LONG-TERM RECOVERY OF PLANTATION-GROWN LOBLOLLY PINE FROM HURRICANE DAMAGE P. H. Dunham and D. M. Bourgeois Biometrics Center Leader and Biometry Project Assistant, respectively, Westvaco Corporation, P.O. Box 1950, Summerville, SC 29484 ABSTRACT: A study established in nine plantations to quantify the long-term recovery of plantation-grown loblolly pine from damage by Hurricane Hugo was installed in early 1990. After three years, mortality of storm damaged trees was 8.1%, with 2% of the trees being non-leaners, 8% had an initial lean between 0 and 25 degrees, 15% were leaning between 25 and 50 degrees, 40% were leaning between 50 and 75 degrees, and 35% of the dead trees were leaning at least 75 degrees initially. The initial average angle of mortality trees was 61 degrees. Three-year diameter growth gradually decreased as initial average angle increased. On average, height growth increased as initial angle increased up to a given angle, then decreased below the growth of non-leaners. Initial angle significantly influenced diameter growth for the 3-year period for all initial ages, but was a significant contributor to 3-year height growth for initial ages 2 and 5 only. For all leaning trees, the average positive change in stem angle generally decreased as the age of the stand increased, particularly for those stands initially older than age 5. Recovery, however, did occur along all measured points on the stem, with the greatest improvement occurring during the first year. INTRODUCTION Tropical storms and hurricanes strike the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts almost annually (Touliatos and Roth, 1971). On September 21, 1989, Hurricane Hugo struck the Coastal Plain of South Carolina with sustained winds of approximately 135 mph (estimated) and gusts up to 160 mph (Powell, 1990). Based on aerial and ground surveys, 23 counties were judged to have substantial forest damage (Sheffield and Thompson, 1992). Monetary loss, if the timber could have been salvaged for its highest product use, was estimated at $10 billion (Spell, 1990). Westvaco Corporation, a major pulp, paper and packaging manufacturer, suffered timber damage on 150,000 acres. While the salvage of marketable timber received the most immediate attention, relatively young loblolly plantations also had extensive damage, generally in the form of stem lean. A review of the literature showed most of the published storm-related material dealt with either damage assessment (e.g. Van Hooser and Hedlund, 1969; Trousdell et al., 1965) or changes in ecological succession (see Foster, 1988). There was little in the literature on the recovery of existing trees and stands from any storm damage, much less hurricanes. McKellar (1942) reported on the short-term recovery of 6- and 7-year-old plantation-grown loblolly, slash and longleaf pines from ice damage in the Piedmont of Georgia. More recently, an unpublished Westvaco Forest Research Report covered the 8-year response of ice damaged 10-year-old plantation- grown loblolly in the Piedmont of Virginia (Bell, R. D. & P. H. Dunham. 1987. Response of 10-year-old plantation-grown loblolly pine subjected to ice damage. Westvaco Forest Science Laboratory - Biometrics Group, Res. Report No. 65. 17 p.). In both cases, individual pines showed partial to complete recovery, depending on the amount of damage and the response variable measured. Brewer and Linnartz (1973) conducted a 1-year recovery study of 26 11-year- old plantation-grown loblolly pine trees damaged by Hurricane Camille. Trees leaning less than 45 degrees from vertical recovered to some extent while trees leaning 15 to 25 degrees straightened to the point where the lower portion of the bole had returned to vertical. The authors recommended salvaging any trees leaning more than 45 degrees as these trees are not likely to recover substantially. Their results indicate that at least for one age class, plantation-grown loblolly pine will recover to some extent, depending on the initial lean after the storm. Long-term responses to hurricane damage over a range of ages are unknown. Guidelines are needed to determine which plantations will recover and which to salvage or replant. Growth and yield of damaged plantations need to be quantified to determine if and how our models should be modified to reflect these conditions. The