CES Research Publications upto 1993

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Abrahamson, W.G. and Gadgil, M. 1973
Growth form and reproductive effort in goldenrods (Solidago,
The American Naturalist, 107 : 651-661.

Arjunwadkar, A.V. and Gadgil, M. 1974
Burrowing habits of the greatest bandicoot rat (Bandicota indica)
Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 71 : 137-140.

Baldwin, S., Geller, H., Dutt, G. & Ravindranath, N.H. 1985
Improved wood burning cookstoves: signs of success.
AMBIO, Royal Swedish Academy of Science, 14(4-5), 280-731.

Berkes, F., Folke, C. and Gadgil, M. 1993
Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Biodiversity, Resilience and
Sustainability Beijer International Institute of EcBEIJER Discussion
Paper Series No. 31

Bhat, D.M. and Gadgil, M. 1993
"Soppina bettas" - Forests in Support of Horticulture.
Proceedings of the seminar on "Geschichte der
Kleinprivatwaldwirtschaft Geschichte des Bauernwaldes
(Eds. Helmut Brandl), Abteilung Betriebswirtschaft Nr. 40, Freiburg.

Bhat, D.M. 1992
Phenology of tree species of tropical moist forest of Uttara Kannada
district, Karnataka, India.
J.Biosci., 17(3), 325-352.

Bhat, P.R., Bhat, D.M., Ravindranath, N.H. and Gadgil, M. 1992
Microlevel Planning for Sustainable Development of two village
ecosystems in Uttara Kannada District.
Int.J. Sustainable Development, 1(3), 69-78.

Chandran, S. & Gadagkar, R. 1990
Social Organisation in Laboratory Colonies of Ropalidia marginata.
In: Social Insects and the Environment Proc. XI Internatl.Congr.IUSSI
Bangalore, (eds G.K. Veeresh, B. Mallik & C.A. Viraktamath)
Oxford & IBM Publishing Co., New Delhi, pp. 78.

Chandrashekara, K. & Gadagkar, R. 1991
Behavioural Castes, Dominance and Division of Labour in a
primitively eusocial wasp.
Ethology, 87, 269-283.

Chandrashekara, K. and Gadagkar, R. 1990
Evolution of eusociality: Lessons from social organization in
Ropalidia marginata (Lep.) (Hymenoptera:Vespidae).
In: Social Insects and the environment. (Eds.) G.K. Veeresh,
B. Mallik, C.A. Viraktamath. Proc. of 11th Internatl. Congr. of
IUSSI, Bangalore, India, 1990, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. pp. 73-74.

Chandrashekara, K. and Gadagkar, R. 1990
Behavioural castes and their correlates in the primitively eusocial
wasp, Ropalidia marginata (Lep.) (Hymenoptera:Vespidae).
In: Social Insects: An Indian perspective. (Eds.) G.K. Veeresh,
A.R.V. Kumar & T. Shivashankar. IUSSI - Indian Chapter,
Bangalore, pp. 153-160.

Chandrashekara, K. and Gadagkar, R. 1991
Queen Succession in the Primitively Eusocial Tropical Wasp Ropalidia
marginata (Lep.) (Hymenoptera:Vespidae).
J. Insect Behav., 5(2), 193-209.

Chandrashekara, K., Bhagavan, S., Chandran, S., Nair, P.
and Gadagkar, R. 1990
Perennial indeterminate colony cycle in a primitively eusocial wasp.
In: Social Insects and the environment. (Eds.) G.K. Veeresh,
B. Mallik, C.A. Viraktamath. Proc. of 11th Internatl. Congr. of
IUSSI, Bangalore, India, 1990, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. pp.81.

Chandrashekara, K., Gadagkar, R. 1991
Unmated queens in the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata
(Lep.) (Hymenoptera : Vespidae).
Ins. Soc., 38, 213-216.

