More details can be found at the web site: http://forrest.psych.unc.edu/research/ViSta.html XLISP-STAT XLISP-STAT is a comprehensive statistical environment based on the XLISP dialect of LISP. It runs on Amiga, Macintosh, MS-DOS, MS-Windows, and X11. XLISP-STAT is highly extensible, and many interesting extensions can be found at Statlib (see above for details about Statlib). XLISP-STAT can be downloaded at ftp://ftp.stat.umn.edu/pub/xlispstat There is a mailing list, stat-lisp-news. At the moment, the list is maintained by hand. Subscribe to: LISTSERV@JULIA.MATH.UCLA.EDU How to subscribe: Ask to join and include your e-mail address Post message to: stat-lisp-news@stat.umn.edu WesVarPC from Westat WesVarPC is a software package developed at Westat, Inc., that computes estimates and replicate variance estimates from survey data collected using complex sampling and estimation procedures. This flexible software supports a wide range of complex sample designs, including multistage, stratified, and unequal probability samples. The replicate variance estimates can also reflect a number of estimation schemes, such as poststratification or ratio estimation. More details can be found at the Westat web site: http://www.westat.com There is a mailing list, WESVAR-L. Subscriptions to: listserv@listserv.westat.com How to subscribe: subscribe WESVAR-LBACK TO *********************************************************************Post messages to: WESVAR-L@listserv.westat.com 11 What statistics resources can be found on the web? This section does not include web sites described in the "How can I contact the major statistics software vendors?" section or in other parts of the FAQ. There are lots of interesting statistics sites on the web, and the web is growing and changing rapidly. Here are some interesting sites, and you are welcome to send in other good web sites. Pointers to other interesting sites may be found, of course, on these web pages listed below. Excel 2 SAS and Back A guide to how to transfer information between programs, including the comprehensive coverage of frequently requested Excel to SAS translation. http://www-leland.stanford.edu/class/gsb/excel2sas.html Journal of Statistical Software The Journal of Statistical Software is published electronically on the UCLA Statistics Webserver. Access is free, and unlimited. Articles are peer-reviewed. The URL is http://www.stat.ucla.edu/journals/jss/ Lloyd's Warehouse of Economic Indicators. http://www.rt66.com/~llubet Measurement theory FAQ: ftp://ftp.sas.com/pub/neural/measurement.html Neural networks FAQ: ftp://ftp.sas.com/pub/neural/FAQ.html Power calculations (on-line) There are two interesting sites which will let you calculate power on-line, using web forms http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/Demos/power/ http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~jbond/HTMLPOWER/index.html Statistical power analysis software (Len Thomas): http://www.interchg.ubc.ca/cacb/power Note that this site used to be http://conservation.forestry.ubc.ca:8080/cacb/power Statistics on the Web (Clay Helberg): This site has moved to http://www.execpc.com/~helberg/statistics.html The old site http://maddog.fammed.wisc.edu/~helberg/statistics.html contains just a pointer to the new web site. Statistics servers and other links (The Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences): http://www.isds.duke.edu/stats-sites.html UCLA Statistics Textbook This site has a lot of interactive pages using programs like JavaScript, Perl, and xlisp-stat. http://www.stat.ucla.edu/textbook/ Virtual Library of Statistics http://www.stat.ufl.edu/vlib/statistics.html/ 12 What should I do about these "Spams"? A message distributed across multiple newsgroups or list servers, usually for commercial purposes is known as a Spam. Some examples of Spams that have hit STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT are the green card lawyers, information about lonely women in Russia, and blueprints of the original atom bomb. First, keep in mind that often it is not the original spam messages that are so conspicuous as potentially intrusive, but rather the inevitable threads of discussion which seem to result from them. Please do not complain to STAT-L about a spam. The person who sent the spam is almost certainly not a subscriber to STAT-L and will not see your complaint. Other victims of the spam will see your complaint though, which multiplies the annoying effect of the spam. There are constructive steps that you can take to discourage a spam but be assured that hundreds if not thousands of people have probably already done this on your behalf. You can do nothing and still be assured that others are looking out for everyone's interests. So the best course of