study has three specific objectives: (i) to quantify individual loblolly tree and stand responses to hurricane damage; (ii) to develop operational guidelines for determining the future status of damaged loblolly plantations; and (iii) to publish the results in the forestry literature. This paper reports the recovery and growth responses three years after Hurricane Hugo. PROCEDURES Field Location Nine existing Westvaco Forest Research study sites, all on the coastal plain, were selected on the range and degree of storm damage present. The majority of the studies were age 5 or younger based on the assumption that stands much older than 5 could be salvaged. Three older stands (ages 8, 10 and 20) are being followed, primarily for survival information. The original objectives of the studies ran the gamut of applied forestry research. Three locations were genetics studies, three locations test various site-preparation treatments, and three locations were fertilizer trials with one trial also having a thinning treatment. In addition to the degree of damage, the plots for the recovery study were treatments which would most likely be used in future operations. Due to the vagaries of the storm, no attempt was made to link the original treatment with the frequency or severity of storm damage. The study was installed in late February and early March of 1990, approximately 5 months after Hugo. At seven of the locations, all or portions of the original measurement plots were used. The size of the measurement plots varied, but generally centered around the 0.05 acre. At two locations the recovery plots were established in the buffer areas surrounding the original plots due to study salvage efforts. Response Variables Several objective and subjective attributes were measured. These included traditional variables such a dbh and crown class. They also included angle measurements for quantifying initial stem lean and subsequent recovery by stem position. Three sets of horizontal and vertical distances were measured on all study trees. The vertical distances are the height to 8 feet of stem length, crown base, and tip of the tree. The horizontal distances were measured from the stem base to the point perpendicular to each of the vertical distances. A carpenter's level was used periodically to insure both measurements were true. The horizontal distance defaults to zero for non- leaning trees. A subjective adjustment factor to account for badly bending stems of leaning trees was ocularly estimated to "correct" the calculated total stem length and length to crown base. Because crown base and terminal distances on surviving trees will change irrespective of recovery, on a subset of the trees ages 2 through 5, horizontal and vertical distances to 4.5 feet, one-half of original stem length, and the original tip were also measured and marked on the stem ( Figure 1 ). The number of trees selected varied by plot but was the greater of 10% or 6 trees. Several subjective codes were used to describe stem form, stem damage, crown damage and root damage. The seven stem damage codes reflect the most severe stem damage inflicted by the hurricane and may be used later in the study to help select trees for wood quality analyses. These eight stem form codes include lean, forking, bole sweep, butt sweep and short crook. These codes are expected to change over time as trees recover. Crown damage reflects the amount of foliage and/or branches lost in 25% increments. Root damage differentiates between visible, broken roots and "wallowing" (the formation of a hole in the soil at the root collar). At every location, selected trees and vistas are being photographed during each measurement to visually document change. Analyses The data were analyzed using graphic, correlation, and regression analysis to determine the relationship between post-storm and pre-storm tree size and the influence of initial lean on 3-year growth and angle recovery. For presentation purposes the data are grouped into five lean categories: no lean, 25 to <50, 50 to <75, and 75 or greater degrees, loosely based on Brewer and Linnartz (1973). Statistical significance is based on an a priori alpha level of 0.05. In most cases, however, the actual probability values are presented. RESULTS Some variables could not be measured over time or were dropped for these