Chetty, K.M., & Subramanian, D.K. 1988
Rural energy consumption patterns with multiple objectives
Internatl. J. Energy Research, 12, 561-567.

Chetty, M.K. & Subramanian, D.K. 1988
Design of rural energy centres for the developing countries: Goal
programming approach.
Modelling, Simulation & Control, C. AMSE Press, 12(1), 25-34.

Daniels, R.J.,R., Hegde, M. & Gadgil, M. 1990
Birds of the man-made ecosystems: the plantations.
Proc.Indian Acad.Sci. (Anim.Sci.), 99 (1), 79-89.

Daniels, R.J.R 1991
Ants as biological indicators of environmental changes.
Blackbuck, Vol. 7, pp. 51-56.

Daniels, R.J.R. 1991
A field key to the identification of anurans of Western Ghats.
Blackbuck, VII(2): pp. 30-32.

Daniels, R.J.R. 1991
Ecology and status of a little known Lizard.
Blackbuck 5, 3-4.

Daniels, R.J.R. 1991
Tree planting in urban centres and its role in conservation of birds.
MYFOREST, 27(4), 317-326.

Daniels, R.J.R. 1991
Practical methods for studying bird-vegetation associations in
the forests of the Western Ghats.
Proc.of Workshop on "medicinal plants conservation areas of tropical
forests' held on 26-29 Apr.91 at Kemmangundi, Chickmagalur,

Daniels, R.J.R. 1991
Occurrence of the Malabar torrent toad Ansonia ornata gunther in
South Kanara, Karnataka.
J.Bombay Nat.Hist.Soc., 88, 127-128.

Daniels, R.J.R. 1991
The problem of conserving amphibians in the Western Ghats, India.
Curr.Sci., 60(11), 630-632.

Daniels, R.J.R. 1991
The amphibian fauna of Karnataka: What does it suggest?
Karnataka State of Environment Report V, Chapter IX, 79-85.

Daniels, R.J.R. 1991
Ecological Research at the Indian Institute of Science: An overview
Environmental Conservation

Daniels, R.J.R. 1992
Of feathers and colours - Birds of Urban South India.
Interline Publishing, Bangalore

Daniels, R.J.R. 1992
Geographical range and ecology of the verrucose frog Rana
Keralensis (Dubois)
Journal of Bomay Natural History Society, Bombay, Vol. 89, 199-203.

Daniels, R.J.R. & Hegde, M. 1990
Is there a good season and time for sampling tropical forest birds?
Blackbuck 6(4), 3-7.

Daniels, R.J.R. Hegde, M. and Gadgil, M. 1990
Birds of the man-made ecosystems : the plantations
Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Anim. Sci.), 99 (1), 79-89.

Daniels, R.J.R., Hegde, M. & Vinutha, C. 1989
Observations on the biology of the praying mantis Creoobater
urbana FABR, (Orthoptera:Mantidae).
J. Bombay Nat.Hist.Soc., 86(3), 329-332.

Daniels, R.J.R., Hegde, M., Joshi, N.V. & Gadgil, M. 1991
Assigning conservation value: A case study from India.
Conservation Biology, 5(4), 464-475.

Daniels, R.J.R., Joshi, N.V. & Gadgil, M. 1990
Changes in the bird fauna of Uttara Kannada, India, in relation to
changes in land use over the past century.
Biological Conservation, 52, 37-48.

Daniels, R.J.R., Joshi, N.V. and Gadgil, M. 1992
On the relationship between bird and woody plant species diversity
in the Uttara Kannada district of south India.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 89(12), 5311-5315.

Daniels, R.J.R., Subhashchandran & Gadgil, M. 1993
A strategy for conserving the biodiversity of the Uttara Kannada
District in south India.
Environmental Conservation.

Daniels, R.J.R.D., Subhash Chandran, M.S., Gadgil, M. 1993
A strategy for conserving the biodiversity of the uttara
kannada district in south India.
Environmental Conservation, 20(2), 131-138.

