Expectations and Goals for the Conference; W. L. Myers
Influence of Catastrophes on Resource Inventorying and Management; H. G. Lund
RESPONDING TO GLOBAL DISASTERS: THE AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OF U.S. FOREIGN DISASTER ASSISTANCE Maxx Dilley American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Room 1262A, Washington, DC 20523 Over the past thirty years, since the establishment of the Agency for International Development's Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), there has been an upward trend in a number of disaster indicators. These include the number of declared disasters annually, the number of people killed or affected and the total U.S. Government assistance. The increasing human and economic costs of these trends, and the increasing complexity of the kinds of disasters and their response requirements have demanded constant innovation. OFDA now employs a wide variety of administrative arrangements and disaster management tools to broaden its response capacity. Administratively, OFDA establishes links to other federal agencies such as USDA (the Forest Service and Office of International Cooperation and Development). In-country responses funded by OFDA are often implemented by U.S. and interrnational Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) and UN agencies such as the World Food Programme and the Department of Humanitarian Affairs. Technical Assistance is contracted on both short- and long-term bases. In terms of tools and techniques, OFDA uses or sponsors projects which employ Geographic Information Systems, Logistics tracking software, Famine Early Warning Systems and Vulnerability mapping. As the complexity of disasters and their responses has increased, training has become an important element in disaster preparedness. The text of this presentation Expectations and Goals for the Conference; W. L. MyersA catastrophic event is defined here as any sudden, stochastic occurrence that significantly alters the present inventory and future development of natural resouces in forest and range ecosystems. Catastrophic events include floods, wildfire, insect epidemics, war, drought, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes. The conference focuses on natural/accidental disasters, thus placing impacts of war or other human conflicts beyond its purview. The conference seeks to provide information on natural resource management experience of agencies that prepare for and respond to catastrophic events. The conference should provide answers to the following questions. 1. What are the problems related to inventorying and monitoring natural resources after catastrophic events? 2. How do we evaluate the impact of a catastrophic event on flora and fauna? 3. What technologies and techniques have been used successfully for inventorying, monitoring, and planning after catastrophic events? 4. What new methods are on the horizon? INFLUENCE OF CATASTROPHES ON RESOUCE INVENTORY AND MANAGEMENT H. Gyde Lund USDA Forest Service, FIERR P.O. Box 96090 Washington, DC 20090-6090 Tel. 202-205-1147, Fax 202-205-1087 By definition, catastrophes involving natural resources are unavoidable. There are, however, certain actions that one can take to minimize the impact and to shorten the time span for recovery. This paper focuses on some activities that nations can undertake to strengthen their inventory and monitoring capabilities that will assist their ability to measure the impact of a catastrophic event. Suggestions include maintaining an archive of remote sensing coverage, developing and maintaining a permanent plot network, keeping aware of advanced technologies such as airborne videography, global positioning, etc. Some discussion about current international activities that will assist with developing a base against which changes can be measured are also presented. The text of this presentation