analyses due to confounding. The original tip could not be located after even one year and was dropped. The angle at the base of live crown was also dropped from the analyses due to ambiguous changes in angle. Initial Damage At establishment there were 1534 living trees across the nine locations. Initial hurricane mortality found during establishment was 2.7%. On a percentage basis, 61.5% of the live trees were classified as leaning. The average stem angle (leaning trees only) was almost 36 degrees. Table 1 presents these data according to age class, along with the occurrence of other damage. Table 1a. No. sites, no. plots, initial average dbh (inches) for trees > 4.5 feet, initial average stem length for all trees as vertical height (feet) from ground to terminal, initial % hurricane mortality, and initial average degrees lean for leaning trees only. Age #sites #plots Avr. dbh Avr. ht. % mortality Avr. lean --- ------ ------ -------- -------- ----------- --------- 2 2 12 0.6 4.4 1.7 39.7 4 2 22 2.6 12.6 1.7 37.4 5 2 5 4.0 14.8 1.4 39.9 8 1 4 6.6 31.4 7.3 21.8 10 1 2 6.0 37.6 2.9 18.6 20 1 8 9.3 59.3 6.9 22.4 MEAN---------------------------------------> 2.7 35.8 Table 1b. Initial numbers of live trees and number damaged. Age #living #visually damaged #leaning #root damage #blowdown --- ------- ----------------- -------- ------------ --------- 2 407 307 305 165 14 4 510 281 258 69 6 5 285 231 211 27 1 8 102 94 81 7 5 10 68 37 25 5 0 20 162 119 60 14 7 TOTAL 1534 1069 943 287 33 Across the study, initial average angle (average of all angles collected for a given tree) was significantly negatively correlated with initial dbh, plantation age and stem length (analogous to total height prior to the storm - measured or calculated from horizontal and vertical measurements). Through initial age 5, dbh and stem length were significantly correlated with initial angle although the sign of the coefficients varied by age. For the three older stands the correlations were generally not statistically significant (Table 2). Table 2. Linear correlations with average stem angle at study establishment across ages and by age. Variable No. trees Correlation Probability -------- --------- ----------- ----------- ...............................Across locations.............................. Age 1534 -0.2425 0.0001 DBH 1423 -0.2988 0.0001 Stem length 1534 -0.2583 0.0001 ...............................Initial age 2................................. DBH 297 0.1918 0.0009 Stem length 407 0.3662 0.0001 ...............................Initial age 4................................. DBH 509 -0.3280 0.0001 Stem length 510 -0.2871 0.0001 ...............................Initial age 5................................. DBH 285 -0.2231 0.0001 Stem length 285 -0.1308 0.0272 ...............................Initial age 8................................. DBH 102 0.0211 0.4828 Stem length 102 0.2123 0.0322 ...............................Initial age 10................................ DBH 68 -0.1321 0.2830 Stem length 68 -0.1882 0.1244 ...............................Initial age 20................................ DBH 162 -0.1035 0.1900 Stem length 162 -0.0921 0.2439 ............................................................................. Post-Storm Mortality First-year mortality overall was 4.4%. Mortality of trees judged to be damaged by the hurricane was 5.7% or 61 trees. By year three, total mortality had increased to 6.5% with storm-damaged mortality rising to 8.1% (Table 3). By lean category, the damage mortality was 2% (2 trees) for non-leaners, 8% (7 trees) for trees initially leaning between 0 and 25 degrees, 15% (13 trees) leaning between 25 and 50 degrees, 40% (35 trees) leaning between 50 and 75 degrees, and 35% (30 trees) leaning at least 75 degrees initially. Initial average angle of the mortality trees was 61 degrees. Approximately 70% of the mortality of storm damaged trees to date occurred in the first year. Table 3. Three-year DBH growth (inches), height growth (feet), and mortality percent by five categories of initial stem lean (degrees) and initial age. Mortality based on total trees in column-class as per Table 1. A * indicates that initial average angle was statistically significant at the 0.05 level in the model: growth = b0 + b1(initial size) + b2(initial angle). Hurricane Lean DBH Height damaged Blowdown Root damage