Dutt, G.S. & Ravindranath, N.H. 1992
Bioenergy: Direct applications in cooking.
Renewable Energy, Sources for fuel & electricity, 653-697.
T.B.Johansso,H.Kelly,A.K.N.Reddy & R.H.Williams (Ed.) Island Press,

Gadagkar, R. 1990
A test of the role of haplodiploidy in the evolution of Hymenopteran
In: Social Insects and the Environment (Eds.)G.K. Veeresh,
B. Mallik, C.A. Viraktamath. Proc. of 11th Internatl. Congr. of
IUSSI, Bangalore, India, 1990, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. pp. 539-540.

Gadagkar, R. 1992
The magnitude of the Earth's biodiversity
Management of Environment, IAS Officers Training Programmme,
IISc, Bangalore

Gadagkar, R. 1980
Dominance hierarchy and division of labour in the social wasp,
Ropalidia marginata (Lep.) (Hymenoptera:Vespidae)
Curr. Sci., 49, 772-775.

Gadagkar, R. 1985
Kin recognition in social insects and other animals - A review of
recent findings and a consideration of their relevance for the
theory of kin selection.
Proc.Indian Acad.Sci.(Anim.Sci.), 94(6), 587-621.

Gadagkar, R. 1985
Evolution of insect sociality - A review of some attempts to test
modern theories.
Proc. Indian Acad.Sci. (Anim.Sci.), 94, 309-324.

Gadagkar, R. 1987
Social structure and the determinants of the queen status in the
primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia cyathiformis
In: Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects. Proc. X Internatl.
Congr. IUSSI, Munich (ed. J. Eder and H. Rembold). Munich: Verlag
J Peperny. pp. 377-378.

Gadagkar, R. 1987
What are Social Insects?
IUSSI Indian Chapter Newsletter 2(1), 3-4.

Gadagkar, R. 1988
Review of Semiochemistry: Flavours and pheromones.
Proc.Am.Chem.Soc.Symp. Washington, D.C., Eds. T.E. Acree and
D.M. Soderlund, Walde de Gruyter, Berlin, New Yor, 1985.
pp x + 289. J.Indian Inst. Sci., 68, 72-76.

Gadagkar, R. 1988
Kin recognition in social insects.
IUSSI Indian Chapter Newsletter Vol.2,No.1, pp. 4-5.

Gadagkar, R. 1988
The Genetic Basis of Behaviour
IUSSI Indian Chapter Newsletter 2(2), 4-5.

Gadagkar, R. 1989
An undesirable property of Hill's diversity index N 2.
Oecologia, 80, 140-141.

Gadagkar, R. 1990
Social biology of Ropalidia marginata: Investigations into the
origins of eusociality.
In: Social Insects and the environment. (Eds.) G.K. Veeresh,
B. Mallik, C.A. Viraktamath. Proc. of 11th Internatl. Congr. of
IUSSI, Bangalore, India, 1990, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. pp. 9-11.

Gadagkar, R. 1990
Evolution of insect societies: Some insights from studying
tropical wasps.
In: Social Insects: An Indian perspective. (Eds.) G.K. Veeresh,
A.R.V. Kumar & T. Shivashankar. IUSSI - Indian Chapter,
Bangalore, pp. 129-152.

Gadagkar, R. 1990
Origin and evolution of eusociality: A perspective from studying
primitively eusocial wasps.
J. Genet., 69, 113-125.

Gadagkar, R. 1990
Genetic Diversity and Evolution.
In: Proc. MAB Regional Training Workshop Trop. For. Ecosyst.
Conserv. S & S E Asia. pp.3-16. Eds.K.K.N.Nair, K.V.Bhat,
J.K.Sharma & K.Swarupandian. Kerala Forest Research Institute,

Gadagkar, R. 1990
Evolution of eusociality: The advantage of assured fitness returns.
Phil. Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B., 329, 17-25.