action is to shrug off the message. You might want to get in the practice of recognizing a spam by its subject line and deleting it unread. If you don't want to ignore the spam, try following the advice given recently by Michael Palij: In a situation such as this I suggest that you send E-mail to the postmaster of the machine from which the offending E-mail was sent, alerting the postmaster of the E-mail message and including a copy of the E-mail message. If for some reason postmaster@machine does not work send E-mail to root@machine. Don't respond to the person of the account that sent the E-mail nor mailbomb. The reasons for this are: 1. The E-mail may have a forged name/account. That is, the return address may be bogus or belong to someone who has a legitimate account on the specific machine but who did not send the E-mail. 2. Some people, if they want to punish a particular person/account or machine, may send out a spam message such as the one above, with the expectation that the person's account or machine/site will be overwhelmed by the reaction (yes, some people will send a copy of a coredump or Moby Dick to the offending E-mail address in the hope that it will crash the mail program). In this way, an innocent person gets hurt because of a set-up. 3. Notifying the person who has responsibility for the machine (i.e., the postmaster or root) will allow that person to determine whether one of their real users posted the message (and give that person a good talking to) or whether their system was hacked and someone posted the offending message as a prank/whatever. In general, try to stay cool about such occurrences, E-mail the postmaster to investigate the situation, and appreciate that much more may be going on than you realize. 13 What is the answer to the Monty Hall problem? There is a classic probability puzzle, which is called the Monty Hall problem, or sometimes the envelope problem. The Monty Hall problem can be stated as follows: A gameshow host displays three closed doors. Behind one of the doors is a car. The other two doors have goats behind them. You are then asked to choose a door. After you have made your choice, one of the remaining two doors is then opened by the host (who knows what's behind the doors), revealing a goat. Will switching your initial guess to the remaining door increase your chances of guessing the door with the car? The general consensus is that the probability of winning the car is 1/3 if you don't switch and 2/3 if you do switch. But there are some implicit assumptions in this problem that cause a raging debate every time it appears on STAT-L. There are at least thirty web sites that discuss this problem. In particular, it appears in the SCI.MATH and REC.PUZZLES FAQs. http://www.smartpages.com/faqs/sci-math-faq/montyhall/faq.html http://jayhawk.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Mag/rec.puzzles/Puzzles/monty.hall.p There is also a simulation based on this problem. http://www.ram.org/computing/monty_hall.html This problem is discussed in Engel, E. and Venetoulias, A. (1991). Monty Hall's probability puzzle. Chance, Vol 4, # 2, 6-9. and Selvin, S. (1975). A problem in probability, in "Letters to the Editor," The American Statistician, 29, 67 and 134. 14 Acknowledgments This list has grown thanks to the small and large contributions of many people. Part of it was shamelessly stolen from well written messages on STAT-L. Here is a partial list of people who you should thank for directly or indirectly contributing to this FAQ: Gary Ash Kenneth Benoit Grant Blank Jim Box Benjamin Chan Ronan Conroy Donald Cram Byron Davis Barry DeCicco Joe Dolgos Emil Friedman Mike Fuller Timothy Green Duane Griffin Clay Helberg Tim Hesterberg Charles Kincaid Warren Kovach Jan de Leeuw Lloyd Lubet Haiko Luepsen Hans Mittelmann Brian Monsell John Nash Michael Palij David Ronis Warren Sarle Ronald Schoenberg Russell Schulz Jim Steiger Len Thomas Richard Ulrich Vittorio Viaggi Meredith Warshaw Bob Wheeler Will Wheeler John Whittington Forest Young Sara Young If there are errors in this FAQ, they are probably my fault; it is difficult to accurately transcibe all of the information I have received, even with cut and paste. Please send any corrections and additions. Complaints are appreciated also, but please realize that I am doing this on a volunteer effort, mostly during lunch breaks and after work hours. Steve Simon, Standard Disclaimer. Office of Medical Research, Children's Mercy Hospital 2401 Gillham Road, Kansas City, MO 64108 E-M: ssimon@cmh.edu TEL: 816-234-3963 FAX: 855-1703 Vision: The Children's Mercy Hospital commits to providing quality pediatric medical care with service excellence and efficiency to everyone we serve. *** End of FAQ for STAT-L/SCI.STAT.CONSULT ***