category Age growth growth mortality% mortality% mortality% -------- --- ------ ------ ---------- ---------- ----------- 0 2 2.7* 10.8* 0 0-25 2.8 11.7 0 25-50 2.5 11.5 0 50-75 2.1 12.3 0.1 0 0.3 75&up 1.5 11.6 0 0 4 2.4* 13.6 0 0-25 2.3 13.8 0.1 0 0 25-50 1.9 13.9 0.1 0 0 50-75 1.5 12.5 0.5 3.0 1.0 75&up 0.7 7.4 1.5 6.1 3.5 0 5 2.3* 13.1* 0 0-25 2.4 15.0 0 25-50 1.7 15.6 0.6 0 0.3 50-75 1.3 13.5 2.3 6.1 2.4 75&up 0.9 7.2 0.3 3.0 0.7 0 8 0.9* 6.1 0.1 0 0 0-25 1.3 9.5 0 25-50 0.9 7.2 0.2 0 0.3 50-75 0.4 7.0 0.2 3.0 0 75&up All died in 1991 0.4 12.1 1.4 0 10 0.7* 5.6 0 0-25 0.7 6.2 0 25-50 0.1 3.0 0.3 0 0.3 50-75 None recorded at establishment 75&up None recorded at establishment 0 20 0.5* 1.8 0.1 0 0 0-25 0.5 1.7 0.6 0 0.3 25-50 0 8.0 0.1 0 0.3 50-75 All died in 1991 0.2 0 0 75&up All died in 1991 0.7 21.2 2.4 Root damage and blowdown were also factors in the mortality. By the end of the third year, almost 45% of the root damaged trees had died. This compares with the study population of approximately 19% of the living trees in 1990 with root damage. Twenty-one percent of the third-year damage mortality occurred in trees marked as "blowdown" (where the one entire side of the crown touched the ground). This is over one-half of the trees coded initially as blowdown. Not surprisingly, 67% of the "blowdown" trees also had visible root damage. Proportionally, mortality of damaged trees was least in the youngest stands, increased with age through age 5, then decreased slightly through age 10 with a slight increase at age 20. Three years after the storm, mortality ranged from 0.3% for the initial age-2 stands to 14.7% for the initial age-4 stands. The decrease in mortality for the age-10 stand is probably due to the low number and severity of leaners (Table 1). Except for the initial age-2 locations, weighted average mortality over the three-year period for hurricane damaged trees was 11.3% (combined information from Tables 1 & 3). Growth After three years, the tips of most of the surviving leaners had essentially returned to vertical. No horizontal measure was required, thus stem length was not estimated. To keep height values compatible across measurement periods, height growth refers to changes in vertical height rather than stem length. Because initial average angle was significantly correlated with initial diameter and stem length, linear regression was used to examine the relationship of 3-year growth to initial average angle after accounting for initial size. Residuals from the simple linear regression of growth on "initial" size were plotted over initial angle. The residuals showed a distinct decreasing trend as average angle increased, at least for the younger ages ( Figure 2a ). Including average angle in the regression removed the trend in the residuals ( Figure 2b ). For 3-year growth, initial average angle was a significant addition to the diameter-growth regressions for all initial ages but only contributed significantly for ages 2 and 5 in the 3-year height- growth regression. Average angle did not significantly improve the regressions on height growth for ages 4, 8, 10, and 20. Based on the sign of the regression coefficient for initial average angle, 3-year diameter growth by initial age shows a gradual, though significant, decrease as average angle increases. While not total agreement, this trend in decreased growth as angle increases is evident in Table 3. The sign of initial angle for 3-year height growth, however, is not consistent across ages. Where initial average angle was significant (ages 2 and 5), the sign is positive, indicating increasing vertical growth as initial angle increases. Otherwise, the sign of the coefficient is generally negative, and the coefficient is not statistically significant. The mean height-growth values by age in Table 3 (and scatter plots of the data) indicate a parabolic relationship with growth increasing as initial average angle increases, then decreasing after the angle reaches some "critical level." Including a quadratic term in the model did not change the results dramatically. Recovery of Lean The greatest improvement in average angle: (((Angle90-Angle93)/(Angle90))x100) always occurred in the 0-25 degree category while the the least improvement occurred on those trees leaning at least 75 degrees initially, irrespective of age. This is true for both the 1- and 3-year changes. The largest percent recovery toward vertical occurred after the first year for the two initial lean categories less than 50 degrees, but this varied somewhat by age (Table 4). Table 4. First- and third-year changes in average angle by five categories of stem lean and initial age. Changes are based on all live trees by category in the respective years. A * indicates initial average angle was statistically significant at the 0.05 level in the model: % change = b0 + b1(initial angle). The "zero lean" category was dropped for this analysis. 