Gadagkar, R. 1990
The haplodiploidy threshold and social evolution.
Curr.Sci., 59, 374-376.

Gadagkar, R. 1991
Belonongaster, Mischocyttarus, Parapolybia and independent founding
In: The Social Biology of Wasps. (Eds.) K.G. Ross and R.W. Matthews.
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, pp. 149-190.

Gadagkar, R. 1991
On testing the role of genetic asymmetries created by haplodiploidy
in the evolution of eusociality in the Hymenoptera
J.Genet. 70, 1-31

Gadagkar, R. 1991
More gene wars.
Curr.Sci., 61, 795. (Scientific Correspondence).

Gadagkar, R. 1991
Demographic predisposition to the evolution of eusociality - A
Hierarchy of models.
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.,88, 10993-10997.

Gadagkar, R. 1992
World's Biodiversity needs to be preserved.
Down to Earth, 1(11), 43-44.

Gadagkar, R. 1992
When fathers harass their sons.
Down to Earth, 1(8), 47-48.

Gadagkar, R. 1992
Disease and Social Evolution.
Curr.Sci., 63, 285-286.

Gadagkar, R. 1992
New agenda for social-insect research : Review of Success and
Dominance in Ecosystems : The case of the social insects by E.O.Wilson.
Curr.Sci., 62, 317-318.

Gadagkar, R. 1993
Persistence helps masquerading ant raiders.
Down to Earth, 1(20), 45.

Gadagkar, R. 1993
Bed and breakfast available, only for a year.
Down to Earth 1993, Vol.2, No.3, 46-47.

Gadagkar, R. 1993
And now ... eusocial thrips!
Current Science, Feb. 1993, Vol. 64, No. 4, 215-216.

Gadagkar, R. 1993
Can Animals be Spiteful?
TREE, 8, 232-234.

Gadagkar, R. 1993
The Evolution of Altruism in Insects - A case study.
Pers. in Entomological Res., 1993, Scientific Publishers,
Jodhpur, 214-226.

Gadagkar, R. & Joshi, N.V. 1982
Behaviour of the Indian social wasp Ropalidia cyathiformis on a
nest of separate combs (Hymenoptera:Vespidae).
J.Zool.Lond., 198, 27-37.

Gadagkar, R. & Joshi, N.V. 1983
Quantitative ethology of social wasps : Time-activity budgets
and caste differentiation in Ropalidia marginata (Lep.)
Anim.Behav., 31, 26-31.

Gadagkar, R. & Joshi, N.V. 1985
Colony fission in a social wasp.
Curr.Sci., 54, 57-62.

Gadagkar, R. & Venkataraman, A.B. 1990
Nepotistic bee-eaters.
Curr.sci., 59, 445-446.

Gadagkar, R. & Vijayageetha Gadagkar 1988
The amazing world of the Honey Bees.
Vijnana Parichaya, 10(3), 4-8.

Gadagkar, R. and Joshi, N.V. 1982
A comparative study of social structure in colonies of Ropalidia
In: The Biology of Social Insects, (Eds.) M.D. Breed,
C.D. Michener and H.E. Evans. Proc. of the Ninth Congress of the
International Union for the Study of Social Insects.Boulder, Colorado,

Gadagkar, R. and Joshi, N.V. 1984
Social organisation in the Indian wasp Ropalidia cyathiformis (Fab.)
Z.Tierpsychol., 64, 15-32.

Gadagkar, R., Bhagavan, S., Chandrashekara, K. and
Vinutha, C. 1991
The role of larval nutrition in pre-imaginal biasing of caste in the
primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata (Lep.)
(Hymenoptera: Vespidae).
Ecol.Entomol., 16, 435-440

Gadagkar, R., Bhagavan, S., Malpe, R and Vinutha, C. 1989
On reconfirming the evidence for pre-imaginal caste bias in a
primitively eusocial wasp.
Proc. Indian Acad.Sci.(Anim.Sci.), 99, 141-150.