1990 1991 1993 Lean Average Average Change % Average Change % category angle angle in angle angle in angle -------- ------- ------- -------- ------- -------- ...............................Initial Age 2................................. 0 //// 0-25 16.9 2.7 85.0* 0 100* 25-50 36.1 6.9 80.5 0.2 99.6 50-75 60.4 17.1 71.5 0.2 99.7 75&up 83.5 35.9 57.2 8.8 90.3 ...............................Initial Age 4................................. 0 //// 0-25 15.3 2.4 85.4* 0.1 99.4* 25-50 36.0 10.3 71.2 0.8 98.3 50-75 60.2 34.6 43.5 12.5 80.3 75&up 79.6 69.2 13.0 43.8 45.0 ...............................Initial Age 5................................. 0 //// 0-25 14.4 2.1 87.2* 0.5 96.8* 25-50 37.7 14.1 63.7 4.7 88.2 50-75 60.1 37.7 37.6 11.6 81.1 75&up 78.5 69.6 13.0 46.2 40.5 ...............................Initial Age 8................................. 0 //// 0-25 9.5 2.0 87.3* 0.6 96.2* 25-50 36.3 25.5 29.6 17.4 55.6 50-75 58.3 42.0 23.0 37.1 31.1 75&up 88.8 All died in 1991 ...............................Initial Age 10................................ 0 //// 0-25 11.3 6.7 56.3* 3.5 78.8* 25-50 33.8 31.1 2.6 28.7 14.0 50-75 None recorded at establishment 75&up None recorded at establishment ...............................Initial Age 20................................ 0 //// 0-25 10.7 9.3 26.6* 3.2 74.7* 25-50 39.1 28.4 9.3 29.6 9.3 50-75 55.4 All died in 1991 75&up 89.6 All died in 1991 Three years after the storm, the leaning trees on the initial age-2 locations had at least a 90% recovery, regardless of initial angle. For initial ages 4 and 5, the recovery was 80% or better for the trees leaning less than 75 degrees at establishment. Trees leaning at least 75 degrees at establishment improved less than 50%. As the initial age increases, the percent recovery decreases, particularly for trees leaning more than 25 degrees initially. Simple linear regressions of percent change to initial average angle were significant for all ages, for both 1- and 3-year recovery. The sign of the angle coefficient was consistently negative, indicating a decreasing percent recovery with increasing initial lean (Table 4). By stem position, the greatest change in angle occurred at the tip of the tree. Three years after the storm the average improvement at the tip was 97%. The least recovery occurred at the 8-foot position, which showed a 3-year change of 77%. While proportionally a small number, several leaning trees showed a negative change in angle at the 8-foot position one and three years after the storm (19 and 11 trees, respectively). Overall, the initial average lean improved by 92% after three years although this varied considerably by age (Table 5). Leaning trees will return towards vertical over time, especially the younger trees. Table 5a. Percent change in angle from 1990 by stem location based on number of living, leaning trees in 1991 and 1993; ages 2-10. Number of trees in parentheses; "average" does not include crown-base angle. Stem Age 2 Age 4 Age 5 Age 8 Age 10 location 1991 1993 1991 1993 1991 1993 1991 1993 1991 1993 -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Tip % 79.5 99.4 76.8 96.3 77.6 97.8 78.4 90.7 58.6 76.5 # (303) (303) (246) (234) (187) (177) (73) (73) (25) (24) Crown % 41.5 95.3 41.9 86.6 31.4 79.1 64.1 78.5 32.3 50.9 # (57) (57) (232) (220) (170) (160) (66) (66) (24) (23) Original % 61.8 98.3 66.8 92.5 46.7 87.0 1/2 ht. # (71) (71) (118) (115) (19) (19) DBH % 66.0 99.1 53.2 89.0 25.6 55.7 # (59) (59) (118) (115) (18) (18) 8-foot % 65.7 100. 