Gadagkar, R., Bhagavan, S., Malpe, R. and Vinutha, C. 1991
Seasonal variation in the onset of egg laying in a primitively
eusocial wasp: implications for the evolution of sociality.
Entomon, 16, 167-174.

Gadagkar, R., Chandrashekara, K. and Nair, P. 1990
Insect species diversity in tropics: Sampling methods and
a case study.
J.Bombay Nat.Hist.Soc., 87, 337-353.

Gadagkar, R., Chandrashekara, K., Chandran, S. &
Bhagavan, S. 1993
Queen success is correlated with worker-brood genetic relatedness
in a primitively eusocial wasp (Ropalidia marginata).
Experientia, 49, 5761-5764.

Gadagkar, R., Chandrashekara, K., Chandran, S. and
Bhagavan, S. 1990
Serial polygyny in Ropalidia marginata : Implications for the
evolution of eusociality.
In: Social Insects and the environment. (Eds.), G.K. Veeresh,
B. Mallik, C.A. Viraktamath. Proc. of 11th Internatl. Congr. of
IUSSI, Bangalore, India, 1990, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. pp. 227-228.

Gadagkar, R., Chandrashekara, K., Chandran, S. and
Bhagavan, S. 1991
Worker-brood genetic relatedness in a primitively eusocial wasp -
a pedigree analysis
Naturwissenshaften, 78, 523-526.

Gadagkar, R., Chandrashekara, K., Chandran, S. and
Bhagavan, S. 1993
Serial polygyny in the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata:
implications for the evolution of sociality.
In: Queen Number & Sociality in Insects, (Ed. L. Keller) Oxford
University Press, Oxford, pp. 187-214.

Gadagkar, R., Chandrashekara, K., Chandran, S. and
Bhagavan, S. 1993
Serial polygyny in the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia
marginata: implications for the evolution of sociality
In: Queen Number and Sociality in Insects, (Ed.L. Keller) Oxford
University Press, Oxford, pp. 189-214.

Gadagkar, R., Gadgil, M., Joshi, N.V. and
Mahabal, A.S. 1982
Observations on the natural history and population ecology of
the social wasp Ropalidia marginata (Lep.) from peninsular India
Proc.Indian Acad.Sci. (Anim.Sci.), 91, 539-552.

Gadagkar, R., Gadgil, M., Joshi, N.V., Mahabal, A.S. 1982
Observations on the natural history and population ecology
of social wasp, Ropalidia marginata(Lep.)
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Animal Sci.),
91 (6) : 539-552.

Gadagkar, R., Nair, P., Chandrashekara, K. &
Bhat, D.M. 1993
Ant species richness and diversity in some selected
localities in Western Ghats, India.
Hexapoda 5(2): 79-94.

Gadagkar, R., Nanjundiah, V., Joshi, N.V. & Sharat Chandra 1981
Measurement o the ratio of the number of X chromosomes to sets
of autosomes in Drosophila Melanogaster.
Current Science, Sept. 1981, Vol. 50, No. 18, 805-807.

Gadagkar, R., Vinutha, C. Shanubhogue, A. and Gore, A.P. 1988
Pre-imaginal biasing of caste in a primitively eusocial insect.
Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B., 233, 175-189.

Gadgil, M and Malhotra, K.C. 1979
Role of deities in symbolizing conflicts of dispersing human groups
Indian Anthropologist, 9 : 83-92.

Gadgil, M and Malhotra, K.C. 1983
Questioning Bedthi hydel project : an experiment in
people's participation.
In: Kuldeep Mathur and Harsh Sethi ed. Action Research for
Development, Indian Institute of Public Administration,
New Delhi, pp. 25-30.

Gadgil, M and Malhotra, K.C. 1985
Pastoral caste ecology: case studies from Karnataka
and Maharashtra uplands
In: Tejvir Singh and Jagdish Kaur ed. Himalayas, Mountains
and Man , Print House, Lucknow, pp. 197-204.