63.9 91.1 44.9 76.6 53.1 70.4 -4.3 32.7 # (11) (11) (244) (232) (183) (173) (59) (59) (20) (19) Average % 76.9 99.3 67.0 92.7 63.1 88.3 79.2 85.5 43.4 65.3 # (303) (303) (247) (235) (187) (177) (73) (73) (25) (24) Table 5b. Percent change in angle from 1990 by stem location based on number of living, leaning trees in 1991 and 1993; all locations and age 20. Number of trees in parentheses; "average" does not include crown-base angle. Stem All locations Age 20 location 1991 1993 1991 1993 -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- Tip % 75.2 96.8 33.4 97.9 # (881) (854) (47) (43) Crown % 39.3 78.4 20.2 25.4 # (595) (568) (46) (42) Original % 63.3 94.0 1/2 ht. # (208) (205) DBH % 54.5 89.0 # (195) (192) 8-foot % 49.1 77.3 -13.0 10.7 # (552) (525) (35) (31) Average % 67.2 91.8 26.3 73.1 # (882) (855) (47) (43) While the results do show a dramatic improvement in initial angle by stem position, that does not necessarily mean the trees have returned to pre-storm straightness. Three years after Hugo, 808 of the 855 surviving leaning trees had shifted from "leaners" to some other stem form condition. Of the 808, 31% were classified as straight, 21% had bole sweep, 27% and butt sweep, and 14% were recorded as having some other stem form condition. Five percent of the surviving leaning trees were still considereed leaning (Table 6). Table 6. Change in number of trees from leaning in 1990 to other stem forms in 1991 and 1993 (cumulative) across and by ages. Values represent the total change between 1990 and the measurement year. Measurement # live Total # --------------Changed to:-------------------- year leaners changed Straight Bole sweep Butt sweep Short crook ----------- ------- ------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ...............................Across locations............................... 1991 882 532 223 213 68 12 1993 855 808 250 170 216 57 ...............................Age 2.......................................... 1991 303 225 60 114 40 3 1993 303 300 61 21 150 46 ...............................Age 4.......................................... 1991 247 145 75 44 22 1 1993 235 221 98 49 50 5 ...............................Age 5.......................................... 1991 187 81 26 45 0 5 1993 177 170 42 74 15 1 ...............................Age 8.......................................... 1991 73 60 45 7 6 2 1993 73 63 48 22 1 5 ...............................Age 10......................................... 1991 25 7 6 1 0 0 1993 24 12 8 2 0 0 ...............................Age 20......................................... 1991 47 14 11 2 0 1 1993 43 42 13 2 0 0 DISCUSSION These results apply only to the initial conditions of this study. The study areas were selected to represent a range in damage conditions and may or may not apply to the storm path as a whole. Similarly, while several existing research studies were utilized to take possible advantage of past stand history, no attempt was made to link the severity or types of damage with study treatments. The vagaries of the storm preclude such an exercise. The correlations between initial tree size and initial average angle are interesting. Preliminary observations immediately following the storm indicated the tallest, largest trees took the brunt of the damage. Across all study locations this appears to be true with negative correlations between tree size, age and initial angle. By age, however, initial angle was significantly positively correlated with tree size for the age-2 stands, negatively correlated with tree size for ages 4 and 5, and generally not significantly correlated for trees age 8 and older. Reasons for the change for the younger stands from a positive to a negative correlation between tree size and initial angle are not obvious and probably involve factors such as soil rooting depth which were not part of the sample- selection criteria. As conjecture, however, the positive correlation for the age-2 locations may be related to a possible sheltering effect of the smaller trees by the taller trees and slight competition on the sites. By age 4 the sheltering effect becomes negligible while the larger trees, because they are better established, are better able to withstand the wind. The lack of correlation for trees in the older stands is in part due to the relatively low initial average angle. This, in turn is partially due to stem length and stocking. Many of the leaning trees were caught in their neighbors, artificially limiting the initial angle. Almost 11% of the trees in the ages 8-, 10- and 20-year stands contained trees leaning into them. This