Gadgil, M. 1971
Dispersal : population consequences and evolution
Ecology, 52 : 253-261.

Gadgil, M. 1972
The function of communal roosts : relevance of mixed roosts
Ibis, 114 : 531-533.

Gadgil, M. 1972
Male dimorphism as a consequence of sexual selection
The American Naturalist, 106 : 574-580.

Gadgil, M. 1975
Evolution of social behaviour through interpopulation selection
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
(USA), 73 : 1199-1201.

Gadgil, M. 1979
Hills, dams and forests : some field observations from
Karnataka Western Ghats
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 2(3) : 291-303.

Gadgil, M. 1980
Wildlife resources as food
Keynote address at Symposium on Wildlife Resources in
Rural Development, Hyderabad, mimeo. p.17.

Gadgil, M. 1980
Wildlife resources of India
In: U.S. Srivastava ed. National Academy of Sciences
Golden Jubilee Volume, Allahabad, pp. 219-246.

Gadgil, M. 1980
Salim Ali, Naturalist extraordinary : a historical perspective
Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 75 (Suppl.), i-v

Gadgil, M. 1981
Introduction to the symposium on evolution of reproductive
In: G.G.E. Scudder and J.L. Reveal ed. Evolution Today Proceeddings
of the II International Congress on Systematics and Evolutionary
Biology, pp. 91-92.

Gadgil, M. 1982
Changes with age in the strategy of social behaviour
In: P.P.C. Bateson and P.H. Klopfer ed. Perspecties in Ethology,
vol. 5, Plenum Press, pp. 489-501.

Gadgil, M. 1982
Society and environmental resources
Society and Science, 5 : 1-6.

Gadgil, M. 1982
Conservation of India's living resources through biosphere
Current Science, 51(11) : 547-550.

Gadgil, M. 1982
In: The state of India's environment : a citizen's report,
Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, pp. 164-173.

Gadgil, M. 1983
Forestry with a social purpose
In: W. Fernandes and S. Kulkarni Ed. People's rights and
environmental needs Indian Social Institute, New Delhi, pp. 111-133.

Gadgil, M. 1983
Conserving biological diversity : the Indian experience
In: F.W.G. Baker and M.Hadley ed. Ecology in practice, Part I:
Ecosystem Management , Tycooly International Publishing Limited,
Dublin, pp. 485-491.

Gadgil, M. 1984
An approach to ecodevelopment of Western Ghats
The Administrator, XXIX : 339-380.

Gadgil, M. 1984
Ecodevelopment of Western Ghats in Karnataka
In: C.J. Saldanha ed. Karnataka State of the Environment Report
1983-84, Centre for Taxonomic Studies, Bangalore, pp. 138-148.

Gadgil, M. 1985
This week's citation classic
Current Contents (Agriculture, Biology and Environmental
Sciences), 16 : 18.

Gadgil, M. 1985
The status of wild mammals in Karnataka
In: C.J. Saldanha ed. Karnataka State of the Environment Report
1984-85, Centre for Taxonomic Studies, Bangalore, pp. 22-34.

Gadgil, M. 1985
Cultural evolution of ecological prudence
Landscape Planning, 12 : 285-299.

Gadgil, M. 1986
On biomass budgets
Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics,
XXXVIII : 3, 255-268.

Gadgil, M. 1986
Towards an ecological history of India
Economic and Political Weekly, XX (45, 46, 47), 1909-1918.

Gadgil, M. 1987
Diversity : cultural and biological
TREE, 2 (12), 369-373

Gadgil, M. 1987
Depleting renewable resources: a case study from
Karnataka Western Ghats
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 42 (3) : 376-387.

Gadgil, M. 1989
Husbanding India's natural resources : the tradition and
the prospects
In: Carla M. Borden ed. Contemporary Indian Tradition,
Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington and London, pp. 323-332.

Gadgil, M. 1989
Population, Resources and Environment : the Indian Dilemma
In: Population Issues, Applied Population Research Trust
Bangalore, pp. 29-42.

Gadgil, M. 1989
Deforestation : Problems and Prospects
Wastelands News, Supplement to SPWD Newsletter, IV (4), May-July.

Gadgil, M. 1989
Forest exploitation : patterns and processes
Biovigyanam, 15(1), 1-2.

Gadgil, M. 1989
The Indian heritage of a conservation ethic
In: B. Allchin, E.R. Allchin and B.K. Thapar ed. Conservation
of the Indian Heritage, Cosmo Publications, New Delhi, pp. 13-22.

Gadgil, M. 1990
Population, resources and environment
Seminar, 365, 52-56. January.

Gadgil, M. 1990
Management of Renewable Resources.
In: Perspectives in Science and Technology, Tech.Report. by
Science Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, Dept.of Science &
Technology, Govt. of India, Vol.II, 391-419. Har-Anand Publications.

Gadgil, M. 1991
India's deforestation: Patterns and Processes
Society and Natural Resources, 3(2), 131-143

Gadgil, M. 1991
Restoring India's forest wealth
Nature and Resources, 27(2), 12-20.

Gadgil, M. 1991
Conserving India's biodiversity : the human context
In: T.N. Khoshoo and M. Sharma (ed.) Sustainable Management of
Natural Resources pp. 243-255. Malhotra Publishing House,
New Delhi.

Gadgil, M. 1991
Conserving India's biodiversity : the societal context
Evolutionary Trends in Plants, 5(1), 3-8.

Gadgil, M. 1991
Ecological Organization of the Indian Society
I.C.S.S.R. Newsletter, XXI (4), pp. 1-9. Jan.-Mar.

Gadgil, M. 1992
Conserving biodiversity as if people matter : A case study
from India.
Ambio, 21(3), 266-270.

Gadgil, M. 1992
Science and Natural Resource Management
Seminar, Annual 389, India. pp. 81-84.

Gadgil, M. 1992
Environmentalism at the cross-roads
In: S.N. Chari and V. Vyasulu (ed.) Managing India's
Planning. pp. 225-239. Printwell, Jaipur.

Gadgil, M. 1992
Conserving India's Biodiversity: The Social Context
Sustainable development (Earth Summit Special), 15-22.

Gadgil, M. 1993
Restoring the productivity of Indian savannas
In: M. D. Young and O.T. Solbrig (ed.)The World's Savannas :
Economic Driving Forces, Ecological Constraints to and Policy
Options for Sustainable Savanna Landuse.
pp. 221-235, MAB Series Vo

Gadgil, M. 1993
Forestry Principles: What should the Indian Response Be?
Wastelands News, 2, 13-18.

Gadgil, M. 1993
Of Life and Artifacts
In: S. Kellert & E.O. Wilson (ed.) The biophilla Hypothesis,
pp.365-377, Island Press, Washington D.C.

Gadgil, M. 1993
Why we must empower people to conserve biodiversity.
Evolutionary Trends in Biology, Environment
Update, No.1,pp.13-17.

Gadgil, M. 1993
Tropical Forestry and Conservation of Biodiversity
Norway/UNEP Expert Conference on Biodiversity, Trondheim,
Norway, 118-120.

Gadgil, M. 1993
Biodiversity of India's Degraded Lands
AMBIO, XXII(2-3), 163-172.

Gadgil, M. 1993
Significance of biodiversity for ecosystems and
human existence
Norway/UNEP Expert Conference on Biodiversity, Trondheim,
Keynote Session, 13-14.

Gadgil, M. 1993
Why we must empower people to conserve biodiversity
Environment Update, 1(13-17).

Gadgil, M. 1993
Forestry Principles: What Should the Indian Response Be?
Wastelands News, VIII (2), 13-18.

Gadgil, M. 1993
Of Life and Artifacts
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