compares with 2.3% for ages 4 and 5, and 0% for age 2. The growing season following the storm was relatively dry, based on the average total precipitation and departure from normal (period 1951-1980) for all recording stations in the five counties where the study is located (Anonymous 1991). Yet first-year mortality of those trees noted as visibly damaged at establishment was fairly light. Only 5.7% of the damaged trees died during the first year. Of the 5.7%, 77% were leaning at least 50 degrees immediately following the storm. Forty-four percent of the trees that died the first year had visible root damage. For ages 8 and 20, all trees initially leaning at least 75 degrees died during the first year (no trees in that category at the age-10 location). These results would suggest that salvage efforts should concentrate first in stands where a majority of the trees are leaning at least 50 degrees and have a strong occurrence of root damage. This roughly agrees with recommendations by Brewer and Linnartz (1973). Three years after the storm, cumulative mortality to visibly damaged trees increased to 8.1% with 75% of the mortality again occurring in the two most severe-lean categories. By age, the greatest mortality for the 2-year period 1991-1993 occurred for ages 4 and 5 (22 trees). This represents almost 85% of the increase from the first-year mortality and is due to the vast majority of the most severely leaning trees in the older ages having died during the first year. Three-year diameter growth showed a consistent, gradual and statistically significant decrease as initial average angle increased. This was true for all ages. While not shown, a similar trend was evident for the first-year diameter growth. Three-year height growth was not consistently related to initial average angle although the mean growth values tended to increase as initial angle increased, up to some critical angle, then declined. The height-growth/ initial angle relationship was only positively statistically significant for ages 2 and 5. The lack of significant relationship for the other ages sampled may be due to the effects of initial height on 3-year growth. For ages 2 and 5 initial height tended to increase as initial average angle increased and significantly influenced height growth. The other ages did not show such a trend. Mean initial heights by lean category were very similar. Also, an examination of the signs of the initial angle coefficient were generally negative and the initial-height coefficients were not significant for either the linear or quadratic models. The response of a 10-year-old plantation loblolly pine growing in the Piedmont of Virginia to ice-damage showed an increase in height growth and a decrease in diameter growth for the damaged trees compared to the undamaged trees (Bell and Dunham unpublished report cited earlier). The authors suggested the growth pattern was a response by the trees to regain lost canopy (sunlight) position. It would seem reasonable that the leaning trees in the present study would exhibit a similar response. Three-year diameter growth for hurricane damaged trees does show a similar response, while the 3-year height growth suggests such a response but is not statistically consistent. Three years after the storm the tip of the tree, following a phototropic response, showed the greatest percent recovery, 97%. This varied by age but was generally over 90% for all ages sampled. Measurements at other stem locations also indicate at least partial recovery occurring all along the stem. This likewise varies by age, with the initial age-2 stands showing a 99% recovery after three years while the ages 10 and 20 stands showed a 65.3% and 73.1% recovery respectively. For all ages except age 20, the greatest percent recovery in average stem lean (roughly 66%) occurred during the first growing season after the hurricane. Stem recovery is also shown in the number of initially leaning trees which have been reclassified to some other stem form including "straight." These classifications are dynamic and may change again as the trees age, and possibly exhibit additional recovery. As an example, the number of trees with bole sweep decreased from 213 after the first year to 170 three years after the storm. This was particularly evident in the age-2 stands where the decrease was over 90 trees. Most of the shift was into butt sweep which became more noticeable as the trees increased in height. While the study indicates at least partial stem recovery to vertical, it does not yet address the wood quality of the storm damaged (i.e., leaning) trees. In a series of experiments on tilting seedlings of various conifers, Kennedy and Farrar (1964) found the initiation of compression wood formation at the cellular level within a matter of a few days. Tentatively, following the 11-year measurements, selected trees representing a range of damage conditions will be destructively sampled to look at wood quality issues (Dunham, P. H. and W. J. Hammond. 1990. Long-term recovery of plantation- grown loblolly pine from Hurricane Hugo. Westvaco Forest Science Laboratory, Revised Study Plan, unpublished. 9 p.). CONCLUSIONS In general, mortality after three years was heaviest in the most severely leaning trees and, proportionally, the oldest trees being followed. Other factors being equal, stands of marketable age should be salvaged first if a majority of the trees are leaning over 50 degrees and have extensive visible root damage. Height growth after three years increases as initial average lean increases up to 50 degrees, depending on the age of the plantation. This is offset by a corresponding decrease in diameter growth for trees leaning more than 25 degrees initially, regardless of age. After three years, recovery in angle towards vertical was noted at all points on the stem. The greatest recovery occurred at the tip. The least recovery occurred at the lower stem positions, dbh and 8 feet. Almost 66% of the recovery noted after three years occurred after the first year. Still, average stem angle returned to within 92% of vertical for all initially leaning study trees surviving after three years. As expected, angle recovery varied by age. Approximately 94% of the initially leaning trees surviving after three years had changed their subjective stem form code from leaning to some other condition such as bole sweep or butt sweep. These codes will continue to be applied for the duration of the study and are expected to change further as the trees mature and possible additional recovery occurs. They will also be used later as part of the selection process for determining which trees to destructively sample for wood quality analysis. LITERATURE CITED Anonymous. 1991. Climatological data South Carolina summary. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, South Carolina Vol. 93, 13:1-7. Brewer, C. W. and N. E. Linnartz. 1973. The recovery of hurricane-bent loblolly pine. LSU Forestry Note #104. Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA. 2 pp. Foster, D. R. 1988. Species and stand responses to catastrophic wind in Central New England, USA. Journal of Ecology 76:135-151. Kennedy, R. W. and J. L. Farrar. 1964. Tracheid development in tilted seedlings. In: Cellular Ultrastructure of Woody Plants. W. A. Cote, Jr., Ed. Proceedings of the Advanced Science Seminar, Pinebrook Conference Center, Upper Saranac Lake, NY. Syracuse University Press, 1965. Pp. 419-451. Powell, Mark D. 1990. Meteorological aspects of Hurricane Hugo. In: Hurricane Hugo One Year Later. Benjamin J. Sill and Peter R. Sparks, Eds. Proceedings of a Symposium and Public Forum in Charleston, South Carolina, September 13-15, 1990. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Pp. 11-40. McKellar, B. F. 1942. Ice damage to slash pine, longleaf pine, and loblolly pine plantations in the Piedmont section of Georgia. Journal of Forestry 40(10):794-797. Sheffield, Raymond M. and Michael T. Thompson. 1992. Hurricane Hugo effects on South Carolina's forest resource. Research Paper SE-284. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service Southeasternn Forest Experiment Station. 51 p. Spell, N. E., Jr. 1990. Hurricane Hugo one year later. Forest Farmer, September 1990. Pp. 23-25. Touliatos, P. and E. Roth. 1971. Hurricane and trees: ten lessons from Camille. Journal of Forestry 69(5):285-289. Trousdell, K. B., W. C. Williams and T. C. Nelson. 1965. Damage to recently thinned loblolly pine stands. Journal of Forestry 63(2):96-100. Van Hooser, D. D. and A. Hedlund. 1969. Timber damaged by Hurricane Camille in Mississippi. Res. Note SO-96. New Orleans, LA: USDA Forest Service Southern Forest Experiment Station. 5 p.